Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the illuminated mind podcast and what we’ve been calling the conscious community classes with the Institute of interpersonal hypnotherapy with me Matthew Brownstein. This is A Course in Miracles month at the institute with the workshop coming up at the end of the month. But we’re spending an entire day, diving very deep into the course. So of course, we’re hypnotherapy school. So it’s my intention tonight to do some hypnosis, some guided imagery, if you will, with you, maybe little bit of NLP, and certainly some sense of meditation. So while I’m everybody who’s here, the topic is What is true love. And this will be A Course in Miracles based, so not any one person’s opinions, but a philosophy and a very practical methodology, a workbook system of being, if you will, that guides you back into love. So when I say true love tonight, we’re talking about beyond our own personal self, beyond our ego beyond what we make up, of course, in Miracles teaches that the course itself is a course on love. However, it says love cannot be taught. So what do you say about it? Well, the book itself is a good 1000 pages. So it obviously has a lot to say, but not actually about love. It talks more about the ego, because it needs to show us the problem so that we can get back to that which we already are. There are major dichotomies and A Course in Miracles really polar opposites, black and white. It’s one or the other, there aren’t degrees. So to understand the topic tonight, we want to understand the difference between ego and spirit for fear and love, or what A Course in Miracles call special relationships, as opposed to a holy relationships. If there’s one thing we could say about love to guide us tonight and again, into some meditation or hypnosis or whatnot, is that you are love. So you are love what is true love you are. However, this sense of identity is quite confused. When we look at it from a course in miracles. We have sanity. Remember these divisions that are polar opposites, and they cannot be reconciled? Peace or not peace. So in sanity, and sanity, love is seen, right? The ego is insane. If we’re living from the ego, we tend to be far more fear based than we might realize, if we’re still in the realm of special relationships, because we think love is based on what you feel with another person, right? If it’s just I love him, I love her, or I love them. If it doesn’t include all then the love is not actually love because it’s an exclusive right? So with exclusive OR inclusive, so feel free to ask questions or use the chat pod and anytime you’d like to interact with me. Yeah, let me take you through just a couple of slides. And we’ll dive deeper into the topic. So upcoming at the end of the month, August 27. From 830 to 6:30pm. A full day workshop on A Course in Miracles offering CEU credits for our students and graduates. Members of the ay ay, ay ay H and be honored and happy to have anybody there with me. And really, you’ll be contributing, we’ll all share what we know. Tonight, I tend to teach more. But I really do invite you just come in engage with us or engage with me now if you feel like you’d like to use the chat pod if you hear a lot. Okay, so that’s it. Let’s look at the division between spirit and ego. And if we want to understand love, and understand that, of course, because we’re all about hypnotherapy in this inner work of facilitation if we want to understand it as a goal, right when a client comes to us, they’re suffering, they’re in pain, they’re hurting, they’re in their ego, they’ve compromised themselves where they need to ask for help. Of Course in Miracles teachers, if you’re asking for help, you have somehow attacked yourself. By having this clear distinction between spirit and ego then we can discern which one is it coming from spirit or coming from ego? I had a potential interview today for a podcast I was going to do and one last week we’re getting more and more podcasts and you know building our own And I will say no to people when they’re coming from ego. And today I just heard so much ego I said you don’t politely respectfully. I don’t believe we can be in this discussion. Because Spirit and ego are irreconcilable. They started saying things like, look, I live from love, I live from truth, I live from inclusiveness. I honor everybody’s path. And as you know, it’s not even worth. So it’s good to realize when we’re talking about spirit and ego, they’re irreconcilable spirit is light. Ego essentially is dark. But what is dark? It’s that which you are not what is darkness, it’s that which you are not. You might be more caught up in that than you think. And the truth is, if we’re on this planet, if you’re having a human experience, you’re probably we’re probably a lot more caught up than we think. So it takes him humility to actually say, maybe I don’t know what true love is, right. If you ask somebody what is love, they will probably give you an answer. The Dao De Jing says, Those who speak do not know. And those who know do not speak, however, teachers are called to talk. So of course, miracles, again, 1000 pages about that, which it admits right from the beginning, cannot be taught. So we do need to understand what’s happening with the ego. To understand what love really is, because we shouldn’t have to ask the question, you are love, so to even say, Well, what is this implies, you don’t know who you are? In A Course in Miracles, we have what’s called level confusion. Again, two distinct levels, real basic dichotomies that are irreconcilable. The two levels are essentially, essentially, we could say spirit and ego. But let’s also say spirit, and body. The sense of personal self level confusion is when you identify with yourself as a human. And everything your mind says, is based on that, right? So if your essence is just I am, right, let’s get down take everything away. What’s left in here? Well, I exist, right? I am. But if you put after