Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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So one thing we can certainly pull from if anything, we can call Jesus a role model. What can we pull from this role model is one who spoke with confidence and authority. If somebody comes to you and they’re paralyzed, then you as a hypnotherapist, when you get the direct suggestion, get up and walk. Do you feel that confident that your words will create a reality? Let’s do a little bit of history of hypnotism. We talked about friends and Tom mesmer, he believed that he could take magnets rub them over people’s bodies, and they would heal.
Hey, everyone, welcome back to illuminated mind. This is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. I’m your host, Corey Benschop. And I really appreciate you tuning in today. So before we get into it, I just want to start by saying thank you so much to everyone that has joined me on the launch of this podcast. If you’re listening right now you are getting in at the ground level. And I’m super grateful to have you here as a part of this early community. You know, I’ve got some amazing guests lined up some interviews that are just going to blow you away, as well as other content that we have, that it’s just amazing. It expands the mind. Right? This is the illuminated mind. This is about expanding your consciousness expanding your thinking and proposing some questions that maybe you’ve never considered before. So today, we’re gonna be talking about something that could be considered a little edgy, a little controversial, if you will. And that is the question was Jesus a hypnotist? Now, quick disclaimer, this episode is not about religion. And we certainly on the show are not interested in trying to press on anyone’s particular belief system. We’re not saying what’s right and what’s wrong, what did or what didn’t happen. We’re simply asking questions. And again, looking at things from a new perspective, a new angle. And so we want to draw some parallels between the supposed miracles that Jesus was performing during his lifetime. And what we’re able to do today through hypnotism, and through hypnosis and creating altered states of reality within someone’s mind. And so today’s show is a previous recording of another conscious community class, where Matthew shares his insight and perspective on what he thinks was going on back then, in the time of Jesus, and what he thinks may be similar to what we’re doing today with hypnosis. So he’s going to talk about, you know, this idea of hypnotism and where it started, because back then, honestly, they didn’t have a word called hypnosis. They didn’t, you know, they weren’t hypnotist, they definitely weren’t practicing as hypnotist or hypnotherapist, but there may have been something called mesmerism. You know, he’s going to talk about this guy mesmer, and sort of this idea that he was playing around with, with, you know, transferring these different life forces between people and, and, you know, Matthew is also going to look into these different stories that were in the Bible talking about how people were in these different levels of sleep, and sleep states. He’s also going to define, you know, what hypnotism actually is, and what a hypnotherapist is, and then just give his perspective, again, on whether or not Jesus was a hypnotist, and really, more importantly, what Jesus was doing when he was creating these miracles right when he was performing these miracles on people. And how is that similar? or How can that be compared to what we’re able to do today. And so I really hope you enjoy this show, it’s very fascinating information. Again, this is going to be a part one of a two part series, this class ran a little over an hour and a half. And I want to keep these episodes to under an hour. So I went ahead and cut this one down in half. This is part one, and you’ll get Part Two next week. So again, make sure to subscribe because you don’t want to miss it. Alright, enjoy the show.
Alright, so we’re gonna jump right into tonight’s topic I asked you to, as always to be polite and professional, as we look into the question was Jesus a hypnotist? So I’m sure in a very mainstream form, which fortunately, this is not a lot of pressure off. The question itself would immediately raise debate, it would bring up issues for a lot of people. So what we always do in these Monday night classes, is we define our terms, right? So we really have to say, what do we mean by the words that are in the subject line? What do we mean by the word Jesus? And what do we mean by the word hit?
