Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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All right. Welcome, everyone to the illuminated mind podcast with me Matthew brown Steen and my guest today, Dr. Susan Nicholas. So Susan, welcome. Thank you for being here.
Thank you, Matthew. Pleasure.
Absolutely. So Susan is a former physician and surgeon. Yet she had a major conscious awakening in 2012. That’d be curious to talk to you about and that transition you from the medical field into what you call soul healing work. So you’re now a telepathic medical, intuitive and energy healer definitely want to dive into that. A three time author and international speaker, we see you in all these TED Talks. Great. Your signature talk is the frequency of money. So I know you want to dive into that theme today. And then yeah, two, three books, one adult into children’s books. And when you’re not doing this kind of stuff, you are on your be conscious podcast, where I get to know you where I was a guest last time. So now my chance to interview you. So why don’t we? Yeah, why don’t we start with tell us about you? Who is Suzette Nicholas, what’s the overview?
Sure. So again, my name is Susan Nicholas and I was a young person who I would say began my life on this external journey of validation. I was born into an impoverished circumstance from a teenage mother. And we lived in, I guess, on the public welfare system. And then housing projects in a very rural community in Pennsylvania. At 17, I was my mother’s second child. And what was really significant about my mom was that she was the daughter of a prostitute. And my grandmother, my maternal grandmother, also ran her own brothel. And so this was the if you can imagine, this was the environment that I was that I came into the world. And this is what the life looked like for me. And I think from a very young age, Matthew knew that that isn’t the life that I wanted for myself. I also knew that I could learn pretty well, even from a very young age. And I believed that I could educate myself out of poverty. Now, the language behind that came a little bit later, but I thought if I went to school, and I studied really hard, I would not have to live my life in poverty. And so I went about doing that. I think as a, as a young child, some people would have said, I was an old soul. I don’t know, I was quickly to give up childish things. And I was a serious kind of student. And so I went about learning. A really, I would say, pivotal thing occurred for me when I was six years old. My father remarried my my stepmother, and moved us out of that housing project, which he had grown up in, and his mother, it was like a generational pattern and cycle playing out and moved us across the border to West Virginia to a very low income community. But we were not on the public welfare system. And that is where I began first grade. And so there was a lot of turbulence. In my early years of life, a lot of, I would say, insecurity at the very core of me, and I think what I didn’t recognize early on was that the energy of poverty, they enter that what I call the prostitution energy, they’re the shame around money. Despite, you know, the education that I received, the distance that I moved away, the money that I earned, I still carry that energy within me. And it led me to a point where I was what I’ve called the height of my world LexisNexis successes. I was doing my clinical fellowship and cardiothoracic surgery at Stanford Hospital and Palo Alto, California. And I, I would say, was at the top of my career and the bottom of my soulful, I was willfully softly bankrupt. And I couldn’t like there was this huge juxtaposition of what I was feeling inside and what things were looking like on paper and all the possibilities and opportunities that before me. I was getting very confused how I felt I didn’t know how to feel better. I didn’t know how to remedy this hollowness of my soul. And it was it got to be so painful. For that, I believe the only way to be free was to die off the planet. And so it was at that time in my career and my life that I attempted to take my own life. And so, surviving that suicide attempt, I was 36 years old. I was, you know, well trained and accomplished, and I was on the other coast, I moved as far across the country as I could, before hitting the Pacific Ocean, I still carried with me, these feelings and these energies, something I did not have language around. And I believe during that time, I heard my inner self speak to me for the very first time. Or let me say, at least I acknowledged that inner voice for the very first time. And I would say, I always knew that I was intuitive, I would use my intuition when it was benefited me when I was seeing patients and I could have a sense when patients were going to die or not. And I always could, you know, would show up right in the nick of time, before someone coded, or I would have those types of intuitive kind of experiences. But I it was only relative to things that I studied or knew I didn’t honor that intuition. In the realm of spirituality, I didn’t have the language around spirituality, I was very left brained, very goal oriented, very task, very evidence based, very, you know, analytical, very quantitative. And so, for me to come into a spiritual space, I wouldn’t have believed it, if you told me, I just wouldn’t believe that this would be part of my life. But I think what I learned from that, and near death experience was that I was actually here to do more than even being a heart surgeon. Yeah, who thought that there could be more than that. I didn’t think I didn’t believe it. And what that would look like I knew less about. But I knew that to survive, and to go on living in this life, something had to change dramatically. And because I still held