I am, I’m a body, then what do you say? Well, I’m only attractive if the body is attractive, I’m only feeling good if the body feels good. Everything is based on this thing. I am separate, I am alone. What if your parents didn’t treat you? Well, I am unlovable, I’m not going to keep going in that. And I don’t want to talk too long, let’s get to some meditation yet, when you’re identified with your human self, your all of your premises about who you think you are, are wrong. Therefore, so consider that the ego a false self, in misidentified self, a fallen self, if you will, a lost self. It most people are in that, although some people are coming predominantly from that others are certainly choosing spirit. This is more for class for those who are choosing spirit. But realize, Alright, I gotta understand and work with this thing called ego. If we only talk about love, again, you can’t really talk about it. But also, it’s not that practical, because we have to remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which, of course miracle says is your natural inheritance. So imagine a person who’s ready, we’re going to do some meditation session. So I really get this visual, a person who’s totally living in caught up in ego, maybe some people come to mind for you. Right? Take like the extreme of what you think that would be. So what is the ego, it’s divisive. It’s attacking, its controlling. It’s terrified. And it is essentially insane. It doesn’t care about truth. It just wants to be right. It needs to defend and protect its own belief system, because its house is built on sand. So in level confusion, when you drop into the human, and forget who you are, you become very separate, you feel very separate, right? The ego feel separate, and therefore you feel very afraid. In A Course in Miracles, there is one problem and one solution and we can never hear that enough because it’s the simplest teaching and things that are very simpler, challenging for the ego because the ego is very complex. The ego creates organizing creates makes the idea of separation. Right? So one problem, one solution, the ego is all about separation. And that’s going to create pain and suffering. It’s rooted in attack, and it’s rooted in defensiveness, all right, and in our diff in our attacking, we are attacking ourselves or by defending ourselves, we are attacking ourselves. So realize the ego attacks. Now, what is the solution to all of this? Love isn’t actually the solution in A Course of Miracles, because love is already everywhere, it’s already doing its thing. It’s not even doing right. It’s just being love. And so imagine you’re in this infinite ocean. And yet you’re all angry and upset and disturbed, because you can’t find water. The solution to getting you to experience the water that surrounds you and permeates you. And that is you. It’s a insane right to think about it on water, but I’m really angry and attacking other bodies of water. So the one problem is separation, and the solution is oneness. How do we make that happen? We don’t just talk about what love is, because again, you’re swimming in this invisible sea, that can’t actually be described to you. But you can experience it. And when you do, it’s a universal experience. So what is the means to get back to where you already are, to not have level confusion where you are identified with a level of human or ego or fear, but to be re identified to remember to recognize to recognize, right think about those words, member? Remember, you’re a member of source of divine order, you’re a child of God, and of course miracles model, right? So you already are that? How do you get back to where you already are? That’s the miracle. That’s a shift that has to occur. And where does that occur? All right, so is it to take your body back to a place of love? Where would you bring your body? Love is everywhere. The Spirit have to get back to love? No, because Spirit already is love. So if the problem isn’t in spirit, which is just the one ocean of love, that already is love, and it’s not broken at all, it doesn’t need to be fixed. It doesn’t need miracles. The ego itself doesn’t need well, they saying like, where’s the problem? If you just say, where’s he go? Then you start to see where the problem is. The problem is the mind, of course, in Miracles teaches only the mind can be sick, only the mind needs to be healed. When we do our ego thing we end up putting on this perceptual veils these dark glasses. And no matter what this is why I wouldn’t talk to any further the person I was talking to this afternoon about doing a podcast. It was pure ego. And there was no way to harmonize with it. Remember, spirit and ego are irreconcilable. So how do we remember how do we recognize how do we get back into alignment, we must understand the miracle the shift from fear to love the shift from illusion to truth. Miracles are extensions of love. They come from someone who’s in that space to those who aren’t in that space. So we all talk a lot about what’s coming. Next slide. We talk a lot about love in relationship to relationships, and of course in miracles is acknowledging this too. However, it acknowledges if you’re coming from spirit, relationships will be holy, if you’re coming from ego relationships will be special. Let’s take a moment to talk about that. So we can understand what we might be saying as love is actually not love at all. In my head, there are hints of that light and that goodness, but if it’s from ego, it is misguided. So let’s just define these terms before we do a little bit of inner work. This special relationship again, coming from the ego coming from the fallen state where you think you’re a human, you’re afraid you’re attacking in your separation. Of Course in Miracles says the only health or a child of God is to feel separate from God is so the shadow is in its own self made hell in the ocean of love, but not knowing it wearing blinders and not knowing it. Is that person happy?