Now? I’m not here to answer this question tonight because it has very deep religious undertones. And I know people could be very well offended depending on how they use the word. So let’s actually start with what I am a bit more of an expert at and that would be the word hypnosis. So what is hip Test, and then say resist that. And then also work to say, who and you’re welcome that can choose who really has this answer, right? Who is Jesus? So if we’re gonna say, you know what Joe a hypnotist, then we basically have to know who is Joe, you know? And if he asked Joe, his mother, who he is, you’re gonna get a different answer perhaps. And if Joe had followers or people that he healed or something, or if Joe created a religion, right, he might get a different answer. So I’m a big fan of defining terms before we get started. So let’s actually talk about what we do know more about the term hypnotist. So first of all, one thing we can say that does not make it easy for us, it was used to hypnotist, the word didn’t exist in biblical time, right? 2000 years ago, there was no term hidden that there was the word possibly I would imagine. So the word hypnosis, the Greek god of sleep, though, is Jesus, the Greek god of sleep, I think most scholars would say no, the word was in coined hypnosis until 1864. Dr. James braid was a physician who realized that what was happening before him, which was pretty much called mesmerism, that wasn’t taking off, there was a concept that there had to be which we’ve talked about a lot in recent online Monday night classes, there had to be some special power or force, which comes up as we consider the life of Jesus, that there was some energy transfer from one person to another. That was in the phenomena of mesmerism by Dr. Bray did when he coined the term hypnosis and he said, Look, we can go up this same result, without having to rely upon some extra force, whether that be this animal magnetic force, or we could say even some spiritual or paranormal force, we can just use the power of suggestion. And because there’s such a value to the hypnotic state, let’s simply call it for what it is, as far as he is that if we can help it go into an altered state, benefit their lives, then let’s just give it a new name. And we’ll work with it in that way. He was going to call it a rip analogy. And that’d be funny, because then we’d be saying tonight was Jesus a neurophysiologist. So it’s important to remember words aren’t the actual reality. So therefore, what do we mean by again, the word comes from the Greek term, the Greek god of Steve. And it comes from the idea that people who were in hypnosis were actually in a state of sleep, which we can also if you’re gonna get a bit religious tonight, which is probably inevitable tag question. Are people falling into sleep states or trance states in the Bible? And either the old or new testament? And the answer is, yes, a deep sleep fell upon Adam. That happened right from the very beginning. If we want to start getting into the Old Testament side, in the book of Genesis, a deep sleep fell upon Adam. Therefore, you might say, maybe there’s something going on here with this whole concept of sleep, people not being a winter do they truly are, the idea that it happened is put you into sleep is misleading. So again, words can be very misleading. And if we say, I hope it is, because a word comes from the Greek god of sleep is someone who has this power to put you into the sleep state. We’re ready misleading. So I HIPAA is basically you could say it’s someone who has some level of training or skill, special power, but some level of training or skill to be able to induce an altered state. That’s basically it and then usually delivering suggestions and keep all this stuff. Keep this in mind for tonight, that a hypnotist usually delivers suggestion, either directly or indirectly. So as we broach the topic very slowly, but it’s Jesus, a hypnotist phobia of direct and indirect suggestions in the field of hypnotherapy. So a hypnotist regardless of what level of training they have, is most likely trained to give direct and indirect suggestions to influences subconscious mind, ideally, to cause a positive response. Now, of course, people could try to use this in negative ways. And yet, we’re just not going there. Tonight. The use of hypnosis in this school course is only for the benefit of humanity, all beings. Also, you have the concept stage hypnotist, right. So, you know, we could be asking the question tonight, which is the stage hypnotist and I would just give you clear that it wasn’t done or performance to make people laugh, right that if we ask, once we get to that,
yeah, who is Jesus? And was he a hypnotist? I don’t think there’s anything you find in any of the world scriptures that say he was doing stage performances and make people qualified consultants I always joke about I can’t tell you how many times people have said to me Oh, you’re a hypnotist. You’re gonna make me cluck like a chicken. I literally just heard it about a week ago. And I’ve been doing this for 20 years now. And I still hear it. So you know we have this kind of stigma about
