Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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I’m a bad person, I’m a bad parent, and I hate my children, right? That’d be pretty. You call it bad karma, probably. And the actions would reflect that. Now, if you said, Oh, well, I am a fairly bad person, and I really hate these kids. I’m gonna do good things for them. Because I don’t want to keep creating all this bad karma. But you still have this inner core of negativity. And your kids will pick up on it. And you’re like, I don’t know, I’m trying to be nice to them. But they keep treating me like the same way. Because people support us and what we believe, but what if you cleared that, and the negativity and the fear and the judgment and the anger were transformed into love, and peace and kindness, which is your true nature.
Hey, everyone, welcome back to illuminated mind. This is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. I’m your host, Corey Benschop. And I really appreciate you tuning in today. So in today’s episode we’re carrying on from last week when we talked about clearing karma with hypnotherapy. And today is going to be a really special episode for you, we’re actually going to be going through an exercise, Matthew is going to lead an exercise that’s going to help you get to the bottom of maybe where some of your negative and positive karma is actually coming from. So I will set a disclaimer, you know, when you’re listening to this episode today. And towards the end, once we get to the exercise, I want to make sure that you are able to focus and you’re able to not have to worry about what’s going on around you. So if you’re driving, or if you’re maybe at work and doing some other tasks. While listening to this podcast right now, I might recommend that you, I mean, you can certainly listen to it. But just be careful, don’t go through the exercise while trying to do something else. Okay, so maybe listen to it once and then set some time aside later. So that you can come back to this episode. And really focus in and just give it your 100% attention. Because what you will find and some of the changes that are possible through this exercise are going to be profound. If you’ve never done this type of work before, you’re going to be really pleasantly surprised. Just to recap, you know what we’re talking about here today. It’s really all about karma, right? What is karma? Why is it there? And how can you become free of it and get in line with what’s called your Dharma, right? your actual flow and the things that you really are meant to do here in this life. And another interesting idea that we’re going to talk about is this idea of, you know, does doing good deeds help free you from your bad karma? Like, can you overcome bad karma by trying to do good things? Hold this question in your mind as you listen today. Because if, if you don’t already know the answer to that, then this is going to be really enlightening for you. So anyway, I hope you enjoy this episode. And I will see you at the end. To some
degree. That’s what your quote bad karma is, your negative judgments towards yourself. And of course, in miracles that teaches God doesn’t forgive you. And you say, well, that sucks. God doesn’t forgive you. Because God never condemned you. You don’t need God’s forgiveness. You don’t need God to forgive you because God never condemned to and of course in miracles, the only one condemning you as you then for with usually proper facilitation, but all you know what to do one little meditation tonight for sure, that will teach you how to correct an individual error and a clear one, cut one karmic seed, and you’ll find one negative belief. And then we’ll work to clear it, then we’ll go back to the concept that the law of grace supersedes the law of karma. Like I’m saying there is an incident even external, but let me use the term now there is an external force
that is at play here. We can call that God or superconscious mind or the Holy Spirit. But it’s not out there either. It’s in your very own mind.
Because how could the infinite be somewhere else? The power that you’d be looking for to help you is close and the Quran says God is closer than your jugular vein. And of course in miracles, God dwells in your own mind. in conversations with God, he’s talking to goddesses, how do I know? You’re not just in my mind, and God says I am in your mind. So the insane voice that we call the ego, the one that we need to correct the one that’s causing this negative karma, so to speak, is in your mind. And right there. in your own mind, just waiting to come in to help. But it won’t go against your freewill. If you as Valerie use the term hang on to your karma, and you say, No, I’m gonna be mad at her, I’m gonna stay mad at her. God just says, Okay, I love you so much, I will let you do that as long as you want to, I don’t believe God, the rows, the negative thing in front of you, to help to correct your errors. God is just a force of light and love waiting to come into your heart. You’re the one who keeps attracting all the negativity and all the negative people. When you’re willing to let that go, spirit comes in, it’ll be felt as waves of joy. You’ll be like, Oh, my God, I can’t believe I held on to all that anchor, I let it go. And I feel so much better. I’m so much safer, my relationship is so much more harmonious, I get to feel the presence of the Divine again, within myself, I get free of my karma. I can align myself with my Dharma, my true path, my true purpose, I can feel the presence of love inside of me. And the divine was right there ready to help to correct the error in your mind. The moment you had willingness, without willingness, and I’m glad Valerie mentioned this hanging on to concept. If you hang on to belief system, spirit, which gave you free well, is again, let’s not be too metaphysical. You have free will. You could choose to reject anything I’m saying right now. You can choose to accept it, you can choose to evaluate it, you know, think about it over time, let it percolate spine, will you agree with what you don’t agree with? Either way? I’m Hope you’re listening to your own inner guidance, your own inner guidance is saying, Wow, yeah, maybe what you saying is true, or I don’t think I’m buying into this. Either way, you’re listening to your insights. But either way you’re supporting my when i’m saying is that it’s