Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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But it’s a subconscious mental cause I’m not as conscious of it as I think of a deep seated subconscious belief that attacking others hurting others will somehow bring me love and peace. And think about it. That’s how most of us are living our lives. If I just insult someone, if I do something rude if I attack in any way, then somehow it’s going to get me what I want. This is not a sin to be punished. Yet it is something that is going to be that you can’t get out of universal law, the law is is there to karma, I would say is universal law.
Hey, everyone, welcome back to illuminated mind. This is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. I’m your host, Corey Benschop. And I really appreciate you tuning in today. So today’s show is all about karma. You know, what does karma mean? What is it actually? And why would it be beneficial to clear it? Is karma actually something that exists? And if it does, where does it exist? Or when does it exist? It seems to have something to do with this idea of time, right? If I do something today, then my karma is going to get me tomorrow. Well, is time even real? You know? Do we have any influence over karma? Can we change it? Is it possible that karma is actually internally created? Or is it just an external process, an external sort of law that’s being imposed upon us, you know, this idea of judgment, right, I’ve done something wrong or bad. So therefore, I should be punished. And this is going to be my karma. That statement might hold the key to what karma is. And in today’s episode, we’re going to dive deep into this idea of karma and just, you know, talk about some of these questions and start looking at them from different angles. Today’s episode is another conscious community class recording that Matthew gave. And it’s really, really eye opening and empowering when you start to think of these different ways that karma might actually exist in the world and within us for that matter. So make sure you listen to the end, because I think that you’re going to gain a lot of insight, and possibly the ability to change anything that you don’t like about your life and any negative karma that you think you might be experiencing. So enjoy this one. And I’ll catch you at the end of the show.
And let me officially welcome everybody to Monday night class. Welcome, Steve, who is typing? We are talking today about clearing karma with hypnotherapy. So with that said, Steve started us off in a really nice fashion. He said, What do you keep referring to this car mechanic. So tonight, we’re talking about car mechanics, and specifically how to clear them out of your life’s, you know, going back to the car mechanic over and over again. So it’s actually a very interesting topic that we’re on tonight. And really, in not all seriousness, but in more seriousness, when people come to us as hypnotherapists, when they come to us, they want to be clients, and they’re hurting, they’re suffering in some way. They tend to be in patterns that they’re repeating over and over again. And you could look at these as things that we play out from lifetimes. But I don’t ask people who join us on Monday night to believe in reincarnation or multiple lifetime model. So we can speak of karma. In that sense. Yeah, we can also really keep it somewhat down to earth. And just talk about how we get caught in these ruts and how we clear ourselves from that. However, it’s very rare for me to be a bit of a stay down to earth. So I imagine we’re going to start looking at this from a higher perspective. And saying, if you find yourself dealing with some difficulty, and we say it’s your karma, by then whatever that means, which we’ll talk about tonight, then Wouldn’t it be unbelievably amazing? If hypnotherapy could clear karma. I remember when I first opened my hypnotherapy practice in 1997. All those years ago, I went to this psychic, intuitive healer, supposedly she was that and in In her advertising she actually said she could clear karma. And I was like, I would pay somebody clear any karma and it wasn’t even necessarily a specific issue there was just more that term you know she’s advertising like medical intuitive psychic, you know clear your karma How am I if there’s any truth This woman you know is always willing to go and learn from anybody even the pay them per sessions just to see what they do get a feel for it. See what blockages Am I Oh, and I could clear. And at some point, I did bring that up to her. I said, What do you actually mean by clearing karma? And she actually very humbly said, Oh, I don’t do that. Oh, well. false advertising there. I bought into it. And when I but I tonight, when I put out the topic, I do believe that hypnotherapy clears karma. Yeah, we have to define the term. Good evening, Martha. Welcome. We have to define what is the term karma mean? And then what would it mean to clear it? And why would that be so beneficial? So welcome, everybody. And let me ask you guys, what do we mean? I’ll ask you first, what do we mean by karma? What does that word mean to you? And then of course, the topic will come up. Why would it be beneficial to be clear of that? Why would that be something worthwhile? So what do we mean by the term karma? Neff car mechanic, but karma? Or what is the bumper sticker? My karma ran over your dogma? karma is an account of our thoughts, words and actions. Okay. So again, account, can ask you, Dr. K, where do you feel that account exists? It sounds like it’s a store house somewhere. All of our thoughts, words and actions 10 accounts and some were somehow with the superconscious. Okay, gotcha. And let’s see, Nancy said, karma one’s pre existing past. Okay, I would ask them to as well, if you wouldn’t mind. Where does that exist? Right. So if karma is something real, if it exists, then where does the pre existing past exist? I don’t mean to push you too hard there. I really want love for us to define our terms.