a hypnotist is somehow a negative word. We’ve been working to change that with this school in many ways by not really using the term hypnotist. So we would actually say that you’re a certified hypnotherapist or hypnotherapist certified transpersonal hypnotherapist or in our school, certified interpersonal, I thought that if he’s to go through that level of training, so we could say, What would she say hypnotherapist? And pretty much the answer is going to be, you didn’t have this specialized type of training who does exactly what we do. As a hypnotherapist, somebody who intentionally induces an altered state, usually paid for this right where they’re getting paid as a professional. And while inducing the altered state or once the client is in the altered state, then we’re using transformational modalities to help to induce positive change in the person’s life. And as professional as Yes, we usually get paid for it. So just one place you can look. And then we’ll dive a little bit deeper into the religious side of this, as some of you who may not have a background in any of that in the New Testament, which is basically the books, the writings that came out after the Old Testament in the Bible. So in case you don’t know, the Bible that most people know about today consists of two major sections, the Old Testament, which was the book of Jewish people, and still is, and then snapped on to that, right after are actually relatively long after the time is the new test. And that’s basically where we get all of our information from. In the New Testament, there is talk of Jesus teaching his details about going out and also performing healings and performing miracles, but at least performing cures or America. And he told them not to ask for money you really give as it’s been given to you. That is a difference. So is Jesus a hypnotherapist, a paid professional, where his followers paid professionals, according to the New Testament, it is up to you, if you believe is actual historical document or not, if the words are actually what were sent back then. But that’s basically what we have. And there, it’s pretty clear that a professional clinical hypnotherapist who gets paid for their work is not what Jesus was asking his followers to do. Normally he did, or there was never any exchange of money. If you look at the miracles that were performed. So professional clinical hypnotherapist is someone who would induce an altered state, which is an important part of this, and you have someone in hypnosis, and then use transformational modalities in that regard. Now, in the certify level of hypnotherapist, we’re doing a lot of regression childhood, we’re working to heal it when you use that word transform problems at the very root level, right. So root cause if somebody comes in with a certain set of symptoms, which is very important, and tonight, touch upon, of course, some of the cure some of the miracles that Jesus had to say, supposedly, right out of respect to everybody, and their belief systems. And personally, my point of view doesn’t really, right, so take what you like, leave what you don’t want from tonight’s topic, including my very open ended way of talking about this, instead of nailing down any one position. So when Jesus was said, to heal or to cure, by when miracles were being performed, was he actually inducing an altered state and bringing people to the root cause of death? Definitely, if you study the New Testament, not the way we were doing it here. So a lot of what you see actually, in the New Testament, and the miracles of Jesus, the ones that were meant to cure human beings. There are other miracles that aren’t directed to physical cure of human beings. There are miracles like changing water into wine or walking on water. Or if you believe in the Transfiguration in Jesus’s resurrection and his transformation of his being into pure light to ascend to heaven. Again, I am not being religious here with you tonight or telling you this is what happened, right? I’m just saying, if you believe that or if you’re open to that, then those miracles are in a different category right there. You’re talking about transformation of matter by which we, as hypnotherapist basically have not proven to do all right. I haven’t heard of somebody going to hypnosis and walking on water. And I haven’t heard of this hypnotic state, transforming one element or one substance into another substance. So pretty much the answer or leaning towards is of course, no, Jesus is not falling into the category of hypnosis as a hypnotherapist, but as you look at the miracles that occur, that are actual cures of human ailments. They are basically the relief of symptoms, right. So there’s healing the blind, there’s versus raising the dead which we is hitting on therapists have not proven to be able to do yet. But things like healing the blind or healing, dropsy or healing paralysis. In some of these cases,
we have shown as hypnotherapist we can make positive change in these areas, we can improve vision with hypnosis. There are cases depending on what branch you trace back of the history of hypnotism. Going back to a friend’s anti mesmer, there’s cases of the blind being able to see the mesmerist are supposedly helping the blind to be able to see there’s a case in the New Testament where Jesus healed someone who has been blind since birth. Now, what I can say about what we seem to be doing as hypnotherapist at this point, when it comes to symptom relief, is where we’re maybe dabbling in some of the apparent power that appear appears to be there in the miracles that are written about in the New Testament. As far as the symptom relief, and touching upon some of that, yet, what’s not happening, if you look at those miracles, and not saying good, bad, right, wrong, should or shouldn’t, but there’s no real talk about root cause. So let’s take a moment to talk about what we as hypnotherapist tend to do, that makes really powerful change in people’s lives. We deal with root cause we do a lot of regressions to childhood. When