all inside of you. It’s a case of the external world or world exists only in our minds. Exactly. That’s my whole point is that all the terms that we’re using time, space world universe, superconscious mind akashic records, if you really get down to it, everything we’re talking about exists inside of us. God, that one reality, that one energy, that one light in life has to exist within you, because it’s everywhere. Your subconscious mind, obviously, as part of you, your super conscious mind isn’t somewhere else. It’s right there in your own mind. And of course, miracles in Christian theology would just be called the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, then, of course, in miracles, again, just as a Christian theology, so um, you know, take what you’re like, or listen, hear it in your own way. When God’s Son separated from him, when the fall occurred, when we felt that we were separate from God, that we’re bad, we’re unworthy sinners, God realized what happened. And it’s not stupid, and said, Oh, I see what my children just did. But I gave them free well, so they’re allowed to make that choice. But I will give to them, the Holy Spirit, I’ll put into their mind. A part of my mind that right there. And what according to the Holy Spirit is defined it as in a Course of Miracles is the last remaining link between God and His separated sons. And what that really saying and you know, to own it down is that the power that corrects the errors in your mind that clears your karma is right there with you. There’s a Christian way of saying it, that if you when you dig your hole into the darkness, deep down into the well, Christ is putting a ladder there every step behind you. The law of grace supersedes the law of karma in the basement of a tradition of Hinduism better known as the Hari Krishna movement. The devotee will be seen as drowning in an ocean of karma. And he put himself there. Krishna, representing God comes flying over, reaches down and pulls the devotee out of the ocean of karma. And
it wasn’t superconscious mind it wasn’t the Holy Spirit it was in Christ it was in Krishna was in god that was punishing you. It was that force. It’s there to liberate you, and to correct all of your errors to fix all of your problems. In our school, we introduced superconscious mind briefly in the beginning of the training, we actually acknowledge it as a problem solving intelligence, a very gentle way of saying, it literally knows how to set you free and to bring balance back to your life. So there’s something about karma being a balancing force, but here’s the thing. I would acknowledge that karma is there for your protection. It’s there for your greatest good Cause and Effect is there, you put your hand on a stove, it’s a feedback system. It’s not necessarily that something else outside is trying to do something. It’s all in you its own, there’s only your mind occurring. There’s like only mind, like, literally the universe is mental. There’s only mind, because it’s all thought, and you’re the one generating your own thoughts. Therefore, you’re the one creating your own karma. When you say, I’m really be free of this, I don’t want to suffer anymore, I’m willing to let go is part of why I did start with a lot of questions, instead of us holding on to certain ideas. What if we actually open up and say, I am willing to let go of any my personal judgments against myself, any of my ideas that cause me pain, I’m willing to let another higher voice call that superconscious, or Holy Spirit or divine mind, I’m willing to let a higher voice and by the way, if you can’t hear it in yourself, sometimes you need to hear it through someone else. At first, it is inside of you. And when that when you bring the belief to consciousness that you’re bad, you can then turn to that mind and say, am I, our students this recently heard session, it was a client of mine, she gave me permission to play the session in class because it was so amazing. And at one point in the session, I said to her, once we clear the blockages and everything actually cleared the karma. By the way, after that session, she lost 60 pounds. This tremor she had completely went away, and her psyche matured in huge leaps in balance, I won’t go into the details of what the issue was or what we did. Yet, I can just say when we clear the blockages, then you hear me in the session, getting her back in touch with the light within her with the divine within her with her connection to God, she was open to that word. So we’re using that word. I said, I want you to ask God behind this belief that you’re unlovable. I was very much at the root of the karma, to say to God, am I lovable? And I just want you to listen for an answer inside. And you hear a moment of silence in the recording. And then you hear she chuckles and she goes, it was kind of I forget her exact words. It was like it was almost like a God saying, well, da. But you know, it’s not in that judgment away. It was just course your lovable. God has never changed his mind about you. Spirit always sees you as good. It gives you the freewill to believe your bad. Karma is the feedback system just to tell you your thoughts are misaligned. Not a punishment system. Not even that the universe is trying to balance itself out. Spirit is helping your mind to balance itself out. The universe is just a reflection of your mind. The outside is just reflection of the inside. It’s not that it’s trying to balance itself out because it is just a mirage. It is just a projection of your own psyche. So what we can do and I’ll go in the chat pod in a moment, what we can do is actually do a meditation, where you can look at the outside as it is now. And you can say what’s disharmonious now, guaranteed? and say, you know, it’s disharmonies is over here. There’s a spoke and you know, the model of the hub in the rim? If the disharmony is out of my hands on camera, the disharmony is out here. And there’s a spoke connected to it and to your own heart. You say, Wow, well, this thing out here. Not very good. Not very pleasant. I don’t use judgmental terms like good or bad, but not pleasant, not beneficial. I don’t want it. There’s a direct link in this moment to your heart. And we can look and see, well, what karma what karmic seed what sanskaar is manifesting that we can then clear literally not just change the belief, but we can clear that karma we can clear that blockage.