The course teaches God being love is also happiness. So here you have a person who’s sad, hurt, scared, angry, feels guilty. Absolutely. The ego is the one doing guilt. And it is defending and attacking. It is clinging to what makes it feel good. And it’s pushing away what makes it feel bad because remember, it’s divisive. What kind of relationships is that person have special meaning when someone makes that person feel good. You’ll say I love you. It’s like your dark glasses got our little ray of light that came through when you saw someone else that made you feel good. And because there’s that little glimmer of light, you say, I love you. And they say, oh my god, I love you, too. I’ve been looking for you my whole life. Right? It’s not to say you want a long term loving, beautiful, committed relationship with another person. This isn’t to say, you have to renounce the world become a monk and love all you know, do the Mother Teresa type of thing. You can absolutely keep your children and your spouse and your mother and father, yet are their relationships holy. How do we get relationships back to Holy? Well, let’s talk about a little bit more. But to understand you want to set the intention to do so because when your relationships are disharmonious, somebody’s coming from ego, it The miracle is a shift that has to occur in your mind inside of you. And in what A Course in Miracles calls the holy instant, which means it happens now, there’s a shift called the miracle that occurs in your mind now, so that you can get to a place of holy relationships, I would just encourage you as I define these terms a bit more, to understand them. And then to make a clear, really solid choice that says only fully realize relationships. Okay, so the ego doing special relationships, is secretly having relationships rooted in a hatred, that’s hard to grasp. And a lot of us don’t want to look at that. Why would let’s use the I word here. Let’s say I am an ego, and I’ve got my dark glasses on. But you come into my life and a ray of light shines through. And I’m like, Oh my God, that felt so good. I love you. Why do I actually secretly hate you in that special relationship model? Because I know how much power you now have over me. You just gave me an adrenaline endorphin rush, you made my dope, mean move, whatever, you know, these are physical terms. But in A Course in Miracles, you gave me a glimpse of the thing I most want, which is love. So now I will claim to you control you manipulate you and make you keep doing that, because I’m looking for that fix. If we talk to you, okay, kind of chakra model for a moment. When you’re in your ego, your chakras are very blocked. You don’t feel the love and light of a Kundalini Shakti and look into that if you don’t know those terms, right when the the Shakti, the light, force is flowing through your chakra system, it’s all open. You know what love is? Right? It’s the flow that’s inside of you. But when you’re in the ego, you limit that flow. You don’t feel fulfilled from within, you don’t feel love from within. And so love becomes based on other people, knowing how fragile that model is. Your ego secretly hates everyone you say you love, because you’re terrified of them. Right? If you say, Oh, honey, I love you don’t ever leave me. I don’t know what I do without you. You are scared of that person now. And therefore what? What happens with fear, it just becomes anger, right? When you get hurt, you get afraid, and you become angry, hurt causes fear causes anger. But in A Course of Miracles. It’s kind of all the same fear and anger are essentially the same thing. Because it’s again, polar opposites. Spirit, spirit or ego, truth or illusion, love and peace, fear and anger. That’s what the ego does. And if you’re still doing special relationships, realize it’s not true love, you might call it love. But when it’s filled with fear, fear and defensiveness and secretly hatred, when you’re really angry at that person you say you love. You’re not where you could be or want to be. And as of course, Miracle says, eventually we’ll be remember spirit and ego are irreconcilable. So when you make these shifts, you want to understand your people that you communicate with who are still in ego, don’t necessarily get it, but it’s not your responsibility. You just keep choosing love. And I’ve talked about this a lot. Insist on only loving and harmonious relationships, right, no matter what. The people that stay in my life, loving and harmonious. However, to get to that love. We do have to work through ego. The majority of our students who go through our training, love, love, love it and they transform and all Awesome, and it’s like a 90 plus percent success rate there. But then there’s like 10% of people who have financial challenges or they got sick or family member died or they died. You know, not everybody gets through any school. No school has 100% retention rate. But sometimes somebody gets really depressed when they’re going through our training, not much, but it with the closer you get to the light, the more you see your shadow, right, and when we’re asking you to step into Life Mastery and your greatness and really embrace true love, holy relationship, love. The ego has a major challenge with that, and we do our best to pace and lead our students through the enlightenment process, but to get to true love to true enlightenment, where you and everything around you is experiences holy, where it is so good and harmonious and peaceful and wonderful. That’s a big challenge for a lot of people. And not everybody chooses to go through the dark night that sometimes occurs when you’re working to move into the light. So what is true love what is true light, peace, bliss, joy, oneness. These are just words for an experience of everything we’ve ever wanted to feel. But you can’t just chant mantra has or wear crystals to return to that no putting down in the one modality, but saying, we must understand the miracle, we must understand how to shift out of that pain in into true pleasure. The ego is paying spirit is pleasure. And the truth is, the ego has confused the two big time the ego thinks that certain things are valuable when they’re really to spirit completely valueless. And spirit is completely sane. And the ego is completely insane. Remember, they’re irreconcilable. So to make the choice to be on the other side of the fence, right to be on the team of angels means yes, you’re going to be looking at your mind and other minds that are not. Okay, some of our students get disturbed when they see us doing hypnotherapy. And it’s not just about love and light, it’s about clearing people’s blockages, and the blockages are, I don’t use any judgmental words not judging. Well, they’re terribly painful for the client. And when you bring it up, the claim feels that pain. So if you want to know what true love is, you do have to embrace your pain, you’re not really embracing your past, because your past doesn’t exist, you’re dealing with the blockages in your heart now, the memories, the negative beliefs and negative emotions that are in there. And we’ve got to get that out. But the concept is, the only way out is through. The only way out of all this egoic pain is actually to go through it. So A Course in Miracles is you go through the lessons, there are two parts. The first part essentially is to unravel the ego to slowly, gently as gently as possible, because it’s so defensive, to gently helping to realize you had no idea what you’re talking about. You’re more confused than you think your world no matter how good you think your being is still filled with fear and hatred and divisiveness and all insanity. Right. So the first part of that the lessons are to help to loosen that up and to dissolve it, then it starts to pace you more and more in part two into the return to love, which again is right where you already are. And what’s so beautiful when you get back to where you already are, which is right here. Now, you find that the love you’re looking for is right here now to so what is true love I encourage you to consider it as source energy, the one energy permeating all things the one light permeating all things if you think of it are in relationship to your children or some other person. It’s not that the love isn’t there between like you and your child. But realize that when you say I love you forever, we don’t necessarily know who we are and we don’t necessarily know who they are. You do love them forever. But you don’t love their body forever. You don’t love their emotions forever. You don’t even love their mind forever so we don’t even necessarily know what we say we love right? You might like or dislike their emotions you might like or dislike the way their mind is being you might not find their body all that wonderful to to engage with or see or whatever. So you might actually dislike a lot of the human but you still say but I love them. So what is it that you love? This spirit that they are right the essence that they are? What is that essence?
