Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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So the ego just make stuff up and thinks it’s real. In fact, the course goes on to say, the way we perceive reality is first we see what we want to see in our own minds, then we projected out onto the outside world. And then we see that there. So if you see somebody, and you say, I don’t like them, in your mind, you’ve actually already pre determined what you like, and you don’t like you project that on to other people. And that’s what you see there. So you really don’t see reality at all.
Hey, everyone, welcome back to illuminated mind. This is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. I’m your host, Corey Benschop. And I really appreciate you tuning in today. So I’ve personally been on this journey of spiritual development and discovery for the last couple of years. And something that’s been popping up on my radar recently, is this book called A Course in Miracles. Maybe you’re familiar with it, but if not it, from what I understand, it’s basically the self study manual that includes 365 daily lessons that you can follow, that help you move into a way of being that just is more peaceful and fulfilling. It seems like it helps you go from this ego centric sort of fear based mindset into more of a vibration of love, and coming from a place of spirit. And as I’ve been going through my hypnotherapy training, and learning more about Matthew Brownstein and his teachings, I’ve heard him talk about this book called A Course in Miracles. Now, he’s referenced it many times. And so I wanted to bring him on and ask him to explain to me and to us, what is a course in miracles? And you know, why should we be paying attention, I really am a firm believer that if something enters your life, once, you know, it could be happenstance or whatever, it could be chance, if it enters your life twice. Well, maybe that’s a coincidence, but I really don’t believe in coincidences. But the third time it comes knocking, you really need to start paying attention. And so of course, in miracles has now knocked on my door a number of times, and I think now is the time to give it the attention that it deserves. So in today’s episode, we’re gonna dive in deep into what A Course in Miracles is, where it came from, how it can help us move into this space of love and come from a place of spirit. And Matthew is going to give us his explanation. And he’s going to tell us how he got introduced to it as well. So I really hope you enjoy this conversation. And at the end, I’ll tell you how you can actually get access to this book, if you’re interested in learning more. So enjoy. And I’ll see you at the end.
My background is in philosophy and religion. And I had stumbled across A Course in Miracles early on, and yet, I would see some of the practitioners who were talking about forgiveness, but I saw they were suppressing their emotions, and saying things like I should forgive. And I wasn’t really impressed with the practitioners, I also opened A Course in Miracles, and saw that it was a Christian theology, which is fine. However, that’s somewhat limited, even though it talks about being a universal curriculum. And it also uses only masculine pronouns. And that can be obviously kind of limiting and turn off a lot of people. So I didn’t really get into it for a while. And then more and more, I kept hidden Course in Miracles, quotes, Course in Miracles, graphic images that would come up with a quote from the course and like, Wow, that’s a really nice stuff. It’s all about love, and peace and transforming your mind. So I started diving into it more and more. Now, as far as what is A Course in Miracles. It’s a text. It’s a book. It’s a 669 page. I believe that’s accurate. text itself. And then there’s a workbook for students and then a manual for teachers. There’s also two supplements that have come about one on psychotherapy, and one on prayer. And those are really valuable for sure, for especially our graduates to study the psychotherapy manual. It gives us this beautiful insight about how to conduct a private practice from a really high level. I consider the course to be channeled if I were to say what I think it is, I don’t believe it is of human origin. The scribe Her name is Helen schucman. She started having a voice coming to her basically saying transcribe this write this stuff down. And it took seven years for all the information that come through. She had helped with her I believe was her partner William Thetford. They were the course explains this in the beginning from Helen’s word she was though they’re both a belief psychologist or psychiatrist at a relatively high level. functioning, but they were discovering a lot of disharmony in their work situation. And Helen or one of them had said, There’s got to be a better way. And she goes on to describe that, that willingness to say there must be a better way open her mind, for this other perspective to come through. And essentially, the message is showing that there’s a big difference between living from ego, and living from spirit, or more