the energy of poverty within me, I was too fearful to make there, like a spiritual shift, or do whatever you wanted to call it. Spiritual study at work. And so I went to business school. And I thought, Oh, let me get a business degree. And this will give me that coveted balance of time and money, and then I’ll be good, that will fill the void that will free me from this sorrow, this deep sorrow. And so on. I went to, I moved from the Bay Area to Atlanta, where I live now, I enrolled in the business school at Emory University. I started a health care company, I got a business degree, I had a baby. And literally, you know, Matthew, just checking the boxes, all the boxes toward happiness and fulfillment. You know, I had enough I, we had the Mercedes Benz in the garage, and a friend’s and parties and clothes I had everything that I needed. Even had a family of my own. We were not on the welfare system, I was not a welfare mom, I was not a teenage mother, all those things that I had fought desperately against. And still out here, I was unfulfilled. And I knew the second time around, when I make the career change, and I have the baby and I’ve got all the stuff that if I went to that dark night of the soul again, I wouldn’t make it. I knew it. I just knew in my bones, I would make it this time. And I had a two year old child, and I believe she was the only tether you know, keeping me on the planet. And I would literally weep and dream about laying myself along the train tracks. And so I one one, I guess fateful night, I cried myself to sleep as usual. And I wish to go home, not knowing where or what home was, but knew that knowing that it wasn’t here, right here right now. And my next awareness is me feeling myself leave out of myself. And the way that it appeared to me was like I was in this fantastical dream state where I was flying, you know, high above a city full of lights. And I remember feeling so free in in saying, wow, you know, this is what people talk about when they say they’re flying in their dreams. And what I noticed about this situation was, it was unlike any dream I’d ever had. For one, I didn’t have physical arms and legs, but I felt the sensation of flying of soaring truly. And I was acutely aware, I was conscious, I could see without my eyes, I could hear without my physical ears, I could send out my physical body. So I was fully like, almost like hyper aware. And as I’m soaring over this big city full of lights, I hear a voice say, Don’t look down. And so what I do immediately is I looked down, only to see that city full of lights crumble to ash. And I realized in that moment that I wasn’t on Earth any longer, that I wasn’t in a body that I was existing as consciousness. And in that moment, I became afraid. And then I found myself returned to my body lying in my bed, just sweating bullets.
And looking at the ceiling, saying, If I ever have the chance to fly again, I would not be afraid. And that really launched the beginning of my conscious awakening.
It’s beautiful, thank you, it’s hard to even know where to go with that powerful story. So just to feed it back so far, coming into this world into poverty into challenging situations, then you thought the best thing she could do is go be a heart surgeon. And even when you got there, you you weren’t fulfilled. And then you got to get your MBA and even that wasn’t quite it. There’s part of you, it just sounds like wasn’t you were missing something. And then it sounds like this sounds like you know, an out of body experience. You know, not even home with you authentic or astral body, you’re just doing what we would call like soul travel, right? You’re just consciousness out of a body. But it sounds like, correct me if I’m wrong. That was like the big awakening the maybe the first milestone in becoming more conscious to realize I am not a body? And is would you say that was like the pivotal moment of change for you?
Yes, it was. Yes, it was. And I think prior to that, when I said I, I acknowledged or heard myself speak, I think I always knew that I had a soul. And I believed everything had a soul. But I didn’t know how to communicate with it. Or if it was communicating with me. I thought there was a huge separation between all the thoughts in my head, the feelings in my body and my physical self, I didn’t connect the dots. And I just, you know, thought everybody has this voice in their head, everybody has these feelings. But I didn’t connect it to consciousness or awareness or pathway to getting there. I didn’t even know what conscious awareness was, you know, like nothing, I knew nothing. And it’s not something certainly I was taught in medical school. It’s hyper focused on the physical. There is no mention or any credence given to the soul. And so, like, for me, I mean, the only I would say I related things that I that I knew was happening was when I see cancer patients, particularly children, say things like they’re leaving now, or they’re going to leave, or having awareness that they’re going to transition. There’s also anecdotal medical literature written on cardiac patients having out of body experiences, or patients who are coding in the emergency department of the ICU, saying, oh, yeah, I could see myself above my body. I could hear older nurses or something like that. And so to me, it was just related to near death experiences. For me, I, I mean, I was sad, but physically, I wasn’t unhealthy. Like, I wasn’t having a near death experience. I was just laying in my bed crying, you know. And so that was the only thing that I thought it could be was me trying to die, that I was having this experience, because this is what happens just before you die. And I just had my own experience of it. And so when I came into myself, I was at finally at peace and like, Okay, I’m ready to go now.