If we’re clearing something from the past, then does the past exist anymore? So you know, what is karma? if it exists, if it’s something to be cleared, if it exists, it must be something and it must exist somewhere. And it must have an effect. Right? So we know a lot of us will probably somebody probably say subconscious sorry to no mean to be illiterate. No, no, that was good. Oh, there you said, Okay. in one’s guilt and subconscious. Nice. Okay. So Dr. k says it’s held is an account in the superconscious. Good. So let’s open us to good discussion. Nancy says it’s in the subconscious. And in one’s guilt, which I think is a very important topic to bring up here. That’s part of why I asked Dr. Kay where exists in infinite time. So guys, is your karma in the past? Or is it existing in infinite time, but then I’ll push it a little bit Dr. K, and say, his time real? If Kai I guess, is karma rail, where if we’re clearing something that exists, and it’s stored somewhere, like really like, Where’s it store? Like, where is this thing called karma? Is it something so nebulous that we can possibly touch with anyway, like questions would be like, do we have any influence over this thing called karma? Steve says, we choose our universe and then we have to live in it. And there There you go. There’s other ways to say that right? Like you made your bed I have to sleep in it. And that would be based on like, even wasted there. And based on a past choice, I like I made a choice to come into this universe. And now it’s a kind of like this. Imagine if you walk into this, you pay or you buy your ticket, you walk into Disney World, and whatever occurs in Disney World, on some level, you’re responsible for your experience, right? There’s nobody said you had to go into Disney World, but as soon as you did, you made a choice. It had an effect. The question is, is that choice? stored somewhere, is it I mean, I chose to wear burgundy red tie tonight is that choice Now in some place where it’s stored conscious, super conscious subconscious. Is it actually having an effect? Or is it just I made a choice and I have to deal with the consequences for good or bad of my actions? Is it present moment? Or is it gonna catch up with me in the future? Okay, let’s see what else you guys are writing, we’re masking a lot of questions. So we can not assume that we know anything. So it’s a good place to start, or realizations that we have made bad judgments earlier in this life or in past lives, and it will come back and we shall pay for that typically, when we have worked hard. So there’s definitely a belief in the karmic model, that there’s usually a first of all, there’s judgment in it, like Nancy use the word guilt, that there’s a judgment in the concept of karma, then we So Sarah sang, like the individual realizes, I made a bad choice in the past. So there’s something about time here in relationship to karma that we’re alluding to, right. And that choices made in the past, you made your bed, now you’re going to sleep and I’m kind of thing that’s going to come back to us. And typically, when we worked hard, meaning that somehow you have to burn off the karma, right? That’s why most people might see it, that I made bad choices. And now I need to either suffer for that. Or I have to work really hard. One way to look at this, and I’m not giving any answers right now, we’re just exploring perspective. So nothing I say is necessarily how I view it at this point.
Sometimes when we think I have to work hard, like I did something bad. Now I’ve got to work it out. And that’s kind of the concept of karma. It’s almost like beating God to the punch. But if we look at it this way, that somewhere and superconscious, higher self awareness and some higher mind, that there’s a collection of all the choices we’ve made. And a lot of people believe that it’s a punishment system, that you’re going to have to work out your bad karma. And they usually because of the word guilt, they usually believe that that involves some type of suffering some type of punishment, some type of it’s gonna have to be hard. The question I really why I’m struggling with a lot of questions is I know, people make so many assumptions about this topic. Even unconsciously, even if you’ve never thought about karma and clearing karma, you are playing the game, maybe whether you know it or not, for instance, you do something that huge edge is bad, or you think someone else judged is bad. And again, like the word bad is not a word that i’m saying is from my perspective, but a person could judge themselves that way. And then they could feel I need to suffer for it, I need to be punished for it, it’s going to someday come back again, me. The question is, is that really how the mechanism works, that there’s some external force? that’s doing it to us? That’s why I was very curious to ask when Dr. Kay land Nancy had both shared this concept of karma somehow exists, then my question really is where does it exist? Is it an external force? That you really don’t have any control over? Or is it in internally generated for us that you’re actually continually reproducing at every moment? Let’s consider that. If it’s an external lace, a storehouse of collective thoughts, words and deeds, that you’ve set into motion? There’s nothing you can really do about that at all. Then you’re kind of at the mercy of your karma, you’re gonna play it out? Or is it possible? It’s an internally self generating and continually self replicating process that can be broken in any moment? And then, if it’s more internal, it will lead possibly, or whatever it is, is, again, I’m opening on open your mind to get to the thing. If it’s external, can we clear it? If it’s internal? Can we clear it? A lot of people tend to live under the notion that it’s just going to come back again someday, I think what goes around comes around is a very karmic type of statement. But is that actually how it really works? Or if it is, how it works? Is there a way to supersede that? Was there a way to bypass that and see what else you guys said existed in time? Time is a restriction or a label that man has put on himself in his environment? both time and karma are real okay. actually said Yes, we can. Okay, yes, we can finish our karma biking choices. Karma is a form of accountability. Okay, good. Yes, it is a system checks and balances. Okay, good, good. Karma is a balance. I remember when I was in college, and I was a religion major, I started studying karma, I came across the concept of it being a balancing systems like the universe works to harmonize itself. And then when we do something that’s out of harmony, the universe works to harmonize it back again. So the balancing is actually not necessarily this negative punishment system. It’s just that you do something kind of bad, you know, we used that word loosely. And then somehow the universe reacts to that and comes back to balance. Again, I’m not giving any answers right now. I was doing a lot of questions just to stir up our thoughts. Is the karma stored in the Akashic records? Good. I think what’s important when I’m leading us to, is to make these statements questions, rather than statements. Because when we think we know, we tend to limit our understanding. And when we say, well, maybe it’s that or maybe there’s a deeper way to look at it. Maybe there’s a deeper understanding is remember, most people caught up in the model of Gil,