specifically, thinking from ego. Rather than thinking from spirit, when you’re in the ego, of course, goes on to describe you’re living out of fear, you’re living out of a sense of really hatred and attack, because when you’re that scared, everything seems like some form of vengeance, the ego is always looking at the past doesn’t really even know what’s going on. And it’s living in the realm of perception. So it thinks it knows its own best interests, but it really has no clue. It’s confused pleasure and pain. And of course, itself goes on to say it’s an insane mind. And it’s how the majority of humanity are living through ego with a mind that’s apparently disconnected from its source that has no real guidance for why it’s even making its decisions. And again, the decisions are pretty much always fear based. So of course, it’s very black and white. It says that there’s either fear or love, there’s no degrees, you’re upset, or you’re at peace, and any form of upset robs you of your peace of mind. So once you see that there’s this dichotomy, if you will, of spirit, ego, love, fear, truth illusion, then you really just say, what side of the spectrum are you on. And it’s not a gradient for the spectrum. It’s really just one or the other. And the beauty is, it’s a choice. However, we’re not really able to make choices our selves easily because we’re so misguided, to a course in miracles in the Christian theology uses refers to this higher, wiser mind that is within all of us as the Holy Spirit. And it’s essentially saying that there is a reality called God, that it’s not just, I mean, doesn’t say, doesn’t go into what, what’s not happening in the evolutionary sense, like when you say, okay, it’s just evolution, then you’re pretty much writing out the idea that there’s God and intelligence and higher power there, the Course in Miracles doesn’t negate any of the scientific point of view, it just clearly acknowledges there’s reality called God, then again, it uses the masculine pronoun, so it’s gonna refer to God as Father. Yeah, there’s no reason why you could think father mother there. And God being the source. Our creator, of course, is very clear to say we’re not our own creator. The ego, he says, believes its own creator and makes up who it thinks it is, and makes up a god. We think what it thinks God is. Voltaire philosopher, he said, First God created man, and then man created God right back. But in the Course of Miracles, there’s a distinction between how God creates, and how we co create with God, and how the ego makes so the ego just make stuff up and thinks it’s real. In fact, the course goes on to say, the way we perceive reality is first we see what we want to see in our own minds, then we project it out on to the outside world. And then we see that there. So if you see somebody, and you say, I don’t like them, in your mind, you’ve actually already pre determined what you like, and you don’t like you project that on to other people. And that’s what you see there. So you really don’t see reality at all. But to get out of that is very challenging to unravel your own ego. In fact, it would be impossible. So the idea is that there’s what’s called the son ship. And of course, the miracles are the sons and daughters of God, the children of God. And in their pristine state, they’re perfectly fine, we’re all perfectly fine in the spirit, there’s nothing wrong with us. When we make the choice, which is called in course miracles, the detour into fear, we end up in that space of ego, which is very deeply rooted in guilt. And God to use the term kind of loosely there to not say exactly what God is, yet God is aware of that he wants his children to be happy, and he’s aware they’re not happy in the moment that we made the choice to be unhappy, but you could call the separation or the fall or the detour interfere, or along guilt trip, the moment that happened, the plan for the atonement was put into place that there is a system to help those who got lost temporarily to come back home if you will, to return to love the course is all about returning to love. yet we’re not alone in that the idea of the Holy Spirit is the part of divine mind which is aware of truth and never forgets truth, yet is aware of our illusions and help us to get out of that. So God being God, God can no illusion God can’t be seeing anything that’s untrue. There’s only like, there’s only truth in God. In our