you take someone back to the root cause of their issues like a childhood regression, we can say we’re not hearing of those type of things, that level of, let’s say, mental healing, occurring in the miracles of Jesus, what we usually do as a hypnotherapist, somebody comes in with a symptom, we don’t necessarily just try to get rid of the symptom, you might call that a miracle. And that would be just a debatable term. Because to get rid of a symptom, but not necessary to get rid of its root cause is not necessarily a miracle, the way A Course in Miracles if I go down that path, A Course in Miracles doesn’t define miracle as symptom relief, it would define miracle is a shift in the mind. So in psychosomatic illness, which hypnotherapy is extremely effective in dealing with, right if somebody let’s say was, quote blind, they had a significant limitation of their vision because of a psychosomatic condition. For instance, if a child is very much abused, scared, terrified that I have seen for sure i’m sure other practitioners in the field have seen that you don’t want to the child doesn’t want to see something they will squint and squint and close their eyes so much, it will literally limit their ability to see and I’ll deal with hearing to that I’ve seen absolute psychosomatic meaning mind over body control over the function of sight and the function of hearing. So that would be in the category of psychosomatic limitations on vision and on here, hypnotherapy in the ability to regress back to the root cause can find out what that part of the subconscious mind is doing. shift that heal that transform that on the root cause level, and then you see symptoms dropping away. Now, are we in any way touching upon what we’re hearing about in the miracles or the cures that were occurring with Jesus and his followers? If I were to take a stance there, I would say no, that it’s a different thing that’s happening, right? What’s happening more, if you look at the New Testament, and the miracles that are ascribed to Jesus, a lot of it will go back to hypnosis. Now, like I said, we’re going to backtrack a little bit fundamentals of hypnosis. The concept in hypnosis is we induce an altered state. And let’s talk about direct suggestion. And we can give a direct suggestion. So I could say you are now in forever a non smoker. So when a paralyzed man was brought before Jesus, basically what he said was get up and walk and the man got up. And now that is worth looking at as a hypnotherapist. Right now it doesn’t matter who you believe Jesus is or if you believe the Gospels, the New Testament as a whole. You know, how much of that is true? How many of these stories or whatever you believe the stories are, if we dissect them, just as they are? They’re the context of the story itself. And when you say, Okay, here’s a person that most scholars believe existence, all right, there’s most likely there was a historical Jesus. And there are stories about how it’s important depending on where you come from with this to know that the original writing, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, I believe the first book was the book of Matthew and then Mark and Luke, and basically they had copies of each other’s format mark and a copy of Matthews writing, Luke had a copy of those writings. They happened about 70 years 70 to 100 years after the historical Jesus actually lived. So to me that is important to take into consideration are we talking actual history again, it’s up to you to believe so I can only being a religious scholar that was my bachelor’s degree in college and still to this day and always loving enjoying this kind of studies.
Do you have to look at the concept that these writings came about 70 years after the fact. Now, again, it’s up to you what you believe about, therefore, how historically accurate are they? So I just like to look at them just as they are and say, okay, so there’s a story of a man who was brought in before Jesus who was paralyzed. And Jesus said, get up and walk in the man God. That is the power of direct suggestion. So what can we learn from that? Right? Well, one is in the New Testament, it says that Jesus is one who spoke with authority. So as a hypnotherapist part of what you learn in this training, there’s a whole section for those of you have been through your remember in fundamentals of hypnotism. We talk about the confidence of the hypnotherapist. So if you give a suggestion, something like, you know, buy into, let’s say, as a smoker, do you think you might try to stop smoking, maybe you will eventually stop smoking. I’m hoping that I have some special ability to get you to stop smoking. So one thing we can certainly pull from if anything, we can call Jesus a role model. What can we pull from this role model is one who spoke with confidence and authority. If somebody comes to you and they’re paralyzed, then you as a hypnotherapist? When you get the direct suggestion, get up and walk? Do you feel that confident that your words will create a reality? Let’s do a little bit of history of hypnotism. We talked about friends and Tom mesmer. He believed that he could take magnets rub them over people’s bodies, and they would heal and then he eventually realized I don’t need the magnets at all the power comes from inside of me, founder of the new thought was a man named Phineas Parker’s quindi was a mesmerist. He learned the techniques of mesmer. He learned how to induce an altered state the way mesmer was doing eventually, can be stopped even inducing the altered state. He had developed enough of a retain with mesmer