Of course Michaels doesn’t use the word soul and intentionally says it doesn’t but I’ll use that word here with us. At disclaimer, you love their soul, you love the spirit, which is the Course of Miracles term you love the spirit that they are. You want to get into a holy relationship with every one, not just with the few special people that you chose, out of the whole holy relationships love everyone equally. But that starts with you. Because how do you love everyone equally, you tap into who you truly are, you tap into source energy, and you actually really just stop caring about worth wanting to connect with others. And don’t take that the wrong way. But in the sense that you prioritize your relationship with love itself, right? You want to know what love is, again, when your heart chakra is open, like when you say I fell in love with him and all that energy is flowing and how good love feels you felt it? But what is that thing called love. It’s a living presence that’s inside of you, which is actually there all the time. And when you’re in a space of holy relationship with or without another person, meaning like when you are a whole, like like listen to the word holy. When you’re a whole. When you’re one with source, you love everything and everyone you will discern, okay, not grooving on the way you’re talking now not grooving on what you’re saying. Now, you’ll know when people are coming from ego, which actually makes you incredibly powerful as a facilitator, because you can see right through it, you’re like, Oh, I see what you’re doing. Right and I see why you’re not at peace, I see why not in a space of love. So the only responsibility for us as miracle workers as hypnotherapist as interpersonal hypnotherapist is those who might call themselves healers, or at least facilitators, the only responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the atonement for him or herself. Self, if so what is true love, we only know when we’re willing to have the blocks for the awareness of love’s presence be cleared within us. Understanding the miracle is the essence of that. And, of course of miracles, it has 50 definitions of a miracle in 1000 pages. So no matter how much I would talk tonight, I’m gonna go into some meditations in a moment, you can never explain all of this in a short period of time, it’s actually very complex, but only because the adversary or the ego is that complex, right? It is insane. But it is doing its best to appear to be saying it’s constantly inconsistent, and that’s probably it’s only consistency, knowing that we have to deal with that. You know, so if you think in your mind, alright, this is what it’s like, when I’m in ego, or someone’s in ego, you know, like, picture yourself or person being that way. And this is what I’m like when I’m in spirit. Okay, so again, make a choice. And like a solid firm choice, I want to be on this side of the train tracks, I when choosing spirit and choosing love, whatever I have to go through to to get there and willing to go through because if not, I’m just staying in hell. So if it’s hard to get out of hell, okay, but I’m choosing Heaven. In course, miracles, it says Heaven is a choice that I must make. Accepting that one minute for yourself to return to oneness to get out of the insanity of the ego, it’s a choice we must make. So realize that choice occurs in the mental level, but your ego is in the mental level. So we really have to be able to discern the difference. So if you can get some sense of these images, then we can do an NLP technique right now that might help. So I’m going to take you through two NLP exercises, and then a guided meditation on the theme. So I invite you to close your eyes for a moment, I’m going to do the same. I’d like you to imagine an image in your mind of you, or anyone coming from ego or maybe you with another person in the space of ego, see our relationship or just a person who is scared. It’s not harmonious here. It’s an image of someone who’s confused and angry and closing their heart and attacking it gets kind of dark. I just get a sense of that image. Now like it, I move that off to the side to the left or the right, just put it aside for a moment. Welcoming now an image of someone who’s living perfectly from Spirit so you can see you in the greatest way you could imagine or imagine a great saint or sage or Christ or Buddha or an angel. Just imagine of being a pure light in LA. Imagine the light and love that surrounds them.
It’s formless, it’s just pure white light. And yeah, you might see a body there but you see the essence of the being or you as pure white light This is a person who is saying, he’s happy, loving, they feel totally safe. Love needs no defense in this image, there’s no need for defense, because you understand truth is immortal and eternal. It’s just always there and it cannot be hurt or threatened. Just imagine yourself or if it helps a role model of someone who’s in that state of wondrous be. The miracle is to always choose to shift back to this. And I’d like you to take this image now of beautiful light and a being of light, and shrink it down to one tiny little spark of light, one little pinpoint of bright light. When I snap my fingers, I want you to imagine that the light explodes and fills your whole mind, don’t even think about it just see a little spark of light and 123. Imagine your whole mind fills with that image of love and light, the being who’s there living from that space. Alright, so that’s the choice, shrink that down again, nice and small, into a tiny little spark. But now make 1000s of those sparks in a sea of light, Imagine little points of light, just 1000s of little sparks of light, in the middle of this field of love and light and pure potentiality. Imagine that egoic image put back in front and center. But let’s put it in a frame. So imagine a five by seven small kind of frame. And when you look at the image turn into black and white, it’s already rather dark anyway. Just notice what’s in there bickering fighting specialness. exclusiveness doesn’t matter. Just imagine when you look at it, you can move it a little bit further from you, and shrink it down a little bit more. Remember, the ego is something you made. Cover it with an archery target. We don’t actually attack it or anything. But let’s put it right in the center of it. In the center of the bullseye, one little spark of light. No one I stamp my fingers. Just watch how the spark explodes back to life. And obliterates the idea of anything that we don’t want or need. Let’s do that. Again. Imagine any image of you where you are not happy. Or you’re looking for love outside of yourself, where you’re seeking. And others are where there’s the art viewing or the fighting, take any image of something you realize, you know, I’m really done with this, maybe up to a relationship with like your mom or dad, oh, I can’t stand it. You’re not getting rid of the person. You’re just gonna make a new choice right now. So see what you don’t want anymore, which comes from the ego. Cover it with a little archery target there. In the very center of that take a little spark of light, you got 1000s of them now start to send it away further from you see it shrinking, fading crumbling away, and then explode back collapse says that spark of light, see yourself as a wondrous being of love and light one with your source. If there was another personal image, welcome them in now. And now you might have to really be with the idea of forgiveness. If you’re gonna welcome another person into your holy space of love and light. It needs to be a holy relationship. How do we bring that back into love and light? Forgive? So let’s do it again. Bring back in any negative image of you and an unforgiving relationship. Right so maybe in the picture, see the word unforgiveness, ego fear to see the word written in the picture. Defensiveness and attack. Remember, the ego hates even though it doesn’t always appear that way. So when you see that dark negative image, put the target there. But on the target, right forgiveness. That’s the means for the shift. That’s the means for the miracle. Now,