confused minds, we think that there’s darkness and separation. And God doesn’t actually even know of that. Yet God knows that we’re not happy. So the Holy Spirit is the part of divine mind, which can see our illusions, and can help us to unravel those. And the idea is simply you could call that prayer, the idea is just to simply ask and to say, hey, God, I’m not happy, I must have chosen wrongly, my thoughts are not in harmony with you, I want to choose again, then there’s a simple prayer on page 90, and of course, in miracles, that basically just says, paraphrasing a tiny bit, but the line is Holy Spirit, choose for God, for me, I’ve chosen wrongly, and I’m not at peace, I want to be at peace. So I want to choose again, the course itself begins with a really powerful line that says nothing real can be threatened. And nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. So illusions don’t exist. So God doesn’t even know about illusions, they don’t exist. And we believe in our own illusions. And their problem is in the mind, so the idea of salvation or freedom from fear and suffering, is an internal choice. And that choice is the miracle. So a miracle is a shift in perception, from fear to love. The miracle is the shift from ego to spirit. And it’s really simple. Yet again, the ego is so complex, that we need a system to get us out of that. And the course doesn’t say is for everybody, it does say it’s part of the universal curriculum. Yet, it’s only one approach to teaching the universal curriculum. But it does go on to say if you do the workbook lessons, that’s all you need to do. It’s a complete system in and of itself. It does encourage you to gradually start meditating, that you’re taking quiet time each day with God, that you’re taking time each day to align your thoughts with God, the the lessons themselves, it’s one per day, and it’s very gentle. In the beginning, it’s very, very wise, it starts to slowly erode away your ego, working to get a minimal resistance from your ego, once it’s broken down enough, which takes, oh, it’s about halfway through the lessons or so when the ego is sufficiently losing its hold unreality, it realizes, okay, I have no clue what’s going on, then it starts rebuilding up the idea that you are spirit, you’re a spiritual being, you are not a body, you are still free, you’re still one with your Creator. And moving you on recent lessons have been things like, I think God for all of the many gifts and blessings that are there for me. So when you’re in a place of gratitude, and love, you’re more in alignment with spirit, when you’re doing the fear based lack consciousness, then that’s basically ego. And again, it’s a real clear distinction between one or the other, and empowering us with the ability to choose again, is we must have chosen wrongly, if we’re suffering, and again, we have the higher wiser mind held the Holy Spirit that the course helps us to tap into the my experience is I usually encourage people who are new to start the lessons at the beginning of the year, like somebody like yourself, if you’re thinking of starting now, we’d be fine. And then you just commit to a year from today. But it’s really wonderful to start every year doing the lessons again, because you always get something more out of them. And you always understand how to work them better as you move along. So in I’ve been doing them for 15 to 20 years or something. Yet, in 2017, I made a huge commitment to just embody the course as my primary way of thinking. And I was spending at that time I was living in my RV largely out in the woods, when I was doing about six hours per night of meditation and going around six o’clock, meditate to about 12. And I was just repeating the Course in Miracles lesson over and over and over again saying this is the only way I want to think is these thoughts are far better than my thoughts. They’re always coming from love. They’re always coming from peace. They’re always consistent. They’re always saying they’re always beautiful, though, is kind they always make me happy. It’s like why would I want to think anything else. And it’s not saying you have to do yoga instead in your head. And meditation doesn’t mean you’re formally sitting in Lotus Pose. It just means you’re taking the time to stop and be still and to basically repeat the lesson in your mind or the other things that ask you to repeat which is really just aligning your thinking with that higher truth. So When you do the lessons, you start noticing life changes, because your thoughts are essentially creating your experience of reality. So as your thoughts start realigning More to Love, to peace to simplicity, and to a beautiful idea, of course, miracles teaches, which is I need do nothing. And when you’re meditating or just lying in bed, you know, you know,
nobody’s actually forcing me to do anything, I can just lay here and be at peace, I don’t have to, it just changes your entire perspective on the world and why you exist. The first lesson is begin talking about meaning, and how we’ve given everything we see the meaning that it has for us, but then nothing has inherent meaning in it. So if I look at a pen on my desk, I can say that pen means something, it means I’m successful, it means I’m smart, it means that it doesn’t mean anything, right? I’m the one who gave that pen, meaning it’s really just plastic in fluid ink. So once you go through those initial lessons, but you repeat them over and over, over time, you start realizing I’m not seeing reality, I see what I want to see, I’m only seeing my perceptions. So in the dichotomy of spirit, ego, ego is perception based. And it could be right perceptions or wrong perceptions, when it’s wrong perception, we’re definitely not in alignment with what is when it’s right perception. Yes, our thoughts are much more accurate, but we’re still