believe they deserve punishment, the guilty believe they deserve punishment. We can question that statement, of course. But if I do that all night, we’ll never make any progress. So let me just put out the guilty punish themselves. They believe that they’re bad, and they deserve punishment. Now, if that person hears about the concept of karma, they will say, oh, mine’s bad, and it’s gonna come back and get me and because of their underlying presuppositions presupposition that I’m bad, I’m guilty, I deserve punishment, they will read these under misunderstand this very basic universal law. Now, think about it from the mostly Christian tradition is quite often we hear about it, it has a lot to do with the concept and it might be a total misquote, but it is in the Bible like Christ saying, Take up your cross and follow me and it’s like, and it is quoted by Christ saying, as you sow, sow, you shall reap. And that’s very much a karmic statement, made your bed now you have to lay in a planted seeds, they’re gonna have to reap the rewards or the, you know, what comes out of those seeds. But because of this underlying feeling of guilt, that we all carry this presupposition of how to deal with guilt, it gets infused in our thinking and used in our religions. And unfortunately, possibly it could get infused into our therapies, the different transformation modalities of the world. What if they have a misunderstanding of this term karma? And they’re at, excuse me, they’re actually causing people to feel more guilty, or to feel more fear that how many religions have caused more fear, and more guilt, but it’s not the religion that did it. There’s no such thing as a religion. There’s people who have a shared belief system. And what I want us to do is really question is the shared belief system of karma? The belief we hold that what is karma, but the shared belief we hold? Is it a healthy, accurate, beneficial one? So yeah, let’s hold the question. Is it stored in the Akashic records? Meaning when in case you don’t know what the term means, you hear much in the Edgar Cayce materials that some where, again, there’s someplace not physical, yet possibly permeating the physical or transcend into the physical, that everything that ever is, was or will be every thought you’ve had every word every action is stored. So it’s like a collective consciousness or collective unconsciousness. Basically, the place where all the records of all existence reside. The question would be, is your karma stored there? And then if clearing karma means we have to change the Akashic records or we have to access superconscious mind somehow to change that, then we might be very limited in our ability to do that. I think clearing karma might require some real you’ve heard of shaman sometimes who will go into the dream time ongoing to add a body experience, they’ll transcend this world that go up to other levels, and they will work out your sickness and work out your issues. So, you know, is that required? Do you need to hire a shaman or somebody who has access to the Akashic records to be able to clear your karma manifest manifested errors left unaddressed nice to Sandra, built another one, where is the error generally What if there’s an error that we made? So you know, people will say, bad, good, bad. But let’s, let’s wipe that slate clean right now. Good, bad or human judgments, all right, because if you think about it, the table in front of you is in doing that. It is bound by the law of karma. The computer monitor in front of you is insane, good or bad interest he is rocks aren’t saying good or bad if a rock falls in your head. However, that happened, it’s not necessary, the rock is saying all I’m bad. So the like, Where is the the judgment of I’m bad actually occurring? And if we look at what Sandra said, manifested errors, so like where did the error come from and left unaddressed? Why it is to keep repeating itself? So I would say centered in an answer, but I would actually say errors only come from human mind. And that’s like, Where else could you have an erroneous thought? Let’s come up with an erroneous thought.
I’m going to murder 18 people. And that will bring me joy. That will make me feel really good to hurt and kill a lot of people. It’s an extreme example, obviously. But let’s use an extreme example. Now, obviously, you would think that type of thought, if it led to an action, especially would create karma, I think that’d be safe to say, Get Where was the karma generated from the point I want to throw in here is it would appear it’s an internally generated process that the person who had that kind of thought it originated in his usually is for some reason, in his mind, and it was an error. In thinking, it was simply a mistaken choice, I cry if I hurt and kill a lot of people, I’ll be peaceful and happy. Is it a sin to be punished? Or is it an error that just needs correction? So how is karma set up? Is it set up to store all of your negative stuff? And then to jump back on? Yes, someday? There’s a funny little thing about karma. In India, they say when you bathe in the Ganges River, it clears all it’ll clear your karma. The guy who’s actually what the most dirty rivers in the world is, the sacred is it maybe are believed by some to be the funny logic they say is when Okay, so when you’re in the Ganges, you don’t have any karma, it jumps up onto a tree. And then the moment you get back out of the Ganges, it jumps back onto you again. But the concept again, you know, with all respect and with immense respect to the Indian tradition, and you know, the where a lot of these teachings originate from, can you clear karma by bathing in a river? Can you clear karma by doing religious rituals? Like how, what is it? And how does it get cleared? previous karma and choice are like two steps both guide us to choose a future path. There you go. So, there’s whatever this word is karma. But we’re looking at it’s based in choice is something to do with time. And what I’m leading us more and more to, it has a lot to do with our mind. Because Where could show where does choice originate? Where are we coming up with ideas, and then acting upon ideas, your car mechanic will run over your dog mechanic. Very good, Steve. It can be both internal versus external for others, okay, balances neutral. So that whatever this thing called karma is your thing. It could be happening from some external agency, some external force. Let’s think about it. Again, I’m not in the end, I’ll probably come up with telling you know how I see this yet. I do want us all, including the speaker, to be open to maybe there’s another way to look at it, maybe there’s a higher level of understanding to gain. In the end, I will say I would never have promoted, you know, actively promoted, but never sent out an email about doing a class and clearing karma if I didn’t believe we could clear it. So I do believe it can be cleared. For sure. Well, well, at least a bit in that presupposition with balance is neutral, good. So the concept again, good and bad, right and wrong. These are a human concepts. These are things we made up in our minds. But that’s important. Because if you judge yourself as bad, and judge what you did is wrong. And believe you deserve punishment, then is it an external lead generated process of you feeling bad, and having negative negativity come to you? Or was that internally generate, even though you may have attracted something to you? Ah, the concept is it started from inside. So let’s look at the con karma in this way. Is it something that started outside? And then cause some internal process? Meaning what is first? Is the external world causal? Or is mind causal? chicken or the egg? So is it just chicken or the egg and there’s no way to really know or, in metaphysics is mind always causal? I’m going to say, mind is always causal.