And obviously it wasn’t it because we’re still 10 years later, right? Why do you feel that consciousness or knowing that your spirit why was that so important? Because, you know, people have flying dreams, but you don’t see them saying, Yeah, I’m not gonna be a surgeon. I’m not gonna, I’m gonna change my entire life. Why do you feel in a spiritual awakening is so important for you, I think, you know, for anybody who has it, but why is that so important?
For me, I think I was, I now know that I was born onto this planet for purpose for a reason. And that spiritual awakening gave me a glimpse of what that could possibly be. And so, for me, there was an activation that occurred, it wasn’t just like a fun experience. And then I went back to my normal life, I physically, emotionally spiritually changed, I begin to see, I could see energy auras, I could feel she emanating from my palms, I, I felt like I was I could receive downloads like symbols and things in my sight. I was vibrating, I could literally feel my energy moving. I could, I would, I could feel myself Lee. And I would have these amazing, like experiences out of body, not I mean, the flying was just the beginning. But I would have like, what I would call an hour lessons, like true full on experiences that, to me, on Earth would seem to take the expense of an entire day of doing and experiencing different things. And, and I knew that it was there was more for me to do that was in this realm. And so I began learning about my soul, like who am I, getting my Akashic Records read, you know, looking for resources to help me understand me. And so I knew that there was something more or bigger for me than just to have a fantastical experience. I was fundamentally changed by it. Some would argue, or some have told me that it was a activation of their merkabah. I’ve heard, you know, just different. People call it a crisis awakening. But from that experience, my entire life changed. When I I think it was just more for me for reasons that maybe I won’t fully understand today.
Yeah, there’s all those different models that explain awakening. Yeah, there’s still there’s going to be models. Either way, you know, there’s so much value in what happened, all those spiritual awakenings what has the spiritual experiences, so I hear the intuitive, energetic abilities, all that is unfolding. So what does that lead to? What does your career look like? Now, after all of that?
Well, I I, I like to speak about money in consciousness, because I believe it was fear surrounding money that kept me from my spiritual work. When I fear surrounding money, when I began leaving out of my body, I was a healthcare entrepreneur, creating a health care company. And I was still in the hamster wheel, believing that I had to work very hard to support myself. And that’s, you know, comes from that foundational self of believing I was unsupported. And believing that I didn’t have enough, there weren’t enough resources for me. And so I was just grinding it out as usual, raising a healthcare company. I divested my healthcare company in the spring of 2014. And ended up being recruited by an investment firm in downtown Atlanta, and I worked in healthcare equities for a couple of years, still stressing out on the hamster wheel, because I had begun to change so much for my awakening, I had separated from my son’s father and that relationship was finished, and I got my healing achievements, I, I started to know that I had to do something like this that was happening, but still afraid of how it could support me. So here I am, like literally like energetically on fire, working at a desk job to earn money. And so, I the you know, I always say that if we do not take heed of the, of the message from our universe of our own soul, then the universe will show us something that that will, like almost push us on our path. And so, for me, it looked like being fired from my investing job. Hmm. And I remember, it was September 2016, there was the company that was round of layoffs and never had, I thought I would be laid off, you know. And here I was getting a pink slip and a severance package. And so I was very grateful to have that. And my first instinct, again, was fear around money, because now I was a single mom. And I was like, I gotta keep it together, I got to be able to provide for myself and my kid. And I, my second higher frequency thought was, I’m not going to be afraid this time, I’m going to do what it is that I am to do. Like, why am I on this planet? And why is there energy coming out of my palms. And so and so I began writing in 2016. And that was my first book, the duality of being, I knew that I was going to write this book years before I even like, titled it and put it on. I think there’s this Amazon top where it’s like, Oh, I’m gonna write a book one day, but I never felt that I had the time to do it. I was just so overwhelmed. In my, on the hamster wheel, like I was literally in a state of overwhelm. And so I started, I took a trip to my, one of my favorite places on the line, and I went to the south of France and booked a hotel, ran along the Promenade des Anglais, and looked over the Mediterranean Sea began writing my first book. And from there, I wrote a children’s book, I started actually, using my healing gifts, started developing the energy practice in 26 2017. And so, you know, building my speaking, I knew that I wanted to be able to speak without fear. So I will join Toastmasters, I just begin building what I’m doing now, which is my conscious works, which is broadcasting, podcasting, speaking, Writing, Publishing. And I work with one on one clients, people, similar to me very high level of functioning people who are now put into their purpose, or who feel unfulfilled and then are propelled into their purpose.