in the realm of perception. On the spirit side of things, spirit just knows, spirit doesn’t perceive. And then perception is always limited. It’s always bias by the perceiver, and despised by the perceivers wants, because again, we see what we want to see, but we don’t see clearly at all, in in the course lessons, it goes on to say that, above all else I want to see. And above all else, I want to see things differently, and that God is my strength division is his gift. And some of these things she might say, Oh, that makes sense. But I can meditate and contemplate on them, to me is an extremely valuable. God is my strength. Okay, that makes sense. Vision is his gift. What do we mean by vision here? Is it that my eyes if a blind person, there’s during the course of miracles like what do they see what is true seeing what is true knowing when you know another person? Are you perceiving them through your own egoic filters? Or do you know them as God created them. And again, the idea is that God is our Creator. And we’ve increased ourselves so that every person you see is a child of God. And if you’re not seeing that, or to use the Christ word in the Christian theology of the course, to see the Christ in them, or the Christ that they are, is Christ is really just the child of God, or the sonship, which is all of us the collective creation of God, and that creation is perfect and not lacking anything. And that creation is harmonious. It’s one self united with its creator. And there’s no disharmony in that. So whenever there’s just harmony, we need to immediately or some form of upset any form of upset you would stop and say, am I coming from spirit or coming from ego? And it has to be ego when there’s some form of upset. And again, all you have to do is choose again, but you don’t choose alone, you choose with the Holy Spirit. And that’s that prayer, if you will, this asking to say okay, God, I would like to see this differently. I don’t like my perceptions. They caused me to suffer. How do you know your child like in a hypnotherapy session, when we do a regression, and the inner child is looking at the parent, we’re seeing only the past, which is the very Course of Miracles teaching. And we are seeing it through the perceptions of a child ego state, and that child who says I’m bad, I’m stupid, I’m unlovable, I’m not good enough, and that mom or dad, or both
are out to get me out to ruin my life or out to hurt me. They’re abusing me. And the subconscious and hypnotherapy speak, is repeating that loop over and over again in the subconscious. By bringing that to consciousness, we can reevaluate it and say, is dad still abusing you? Are you really worthless? Is he really an evil guy? forgiveness, therefore, is the willingness to see it differently, to let go of our current perceptions, and to see really truly how God created your father, mother, whoever it is, you’re looking at. The forgiveness is the means of the atonement. And the miracle is the means of the atonement. So when we are working towards the atonement, that’s the collective awakening of all of us back to the truth of who we are. And that’s the plan for the atonement. The idea is that the principle is already in place that we’re all already one. Yet when we started the idea of separation, God immediately gave us a way to get back to that oneness, which is the atonement. So forgiveness is the way back To that oneness, not necessarily countless hours of meditation, the course teaches you can meditate for hours and accomplish nothing. Or you can meditate for a minute, I don’t remember the exact timeframe, it said, but you can meditate for a minute and accomplish everything nice. All you have to do is have that one shift that occurs, which is the true miracle. The course begins with 50 definitions of what the miracle is. And I find that extremely valuable to keep studying and reading that over and over again, over the years. Understand that miracles are natural, if they’re not occurring, something has gone wrong, that miracles are shifts in perspective, perception from fear to love. Now, it’s definitely a study of the text. But if you only do a theoretical study of the text, then you don’t get the radical shift in mind that the course is working for. So the lessons become really crucial so that you’re not intellectually grasping the ideas, but you’re really becoming the ideas since you already are those higher ideas. That course talks about and defines the terms quite well. Forgiveness, atonement and the word revelation. So revelation is how God communicates to us and tells us what is. So when God created us, everything was given to us all knowledge, always to everything we’d ever need to know and understand nothing was withheld. So the idea of lack is an idea of the ego. Revelation is a one way street, it comes from God to us, not from us to God. So we don’t tell God the nature of reality, or who we are, we’re not the ego tries to provide the answer to Who am I, but it can do it, the better way to do it, the only way to do it is turn to God and say, okay, You created me, who am I? And then just receive that answer. And