When it does, your whole perception will shift. And the hub, which moves the ram will instantly change the outside world is Dr. Kay said the external world exists only in our minds. It’s only a reflection of your thought. If what I’m saying is true. Again, you’re extremely empowered to change something you’re not happy with. You’re not a victim to the world. You see the Course in Miracles, it says you are not the victim to the world. You see, you’re inventing the world you see and nothing is happening to you. That is not on some level, your own manifestation. You are projecting the world. And the more and if you study quantum physics, Steve stone class Yeah, there Steve. Steve Wright and quantum physics is the world actually out there Schrodinger scattering you go into the teachings of basic, basic video. Deep stuff. But modern quantum physics will tell you, you’re not seeing the external world. In fact, all you’re really seeing is probabilities for the second to do that, because it’s actually hard, harder to understand and metaphysics. The concept though, is that both metaphysics and physics are saying, you’re not seeing the external world and the external world is affected by you, the observer. So very simple principle in physics, Verner Heisenberg uncertainty principle, you cannot observe quantum phenomena in subatomic phenomena, and know what you’re truly seeing. Because whatever you see, whatever you experiment on is affected by you, the experimenter. This is what’s happening at the fabric of your university, we’re seeing the universe that we are seeing, it is affected by you, the observer there now tapping into this in modern science are sure now they’re proving what we’ve known in metaphysics for 1000s of years and what that what the channeled or the revealed scriptures have revealed for 1000s of years, you’re doing it to yourself. Okay, instead of murdering, how about I’m going to give $1,000 200 persons found randomly. Let’s look at that for a moment. That’s what’s on my screen and others marblo No, Madeline Good evening. That was Missy Madeline Bologna. airpad. Hello, Madeline. Let’s think about this for just a moment. Let’s say I want to create good karma. Because this is worth looking at. Right? I am going to make the choice to give my money randomly to people who need it. What is that bumper sticker? It’s so famous practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty. Sounds great, doesn’t it? The question is, do you want to be caught in good karma? Are you actually setting yourself free of what’s called the wheel of samsara? By doing that? Is it better? I’d much rather have people talking like Dr. K, right there. And Charlie Manson. It’s a much more beneficial thought, where you’re functioning. But does it actually bring about liberation to the eastern teachings about Moksha, liberation from karma, liberation from suffering occur only through good acts? And I think Dr. k would agree with me, the answer is no. You cannot get free from giving away all your money. You cannot get free by consciously choosing who you’re going to help. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that. No, the universe isn’t saying you shouldn’t. But the question is, can you try to create good karma to balance out your bad karma? The problem is your pivot point inside might still say I’m bad. And since you did a lot of bad things, but you still believe you’re bad. And you start doing a lot of good things to try to make up for it. But the problem is bad belief is still motivating your behavior. You say I’m a bad person, but I’m going to start giving the start doing good. I’m going to give to charity. Again, I’m not against you doing it. Yet, here’s let’s take it a step further clears the belief that you’re bad. Let the divine goodness that you are start to shine through it will move you to good works. When you’re consciously the Dewar, you become attached to the fruits of your actions.