Yeah, beautiful. So, so yeah, south of France and writing the books and starting to, at some point, working with private clients. So what is that like? Now? What’s a private sessions I’ve studied with medical intuitives and other psychics over the years to develop my skills and, of course, background in Chinese medicine and hypnotherapy. So, you know, a lot of my life was dedicated to the one on one work, and I’m curious, what’s it like when someone has a session now with Dr. Susan Nicholas, what’s happening?
Well, I work with adults, children and animals. And so people will, I’ve had clients who contact me with a with their child that has a childhood tumor. And I work for healing energy with that I’ve had clients call me with lane, horses or other animals that are ill, and I’ll work with them. I work with grown up people just like me and you who have something going on within them or things that are unresolved, particularly from their childhood, and even then to the ancestral plains. And if they are open to receiving healing energy, that I work with them, that they must be open to receiving it. And so clients that work with me, come from all walks of life. And they are what I call on a spiritual journey, even if it’s not spiritual work, but they’re looking to do their inner work, what I call this process of introspection to mature their soul, like they realize that all the chasing and all the things that they’ve done in the world, haven’t fulfilled them. And they’re looking for deeper, deeper connections and deeper work.
So the work can you do the energy work remotely? Or do you have to be in person?
While the pandemic has shown me the power of distance healing, I wasn’t a huge advocate of it. When I first started moving energy, I did believe that I needed to be with the person. But now, since the pandemic, I have clients around the world, I do a healing. I’m in Atlanta, and I have a client in Amsterdam. So it doesn’t matter. You know where the person is, it’s the truly what matters is their openness to receive. That’s really about it. I even when I have cancer patients, the first one of the first questions I asked was, Do you believe that they’re even if it’s a 1% chance that you can be healed? And so it’s really opening up those potentials from the belief systems and When people say yes, their transformations can be miraculous.
Do you talk to you and I have so many questions for you. What do you talk to any of your past physician colleagues about the work you’re doing now? And have you ever gotten like any people’s thoughts?
Well, it’s interesting, because my first thoughts were that I couldn’t speak to anybody about it, I literally thought that my physician colleagues, even my, my partner, my previous partner, we met when I was in medical school, he’s an emergency room doctor, I really thought I would be committed, like to an institution for insanity for speaking like this. And so I didn’t talk to many people. And I, now I actually still do healthcare consulting work. I’m not fully in my conscious work 100% of the time, because I self funded. And my hour, let me just say this, I have been self funding it. I want this to change very soon, but I’ve been self funding it with my consulting work. And so when I’m in hospitals now, and I’m in a different role, people ask me what I do now, or how did I, you know, why am I doing this? And this conversation begins. And I actually will, many people will become my client, you know, there because they realize there are limitations to the allopathic medicine that we’ve received. And there’s no amount of education or money, or titles that will heal a so called void. Mm hmm. And so we ended up we can do healings together. And it’s for those people who are open,
you know? Yeah, then they hear that how important that is to get that open. It’s even that 1% That’s A Course in Miracles thing that you just need the slightest bit of willingness, but it does have to be the slightest thing in right. Yes.
You can’t force anybody into it.
Right? Definitely. So do you have a case history that comes to mind with the medical intuitive energy work that you’ve done something that stands out is like the one greatest case that makes you say, it’s so worth doing?