If I make a choice, my mind made the choice now could I say and Dr. K’s alluding to it, and I’m alluding to it as well, we want to give thought to the concept of time. And he’s alluding to the concept of the past, right, that somehow in the moment, because you’re gonna make choices in the moment, but what’s fueling our choices in the moment? Is it again, some external agent? Or are our choices internally generated? And how conscious are your choices? Are you really as aware as you think? For instance, when you say, I’m gonna use an extreme example of like a serial killer, I’m gonna choose to murder a lot of people. We’ll just go with that one, you’re gonna choose to hurt a lot of people in that way. Did he just like have the idea out of the blue? Or something festering and stirring inside? Is no biotech. Anybody said tonight that karma is from our conscious mind. So I might make a choice and think I made a consciously. Yeah. suppose somebody typed in were alluding to that it’s happening at a deeper level. The question is, is it something totally out of our control? some external agent? Or is it being generated from inside? So let’s hold that thought. At some point, the universe provides opportunities to address and resolve these uncorrected thought processes. Okay, nice. And then again, is it just the universe as an external force? Or do we through what’s called law of attraction very similar to the law of karma? Do we pull that into our reality? based on what’s happening inside of us? So is the universe just whatever that thing is called the universe? Is it holding? Like, like you made a choice? And someday we’re going to bring a lesson to you? Or did you hold that into reality? Based on your own internal pattern? So again, I just want us to consider, is there anything external going on at all? Let’s see, in a way, we all do it to ourselves, we bash ourselves as punishment before karma does it? Or what if we simplify them? In a way we do it to ourselves? We bash ourselves and that is our karma. What if there is like all these words? Remember words are human constructs. Karma, universe, punishment, good, bad judgment. All of these are just words. Yeah, when I say so what is real? What’s actually happening? It’s actually pretty simple. And if you look inside yourself, you’ve got a mind and you’re making choices. But what do you base your choices on? I’m going to say we look to our listener to our hearts for the choices that we make. Let’s say the person who decided I’m gonna I’m gonna stop using the word Kill Kill on this use the word hurt. Let’s say this person is that gonna hurt a lot of people. Now, he must have had some feeling inside. They probably didn’t intellectually reason that one out. And that was probably sent actually they did studies in serial killers. And they showed that the part of the brain that inhibits subconscious, urges, these negative urges that we all have to some degree and the anger, the attack thoughts the fear based thoughts that lead to defensiveness or attack We all have that to a degree. But what they found in serial killers is the part of the brain that actually can inhibit that kind of thing is in functioning. So they just have a thought, I’m going to hurt someone, and nobody inside says, Yeah, let’s not do that. Alright, so I’m gonna have a thought, I’m gonna get this person. But my conscious mind can say, you know, where we live in a civilized society where we’re going to be a good person, we don’t do that. So I want us to consider that it’s not conscious. Even though I say we made a choice. The choice originated from at least the level of subconscious, that some emotion, some inner feeling
that already existed there. So you might call that a karmic seed. That’s something already existed inside of you a tendency to cause you to take action. And if that’s a lot of what’s happening, then influences that motivates our behaviors. Then we’re seeing, it’s not some external, unknowable. If you really think about things like Kaushik records are superconscious mind or universe it really completely outside of our understanding or control, because now they abstract concepts. I have never seen the Akashic records, no offense, you know, or humbly stated, I believe I’ve tapped into superconscious mind. But my experience has been it usually is the one who speaks to me. I’m not usually the one that tells it how it’s gonna be. Usually super conscious is a voice that gives wisdom and knowledge and clarity helps to actually correct my negative thinking, but isn’t necessarily holding grudges against me, or condemning me. So I’m gonna encourage us to only think of the term karma to look more inside and not to make it so much outside of ourselves and kind of philosophical concepts. The inside of ourselves is our own direct experience of what we’re doing every day moment to moment. shook records our iCloud thinking what you mean there, and let me see what I said. Karma is a belief in action. Martha has been through the training there we go. Spoken after my own heart, get we’re gonna get to that one. It’s very much what I’m teaching here. It’s I haven’t really said that happened. I know that will come up tonight. So Martha, whether you’re saying is very much fit Ah, or through Brownstein, Pena teaching is karma. The word karma. Let’s define it though. The word karma means action. So we’re talking about we made choices we’ve taken action, be aware of the choices come through, the choices didn’t come from just our conscious mind. The more we learn about hypnotherapy, the more we learn your subconscious, is what motivates your behaviors. How many of you have tried to stop smoking and you can’t stop, try to stop overeating, you can’t stop, you want to stop being so judgmental, but you can do it. You want to stop feeling so guilty, but you can do it. You don’t want to keep feeling all this pain, you can’t get over it. You keep repeating these patterns. Karma is very much these patterns that we find ourselves stuck in to say that it’s happening somewhere else. And then we’re kind of the victim to it doesn’t give us much power at all, to be able to clear it. Yet, if it’s coming from inside her own subconscious mind. Then in hypnotherapy, we have access to that. So I would define karma for sure. As Martha is a just about graduate this this weekend, as a graduate of our school, karma, his belief system, in your beliefs in action. So if I believe hurting people, will bring me peace. That’s what it comes down to. Or I get in love. And if I believe that hurting others will bring me love and joy. It is an error, just an error. Not good, bad, right? Wrong. Now we’ll have an effect, because that’s what karma is, is it’s basically cause and effect. I have a cause which I’m affirming is mental. But it’s a subconscious mental cause I’m not as conscious of it as I think of a deep seated subconscious belief that attacking others hurting others will somehow bring me love and peace. And think about it. That’s how most of us are living our lives. If I just insult someone, if I do something rude if I attack in any way, then somehow it’s going to get me what I want. This is not a sin to be punished. Yet it is something that is going to be that you can’t get out of universal law. The law is is there to karma, I would say is universal law. But what if we say it’s cause and effect? What is the cause? Again, I’m alluding to causes mental. Yeah, not mental, on some other levels now, like design mind, is causing you to think that way. It’s not that the Akashic records are causing you to think that way. What’s causing us to think in ways that cause our own suffering? And then the question is, can we clear that? If I’m attracting things to me through law of attraction? Is it because of things that were