You feel that you have to do it to make up for your bad karma. And then a course in miracles that teaches consciously selected miracles can be misguided, consciously selected, miracles can be misguided. Everyday when I drive into the office, I pass for homeless people that sit on the same exact bench every day, spirit, and I do I and you can check the school’s website and I record you know, if you really needed to know if it’s true. This school and me personally, every month, donate to the Salvation Army into the Red Cross. It’s an automatic deposit, it goes in and I feel inspired and moved by spirit to do it. I’m not doing it to correct my bad karma. I’m doing it is an act of philanthropy, that spirit moves me to do from within. Now, spirit never has moved me to stop my car to get out and to hand money to one of these people. Yet there are times when I gave $50 away not too long ago to a homeless person who came up and asked, and I felt like Well, God just put this person to my life. The person asked for money, I just reach into my wallet and grab the first I actually reach for the larger set of bills. But I reached for one of the larger bills and handed it to this person. It’s not that he wouldn’t give. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea when we say you’re not trying to do good karma. Yet you don’t want your ego motivating your actions. You don’t want your negative belief systems trying to be a good person. It’s it’s a masquerading, I used to believe you’re bad, but you’re trying to do good, you’ll still generate the same karma, the same negativity will still keep coming back to you. And you’ll be like, I don’t know, I just gave away all my money. But how come they didn’t come back? Every dollar you spend or give should come back to you tenfold. It’s the way Spirit works, you give 100 units of goodness, and 1000 units come back to you give 10,000 units of goodness 100,000 come back to you. That’s how the law of giving and receiving works. That’s how law of karma works. Everything you put out, comes back to you amplified. And again, it’s like a way to show you what you’re putting out may not be really very good. But if you emanating out a belief, I’m bad, therefore I’m going to do good works. You’re going to get a result person is going to be what you’re looking for. Imagine if we clear the karma. And you realize, wow, I am inherently a good person. And then spirit moves you and says, Yeah, I’ll go and do this night, go and do this. And you say, Sure. I’m thinking about it just in each moment. For instance, being a parent. negative karma would be I’m a bad person, I’m a bad parent, and I hate my children. Right? That’d be pretty. You call it bad karma, probably. And the actions would reflect that. Now, if you said, Oh, well, I am a fairly bad person. And I really hate these kids. But I’m gonna do good things for them. Because I don’t want to keep creating all this bad karma. But you still have this inner core of negativity. Your kids will pick up on it. And you’re like, I don’t know, I’m trying to be nice to them. But they keep treating me like the same way. Because people support us and what we believe, but what if you cleared that, and the negativity and the fear and the judgment and the anger were transformed into love, and peace and kindness, which is your true nature. That’s your soul. You the essence of you. I promise you this from all my years of hypnotherapy, I’ve never seen inherent evil in anyone, you’re in your true nature is inherently good. So in the heart is clear, the mind is clear, and spirit moves through you, then you don’t have to think about doing good things for your kids don’t have to learn love. It’s so unnatural to just love It’s so unnatural to give you want to give. I took my wife and daughter to the mall today. And they got lots of stuff. And at the end. Um, I said he didn’t get anything for yourself. Nope. So I didn’t need anything. The joy in the giving was so much nicer than except this is just funny to send. My wife had returned something and bought something and I walked in at the moment that the cashier asked for the difference. She was that’d be 156 P or 156, please. And I said 156. Because no is $1.56 difference like, okay, that just up to as I go. But anyway, so you had enough to she spent $1.56 I’m not that generous now. The point is, there is a joy to take them to go and to have a nice experience and that it was unnecessary around me. But it didn’t come from me believing I’m a bad person was to make up for my sinful behaviors. It came from me loving my family. And what motivates the action is love. when when when love motivates your actions, you don’t create any more karma by the way. So when we talk about this is obviously gonna go on for hours. I’ll go into meditation just a moment, I’ll teach you how to clear your own karma.
When you are no longer functioning from karma, when your subconscious mind isn’t running, your negative subconscious programming isn’t running your life. Yet spirit is running your life, you stop creating more karma, which means you don’t keep collecting internal baggage, you cleared your blocks, you’re not going to fill the heart back up again with all that negativity. Once you get clear. Then again, I will affirm hypnotherapy can get you clear. Once you are clear. You would never it would be insane. To start saying I’m going to close my heart again. And I’m going to fill it with anger and fill it with fear and fill it with greed and fill it with loss. Like what you just would never do it. You realize how painful it was you let it go. You’re free. You would never bind yourself again. Moksha in Sanskrit literally is selfless. It’s self realization is liberation, but it’s the freedom from karma. Whenever you live from love, you’re not creating more karma. But if you try to do good works, you could be creating more karma. It’s important that doing good. good karma doesn’t free you from karma. You’re still in karma. It just may look a little bit better on the surface but inside you may not have transformed anything. So the real work is inside. Okay, definitely. So thank you Dr. k for mentioning that because it’s a really meant to a very good point of this easy. hurting others is like a quick fix for these people. There you go, man. That’s it. Unfortunately, so many people don’t see that what they need to do is change their belief system. They’re unaware of their own beliefs and inner voices. Doesn’t it seem? That’s what we’ve been talking about? For sure. Right on. Absolutely. In case you like to compare quantum physics, there you go. I like to practice non random acts of kindness. Nice, beautiful. It’s always nice when goodness comes through science theory, which also affects Kant’s theory in the butterfly effects, right? Here’s cat, if you’d like to see more beautiful, thank you, Madeline, your good works are like filthy. Very nice, is a good one, please check the last thing. Okay. I’m posting links to our students successes, come to Facebook and check out what I posted about shell. Yeah, shell is a successful graduate and part of our team and Madeline went over to her stuff and put her on the school’s website site to support her. So yes, we are actively supporting our graduates in many ways. Good, good. All right. So let me say welcome, anybody who may have joined in late, and let me do a summary. And let’s do a meditation. So we’re saying karma is an internally generated force. It is a universal law that you are bound by You can’t escape law with the law simply cause and effect, the cause is always mental. And the effect is always something you generated, it’s not happening from someone else. It doesn’t exist in the past, because there is no past. It exists now, and keeps self replicating over and over again, it keeps repeating itself over and over, because we are unwilling to let it go. The moment we’re willing to look at it, evaluate if it’s relevant anymore. And then we’re willing to let a higher wisdom come in and clear it. And the law of grace supersedes the law of karma. And again, it’s not highly complicated. It’s like you have pain in your heart, you know, in a lot of ways, why that’s there. In some ways you don’t know. Let’s talk about this very briefly. Sometimes a hypnotherapist will do certain uncovering techniques and show you something that you didn’t know is in your subconscious mind, that can be repressed memories, they can be nonverbal, pre verbal memories that you just couldn’t remember without an altered state. They can be memories around your birth experience or in utero. And of course, they can be past life memories, or what we call special instances of altered state words stuff, he would have just said, My God, I had no idea that was going on, or that that was in there. Yet you do eventually catch on. It’s a new, and therefore you can clean up what’s inside of you. So here’s the way to do it. If just look at the outside world, your life not even like you know, politics and the government. And that’s too abstract. And it can be very victim consciousness, start blaming all those guys. You know, it was Bush, that george bush guy, it’s don’t don’t look at it that far out. Look at your own life right now. Look at your bank account. Look at your credit. Look at your relationships. Look at the vehicle, you drive.