parallel management never stopped inducing altered state. But when I say the same as mesmer, both mintzberg Quimby both developed a really good reputation as a powerful healer. So the Jesus, if you study the New Testament, by there all of these stories about the story of I believe one of the people who was paralyzed, this man who was brought to this house couldn’t be brought into the house directly. They had to lower him down, I believe through the roof, because you couldn’t get to the front door. There were so many people surrounding the house because of Jesus’s popularity. That’s a big factor in you being successful as a hypnotherapist. So we say when does hypnosis begin? does it begin when I say Look into my eyes going into the hypnotic state? Visit begin when you walk into my office. Technically, your journey with your hypnotherapist begins the moment you hear about that, right. So if you Google, let’s say you’re looking for hypnotherapy services, and you do a Google search, which they didn’t have back in the time of Jesus, just in case you’re wondering, you do a Google search for a hypnotherapist in my area looking for therapists near me. And let’s say a Google Ad pops up. And sure enough, there’s one of our graduates. And then you go, Oh, this is a person who had a state license diplomas, they have over 500 hours of training, I already feel kind of good about them. They graduated from a state licensed school, that state back diplomas this person is has on the higher end of the amount of training necessary, you’re already being hypnotized, you’re already being convinced to some degree by this person’s credentials that you can trust them. Right. So when you hear about Jesus, when I spoke with authority, he gave direct suggestions and people responded instantly. And again, we are talking about symptom relief. But there’s even prescriptions afterwards. Like after a person is healed. They’re told what to do. We’re told what not to do. So the person is basically told to after the healing, go and follow the deuteronomic law go and follow Jewish law by basically like lead a good life, the simplest sense of the term. And then there were actually statements at least once where he would say, and don’t tell anyone what happened here. That’s different. Right? Not only was he not charging where we do charge money, he was saying, don’t tell anybody at least one miracle, don’t tell anybody what just occurred, whereas and you know, for whatever reason that he said that? Sure. I think he was aware of what bigger vision? Yeah, in our model, we do because of this theme of reputation. We do want our clients telling people about what happened case histories, testimonials, Google reviews, Facebook reviews, people who are willing to say yes, I went to this hypnotherapist and I had you go to our schools website, and you will see, I stopped posting that there’s just so many, it’s just not even worth posting anymore. We have so many glorious testimonials from our graduates that it’s like we want our hypnotherapist, our clients and our students to tell the world about what we’re doing. Right. And in some ways, of course, the concept of going preach the gospel, why it was important to spread the message. The point I would make as a hypnotherapist is your reputation, your being an authority, someone who is well trained, and who is respected in the eyes of your client goes a very long way. Alright, so something to consider is delivering the power of suggestion, the power of suggestion, delivered with authority with confidence. Now, I was talking about mesmer, leading quinby quinby, who is a mesmerist. By quinby, being the founder of the new thought movement, eventually stopped using mesmerism, or hypnosis and he would just sit with his client, he would simply hold their hands, and he would speak to them, yet his reputation was already quite well established, right, the person was already kind of mesmerized by Him. And He can speak to his say, find and get results without having to induce an altered state. So if we say hypnotherapist to hypnotist is someone who induces an altered state, it would actually be somewhat misleading, because there are a lot of techniques that you learn in this school where we don’t induce an altered state. And yet we get really profound positive change. We haven’t really got into who is Jesus yet I don’t know if we will, because of the controversial nature of that one. But mostly, I’m here tonight as a hypnotherapy instructor, to help you to improve your abilities to be hypnotherapist or to learn more about this school, from that approach, and then anything we can pull from the life of Jesus that can benefit us today and humanity wonderful, without being of course overly religious. Dr. Edwards asked earlier, when you say Jesus was a seer who commanded energy to obtain the results He did? That goes into the question, what I would say who I would say Jesus is, let’s spend a moment with that before moving on. Like I said, before, depending who you ask you to get a very different to answer. Therefore, my opinion really doesn’t matter. Because we’ve got 7.2 billion people on this planet, ask someone who’s Jewish, who Jesus was, and you might hear he was a good Jewish boy, taught some really good things, right? Not the Messiah, right? That would be a pretty much, maybe not the most complete, but Jewish perspective. Maybe you know, that’s speaking light hearted, very intentionally, by the way. So maybe considered a prophet but not necessarily the awaited Messiah, ask a Christian, and clearly you get no that was the or he is the