the receiving of that capital? A answer is revelation. There’s a line in the manual for teachers, that a question that’s asked, How does the teacher of God spend his or her day? And it says to the dance teacher of God, this question is meaningless. Because the curriculum is changing every day, but doesn’t change at random, the advanced teacher keeps in constant contact with the capital A answer, and is always led through that guidance. So it’s not wanting us to be caught up in rituals, and just spiritual practice, which you do every day with discipline over and over again, that doesn’t necessarily make the shift we’re looking for. So if every day you say, I’m gonna do an hour of yoga practice, great, but if you’re still choosing fear, then what is your practice actually doing? It’s gonna actually be even more harmful to yourself, your body, because you’re still thinking, fear based thoughts, and everything’s governed by that. So yeah, the essence here is to choose love, because God is love. And then to listen to that inner higher, wiser voice that keeps our mind and therefore our actions in alignment. There’s a manual for teachers, which is a question answer format, which I found to be extremely valuable, and having to understand the course itself, sometimes more than the text. The text itself, being almost 700 pages is really thick, it’s meaty, it’s, it’s very deep. But to grasp some of the basic principles, especially clarification of terms, then I often recommend people just read the manual for teachers. The course itself is similar to other scriptures like the Bible, where if you pick it up, and just start reading from the beginning, it’s really hard to grasp what is this all about? In the Bible, you wouldn’t even get to the miracles of Christ and the New Testament for many, many, many hundreds of pages. And you just really want to understand, oh, there’s an Old Testament, there’s a New Testament. So just reading it from the beginning isn’t actually the way to grasp, especially Christianity, you just start reading the Old Testament, you know, grasp Christianity at all until you get to the New Testament. So of course, in miracles, it’s usually better to start with a primer, somebody else who wrote about it or talked about it, to give you some of these basic principles. It’s just instead of just reading from page one, the book I recommend is Marianne Williamson’s return to love. It’s really down to earth, if you will, simple and user friendly way to understand the course once you get this idea of what is the miracle? What is that shift that occurs in the mind? What is forgiveness? What is the atonement, what is revelation? What is the Holy Spirit? Once we understand all that, then when I read the course, with that basic idea that it’s just spirit or ego, and that it’s helping to show us just how much help we need to get out of ego. This is largely why the text is there. When I first heard people getting into Of course, miracles.
I didn’t understanding a Zen practitioner, where there’s not a lot of reliance to words and teachings. Why we need such a big text because they kept saying, well, it’s just all about love. like okay, well then just choose love. Why is this so complicated? Just choose love. Why do I need to read this whole book if I’m just choosing love, or somebody like myself as a strong background, In religion and philosophy, I can read the Course of Miracles lessons, the bold type at the top of each lesson and say, Oh, I understand that. Because that one is I am spirit was like, Well, I know I’m spirit. So what do I need this course? I’m so much better than everybody. Why do I need this course? Right? So in the midst of my anger and elitism, like I already know this. So yeah, as a religion philosophy major, I really thought like, I know a lot about this very another book, I’m the one who qualifies whether it’s a good book or not. And like, I know the teachings, but what I didn’t really grasp is the course is a spiritual practice, is meant to cause a transformation inside, not just an intellectual understanding. And I’ve seen just the most beautiful shifts for clients and students, for myself, for people I’ve been in relationship with, where once you align with that, there’s hardly ever any disharmony in your life. And if it is, you know, it’s your ego. And you just say, okay, Holy Spirit, I’m willing to choose again, the course basically teaches that when you’re willing to let go of something, the Holy Spirit right there in your mind just takes it away, going, you know, I’m dealing with fear. I don’t need to be afraid anymore. I’m willing to let it go. Then whatever you’re selling, you get rid of fear all at once. Yeah, or get rid of ego all at once. But every time you notice a flavor of ego, a flavor of fear, you just stop and I like to teach I heard this from another teacher, but basically it’s stop, look and ask, alright, I’m suffering. Stop this. Be still for a moment. Look, see what you’re doing? And I can hypnotherapy will bring that to consciousness. Okay, I believe I’m unlovable, okay, that’s what’s making me sad. Okay, Holy Spirit,
am I unlovable?