Look at anything that pushes about. Remember I said you’re the hub, there’s a spoke that goes out and is connected to the rim. If you don’t like where the rim is really easy to know. Right? Just even close your eyes for a moment and think about what What don’t I like? What am I not happy with? What’s causing me pain, it seems like it’s out there. But notice, those spoke is directly connected. I was like jabs you in the heart, you’ll feel the sanskaar the karmic seed in your own body. Literally, if take your time, because I’m leading on a meditation if you want to go on it, think of something that really you’d like to change, but don’t do everything. It’s too much. Just think of one thing and then go back and repeat the meditation and all the other stuff. The think of one thing you’d really love to see different right now. Again, give me a moment. And I’ll do a two second like pace along with you. So I can close your eyes like and let’s think of something that’s a source of discomfort. And even honestly, if it’s someone like I’m thinking of someone else in need of healing right now, it’s actually not me that I thought of, but it’s a source of discomfort because it’s someone I care about, and this person is hurting. Now, in this model, we take older responsibility for the world we’re experiencing. So if the my world was a projection of me, and I have somebody who’s hurting in my world. I’m not going to blame myself because it’s not a blame victim model. It’s an opportunity model. And so if you take it personally, you know, it’s if it’s a personal thing for you right now, like, Oh, Mom, I can my bank account. I think any other bills coming up, I went to my bank, and that’s painful. Think about how that makes you feel inside. You can do it with another person. I can think about how I feel when I think of this person who’s not feeling good, is in pain, or whatever level I have to be specific, but do that for yourself. Think of somebody or something that’s bothering you.
Feel where you feel it in your body. And it’s whole Pono Pono exactly prescribes total responsibility, not blame or responsibility, right. Um, let’s take a moment I’ll do the meditation slowly, then I might be pushing the button. Right. It is intentionally pushing a button right now. Where do some of you feel that who did this if he did what I said, if he said think of something the outside? Well? And where do you feel the spoke jabbing? Who in your body? Where do you feel that it’s getting? Yeah, I feel in my heart, good. Where else? Anybody else feel it? in your body. When you think about, I’m thinking of this thing that I don’t like that I want to change. Whatever it is someone else, whether you know, you want to help them because they’re in pain or because they’re causing you pain, no matter stellar action of you, or your solar plexus, or throat. When are these areas called the three major areas that just popped up chakras. So for those of you who know about the chakras, your karma is basically stored in your chakras. It’s not actually in your physical body. It’s your subconscious mind, it’s very much happening at a deeper level of your being. And subconscious. Sub just means below conscious awareness outside of conscious awareness, your chakras most the time or outside of your conscious awareness. So no problem with the spelling crackers. Yeah, each of these places that people like knowledge where they felt their pain, or in what the ancient mystics, ancient Yogi’s called chakras, yet the chakras are inside of you. So this thing that you think is outside is actually inside. It’s not that that is causing this, this is causing that because your chakras emanate out of forcefield. And your life is a reflection of that field. Now, you know, it’s the, you know, your felt sense, you found it inside of you. Now, you want to spelling doesn’t count after apma you go into that area, your throat, your heart, your belly. Now, just finish this simple sentence. And dude, very simple. How does How do you feel? This thing makes me feel so. So take a moment, I’ll do it to like, this thing makes me feel so sad. It’s sad for me to see someone else hurting in this way. Yet, I’m gonna take total responsibility and say that somehow, that is a reflection of what’s in here. And it is I there’s like, I think other people I’m thinking about, and it’s actually more than one person now. Which is, of course, because like, I got like, one pivot, I got one thing going on, and it attracts people who have these issues. So I’m going to take total responsibility for this sadness that I feel inside about this type of issue. This type of person, this type of situation, makes me feel sad. What are some of the words that come up for you guys, when you find your felt sense about it? And then say, how does it make me feel just one word, but please type it in if you’re willing to what’s what are some of the emotions that go along with the internal feeling? frustrated, sad, good, frustrated, good. Help us get this look at what was typed in frustrated and sad. The way I would define