Monday Night Webinar: The Secrets of the Ancient Mesmerists

secrets of the ancient mesmerists

The Secrets of the Ancient Mesmerists
Hypnosis  has its origins with a man named Franz Anton Mesmer.  The term hypnosis actually only came around in the mid-1800โ€™s, yet the altered state itself has been used for thousands of years to promote health, healing, well-being and personal development.  What is it that Mesmer was doing?  Why do we practice hypnosis today and not Mesmerism?  Was there really an animal magnetic fluid that Mesmer was tapping into, or was he just confused, as the doctors and scientists of his time believed?  Join us this Monday Night at 7:00pm for a live online webinar to explore this topic with Institute Founder, Matthew Brownstein.

What is Mesmerism as opposed to Hypnotism?
Franz Anton Mesmer believed that the altered state that he was invoking was caused by an โ€œanimal magnetic fluidโ€ that was transferred from one person to another.  He first believed that the power came from actual magnets passed over the body, yet he later concluded that this power resided in him and that magnets were not necessary at all.  The primary difference between this and modern day scientific hypnosis is the belief that the altered state and all mesmeric phenomena can be induced through the power of suggestion alone and does not need an invisible substance to be explained.

Why did Mesmerism not โ€œtake-offโ€ the way Hypnosis did?
A delegation of scientists and medical doctors were sent by the King of France to perform experiments on the work that Mesmer was doing.  They did not deny that people were having profound effects from his treatments (and those of this followers), yet they concluded that Mesmer was merely healing through the power of imagination, belief and suggestion.  This caused those in the fields of medicine, science and psychotherapy to turn away from Mesmer as a valid source of information for their respected professions.

Why did Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training finally become a more mainstream reality?
Dr. James Braid in 1864 coined the term โ€œhypnosisโ€ to explain the phenomenon of the altered state and explained that the power of suggestion was all that was required to benefit humanity in this way.  Because of his scientific point of view, many doctors, dentists, scientists and therapists were willing to explore this state in their own practices.  Now, we have a profession known as Hypnotherapy, that does not require other degrees or diplomas to practice because of the many other pioneers that have arisen since those early days of exploration.  Hypnotherapy is now its own profession that virtually anyone can explore for personal growth and/or for career development.

Join us this Monday Night for a free online live Webinar with School Founder and Director, Matthew Brownstein as we discuss Mesmerism, Hypnotism and the modern profession of hypnotherapy and hypnotherapy certification. or call 800-551-9247.

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secrets of the ancient mesmerists

Monday Night Webinar: The Secrets of the Ancient Mesmerists

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