done in the past? Or are those patterns as Sandra alluded to, uncorrected now, I consider yourself like a magnet emanating out a vibratory field, when you emanate out a field, the magnet is going to try to track things that are like on to the field that resonate with the field, it doesn’t really matter so much what the field was resonating 20 years ago, because whenever particles got attracted to that, are naturally being attracted to it now, because it’s vibration rate only exists now, though, if you think about again, what do we know? You know, aside from abstract concepts, you know, you exist now, you know, you have feelings now, you know, you have thoughts now. And what I will say is that those are emanating out of field, but you can feel incense, you know, very real, not necessarily abstract, only in the now, and that your thoughts conscious and subconscious, only exists now. So, here’s the way to look at it, your current thoughts are creating your future. Therefore, your past thoughts have created now. And everything you’ve been through in the past, you could say, as at least something to do with your past thoughts. But I would actually say the past doesn’t exist. It’s an abstract human concept, right to think that the past still exists. Time is a concept, other concept we make up in our mind. So what if there’s only now? If you really think of it, and there’s only now you say, Yeah, but what happened 20 minutes ago? Well, there’s only now. And right now, you still have this same blockages, perhaps, that you had 20 minutes ago? Are is what happened. 20 minutes, let’s say you had a negative thought 20 minutes ago? Is somebody storing them thoughts somewhere outside of you to someday punish you with it? Or if you let go the negative thoughts? Why would it have any more effect on you? But what if you’re still holding it, but if it’s still festering inside, what we find is hypnotherapist is, the negative memories from your childhood or your past lives are still lingering inside, they’re stored in your subconscious mind. They’re not that far away. Your your past life memories, if you want to go there, I was very close. It is not hard to tap into your past life memories. You don’t need very deep trance levels. Actually. Some people say you do and sometimes some people need that. But actually, it’s not hard for some people to just tap in. Martha it’s not a hard for people to tap in to these deep seated painful memories. But where do the memories exist? If you think about your computer, let’s use the harddrive analogy for a moment. It doesn’t matter what was programmed in the past. What matters is what’s in the harddrive. Now, the hard drive is bound by cause and effect to type in some negative programming. If I did five years ago, and the negative program continues to run, there’s no past influencing the computer. It’s only the present is there’s no such thing as past or future. There’s the only the now that the computer is circulating that program that can program is running behind the scenes on your screen, all you see is error error, you know does not work as a computer. But all of that is coming from programming much deeper that you’re not necessarily aware of. Doesn’t matter that the programming was put in four or 567 10 years ago. When is the programming there now. So if we really we get out of the abstract, we just know karma, like this, this thing that something is in quiet, right? Right that something’s going to happen if I gotta get out of this pattern. I’m stuck in this rut. So how many of you you don’t have to answer but out I can tell you how so many clients come to me to say, I had this abusive relationship and this person abused me, this person abused me, then I had this relationship abuse me. And this really it’s like, that’s karma. It’s a karmic pattern. But again, Where’s it coming from? Are there lords of karma? You are putting these people into your life?
Or are you making choices consciously and subconsciously, vibrating out a field that is attracting people into that field? Again, if we acknowledge that it’s a hunt, or I’m going to ask you to can really consider what if it’s 100% internally generate, then we are 100% empowered to clear it in a very Matter of fact, very real way, not having to depend on any other force. The here’s what happens. Sometimes people come to me, but you may have had people come to you, and they say, my life is a wreck. My business is about to crash. They’re about to foreclose take away my home, I have children, I have like serious health issues that are developing from all this stress. Oh, you know, some people find themselves in very desperate situations. The question is, is that person able to make some kind of shift, that could change everything. And that’s really part of what inspired this talk is, so many people that I’ve met who said, I mentioned, wheel, and the hub, the rim, the outer edge of the wheel is your life. The Hub is you. If you turn and face this way, imagine one of the spokes facing this way. And let’s say this way is thoughts. The Hub is you, you’re the thinker, your thoughts are turned towards negativity, anger, fear, lack, vengeance type thoughts, attack, Ai, bots, hurt old type thoughts. So pointing in that direction, the spoke in that direction, is affecting the rim that’s over there. If it’s an externally, if it’s an external process, an external thing to be changed, would have to turn the rim all the way from here, all the way around to here, because the flip side of it is abundance, prosperity, Grace, harmony, is home money, harmonious relationships. Now, one of those things I just mentioned, if you think there are external things, and if you want to get all those external things, you can work very, very, very, very, very hard to try to turn the rim. But think about how much time it is involved in that action in a what’s motivating that way of thinking. Thinking is motivating that way of thinking, some idea motivates that way of thinking, again, it’s an internal thought that would say, I’m going to work to change all of these external factors to get them over to here. But what happens in a course in miracles, what happens in a shift in the mind is when you take the hub, think about the physics of it, when you take the metaphysics, think about the physics of it, when you take a hub, and you just turn it 180 degrees, the rim instantly gets there too, but it moves very, very fast. The Hub, only to make the tiniest little shift, and the entire outer edge of the wheel went with it. You don’t have to manipulate the spokes or the rim, you need to change the pivot point, you need to change the way you’re appointed. But think about if you think about where the way spokes could go off, if I turn 30 degrees towards negativity. And I keep thinking that way for a very, very, very, very long time. I will end up in a very negative place after 2030 4050 lifetimes, 30 4050 years. But what if the debate has shifted 30 degrees, the opposite? And I keep going into that direction. But again, what’s motivating? Who’s directing the rudder? Is it an external force that’s moving my rudder or is it me? If it’s me, I’m 100% in power to clear my karma, if I have to work with the rim, or what if there’s some external agent that controls the rim and will eventually turn the negative stuff in front of me, to make me have to look at it? If it’s all external, some external force moving the external world I’m at the whim the mercy of that external force. But if it’s me, who is the center in the hub? I am immediately empowered to change. But now, is there an external force involved here? Yes, absolutely.