And you, if you listen, you get an answer in there. And the answer is usually something like, of course, you’re lovable. And then well, can I let go of this sadness, then? Of course. So forgiveness isn’t necessarily that I have to forgive someone who hurt me. That’s part of it. But forgiveness, really in that moment, is my willingness to let go and to see things differently. I thought I was unlovable. I like when I do I move in therapy with clients. When I’m working to get that shift from illusion to truth. They say you okay? You said you believe in God, right? Yes. Okay. So you said you’re unlovable. God says you’re lovable. One of you is wrong. Who do you think that is? And it’s really hard to argue with that idea. If you believe in God, that God created me and God created me as lovable. I’m creating the image and likeness of God, then obviously, I am love because God is love. So forgiveness is the means for happiness. And when we’re forgiving, we’re letting go of this idea in this case that we’re unlovable and that we need to be sad. And then you realize, Wow, I’ve always been perfect. When I meditate. And I go with course miracles level of thinking, I get to a place in similar to the yoga, what is the yogic state of Samadhi, where there’s no more individual self. And you realize that’s always right here now that you’re one with God, with love with bliss, with peace with joy, with wisdom and inspiration, Revelation, divine guidance, it’s all right here now. And we’re caught up in our egos perceptions, we don’t see that. So by making the choice to just forgive and let go, and the idea that I need to nothing than oneself united with my Creator, I am spirit, you realize that you’re already perfect in any upset, is something you’re doing for yourself, and it doesn’t have to be that way. So it’s very simple. It’s very empowering. There’s those three sections, the text, the workbook, and the manual for teachers, then the manual for psychotherapy, which I alluded to, is beautiful for hypnotherapist, and it goes on to say, is psychotherapy a profession? And it says Strictly speaking, no, because how could something that everyone is involved in the unique individual profession. However, it says there are certain people who are called is their mission or use of the word ministry, to be professional caregivers in that way and and offer some guidance about how that could be. So it’s not that psychotherapy is limited to only psychotherapists. It’s the idea that anybody can help to heal anybody else’s mind that we can all make a choice in any relationship, to turn it into an egoic relationship, which is called a special relationship into a holy relationship, which comes from spirit. And my experience personally over the years, a lot of people want to be in a relationship with me, they approach it from a special relationship point of view. And special relationships are always ego. They’re always fear based and they’re really rooted in hatred, which the course goes into the course is pretty strong about the ego is insane. It’s a murderous mind. It’s a vengeful mind. It’s an attacking mind. A lot of people enter into relationship through ego and find it so disharmonious miracles are interpersonal and this is a big reason why the school is interpersonal hypnotherapy because It’s not just about trans personal, which you could say is like an individual’s, or let’s say, my connection to spirit, Indian person is my connection to others. And it’s not that I’m not one with God. Now, if I don’t feel my oneness with God, it’s because a miracle is necessary. And the miracle is interpersonal meaning there’s some relationship in my mind, which is unhealed, like, I’m not happy, because my person, whoever the person was, said something to me. And that was in the past, and I’m still holding on to it. Yet, it’s not just that I need to meditate on God, I need to have the part of my mind, which is causing separation from that other person apparent separation, for me to just let that go, and to allow the Holy Spirit to show me what true knowledge of reality is not my individual egoic perception of the past and that person, but who am I really, who is that person, really, who is that person now in this moment in reality, and so again, when you let that go, and you move into that truth in the moment, you realize, all this peace of light and love and joy and bliss is right here, but I wasn’t seeing it because the filters I put in the psychotherapy manual is essentially what I’ve structured
