We want you to live a life truly worth living, and we know that our Hypnotherapy Certification Training Programs can change your life for the better in so many ways that we are finding every way possible to help you to know about what we do and how we want to help you to succeed.
Learn how IIH offers 400 hours of free training, 500 hours of State-Licensed Hypnotherapy Training, 80 hours of NLP training, and ongoing graduate support in the form of free online marketing classes and a staff of true leaders in this field that thrive on helping you to shine.
Learn more about actualizing your full potential with Interpersonal Hypnotherapy by reading moreโฆ
What does it take to be your very best self?
It takes an entire team of people to help to bring our students through our Hypnotherapy Training. Our Location Directors and Lead Instructors in Florida, California and Utah live to see you succeed. Our supervisors help to give you the one-on-one attention that you deserve.
Our Admissions and Student Services Department hold your hand every step of the way, and your fellow classmates, who become best friends for life, are all in this with you to create a better world of successful and self-actualized hypnotherapists and healers.
Why do we do this?
Interpersonal Hypnotherapy training guides exceptional people through a true career school in Hypnotherapy and helps them to become professional healers, teachers, leaders and caregivers. We are dedicated to your success because we care about you and we care about the human condition. Human beings are capable of tremendous good and they are also capable of causing tremendous harm.
We want to only work towards that which is good, beautiful and true and we want to walk that path with you. We want you to be your own boss, make your own hours and have the financial freedom that you deserve.
Why Interpersonal Hypnotherapy Training?
We have some of the highest standards in the world for creating Hypnotherapists who honor the sacred in transformational relationships. We continue to be the first and currently only school licensed by the Department of Educationโs Commission for Independent Education to offer legitimate career diplomas in Hypnotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy.
The total number of hours of training that you can take with us is now at 1,556 and we continue to offer more and more content to our curriculum each and every month. We are dedicated to helping you to live a life worth living where you can truly shine and make this world a better place with standards that far exceed most other trainings.
We invite you to learn more explore more at our website www.InstituteofHypnotherapy.com or call our Admissions Department at 800-551-9247 and discover free ways to start your journey into living a life that rocks!