them would be considered emotions. And that’s what I want you to look for first, I feel frustrated, I feel sad. There’s three major ones, there’s gonna be anger, which can be anger at yourself, which is guilt. There’s fear, and there’s sadness. Then there’s words like helpless and enslaved. These would be more in the realm of beliefs. Now you guys didn’t do it wrong. But I want you to go the next level now, underneath your emotions, our belief systems. Now you want to find the belief. I’m feeling sad. Just one word. If you got helpless, you already got what I’m looking for. If you got enslaved, you already have what you’re looking for. I feel sad. So I’ll do it feels About the people I’m thinking of who were hurting in their own way. Because I feel like I am saying the word responsible or irresponsible comes up, like somehow, like,
I did it. And underneath I did it is and I’m bad. So if you’re willing to look, underneath, I feel sad for what’s going on for this person. I feel responsible for this person. I feel I’m bad. I did. That’s my karma. That’s my guilt, if you’re willing to look, so go into, like, I feel helpless, and you’re aligned. It’s a self generated thought, that causes an emotion that manifests reality and you attract people into your life that are reflections of that. Now, what do we do with it? So all you have to do is bring up I know it’s painful. For some of you it’s know, for me, this isn’t obviously that intense. Some I know, my clients, you know, can be in tears by at this point. So hopefully, you’re mentally healthy enough to view these classes have, you just thought of an issue. It is a direct reflection of your own internal karma. You can feel the karma. It’s called a sun scar in your own system. It’s stored in the chakras, because it goes with you. When your body dies, your karma goes with you. You’re setting your chakras, you’re so conscious, your emotions, your beliefs go with you. That’s your karma, you’re manifesting in your body and in your next life. So you know, it’s totally consistent in the model of multiple lifetimes. But again, multiple Lives Matter. Because the karma is here. Now, you can only clear it now. There’s no one else to do it. So you can do it right now. You literally can clear karma right now. Do we also attract people who want to help us? Yes, you create your reality. So if you’re living in a constant victim mode, I’m a bad person, I’d serve pain. The moment you say, I really need help, but I really want to help and I deserve help. you’ll attract someone who will help you when the student is ready, the teacher will come when the one who’s sick is right, truly ready to be healed the healer, welcome. Absolutely. Yeah, we create our own reality, not just for the negative, but for the positive as well. And then we want to go beyond the good and the bad part. And to do it, just through a clear heart. But nobody you know, and I’m willing to go in, I’m the one teaching now I’m like, Oh, they just just while didn’t even realize that was a belief about bad. But again, that’s usually at the root of karma is a judgment against oneself, they are bad. So true. I’m not like admitting to the class to the world. Right now. I am a bad person. But I’m willing to admit that I’m having human experience, like any one of you. Where we have belief systems that need correction, if you’re willing to do that, now you can change the karma, you literally can change other people’s lives, you literally can change your life. Life for me, when I think about the situations of people who are not doing well. My life would be better if their life were better. And so if I could take total responsibility and change something in me that can change something in them. Oh, amen. So I in the belief system, and so bad, helpless or enslaved, or underneath exhausted let’s take a moment on that one because a lot of us can empathize with that array exhausted in a course in miracles in some of you may not know that text but just trust at least trust me when I say I really trust that text and of course miracles and teaches you are in it’s your it’s impossible for you to get tired because your spirit your pure energy. Oh, however, I know you feel tired. However, now it’s in capable for you as spirit to be tired because you’re pure energy How can energy get tired? Yet there is a but there is use the word yet. yet. You make yourself tremendously or terribly weary. There is so much judgment. And it’s a wonder that something so destructive to you will be something you value so highly. This the Course in Miracles take and why we get tired. Think about it. If I have external struggles with certain people, because even because they’re not doing so well, it’s affecting my life in certain ways. Now I have to say, well, it makes me sad. How am I judging them? Now? In what way do I see them? It’s obviously my own judgment. No, who else is filtering the perceptions of my world but me So it’s my judgment. And if I acknowledge a belief inside that I feel sad because deep down, I feel that I’m bad. And somehow I did this.