see the little spark let’s start sending the old image further and further away and then explode it back to life size where all the light and love comes back. You are in a space of oneness with this other person where there’s only love and again the means for that shift the way to truly get there is Forgiveness soon Take a breath. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes, we’ll check in again, feel free to ask questions or use the chat pod. So I want to introduce in the greet some techniques tonight. And that was a visual swish pattern from NLP done in a creative way different than maybe traditional swish patterns, but also with some Course of Miracles intention. So the other champion in just a sec, but just think about what we were doing. There’s a metaphor, here’s a negative image, here’s a positive image. The truth is, spirit is not either of those images. But we need to start working within the realm where we are clients are the clients in ego, they’re making up images in their mind, they have all these divisive images, we can start creating these more beneficent images, benevolent beneficial images, right images that are based on love and light and shellac, saintly, whatever you know, works for the client, then individual swish pattern, we can take what we don’t want to put what we want there, and we swish them until all this left is what we want. That’s all A Course in Miracles is saying, let’s get you what you want. Let’s get you pleasure. Let’s get you wet today. Well, let’s get you what’s truly important. Let’s get you back into harmony with reality. Alright, that’s great. But how do we get there? Again, we can’t teach you what love is, they can only help you to remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. But how do we get there, so it’s so important. forgiveness is the means of the miracle. forgiveness is the means for the shift. But you ask the ego to forgive. It has a totally different idea of what forgiveness is, then what spirit actually knows forgiveness is. So again, we have to be very conscious of the traps of ego in the journey back to love. Okay, one of my favorite sayings, wisdom tells me I am nothing love tells me I am everything in between my life moves. Okay, nice, beautiful. Where did our love that exists within us come from? Is there a dropping away of the egoic conditional self? Where did that primordial existence of love come from? Do we generate this or love generates us? A beautiful thanks for the questions is like, where does it come from? Go back to the ocean imagery. Okay, imagine an ocean which is everywhere.
So if it helps, maybe ocean is challenging, so maybe think about air, right? Just there’s air here. Now. It’s everywhere, right? You know, at least on the earth. So anywhere you go, for the most part, there’s going to be air, there’s no exact analog and the physical plane to what spirit is what love is, can we can teach what it is. It’s not the ocean, it’s not air. Those aren’t infinite. But do your best to imagine something which is everywhere. But now put yourself in that something and then ask the question. Where does love come from? It’s everywhere. Does it create us? What? Yes, in A Course in Miracles, you are a creation of love. You are not your own creator, in A Course of Miracles. Love created you like itself. So if you imagine the ocean, the ocean was just pure oneness of undifferentiated. And then how can there be love? The ocean can’t appreciate itself, because there’s no duality at all. Right? There’s no lover and Beloved, if you imagine the ocean would be the beloved right guy if you want to use the word God, but I try not to do all that much. Just imagine this one love, which is everywhere. And oh, it would be the Beloved, if there was someone there to love it by the ocean kind of realized that problem and said, Oh, let me create a lot of souls or a mini me’s, or, but of course miracles causes the sun ship. It’s a gender term. So what does it mean? The Christ consciousness, but that’s a religious term, right? So what does that mean? All of us as beings of light and love. Okay, so now if we imagine the ocean of light, and souls are these bubbles of light, right? If you need a visual image, so where does love come from? It’s everywhere. did love the you create love? No. Love already created you exactly like unto itself. You are not the same quantity as your source, but you’re the same quality. Okay, so where does it come from? It’s already here. How do we get back into it as the most important question to ask. So when you take the dark glasses off, it was right there in front of your face. But even those words don’t work, because those are dualistic meaning it was here and I was here. It’s not really unity. So, where we say, I’m going to unite this and this, right, the lover and the beloved, how do we get me as the lover to be one with the universal Beloved? It’s actually a question only the ego could ask. Because it comes from the insane place of ego that says, You’re not in that ocean right now, all you have to do is take off the dark glasses, all you have to do is make a shift in your mind. It’s like, could be or the great poet who said, I laugh when I hear that the fish in the ocean is thirsty. Right. So look at the question again, with the those images in place. Where did our love that exists within us come from? Everywhere? Right? Where did you come from you were created, not made and not born, you are, of course miracle says you were created as a drop of that ocean, it doesn’t use exactly those words, they would just say that you are created as a son of God, you are a child of God. And again, son or daughter doesn’t really matter. In fact, the ocean is beyond gender in that sense. So you just they’re just words, but you are a drop of that is they’re dropping away of the egoic conditional self. So yes, the ego. So where does the darkness go when you turn on a light in a dark room? So we don’t actually drop away the ego, because that implies it still exists, but dropped away somewhere else. What we find out about the ego is it’s complete make believe. So where does it go? It’s the same place that darkness goes when you turn on the light. It’s just actually wrong. Not that your questions are wrong, but it’s the wrong question to say where does the darkness go? When the lane appears? There was there’s no darkness. But the truth is there never was. So while we’re living in the dream, which is an illusion, right? Illusions don’t exist. When we’re in the dream of the ego. It sure seems real. But the moment you wake up from a dream, you say, Well, where did the dream go? It didn’t go anywhere. It doesn’t exist in reality. So when we wake up to truth, and then you said, Where did that primordial existence of love come from?