Here’s a quote for you. The law of grace supersedes the law of karma. We are at the mercy of another force. Yeah, I’m going to say it’s a completely benevolent force. And it’s there to correct the errors that we carry inside of ourselves that manifest our karma. Instantly, the shifts that we’re all looking for, and occur instantly. That’s what I’m leading us toward to start with a lot of questions. But I definitely have a point of view on this, which I hope you’re willing to entertain. Because what if I’m right? What if clearing karma is something that we as human beings, as hypnotherapist can assist in other human beings? And we don’t have to ask any external intervention or go to someplace that we have no access to think? Do you have access to the Akashic records? Do you really have access to a past that no longer exists? You have access to the programming that’s in the subconscious mind. Now, you have access to the belief systems that motivate negative behavior. Now, you have access to the emotion, the memories, beliefs and emotions that cause a person’s patterns in the hair. Now, if that’s the case, and if that’s what karma is, and the internally generated process that emanates out of vibration, that attracts things to you a law of attraction, if that’s what’s going on, we’re 100% empowered to clear karma. So when I said I went to a psychic, intuitive healer, and she said, I can clear karma. I didn’t think it was such a crazy idea. Like Well, sure you to be able to clear karma. I didn’t fully understand or I didn’t have the understanding, I believe I do now. And of course, I’m still open to learning more. Yeah, when she had to humbly admit, oh, I don’t know how to clear karma. It caused me to really locked in. Well, what is it? Can you clear it? So I’ll define the terms a little bit more. Let me go back to the chat pod though. Martha said karma is a belief in action. And again, I would totally agree. It’s our sun scar in our solar to self. Let’s define that term for a moment. sanskaar would relate very much to the term karmic seed, yet a son scar, the definition. What does that word mean? It’s a mental impression. Sound scars are impressions upon your own consciousness. There’s Murthy. Use the term your soul. Basically, you’re keep the terms like, come down to earth, even though Yeah, you’re using really good terms. Imagine your own consciousness is an imprint on it. And we call those memories. That is something very negative happens to you. Now, I don’t believe that just happened by chance, because we have to say, Well, what caused that yet in a human present life model, what we acknowledge in hypnotherapy is something happened. And eventually, some point and access can go back for lifetimes. If you want open to that, you develop the belief system, Dad hits you, and you’d concluded you’re a bad person. That causes an emotional response automatically. In fact, the two are wholly connected. The word bad. I’m bad as the emotional response of let’s go back to the term guilt. I’m a bad girl I’m feeling they should feel guilty. Remember, the guilty punish themselves. That’s so the memory is not neutral. It has a thought, we’ll just stick with one thought. By the way, I do want to do a meditation tonight that help you to clear karma. But we have to define like, what do we really mean by it? How can we do it? Let’s just say the word bad. The belief system. Remember, Martha acknowledged the term karma is belief in action. One of the most core beliefs that people hold is that somehow you’re bad. You deserve some kind of punishment, you’re just inherently not good. If you’re willing to look, I see it all the time of clients. So you’re probably in denial p don’t find some part of you. I’m not saying you are, but some part of you that believes that you’re bad. And that causes shame. It causes fear because you don’t want to show that part to the world. It’s called the shadow side and everybody unless you truly cleaned house. Everybody has that to some degree, it might not be huge, but if it’s there, it’s worth looking at. And of course in miracles, it’s taught there no idle thoughts. Every thought has creative power. If there’s no idle thoughts, the thought is causative thought is what’s manifesting. So this subconscious belief, the sanskaar is a memory with a belief system with an emotion In this case, we’ll use the emotion guilt.
And it is emanating out, it has a ripple effect, but it’s internally generated. And it’s self replicating. It just keeps supporting itself because it’s emotionally logical OR illogical. It’s called emotional reasoning, because I feel bad. So I must be bad. I feel like I’m a bad person, his dad made me feel like I’m a bad person, therefore, I must be a bad person. Here’s the quote, the universe, whatever that is, but let’s tone it down, actually, people support us and our beliefs. People support us in our beliefs. If I believe I’m bad, most people would treat me that way. And then I’d say God, I don’t know, I guess it just got some bad karma. You can’t emanate out the victim, victim, victim, victim, and not expect people to treat you that way. If you me, if you have a belief system, let’s say the belief stupid. I see that belief because we’re a school. And we test our students. And it is amazing how often that button gets pushed when you’re in post secondary education. When post secondary meaning you went through grade school, somebody made you believe you’re stupid. Now you end up in adult education. And you’re trying to learn things that aren’t that hard to learn, really. But all of a sudden, huge amounts of fear starts coming up irrational amounts, the person you know, would say, and they would say, I don’t know, I just feel so stupid, I must be stupid. That’s called emotional reasoning. It’s one of the cognitive distortions of a part of our mind that we call the inner critic. The inner critic is your own inner judge, it’s judging you is bad. It’s looked at your past, it judged you as stupid, it judged you as bad. And you’re doing it. So who’s the judge here? It’s you. And who’s the executioner, it’s you were the ones doing it. Again, if we keep coming back to that, it’s easy to understand. It doesn’t become overly metaphysical. And it’s completely under our control and transport. Okay, so very good. Martha, give us term sanskaar. These are karmic seeds. They can lay dormant for a while. Right? You may have learned when you were 10 years old, let’s say younger, five years old, that you’re a stupid bad kid. Now, nothing pushed that button. Really, you know, it was hard to get through school and through. But while you were working in your job, you know, you knew what you were doing was fine. You leave your job, you come into hypnotherapy school, you’re now needing to learn new skill sets. And all of a sudden, the belief that I’m dumb and stupid starts coming up again. And your suffering and your studies are so much harder, and you’re feeling doubtful, and you don’t know if you’re gonna be able to complete the training. And then we, as your supervisors, instructors hypnotherapist we say, just do a session, we regress you back to the cause of the problem, we don’t go back to the past. When you do regression, you do not go back to the past, it’s not time travel, we’re looking at the programming that exists. Now the only place you can look is now right now you’re repeating the pattern, and you say but it’s 10 minutes later, but it’s still the same pattern that’s there now. And then you come back a week later, after you had your little break something else. Some students might have a little breakdown in training, or like oh my god, I just feel so stupid. And if I can do it, we’re like, come on schedule a session, we can clear