That’s my guilt. It’s my judgment towards myself. Again, it also supports the model that we’re our own judges were creating our own karma. When you do a life review, we do past life regression on life between life regressions, and we look at what happens in the inner life. pretty much anyone who does this work will tell you, when you’re looking back at your past life in that space, you’re your own judge. Your guides are there just to help you to process it. They’re not telling you bad, bad, bad. No, they’re just saying, hey, let’s look at it. And they’re helping you to actually work through the karma. If you’re tenaciously holding on to it, right, go back and do it again. Okay, so now let’s talk about working and compassion instead of sympathy or empathy, fairness. I’m exhausted as in depleted Sure, no, I understand. You remember, when you’re inspired, in spirit, you’re, there’s enormous amounts of energy available to you. We can heal much quicker than we may realize when we make the shift that we’re about to make. So here’s one teaching for you. It’s not the only teaching, it’s just what I have, I can give in 10 minutes. It’s called stop, look and ask some of you may know it. Yeah, if you just brought something up, you got to apply something to it. So I just noticed a belief of that I’m back. Again, I’m like putting him serious magnifying glass on this, but I’m willing to do it for the teaching. And for my own healing, you know, of course. So I’m bad. Now I stop. And I look, they said, Okay, this has gone on in my life. It brings up an emotion. And it brings up a belief, a core belief in self. Belief is false. I know it’s false, because it causes pain. So I stopped and I looked. Now if you don’t know what the belief is, you can ask what’s going on in there. As I feel like I’m bad person. Now you want to turn up your higher wisdom. And however you do this, since for some of you, this may be difficult, because you may not be as tuned into it. You do have a superconscious mind that you want to use term Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit does that within you. divine mind is right there. in your own mind, there is a higher, wiser part of you, I guarantee it. So take the belief or whatever it is, I’m going to take the belief of I’m bad. What I mean like you really want to embody this and do it. Take a moment I won’t shut the camera. I’ll just do it right here. But without using my meditate, I shut the camera because my eyes are closed and I’m going to go and say okay, this has gone on now. It’s saddening, deep down, I feel like I’m responsible for this and I feel somehow bad. I’m gonna bring bad up a higher consciousness and I’m going to ask, and I know but I want to hear what it’s gonna say. I’m gonna let it correct my perceptions true. Am I bad? Did I do this? Like how am I how am I thinking off asking and I’m willing to let an higher wisdom come in and share I’ll take a moment encourage you to take a moment I’ll tell you exactly what comes through.
So let’s take a moment Taylor came to me and you’ll know you got it is there’s literally a shift that occurs inside your felson your chakra open, your felt sense will clear the negative emotion will clear the way you’re perceiving the situation will clear you’ll feel empowered, you’ll feel hope you realize there is a solution to this problem than necessarily the way you thought it would be. But there is a solution. And it took me less than a second to lead a hole and nothing I didn’t know this now that you didn’t know it has came through get that part of you needed to hear it. So what am I like to share if you were able to do that in that moment? If you took the belief that like I’m helpless and you said to higher mind, am I helpless? What would higher mind say to you and by the way, we can do this for our clients, I can do that for you right now. I can go in and say Am I or is my I would refer to you as a brother or a sister honestly. So is my other child of God you know are is my equal there is this other person? I’m gonna say other person but I want you to know I see you much deeper than this person. So is this other person helpless? An answer that comes right in is No. It’s not true, completely empowered to change the thought right now. But the word for the hypnotic programming be empowered. You can say you need years of hypnotic programming or months or weeks. Or you could just accept it right in the moment. And that’s the quickest way to clear karma. Just accept that other voice, what it said, instead of what you’ve been making up all this time. But I like to share before I tell you what happened inside of me. Okay. And hopefully to help you to do this later, you stop and look, and you find out what’s the negativity, that is the root of the karma? You go to higher mind. And so I said, and I did very humbly nothing like, you know, my conscious mind could have done it. But I think I need to go to higher awareness. Am I bad? And actually, you know, what I thought of is like these people, Am I bad that I created all of this. And what I just realized that I’m doing in these situations, is something that most guys do. By the way, I’m thinking predominantly of women, to be honest with you. I’m feeling bad for certain people I know who are not always feeling good, and who are in pain, and my heart goes out to them, and I want to help them get what I’m doing. I do with my wife, to be honest. She’s one of the people I’m thinking of to be radically honest, I won’t tell you know, anything that’s going on Beyonce, she’s not. Our relationship is good, but she’s not always feeling good is a 1617 month old daughter. Now that is exhausting her, saying I feel bad for her when she’s in pain. And I’m sure most of you guys can relate. We usually say to our spouses or significant others. What can I do to make it better? What can I do? And I know better, she doesn’t want me to do anything. She just wants me to listen. So what came to me was teach only love for that is why you are superior, A Course in Miracles line, teach only love for that as what you are and love doesn’t ask for anything. Love is just there. So when I thought of this and all other relationships that are affected this and blanking it out, they’re all the spokes into into every out external situation. And it’s like, I’m not the quarters, I’m not my brother’s keeper. I’m not here to fix anybody. yet. I am here to live from love. I’m not bad, I’m not responsible. Therefore I don’t feel I have to have the need to fix like that that can be corrected. That’s my karma. And if I feel the need to fix, I’m going to pull people into my life that I need to fix. Because that’s my internal belief system. If I really accept it, I’m not here to fix anyone. I’m only here to love. And then in these relationships, if all I extend is love, is the only thing I’m responsible for the only thing I’m meant to do. Nobody told me I’m supposed to judge these people. Nobody told me I’m supposed to fix these people. Nobody said I have to make all their pain or difficulties go away. I’m only here to live from love. That’s the miracle. That’s the shift that can occur. It changes your whole world, even though it didn’t necessarily change anything. It will change over time. Like right now. I don’t know how what ripple effects are gonna occur because of that. But I do No, no, it didn’t make me feel better. But it will cause me to be different when I go home to my wife and I should be sleeping at home. But you know, and I see here tomorrow and she talks about some ache or pain or something I would just only love I’m not going to try to fix it. If she says hey, can we do something about this? Sure. Because love would do that. So and of course in miracles it says love is incapable of asking for anything.