It’s like saying, like, Who created God? There’s no way to answer those kinds of questions. Right? So where did it come from? Just imagine it’s always been and always will be. However, the idea that you are a creation of that led, you get to appreciate it. And that’s a relationship that exists for eternity. The Atonement is the idea of getting everyone back to that, right. So we can stop fighting with each other and causing so much pain and suffering and lack and misery. When we’re all choosing love again, then the dream is over. And we can all just enjoy ourselves. So do we generate this or love generates us, love is already generated you. It’s just up to us to take down the umbrella of our ego or to take down this dark glasses. Thank you great questions. Let’s do another meditation that can help us to get a sense of what’s going on. Again, Corson neuro linguistic programming based, and I invite you to close your eyes. This is a technique we call drop down and through. It’s helpful to drop down in this but let’s practice going up because people like to think we go up to spirit, although I’m encouraging spirit is everywhere. Right here now in your body. Since what you might imagine to be heaviness or darkness, feel anything that might feel like a blockage. It’s any sense of sadness or hurt, anger, fear. Just imagine any of your stuff is kind of dark energy in your aura, if you want to look at it that way. It’s a sense your physical human sense of self here. Notice anything that doesn’t quite seem like light and don’t judge it. Just be aware. And I remember I said the first but the first but a major step in getting to move to the light is to embrace and move through the darkness. So a sense what the egos done in your human sense of self. But now like, imagine surrounding you, all around you wherever you would look above left, right below behind, there’s only like, it’s only in your human sense of self in your mind that there are these veils of darkness. So imagine up above your body. Again, all around, but focus above your body is all this like spirit. It’s not formed. It’s not a body. It’s just an ocean of light. It’s everywhere, but we’re gonna focus above our heads when I snap my fingers. I want you to imagine a instantaneous shift into invisibility, a radical just you ascension right up into that light. Don’t even think just 123 Feel like you go whoosh up into light. Now ask the question, Where is like, where is imagine you are formless consciousness. Light is all around you, in you everywhere. If you encountered anyone else in this space, they’re also the same quality, the same light, the same love in this space, there’s only joy. There’s only pure creation. It’s pure goodness, it’s sublime peace. There’s only wisdom. It’s eternal. It’s just everything you’d ever want to feel. It’s what’s most valuable, being all of that light. Now, I’d like you to imagine you take that light as that light, and descend back down into your body. Take a breath, open your heart, and welcome the light right here. Now, just open your heart, open your mind. And as you breathe, let the darkness just ran away, as if it melts into the earth, but the earth below you is light as well. The only place there’s darkness is in the valleys of your own egoic mind. Just breathe more light in. And, again, plant the seed for forgive what is forgive me. Let go of the darkness. Let the darkness just rain away to be reinterpreted by let the light tell you what truth is not your own mind. Let the light reveal itself to you. revelation comes from the Divine down to you, not from you to the divine. You don’t tell God how it is. You let the truth tell you what truth is. So beware again of anything in your human experience right now. Which might seem dark, negative, tension based divisive, fear based, you know, upset about some other person,
just be aware of it. It’s okay. Just know that it’s there. sense kind of how it feels dark or uncomfortable dividing on a stand my fingers, I want you imagine your shift right up into that light. 123. Just move up. And again, imagine time space don’t matter. Nothing down there matters. There’s only light. There’s only love. There’s only p. This is what’s created and always will be there. This is what’s eternal and immortal and truly valuable. pure wisdom and pure goodness. pure pleasure. Just take your time to imagine moving up into that space. Find that true love of Source Energy. Not your individual separate self, but a universal presence of pure, unconditional love, P and light. Now again, imagine all that light comes down and into your body. As you come down into your body. Come down through your head, open your heart, forgive and let the darkness go right here. Now in this holy instant. They can only happen now. Just imagine it sensed it, feel it, choose it. The miracle is the shift from illusion to truth. From fear to love, from ego to spirit, choosing spirit right here now in your heart. Choosing love right here now in your heart. When you think of anyone else if you truly forgiven them, you will just see the essence of them as late as well. So let’s welcome in any one last kind of unforgiveness. Any Yap ah, this is nice, but he did this. Yeah, this was great. But she did that to me to be aware of those grievances that you hold inside. We all do. So it’s okay. But he really hurt me whatever it is. Be aware of it. No, it’s ego. No, it’s darkness. No, it’s the past. It is the past. Just be aware of any last remaining darkness, heaviness, tension or holding any divisive special kind of relationship. And then want to snap my fingers. Just shoot up into light. Don’t worry about what’s down there. Just go up into the light. Imagine light is everywhere. Pure peace. You Silent, it doesn’t have anything to say. Its whole incomplete. It’s not using English but it’s communicating all the time. It’s pure creation, pure communication, pure extension of itself. It’s constantly extending the only guarantee about it is it’s not like the past. It’s this ever living, loving, beautiful presence. It’s extremely, not even extremely real because it has no comparison. It cannot be evaluated. It’s just love. Yet if it helps imagine like no form. It’s formless. It doesn’t exist in time and space and changing and backgrounds that change with for Garland’s. It’s just always lay in. Again, realize that’s everywhere. So let it surrounds your body, realize it’s below your body. It’s above your body, it’s in front of your body behind your body, it’s to the left is to the right. Now take a breath and imagine all the cells in your body are permeating, like, porous. And the length just pours in and fills every inch, every nanometer of your being just breathe the light in from behind it from left, right. Let your heart be like, let your mind be that light. Just breathe only by only Allah. You know what love is, you know what later. This is familiar to you is anything ever could be. Because it’s your own self and you recognize it instantly when you return to sanity. You know where it is, you know what it is? And you’re so just breathe it into your being. And let it be your being. So when you say what is love,