Messiah, that the Jewish people were waiting for in Islam, and that’s now well over a billion people, right? So a billion Muslims would say that Jesus was a Muslim, and he was the penultimate Prophet, which means the second to the last prophet Muhammad being the seal of the Prophet. So in Islam, Muhammad was a final prophet, Jesus is the one before him, the pen, ultimate one. And he’s in that lineage in the Quran, Jesus has mentioned a lot, and he is that performed miracles. So if you ask someone who is the religion of Islam, what is your view of Jesus, you will get a different interpretation than someone who’s Jewish or someone’s Christian, if you ask a Hindu, who is Jesus, you will get the answer usually have an avatar, which means an incarnation of God, but one of many, but where there’s basically been, and incarnations of the Lord Vishnu, and Jesus basically, is the I think it’s safe to say the nine out of 10, where there’s supposedly another one who is still yet to come. I’m not saying any of this is my point of view, or what’s true or not true, but depending on who you ask, if you ask me Tibetan, there is a legend in Tibet of a man named Lord Isa, who fits the description of Jesus and who supposedly travelled from the Middle East, to Tibet to learn the Buddhist teachings. So ask a Buddhist who is Jesus, and you might hear he was a Buddha, he was an enlightened one. So having said all of that, where I could go on and on and on from each tradition, how could someone look at Jesus, including the different Christian denominations, right? Is he God? Is he the Son of God? Is he a child of God? Is he waken child of God? Actually, in tonight’s topic, none of that really matters, because that’s where we get controversial. And that’s we’re going to do who’s right and who’s wrong. And that doesn’t matter to me. Yeah. Let me see if I can take a stab at Dr. Edwards question in the context of relating effective therapy. So a debate about who is Jesus is definitely not the theme for tonight. However, decades were said when you say Jesus was a seer. Okay, so someone who could see beyond just their physical senses, right? Basically, all we can say is, is there any evidence in the New Testament, and that’s, some of you might believe there are other sources that explain the life of Jesus. It’s definitely Question or belief or faith? Is there anything in there that said that he could see the on the present moment? And the answer in the New Testament would be yes. Is that my ability? It doesn’t really matter. But yes, the New Testament says yes, he could foresee the future, right. He knew what was coming. And the guardian of the cemetery, where he is terrified of what’s to come. They said he was so the scriptures, he was so scared, he actually bled through his boards. Not everybody actually knows about that phenomena. But it’s a real medical phenomena when someone is so utterly terrified. There, it’s called basso constriction, the veins will constrict so much to the point where blood literally can leak through the pores that is written about in the New Testament, that Jesus bled through his pores. So was he a seer who could see the future, at least in that one instance? The New Testament say, Yes, I’m not saying yes, I’m just saying, as a religious scholar, that appears to be the case in that, who commanded energy to obtain the results that he did. So let’s talk about this concept of energy because that does relatedness right commanded energy, or used animal magnetism, not as a charisma, but as a force as an unseen force in one of the miracles where a woman touches the hem of His garment. And he turns and he says, basically, your faith has healed you, which is an important concept in hypnosis, the concept of faith or belief in the hypnotherapist belief in the healer, which we definitely talked about tonight. But now we’re talking about energy transfer. At that moment, Jesus said, who has taken my energy, right, so there is the concept that he would he was aware of his own ci, his own product, his own Reiki, his own life force for the life force that flowed through him. So on some level, I think it’s safe to say in hypnosis in especially mesmerism, in the phenomena of animal magnetism, and most likely, in what you’re seeing in the miracles of Jesus, I think we have to acknowledge some level of energy. However, that is such a nebulous term, when you think about energy, right? Everything is energy. So I’m not qualified to say Did he command energy? But can I say, Does a modern day hypnotherapist need to command energy? The answer to that one is no. As a hypnotherapist, I have no special powers or abilities different than anyone else. The training that you get, as a hypnotherapist teaches you how to induce an altered state, and how to use transformational modalities. And anyone can learn to help to heal others. And it doesn’t need you can add to it if you want. But it doesn’t need you to have some special power or the ability to channel the power. Right. So in the concept of Ching Gong healing, the chigan practitioner practices to go well it’s up their own, she cultivates their binds their tree cultivates their ci, and then can transfer their ci to another person for healing. Perhaps there was some of that happening with the miracles of jesus again, who’s really qualified to say, or there’s the concept of something like Reiki, where the universal energy flows through you. And you’re saying, I am not the source of that energy, nor am I using my own life force. That lifeforce blows through me and is available for my client, you could absolutely you