Including How can I fix you? Okay, so that was that was a personal thing, you know, personal shift, but anybody also like to share, but he may have been able to do inside yourself there. Again, before we close our review, just in case. So go ahead. You know, if he had someone please type while I’m talking. Your karma is inside of you. Your outside world is only a reflection of your own inner mind. But this stuff is subconscious is not hard to find. Because your subconscious mind is your feeling mind. You get in touch with your emotions. You find the belief system stored in the emotion. Oh, I just realized somehow I just thought I was helpless. I was a victim. I was capable of being exhausted. Take that belief go to higher mind say to true, what’s the truth? Not even Is it true is like, I can’t be true. So what’s the truth? How can I see it differently? revelation comes from God to you. Now from being God will reveal all Yep, you’re about. Remember, I’m not saying that higher mind or some external force is holding all your negative judgments against you. It holds the truth of who you are. So it just says you’re my beloved child in whom I’m well pleased. The question is are you willing to receive that? It says you’re immensely lovable and perfect in every way. You’re not responsible for anyone else’s life, including your own family. Like really And you know, argue with it, or you just let it in. And okay, so I’m not seeing I don’t think anyway, the other typing. Okay, so with that getting to nine o’clock, any last questions and all good, that’s true is that I came to you all is good if you let it come down the chakra system and into your heart you’ll feel the shift occurred inside metaphysical law so it’s not my guarantee I’m gonna say universal law teaches the external world will change as a result of the shift you made in yourself. Okay great, great. All right any last questions you’re sharing before you stop recording, wrap it up for tonight. Go ahead and pick out him. Just a reminder, if you’re thinking of enrolling in school, April 2 is coming upon us pretty quick. We’re enrolling for Tampa, Miami, Naples and Orlando. And next week, we’ll do a whole class on the healed and the unhealed healer extremely relevant for hypnotherapists who want to help others but have their own internal wounds they need to heal. And then I’ll list all another four classes soon enough. All right. Love is the healer. Thank you, Matthew. Thank you, sir. I’m glad the time change occurred. So you can be here. The whole class Valley. Hello. Hello. Welcome. And thanks much, Lee. Oh, nice. All right. Great. Great. Great. Thank you, everybody. I’ll stop recording right here. Yeah. Any last closing thoughts? And if time we’ll see you next week, or when we do. Alright, everyone.
So what do you think about that, you know, this process of going through your emotions and your beliefs and exposing what you really truly think about yourself, is something that we do as hypnotherapist, and it’s something that we’re taught to do in the training here with the Institute. But it’s a really powerful, let’s say exercise, when you’re willing to get vulnerable and actually look, actually do the internal searching. So I hope that you really enjoyed that. And I hope that you had some, well, I’ll even call it an enlightenment, some sort of perspective shift about maybe some of the emotions and beliefs that you’re holding about yourself. And this is literally how you can release yourself and clear yourself of your karma is by coming to terms with those beliefs, and then reframing them and listening to your inner wisdom, you know, your inner guidance, that inner voice and asking really what is true, what’s true about me and what’s true about my my life and in my reality, you know, and also what’s not true about my current way of thinking, and my current belief system. So anyway, really powerful episode today. I really hope you enjoyed this one. Again, definitely appreciate you being here. And make sure you subscribe because we’re releasing new episodes every week. So I will talk to you soon. So if you’re interested in learning more about hypnotherapy or possibly becoming a hypnotherapist, then head over to our website, www dot Institute of hypnotherapy Comm. We’ve got a lot of free resources there that you can check out and just things that you can dive into, as well as actually you can get involved in the next certification course if you’re interested. You get the first four hours for free. So go ahead and sign up over there on our website. So I appreciate you being here. Remember, choose happiness, my friends, and I’ll catch you on the next one.
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