are one of the acts of structured hypnotherapy school on, which is based on those principles, facilitating at this level. So when you’re with a client, you really are working to facilitate the miracle when you do basic hypnotic programming, excuse me. When you do basic hypnotic programming, or neuro linguistic programming, you’re working to shift negative perceptions into positive perceptions. Yet a Course of Miracles isn’t necessarily just about the positive perception, it’s about the waking up to who we truly are the knowledge of truth. Yet, it’s very hard for somebody to go from wrong perception to true knowledge to a good hypnotherapist can pay someone from wrong perception like I’m unlovable. The right perception, which is I am lovable. And then from that we can move into the direct experience of who we really are is pure light and pure love. The psychotherapy minor becomes an amazing way to structure your mind as a facilitator for helping others to return to wholeness or returning to love. And then the song of prayer is a beautiful supplement that just teaches the nature of prayer. But it goes into a really powerful teaching on forgiveness, called forgiveness to destroy. And it’s very powerful for hypnotherapist to understand that as we teach forgiveness or use forgiveness, formulas and our protocols to say, okay, yes, I know, we’re supposed to do forgiveness, we should do forgiveness. Like I said, when I started talking, I saw a lot of people doing this I should forgive, and actually just suppressing their real emotions. So there’s a egoic version of forgiveness, and then the spirit version or forgiveness. And that manual for prayer, the supplement about prayer, the song of prayer is really excellent, and helping to make a very clear distinction between the egos version, and spirit’s version of forgiveness. And then the song of prayer, of course, being about how we commune with our source or with God, or the Holy Spirit being the voice for
God. All right, well, there you have it. That was super fascinating. And I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely going to dive into a course in miracles and start doing the daily lessons myself, and see, you know, how they can help me move into a vibration of love and really get in touch more with my emotions, and come from a place of spirit as opposed to ego. So if you’re interested in learning more about A Course in Miracles, you can actually find the information online for free. It’s really cool, they have it available. If you go to a ci as the website, of course in miracles, a ci, you can start following the daily lessons, go through it at your own pace, and have access to all of this content for free. Now, they do sell these books at pretty much any bookstore as far as I know. So you can get your hands on an actual physical copy of the book. But if you want to just check it out for free, just head on over to their website. So I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, I would love for you to leave us a rating and a review on iTunes as it really helps us get higher up in the algorithms you know, and iTunes will show our podcast to more listeners just like you. And that’s what this whole thing is about is creating community and just a good vibe around self improvement right around developing ourselves and learning what it means to be a good human in today’s world. So that’s it for me today, guys. I hope you have an awesome day. Remember, choose happiness and we’ll see you on the next one.
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* Hypnotherapy Training is taught at the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapyยฎ, through the Florida Department of Educationโs Commission for Independent Education, License #3448.ย IIH is licensed to teach medical/clinical hypnotherapy as a school, yet all practitioners are required to work within the confines of Federal, State, County, and City laws.ย All medical, mental health, or dental conditions require the appropriate referral, prescription, supervision, or direction from a qualified licensed practitioner of the healing arts as per Florida Statute 485.ย All graduates who are not licensed practitioners of the healing arts are not to use words such as healing, treat, cure, or diagnose as we strongly discourage operating outside of the scope of oneโs credentials.
There is currently no charge to take these lessons and you only need to sign up if you want to start working to work to become a Certified Anahat Meditation Teacher.ย Signing up allows us to send you email notifications about upcoming classes and events.
**Please note that this contact form will display a brief message that we received your information, yet it will not stay on the screen.ย There is no need to submit this form more than once.ย ย If you see that confirmation then you are good to go.ย Either way, please just enjoy the teachings and be sure to watch Level 4 – Certified Teacher Training before applying for certification. You should practice all meditations for at least one year before applying.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you choose the correct certification based on your current level of training. If you are unsure about which to choose, reach out to before purchase.
Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.
Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.
Please fill out this contact form and someone on our team will get back to you shortly!
Our website is currently under construction and this content isn’t yet available. We’re working really hard to get everything ready for you. Please check back soon!