this blockage to samskaras your blockages there, your buttons, and they are your karma. Because it’s coming from inside, I can wreak arrest the person back to the cause of the problem. Again, I’m looking at what’s in there now. So we say back to the cause, you might say in to the cause. I’m looking at the programming in the subconscious. Now. I can bring it to consciousness. And then once what was subconscious is brought to conscious, the error can be corrected. Now you’d say, Well, what if the belief developed in a past life? It doesn’t matter. Because the belief is there. Now. It doesn’t matter when the belief developed. In fact, if you trace it back, you’ll never find the origin. When did you conclude your bad that goes back further than anyone could remember. That’s like the fall like the an Adam and Eve you know, and speaking loosely, that’s at least 6000 years old. And A Course in Miracles literally that detour into fear that movement of separation of feeling of guilt, developed millions upon millions of years ago, A Course in Miracles teaches beyond anyone’s remembering and happened so long ago and time based term. So you’re never going to find the origin of your negative belief. Anyway. You Yet, but you acknowledges, My belief is there right now, a negative thought exists now, it doesn’t exist in the past,
it’s not stored somewhere else, I’m gonna say it’s stored right there inside of you. If it’s stored somewhere else, we’d have to find a way to get access to that somewhere else. Here with hypnotherapy, we find the problem is right there just below conscious awareness. You can feel it in your own body. This takes away the metaphors. And again, I’m not against metaphysics, but it takes away the abstract philosophical thinking. And it says, if you look in your heart, you can feel your sun scars below your shoulders and above your waist, our students know what I’m referring to. You will feel your karmic seeds, you will feel your sound scars, you’ll feel your blockages. It causes tension, it causes tightness, it causes a disease, we can clear these blocks, this is what it means to clear karma. So let’s keep talking about it. The concept is we bring to consciousness, what was subconscious, we bring this son scar to awareness, we bring the blockage to consciousness. Now we can look and say, What is this part of you. And we can say part so we can acknowledge, it’s not the real you. It’s just a part of your mind to part of your psyche. It could be seen as an inner child be seen as a shadow side, it could be seen as a passo personality. But the point is, it is your mind in the present moment. like a broken record caught in the same loop. I’m bad, I’m stupid, I’m bad. I’m stupid and bad, I’m stupid. Now remember that loop as an emotional resonance. it emanates out fear and guilt. Those who are compassionate and kind and don’t believe in your belief systems will not treat you that way. But everyone else will. And that’s how it works in lifetimes. You incarnate with the belief system that you’re bad and stupid. It’s not that mom and dad cause the belief. In a karmic model, Mom and Dad’s support you in the belief, you manifested those parents, it’s like, coming into this new world, not only did you buy your ticket, nor did you choose to come down to earth.
On some level, it was a choice, but you came down with these karmic seeds already in place.
So again, it didn’t, it’s not stored somewhere else. It’s stored in your subconscious, not some other place. So if you come into this life with the subconscious, which I would have heard me do, and I would affirm that because your subconscious is the seat of your memories, we can access your subconscious very easily. In hypnotherapy, it’s like right there. But again, it doesn’t matter. The time frame we look at what we need to look at is the part of you. You can do it in something called parts therapy, we just say like you welcome in the part of you that feels dumb and stupid, that feels like is a bad person. When you’re here, let me know Sam here, the Pardo come in and say, you know, I’m here. Okay, now it doesn’t matter where you learned it. What matters is, are you willing to consider if it’s true or not? Whether you realize eventually, is that the thought is erroneous. Yet, karma is the concept that every cause has an effect. You can sit there believing you’re dumb and stupid, and not have that influence the world. And so again, you’re the hub. And the hub is facing this way, saying I’m dumb and stupid. The question is, if you have a whole life, that’s a reflection of that, right? or education, or grades or salary, or job or home, or bank account, or debt situation, are you going to change all of that outside stuff? By trying to change the outside stuff while leaving the inside intact? This is why people who come across a lot of money, but still believe that they’re unworthy broke, excuse the term losers, now my judgment, but if that’s their thought, I’m an unworthy broke loser. It’s somehow I got an inheritance or won the lottery. Yeah, the outside just put a little bit of money there. But the inside says I’m so unworthy. I’m so undeserving of that. They will lose that money very fast. I had a friend whose father passed away and left him $150,000 He also at the time, sold his home and made about $50,000 so he had $200,000 but never changed his inner subconscious programming. within less than a year, he had lost $200,000 and you know, when he came to me and told me about I was like, you know, it would have been good to have changed your inner mental programming before you ever touch that money. Because you’re Lissa, your inner child had no idea knew what to do with that. Your inner programming had no idea what to do with them. So we don’t change when you have a negative outside situation, to try to change all of that, you know, like the mess that he got himself into, is not that we don’t take responsibility for the outside effect, we have to because we were always the inside generated the outside. But we realize if I just change the inside, everything else gets to change. And let’s see. So Martha says her son scar in our cell, so something we carry it with us through lives until we face it, understanding and clear, there you go. So you face it, you bring this to consciousness, not always pleasant. Understand it, meaning like you’re gonna look at it, you’re gonna say, Oh, I see. Because of what happened or at some point in my history, I concluded a bad, stupid, worthless loser. Now, I need to clear it. What we really in some ways are referring to is we need to correct it. Again, it’s not that the person who lost the 200,000 is a sinner who deserves punishment. He just had an error and how to manage money, or an error about himself that he’s not worthy of well, and because he could have turned it into, you know, multi millions of dollars, if there was the leverage properly, you know, or invested properly. It wasn’t the belief system, I’m just guessing. I don’t know. And if the belief system is bad, I don’t deserve anything. That’s gonna sabotage. So you know, the term self sabotage, karma is self sabotage. Do you say well, what about good karma? You know, it’s, it’s all the same thing, your thoughts, whether they’re beneficial for you, based on higher thinking, they will create an effect and the negative, painful, illusionary thoughts. The erroneous thoughts also have an effect that the point is if you see it all as mind, and you realize, Oh, my God is a hypnotherapist. I am empowered to clear people’s karma. That’s kind of huge. It makes the profession unbelievably rewarding. realize, well, I’m literally in a place with the techniques that I have to help pre people from major painful karmic patterns.