have to look at the laws of your state about this. You can absolutely do Reiki and hypnosis people have coined terms like hypno, Qi or things like that, you know, to combine that to say, I am a Reiki practitioner and hypnotherapist, and I use the two together. And in that way, in some way, you can be more like a misprints, you’re actually using a power that would flow through you to help them invoke healing or altered state. And you could be using the power of hypnosis the power of right now we’ll talk only so far as to say direct suggestion to invoke change. So I don’t know if anybody’s bothered by it to say, what was Jesus doing if we accept that what the New Testament says is true, yet, again, what can we learn from that? And so what Dr. Edwards asking about a seer. So do you need to have clairvoyance to be a hypnotherapist? No. However, is there an intuitive level of hypnotherapy that we teach in the school? Absolutely, yes. Is there ability for you to see things in your mind that give you an insight about your client? Yes. Can you be Claire sentient feel things and know there’s insurance can be a feeling or knowing something about your client that can help them before they even know it? Yes. And are people sometimes very empathic, where they can pick up on energy, feelings, beliefs, emotions, thoughts, before you know other types of impressions before the client even knows and if they’re sent you think, yeah, I believe we all have those abilities. are they important to cultivate? I think generally spirituality is the answer. Both spiritual tradition traditions in the answer’s no. Just seek the highest, go for your highest enlightenment. And then all of these other powers didn’t cry, say Jesus, didn’t he say this, Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all its righteousness, and all things are added on. So the concept was always go for the highest, and the psychic powers of those healing abilities develop along the way. But can a hypnotherapist end up being empowered with through this training or you know, in other ways, we actually have a cu course on intuitive and intuitive development, psychic and intuitive development. That’s an eight hour cu course with one of our dear colleagues. That whole concept is Yeah, it’s your ability to be able to see or feel or, of course, their audience here without the client. So telling you directly and I’ve seen some very gifted, let’s say hypnotherapists, or healers, who do have certain abilities like that. And does it enhance your practice? Yes, so for me, and so what is really the message of the Gospels the message of Jesus the messages love, and for me the essence of hypnotherapy, the messages love. That’s the ultimate healing force as the ultimate power. But love alone, in my experience is not enough that you can be the most loving person but not be trained and not have credentials. And you can’t really do anything. You have great intentions, you have a great heart. We love humanity so much. But without certain training, if sometimes doesn’t go very far. So people who are let’s say, psychic, or clairvoyant, they might only be able to put up the shingle of that on the psychic governing astrologer, they’re brilliant, and great gifts in that cat those categories with a credential of certified hypnotherapist people, Google that people search for that. Now can you add hypnotherapy is an adjunct to an existing profession. Absolutely. And can you as a hypnotherapist take on some of these other qualities, being more psychic as being our energy that moves through you? Absolutely. They’re not mutually exclusive in any sense.
Alright, my friends, that’s it for today’s show.
Now, remember, this was part one, part two is going to come out next week. So make sure you’re subscribed because you don’t want to miss the rest of this class. And let us know what you thought about it. You know, whether it’s a comment or a rating or review, leave us your feedback, engage with the show. I read everything that you guys write, I read all of the feedback and comments that you leave. So I really, you know, I’m here for you and I just appreciate you engaging. So if you’re interested in learning more about hypnotherapy or possibly becoming a hypnotherapist, then head over to our website, www dot Institute of hypnotherapy Comm. We’ve got a lot of free resources there that you can check out and just things that you can dive into, as well as actually you can get involved in the next certification course if you’re interested. You get the first four hours for free. So go ahead and sign up over there on our website. So I appreciate you being here. Remember, choose happiness, my friends, and I’ll catch you on the next one.
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* Hypnotherapy Training is taught at the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapyยฎ, through the Florida Department of Educationโs Commission for Independent Education, License #3448.ย IIH is licensed to teach medical/clinical hypnotherapy as a school, yet all practitioners are required to work within the confines of Federal, State, County, and City laws.ย All medical, mental health, or dental conditions require the appropriate referral, prescription, supervision, or direction from a qualified licensed practitioner of the healing arts as per Florida Statute 485.ย All graduates who are not licensed practitioners of the healing arts are not to use words such as healing, treat, cure, or diagnose as we strongly discourage operating outside of the scope of oneโs credentials.
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