you are Allah, I am. Spirit is love and we are spirit. As you’re sitting here with your body. Of course miracle says I am not a body. I am free. For I am still is I was created. I am not about me. I am free. For I am still is I was created, you’re still love, you are still like you are still innocent and guiltless. You have no needs outside of yourself. And everything you need will be provided for you to sit in that space of pure contentment. tranquil and serene, peaceful and present only the ego and ask what is love? Because you already are. And you know that. All right, let’s take a breath. Let’s take a moment we’re opening our eyes, we’ll check in open to question answer. And then I’ll wrap it up with another relatively brief but I set it to do it. So let’s do it. And relay the hypnotic type guided meditation to deepen the experience is the concept of soulmates an ego based thought. It’s not a Course in Miracles based on
so yeah, let’s talk about it briefly. A lot of people who say they’re looking for their soulmate will be in an egoic state before they even begin this search, right? I’m looking for my soulmate. Now, what’s implied there that there’s like one other soul who somehow like the right one for you. Of course, miracles doesn’t acknowledge that it acknowledges that when you’re in a space of holy relationship, you absolutely could be with another person who’s also in a space of holy relationship. The two of you might be together for the rest of your life. Right? And you might call that your soulmate, but of course miracles would it it would actually say, well, actually, of course does say this, the special relationships of the ego where it’s just me and one other soul. The core says God never intended for relationships to be that way. Now again, we have to realize how caught up we are in an illusion. So our version of love is like if I could just find my soulmate. If I could just get that one person I’m not saying you won’t have that one person for the rest of your life. But to call that person your soulmate, is if you two are till death do us part and you’re the only one it’s the you’re the only one come Except that, of course, miracles would have a problem with, which means we have a problem with were suffering, because we feel that this one other person is the one. These long term relationships happen when the learning of both parties are kind of equal, and they benefit each other for the life lessons for the growth that occurs. The Course talks about this clearly, if I had like, it’s in the Manual for Teachers, but it really talks about these relationships, usually people who get into A Course in Miracles, you start prioritizing your enlightenment, your turn to love or the atonement more than anything else. Therefore, what happens to in your life is meant to bring you towards that. So if you’re in a relationship, you honor, oh, this is not accidental. I was meant to meet this person, there’s a chance for miracles, there’s a chance for growth, or you could say there’s a chance for learning here. And then when they’re when that when you’ve accomplished what you needed to in that relationship, if you don’t tend to dissolve away, because now you’re ready for your next lesson, right. So then you’ll be in another relationship, they tend to be more short lived, actually, while you’re going through intense growth, because you need so many lessons from so many other beings. One soulmate, what you might call it, and of course doesn’t the course doesn’t use that word at all. One long term relationship will only remain if you’re both Growing and Learning Together. So that’s absolutely possible. What I would suggest from A Course in Miracles model is surrender, who’s in your life to God. So if it’s in your best interest, so here’s a me say that, in the Course of Miracles, it says, I do not know my own best interests. If you don’t know your own best interests, you surrender your relationships to God. If you’re meant to be with one person for your whole life, you will be don’t worry about it. You can call that person, your soulmate, if you want. But because the learning the learning is a tricky word we don’t have time to talk about. So let’s just say because the miraculous shift back to love is the really only agenda in the course. It’s going to utilize your late work, they would say the Holy Spirit will utilize your relationships. Towards that end, like all the Holy Spirit really cares about is get you back to God get you back home, get you out of suffering and into peace gets you out of illusion and into truth, it will use your relationships to do that. And if the long term relationship is beneficial for that, then it will remain. But because the course doesn’t even acknowledge this and use the word soul. And it says what it’s like we’re not going to use this one word. Here’s the word one soul. Therefore couldn’t talk about soulmates, but in their holy relationship model, it says you can absolutely be in a relationship with another person. But it does go on to say those can be extremely, extremely challenging relationships, because the learning is only really when you’re moving through a blockage. And if you’re with someone long term, you can both work through blockages Great, awesome, but that person will push your buttons. Don’t ever think that someone you might call a soulmate in this model. You know, when you have a long term holy relationship, there’s not going to challenge you to your core. Because again, when you give your life to God, then God says, Alright, good. I’m going to use everything to get you out of your illusion. And that includes your relationships. Awesome, thank you. I hope that helps for the person to ask. Let’s take a little time with the meditation. If you’d like to join me in that one. I invite you to take a breath, eyes closed. And let’s set the intention to return to love.