Well, I’ll have to one was maybe it was last summer, so maybe a year and a couple of months ago, a mother called me and said her daughter had a bone tumor in her thigh. And she was about to go through this very lengthy surgery with this risk of limb and disparate limb length disparity and skin flaps and all this kind of sequelae to this to removing this tumor. They thought that she would break her bone. And so as emergent, it was literally like they they report to the to the doctor on Friday, and they’re like you come in on Monday, you know, it was very urgent. And so it was on the weekend. And the mother called me and said, Is there anything that you can do? This is the situation she sent me, the X ray film, I saw the prognosis was not great. And I asked her, I said, Is your daughter open to healing? The mother said I am I said, but ask her ask the daughter. And the daughter said yes. So on the next day, Saturday, we did a healing together. And that child was on crutches in pain, her mother had to lay down on the couch, lay the crutches on the floor, I could see this on video, and we do the healing and then she literally stands up and walks away and leaves the crutches on the ground. She goes and I said and I said to her I said, you know when when I go into a healing, it’s a very sacred place. It’s a it’s a meditative space, I cannot speak during my feelings. And when I tap into this space, this realm, the energy is quite powerful. I consider myself a channel for the energy. And so when I channel this energy to this area, the child felt better and she got up and walked and I said if she can get it film, you know, she can get an MRI before the surgery, that would be great. And they said they’re gonna try but everything was so urgent, compact, they weren’t sure if they could get imaging done before the surgery. Well, they couldn’t get this imaging done. They take the child to the surgery, they open her up, close her back up and say it’s this mysterious. There’s nothing there. And the mother sent me they took up half biology sample and I said it’s mysterious. It’s it’s it’s not there. There’s nothing there. And so we were able and I did a follow up session for the wound, you know, to heal the skin because she the skin was opened and so she I fully recovered from that. And it was a 30 minute healing session on a Saturday morning. And then I had another one, a client, a friend referred me to a client who has a horse farm. And they had a 13 year old mayor who was laying and the owners were distraught that they’d had to put her down. And they had heard about my healing work and asked me if I would do a healing session with their mayor. And so I have worked with horses and in the past, not in this type of capacity, but, like in hippotherapy with with with kids that have disabilities. And I know that horses are, are highly intuitive beings and creatures. And so I just asked her where her star was, you know, and she goes, Well, she has a blaze. And she sent me a picture of her and the horse could not walk. She was having a, like, a dislocation of her hooves from her from her feet. And they they did not know what was going on with this horse and why this was happening. And they had these highly specialized veterinarian, she was getting shots and this and that, and nothing was working. And so I did this healing with her with the horse and she healed the she healed. And I learned what was going on with the horse and really shocked the owners to understand what this was about. And literally it was Believe it or not, it was it was a matter of the heart. This horse had bonded with the gelding that was that was a being boarded in this ranch, and then the owners after six months just you know, stopped boarding the horse and took the gelding away. And this mare had bonded with him shouldn’t run with any of the other horses. And she just heartbroken. I believe she’d loved the gelding in her own way. And then she started to die. And so we heal that. And the owner sent me a picture like a video that she said, you see the one running around and the red coat. That’s a wow. And I and I knew it because I wouldn’t we did the healing I could see. I would say with my with my third site or my other site, I could see that she believed she could run again. I could, if that makes any sense. And so I knew it. I knew that she could heal because she wanted to. And she’s well now. And so I’ve had some quite miraculous healings like that, like very physical things that have been transformed through energy. And I’ve also transformed energetic things with healing, that we can talk about it perhaps at another time. Sure,
yeah. 100 questions again, for each time you speak. Alright, what direction we’re gonna go. But one of the things that’s really standing out is psychosomatic illness with animals. You’re talking about? Not and I’m glad he went to that level that was you tapped into what’s happening for that horse. That was emotional. That wasn’t the thing. So yeah, if you want to comment on that, but I also, as you’re talking because you know, your background is in medicine. When the history of hypnotherapy hypnotism was with Franz Anton Mesmer. And you know, he was a physician, but he had magnets and he believed they rub the magnets over people’s bodies, they would heal. One day he forgets his magnets. So he disrupts his hands over the people’s body and their healing. And then he powers inside of me, right? This animal magnetism as they called it, but the history of that was Ben Franklin, there was a medical and scientific delegation that studied Mesmer. And they said, No, he’s not healing through any energy whatsoever. He’s healing through the power of belief, imagination and suggestion that that’s all and so hypnotism pretty much all of the energy that would have been part of our movement was taken out because it was just considered unscientific. I don’t know if you’re familiar, that whole story, but I wonder what you would say to somebody who says, No, there’s no energy transfer, right? We don’t have any proof of that. It’s all just the power of mind. But how does that happen at a distance? How does that happen with an animal? So yeah, what are your thoughts is like, how this works? And can you remove the energy model from it?
I don’t believe you can remove the energy model. In fact, I think it’s foundational, and I would say those beliefs, the suggestions that energy to so the foundation of all of it than idea, at its very core is energy, our language. You can see it measured you can see the wave of it. It’s also energy that’s a vibration. Our belief to use. And I think what you said it that it’s really foundational to the power of our beliefs, how strong they are. Well look at how much our beliefs around the world. I mean, look, look what, look what our beliefs, what we’ve created with them. And it’s all the foundation of it is belief, even our money, we believe these precious metals and pieces of paper have value. And what is the value, it’s the consensus belief of the value. When the belief erodes, that’s when the currency arose. So it’s the foundation of everything unknowable and unknowable existence is energy at its core. And so I believe energy is at the foundation. And I’ll go one step further. And say, when it comes to transforming energy, it follows the very same law of conservation of all other energy on the planet. It’s the very first law of thermodynamics that says energy is not created nor destroyed, but it changes state, it must be transformed. And that is true of the energy of us. So our life force or soul or spirit, whatever you want to call that, at its very core is energy. Its energy.