You know, when somebody comes to me, I’m not a career advisor. I’m not a financial advisor. I’m not an attorney. I’m not an accountant. I’m not your bookkeeper. I’m not. The person is going to help you to keep your house from being repossessed. Why did people come to hypnotherapist for this kind of stuff? Because they know no matter where you have problems, I am broke. I have dead I have all this horrible relationships. What’s the one fundamental component of the statements Ay, ay ay. Ay ay ay ay ay is always the pivot point is always a cause is always the one who’s generating these problems. So the only thing we need to do is correct. The thinking of this one that we call, I want to realize that your stat powerful that your thoughts are that influential, then we’re extremely empowered. If we see it the other way, that it’s all based on outside physics or outside metaphysics. We’re really at a loss. Once we know it’s happening from inside, we’re completely empowered. Okay, so very nice. There, Martha. Steve said the beliefs one has that lead them to commit an action or the same beliefs and manifest their condition right on an entity change the belief and the thoughts and attract a different result. That what is now expected? Exactly, I think I probably answered your question by now. Exactly. Thanks, Martha. I’m sort of that sort of thinking. Yes, sir. Is it hanging on to dis harmony? I’m not sure at what point you wrote that but yes, not necessarily external disharmony. Although you do that to it all again comes from inside the disharmonious thoughts we hang on to. We hang on to judgment, we hang on to defenses in yogic philosophy in Sanskrit it’s called Rog place. It is a clinging that causes suffering. Holding on the negative misplace misguided thinking painful thoughts that we initially Hold on. We say I can but I need this. I need my walls. I need my defenses. I need my attack bots. I need my judgment. I mean, who else is going to judge the whole world if it’s not me? Doing it I got to be the judge. And we’re doing it all the time. It just don’t realize how much we’re actually miss using our minds how much we’re Miss creating with an extremely powerful force. Once we catch on that our thoughts are this powerful the it’s easier to blame In the Lords of karma, it’s easier to say God’s doing it. Do you know how hard it is for some people to look in in mid how much they hate themselves. When I have clients start doing deep inner work, it’s very easy for them to blame others to very easy for them to be angry at other people to play the victim is so much easier than to say, I actually have to admit, I hate myself. And I think I’m such a bad, horrible, worthless person. You know, this would immediately go into denial, that river in Egypt denial, you all immediately go into details, and no way I can possibly feel that way about myself. To some degree. That’s what your quote bad karma is, your negative judgments towards yourself. And of course, in miracles that teaches God doesn’t forgive you. And you say, well, that sucks. God doesn’t forgive you. Because God never condemned you. You don’t need God’s forgiveness. You don’t need God to forgive you. Because God never condemned you in a course in miracles, the only one condemning you is you.
Alright, so that’s interesting. You know, when you think about karma, a lot of times we think about this idea of an external force being imposed upon us, right. But it seems like more and more, at least in my experience of life, I’ve been learning that it’s true that the karma that we experience, or really, the life that we experience, very much depends on what we believe about ourselves and what we think we deserve. Right? This idea of judgment is very strong, and it’s very powerful. And when we are judging ourselves, then obviously, we create realities that we think we deserve. You know, if I do something that I judge as being wrong or bad, then I’m going to think that I need to be punished that I deserve some sort of punishment, or that I believe something bad or wrong is going to happen to me as a sort of consequence for my actions. While we again, we can’t really escape this universal law of karma, it does exist, it’s a good perspective shift to start thinking about it in terms of it being an internal process, right, it’s an internal belief that we have. And by simply accepting that as truth, it immediately empowers us to start changing our reality, and to start living a more positive, more abundant, more happy reality. Because if we decide that, alright, karma is internal, and I can therefore change my internal way of thinking and my internal belief systems, then that, by effect is going to change everything that I experienced in the external world, right, everything that I experienced in my life, and in my reality. So I don’t know, I think it’s really fascinating. Just this whole idea of karma and sort of what is it actually what does it mean? And I would love to hear your thoughts, you know, leave us a rating or review on iTunes, and let us know what you think about this episode and what you think about karma. But anyways, I really appreciate you being here. We’re super grateful to have you listening to the show. And just, you know, make sure you’re subscribed because we’re releasing new episodes every week. So if you’re interested in learning more about hypnotherapy, or possibly becoming a hypnotherapist, then head over to our website, www dot Institute of hypnotherapy Comm. We’ve got a lot of free resources there that you can check out and just things that you can dive into, as well as actually you can get involved in the next certification course if you’re interested. You get the first four hours for free. So go ahead and sign up over there on our website. So I appreciate you being here. Remember, choose happiness, my friends, and I’ll catch you on the next one.
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* Hypnotherapy Training is taught at the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapyยฎ, through the Florida Department of Educationโs Commission for Independent Education, License #3448.ย IIH is licensed to teach medical/clinical hypnotherapy as a school, yet all practitioners are required to work within the confines of Federal, State, County, and City laws.ย All medical, mental health, or dental conditions require the appropriate referral, prescription, supervision, or direction from a qualified licensed practitioner of the healing arts as per Florida Statute 485.ย All graduates who are not licensed practitioners of the healing arts are not to use words such as healing, treat, cure, or diagnose as we strongly discourage operating outside of the scope of oneโs credentials.
There is currently no charge to take these lessons and you only need to sign up if you want to start working to work to become a Certified Anahat Meditation Teacher.ย Signing up allows us to send you email notifications about upcoming classes and events.
**Please note that this contact form will display a brief message that we received your information, yet it will not stay on the screen.ย There is no need to submit this form more than once.ย ย If you see that confirmation then you are good to go.ย Either way, please just enjoy the teachings and be sure to watch Level 4 – Certified Teacher Training before applying for certification. You should practice all meditations for at least one year before applying.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you choose the correct certification based on your current level of training. If you are unsure about which to choose, reach out to before purchase.
Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.
Please fill out this contact form and someone on our team will get back to you shortly!
Our website is currently under construction and this content isn’t yet available. We’re working really hard to get everything ready for you. Please check back soon!