As you breathe, welcome that light back in. Incense your body where it’s resting now and time and space, the surface your body is resting upon. Invite You To soften your body. Soften your shoulder, soften your feet and imagine that light just keeps entering into your being. Since your left arm and hand as you take a breath, imagine your left arm and hand start dissolving in like another breath to your right arm and hand sledding. Right arm, right hand dissolve in life is as you’re doing this start to let the external world fade away as your eyes are closed. Don’t project images out there. Let your mind clear the image. And when you imagine what’s outside of you, there’s only light look to your left on the light. Look to the right on the light. Let’s go up to our head. Take a breath into your head your face your scalp. Saw Then let it start to dissolve and the idea of only like it’s if there’s not a head there, there’s only like three that into your chest, your torso only like only love. This means your heart must be open. So let’s focus at the heart. Take a breath. Open, just think to yourself as you exhale, open. In every breath, it’s more like in your heart, more light in your lungs, your whole torso. And to soften your back. Soften your chest and allow only love to permeate the region of your torso only like the chair or whatever you’re sitting on. comes only light down to your left leg, taking a breath into your left leg only life. Only love all ideas of time and space name and form self and other fadeaway a breath into your right leg in your foot and then dissolve it away and only like keep finding the core of this light right here now. Don’t look anywhere but right in the center of your own awareness. In this holy instant sitting right here now you breathe, you breathe in like you breathe out. You breathe out on the lay. Make your body so soft, you can barely feel it. But focus on the subtle, yet exceptionally real presence of pure perfect peace permeates every cell. Every atom just be right here. Now. If your mind wanders or something’s blocking, take a breath think. forgive and let go. Come back to your breath. Come back to breathing like if you ever thought of the past, take a breath forgive and let go. Come back to the now to the holy instant. If you have any thoughts of the future take a breath forgiven America. creation doesn’t need you to make up ideas you’re holding complete right now. Every breath acknowledges I am perfect balling complete right now. Breathe so you can be one of many holy relationships. Everyone who made the relationship can be holy. It starts with you as you breathe except the one Mint for myself right here now. You don’t have to go somewhere to find God God knows where you are. And the truth is that of him light is still right here now. So simply take off the dark glasses. Breathe the light you into your win right here now every breath perfectly the course miracle says that choose to spend this day and perfectly.
So pray. I choose to spend this moment in perfect pee if there’s any Yeah, but take a breath and forgive and let it I choose to spend this moment in perfect peace. Let go of all of your defenses. Skeptical cynical on guard take a breath but no
love needs no defense. Just pray. Open heart open mind. The quality of a teacher of God is open mindedness
be so open that God can get in that love can permeate your whole being and now not a body. I am pray for I am still as love created you The amount of love are absolutely one right here now. Only love you know what it is just lack of the thinking. So what is true love? Let’s embrace true capital T truth. And let’s embrace love, truth and love. True love right here now. Pure peace right here in perfect whole income play right here now. And then remember, Course in Miracles live, God being love is also happening. God being loved is also happiness, one of the qualities of a teacher of God is joy, open mindedness and joy, trust and honesty, breathe right here now, you already are that you are innocent, and you are guiltless. And you are still perfect because you are created free, immortal, and eternal. And again, you already know this.
And only for the sake of time not making the class too long, we’re going to start to transition but don’t really let anything change. Just take your time when you’re ready. And allow your eyes to open. Don’t feel like you come out of it. Just when you’re ready, open your eyes and be that like, be that love. It’s not like oh, I didn’t want to come back down. Because the way I was focused was right here like very heart centered and mind kind of centered. Where it’s all just empty the Buddha and his enlightenment he called the state, the experience Shinya meaning empty, but empty of what? Empty of the ego, empty of a separate self. That’s pure Buddhism, Buddha’s enlightenment was emptiness, of personal self, emptiness of individual self. It’s very challenging for those who want to get to that state. It took Buddhist seven years. So how long does it take us and our clients, years and years and years, but I hope tonight was a nice little glimpse. And you know, for a lot of you just a beautiful return to what you already know. But remember, aย
ot of our clients, a lot of the people we interact with are coming the whole you. Not completely, but 99%. Right. Quite removed from that experience. And it’s our job right is your function. To extend forgiveness. Your only function as a miracle worker is to accept the at one minute for yourself just to keep forgiving, forgiving. Okay. Great said excellent, have excellent at your craft, I feel completely detached. Nice, thank you. Nice to say names just because we’re public. But thank you for that. I feel removed and empty and your voice is a guide. Beautiful. Thank you, man. Another thank you so much. My pleasure. I think everybody, we are shifting the name of this to illuminate in mind podcast and your shift to price, more interviews to keep it more interactive and fun. So if you’re interested in interviewing, you know, feel free to reach out to me. And yeah, we’ll probably make some shifts, moving forward with our new rebranding of the illuminated mind podcast, and again, inviting more guests and keeping it interactive and fun. So thanks for joining me tonight. If you have any more questions, feel free to just find out how to get to me. Emails, actually best. I don’t really respond much to YouTube comments and whatnot. But I’m really here for anybody if I can be more of assistance. So thank you so much. And I wish everyone a wonderful evening. Thank you
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