Yeah. Well, I couldn’t agree more. I wonder what your past self would have said to your present self. You’re in medical school. If you heard talk about prosperity, consciousness, changing your mind to create, well, to use your mind energy to help to heal people, you know, what would your past self have said to all of this?
I do think my past self would have been skeptical, but open, I was never a denier of the soul. Like if somebody mentioned, beliefs, like I was not dismissive of it. I was like, oh, you know, I, in fact, this is where my big disconnect with the way that I trained in medicine was, is that I could tell that there was something emotionally triggering some of these cancers and diseases, but we never addressed it. Like I could see that there was something in that person, I think I always had this intuition and kind of like this clairsentience, I could feel things I’ve always been able to do that I could sense behaviors, I can feel animals and things I’ve always had that I just didn’t pay attention to it. I didn’t develop it, but I had it. So I wouldn’t have been a denier of it. I would have been curious about it. Whether or not I would have accepted it. Right. I don’t I can’t say. I do think I was one of those people that had to have a crisis awakening. And clearly, because that’s what that’s what happened to me. Yes, it was. Gently.
Yes, you had suffered enough. And a lot of the left brain stuff like your attempt to get out of your upbringing, the poverty model that you were brought into you use your intellect to get out of that you gave you became a surgeon. At the same time, your soul was lacking in that, like you weren’t, that you could say the other side of your brain. But obviously, it’s more than just your brain because you’ve been out of your body, you know, you’re more than a brain. So yeah, bringing your whole soul into it. So now I’m curious more about the financial theme. I know that you know, it’s a passion for you money consciousness. So how does how would somebody work with you, for instance, if they wanted to get out of poverty, consciousness or just move towards increased wealth?
Well, I do a lot of work in this area. That was the nature or the title of my TED money, consciousness overcoming generational poverty. I’ve been actually invited to the UK to speak at Oxford Union on this topic. I do I run a show a weekly show called the money consciousness show, where I do transformative work and healings around money. I think. We don’t, we don’t like to wit, maybe acknowledge it. But there’s, there’s trauma and drama surrounding money for many people, even if you grew up with more than enough. And so again, it’s not just people that have the poverty story. It’s people that have religious beliefs surrounding money. They may believe money is dirty. Maybe there were crimes committed around money or secrets or an unspeakable illness around money. All of those issues, guilt, greed surrounding money. If those feelings are held within the energetic matrix, you can still have money issues are great fear surrounding money. You know, people believe that it will be taken from them or they will be swindled or you know, they have all sorts So stuff around money. And it’s, I believe that no person that uses money or is born into this, this third dimensional construct as of now is free of it, that they’ll have something around surrounding money. There’s some belief that they have around it. And so those beliefs, again, the core of them are energy. And if they’re holding you back from any thing that you desire, then that can be transformed. And so I I work with people that are very high functioning people that have money, trauma and drama, wealthy, well, I mean, they can have all the wealth in the world. Some people have impostor syndrome when it comes to money, or they have sudden wealth syndrome, or they literally have a psychological diagnosis for having money, like, how many behaviors do they become. And so there’s, there’s a lot, you know, even like, I would say, the clinical medical community in the DSM has recognized a wealth syndrome called Sudden Wealth syndrome. And so there’s, there’s a lot, there’s lots of stuff around money, I have a four week program that I have created, to go through some of the foundational steps around money about money being energy, or language, surrounding money, or beliefs or feelings, all of kind of like that, just the foundational like how to rethink our way that we are in a relationship with money, how to think through that, because we were all you know, have a relationship with money if we use money in any way. But it’s just an unconscious one. For most of us. We don’t realize how we speak about it, how we think about it, how we feel about it, how we handle money, matters. Every it all matters. Just like if I were in a relationship with you, or anybody else, you know, if some people have a love hate relationship with money, or their voids have money, about money, and I said, Well, what if I’m in a relationship with you, and I avoid you? Or I say, I hate you or wish you didn’t exist. But people do that with money. Right? And they think that that’s nothing, that’s the, and yet they’ve got money troubles. And so it’s like, well, how do we rein that in and bring to your awareness that the relationship you have with money is a real relationship? And how you speak, think behave? What you do with your money matters?
Yeah, that’s beautiful. Yeah. Then it almost goes all goes back to your mind. Again, it goes back to beliefs and thoughts. And that’s all Yeah, just hearsay. Like, it’s the mind. It’s just people’s relationship, or there’s mental choices, including horses, or maybe not for money. But you know, any sentient being is in there creating their own reality with the power of their mind. Right? Yeah, just going back to that a lot. Me being in the field of spirituality for almost my whole adult life. For me, money was like, I wanted to be a monk. And it just wasn’t important. Like the only Self Realization only enlightenment was important. And yet, when I realized I pretty much need to get a career. I had to eventually, like, willing to embrace money, and I believe I did. Yeah, I found a lot of people over the years having this conflict between spirituality and prosperity. spiritual person, you don’t want to deal with money. If you’re a money person, you don’t deal with spirituality, you seem to integrate it those Can you speak to the importance. I mean, to me, the word is like the importance of being self actualized, not just self realized, like, you know, your soul. Now, you’ve been out of your body, okay, I’m a spiritual being. But at the same time, you’re doing the human thing. And the human thing only requires money, but it’s a lot more pleasant when we have a lot of it. So, yeah, the importance of balancing spirituality and prosperity, how would you speak to that?
I would say it’s highly important. And if I think in fact, you may not do your spiritual work or not fully do it because of the money. If you’ve got some issues, they’re believing that it’s wrong or immoral or against God or whatever your belief system is to earn money and do spiritual work. Now, as I, you know, I’ve met a lot of spiritual people, now that I’ve been awakened. And some are multi multi multi millionaires in the spiritual realm, and some are living hand to mouth and I believe it’s all about the belief systems. And so it’s do you believe it to me, it’s about self worth. We often don’t recognize that there’s a correlation between our outward financial net worth and our inner self worth. And it really boils down I believe, Matthew to the choices that you make in every day of your life. And so if and, you know, I do like in my in my conscious work and my money show, I do such And on charge in your work. Because what, when you particularly do come out of secular work, and then you come into Conscious work, what we’ve been used to is somebody else telling us what our worth is. And when we accept a job or a salary, we, on some level agree to it, that this is what my time or this is, what my ideas are what I bring, that’s what it’s worth. And then when we shift to doing the spiritual stuff, it’s often us doing it there, we don’t have a boss, necessarily, it’s us kind of branching out, unless we begin collaborating, you know, but we ended up you know, we’re solopreneurs in the spiritual realm, most often. And then you have to decide what you’re worth. And that’s where you see the problems. That’s where you see the poverty of soul. And that’s where you see people giving away their gifts. Now, let’s just say, I’m secular, and I’m an actor, and, and you think I’d like just play these characters, so well on screen, and you’re gonna pay me millions and millions of dollars. And my gift is, you know, impersonation, or whatever my gift is, you know, to be an actor or whatever, we have no problem paying for that. But if my gift is Healing Your Soul, oh, all of a sudden, you know, why would I, you know, oh, my gosh, when what we’re doing is actually the hardest, like, the most foundational, I think, most impactful work on the planet. Why in the world, would we not be compensated for it? Why in the world, and so it all comes down to your belief systems. And some people like literally will balk at charging for their, their spiritual work, whatever it is to be a tarot reader or whatever it is. And because they don’t believe that they’re worthy, they literally I mean, they, they’re not there yet. They’re not there yet. And so once they, once this becomes, I would say, I don’t want to say mainstream, but it’s recognized as a profession, just like other types of healers, like doctors, or nurses, or hypnotherapist or whomever, a physical therapist, a psychologist, whatever counselors, if the spiritual counseling when it’s also proceed as well, this of course, I mean, there are they mean, they’re addressing the soul of us. I mean, they’re doing transformations in this life and generations past. And this is the heavy lifting. And then perhaps, you know, when there’s enough of the threshold is, is great enough. It’s just the belief systems about what is valuable. In the meantime, I think we have to stand in our work.
Yeah, I can’t tell you how many graduates who go through a hypnotherapy training, and you hear things like, Oh, I’m just gonna give the sessions away for free at first, it’s like, Do you not realize how valuable you are? Do you know right? Worth it? Why are you giving this away for free? How many doctors Graduate Medical School and give away free treatments? Right? You don’t practice it, others can give away free treatments. So it seems like the more spiritual it is, the more people take issue with it. But we’ve covered that. And again, I could speak you for hours. But let me ask one more question we’ll get towards the end of time. You use the word healing, and you have every right to as a medical doctor, right, but a lot of the laws in different states. So you cannot use that word healing or healer. You can’t claim to be that unless you’re like in Florida law, you have to be a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. What would you say to somebody who’s spiritually awakened, and they have abilities like you that are clairaudient, clear, sentient clairvoyant energy, we’ve been through them, they know that can heal people. But the law is literally saying you can’t call yourself a healer.
Well, that’s the law. I mean, that’s the law of the land. So it is whether or not I’m a healer or not, I think that would be up to my clients and the people that have benefited from my services. I haven’t come across that maybe. I don’t know. I just haven’t come across that yet. Perhaps as being an issue. I do you have a medical degree and a medical license and maybe that that helps. That’s a big no, I even like the, my the heels of a to mean, I’ve been attuned by non medical people. And my healing practice. I don’t I was not made aware of that. That was an issue. I mean, I do have you know, I did get a cert certified to for Reiki practitioner and I did the training for it. I don’t know Uh, that is why I haven’t had the experience of that. But I do have my credentials. But what I do like the tapping until ultimate, you know, dimensions of possibility and energy. I don’t know if there’s a school for that, you know, a degree maybe I need to create it, who knows? So it’s, it’s, um, you know, it’s not been an issue for me, but I think it’s just that’s it’s a statement of the belief systems at the, at the society where it is now.
Yeah, for sure. No, I could see why it’s nicer for you because you have that credential. But we find in the field of hypnotherapy that a lot of, Hey, I am a healer. But yeah, certain laws say no, you can’t use that word. So
I guess in the meantime, you got to find another word, I guess.
Well, there’s just so many people who are like, you just you know, waking up, and they’re, they want to get out there, but they don’t have the credentials to get out there. And yeah, we’ve noticed that word can be an issue. But um, anyway, yeah. I love talking to you about the prosperity consciousness, intuitive work, the out of body experiences. We’re on the same page in so many ways. But yeah, just so we don’t run this too long. Let me ask you, if there’s a way somebody can contact you, if they’re sharing private sessions, or your courses or whatnot, how do they find out more about you?
Absolutely. You can find me at www dot Susan I am on many of the social channels. I’m on LinkedIn at Susan Nicholas MD. I’m on Instagram at conscious Susan. My clubhouse handle is Susan Nicholas MD where I run my mind and consciousness show. My podcast is to be conscious podcast on Apple podcasts and all the major podcast producers. It’s, you know, I’ve got podcast listeners and 18 countries around the world. I work in my books are all or Barnes and Barnes and
Awesome, great. You’re doing such beautiful work in the planet. So keep it up. I think anybody who comes across you must be wonderfully impressed. I hope you’re impressed with yourself now. Thank you, your whole journey. If you had closing words for anybody, just the message you could put out to the universe, the most important things you might say to anybody, what would
that be? It’s always to be conscious. Yeah. I think it all begins with awareness with conscious awareness.
Yeah. And then just one more question, then how do we do that? I mean, I’m a teacher of that stuff. So but from your point of view, yeah. If you said something,
it would be. You know, this is what consciousness means to me and another broader definitions of sentience and consciousness. And it’s, I believe, it’s the maybe the final frontier of what we’re now learning are beginning to understand. But consciousness to me, on a very just pragmatic level is the awareness that you are more infinitely more than a physical body. And that reality is a concept far beyond our physical world. And so to me, that is what being conscious is. It’s asking questions of things you do not understand. And the first and foremost person to ask is of yourself. That is being conscious.
Nice, Peter. Oh, thank you so much. I’m sure our listeners got a lot out of that and they know how to reach out to you if they want more. So thank you so much, Susan. I really appreciate you spending some time with me today.
Thank you, Matthew. It’s been a great pleasure. Absolutely. Thank
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* Hypnotherapy Training is taught at the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapyยฎ, through the Florida Department of Educationโs Commission for Independent Education, License #3448.ย IIH is licensed to teach medical/clinical hypnotherapy as a school, yet all practitioners are required to work within the confines of Federal, State, County, and City laws.ย All medical, mental health, or dental conditions require the appropriate referral, prescription, supervision, or direction from a qualified licensed practitioner of the healing arts as per Florida Statute 485.ย All graduates who are not licensed practitioners of the healing arts are not to use words such as healing, treat, cure, or diagnose as we strongly discourage operating outside of the scope of oneโs credentials.
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