Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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Welcome, everyone to the illuminated mind Podcast. I’m Matthew Brownstein founder and lead instructor at the Institute of interpersonal hypnotherapy. And I’m here with a wonderfully unique person today. Dr. Scholar Lee, thank you for joining me here.
Thank you, Matt. I greatly humbly appreciate it.
Yeah, I’m thrilled I was on your podcast and just enjoyed getting to know you so much as a person. I said, I want you here in our podcast. So here’s a little bit from your LinkedIn profile. Doctor scholarly finds itself is a black man of trans experience. You have your Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a concentration in Legal Studies, you obtain your masters of science and management and organizational leadership, and a Master’s of philosophy. And currently, you’re a PhD candidate for the human and social services program at Walden University, completing your dissertation on the characteristics of trans affirming parenting, in which you receive your doctorate in philosophy by the end of 2022. Your bio is impressive, but instead of reading all of that, let’s just jump in. Why don’t you just tell us about who you are? What’s the much the essence of Dr. Scholarly?
Yeah, so Well, I’m born and raised in New Haven, Connecticut, currently residing in Atlanta, Georgia. I am happily married with three beautiful children. One has four leads. Name’s Max is five years old. And I have a six year old daughter, and I have a 16 year old son who will be will be 16 in a couple of weeks. So so I’m very family oriented. I’m also a very, very spiritual and I am a life coach for transgender and non conforming youth and families with the intent to create healthy bonds so that way, the our gender variant children or youth can have Healthy Transitions, you know, affirming, transit, affirming, supportive and loving transition. So in a nutshell, that’s pretty much me I am the podcast Joseph the doctor scholarly experience. And pretty much that’s where I share my truth. Because I am the truth seeker, the truth speaker and I serve in my truth. So I share my journeys, my ideologies and philosophies on how I navigate this binary world, as a double minority as gender minority and as a black person, you know. So that’s pretty much what I do. And I also have a specific series Docu series called gendered on that podcast in which I talk about affirming the identities of the transgender and non conforming community, and I have individuals of their community share their lived experiences, as well as professionals who serve us share how they create affirming environment and service. So that’s pretty much yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s it. As far as my mission after Scalia’s mission is to educate, elevate, enlighten, and empower everyone to evolve to a greater version of themselves.
Nice, I love it. You’re just your heart is so in the right place. And there’s something in your website I wanted us to dive into related to everything you were just saying. It says changes not start with him or her or they adore them. Change starts with you. So when I was on your show, we talked about pronouns and I said, Is it okay that I don’t really know my pronouns? And you’re like, Yeah, that’s cool. And yeah, so how does it not so much about pronouns based on what’s on your website, but how change begins with you?
Yes, so like me, when people ask me what my pronouns are, I say my pronouns are me, myself and I, and it’s kind of thrown off with a whirlwind because you know, this world likes to be so grammatically correct, but my life isn’t grammatically correct. But wouldn’t have been said, I choose those specific pronouns because that’s how I live my life all the way down to when I when I you know, get paid for an example let’s say I get a check. I’m paying me for you know, and then everything else you know, follows and when it just as far as how I live my life, I live my life being me. And I learned about myself and I’m okay being by myself, and I am me anywhere I bring so it’s an evolving cycle, you know, who I am is me. And you know, me is okay being myself. I bring myself into any environment in which I walk into. So, I aligned with those pronouns everyday because that’s my everyday bills. It reminds me It keeps me core with who I am compared to me trying to be him or her or them. It’s taken away from me to some sort of extent. because there’s more to me than being him or being or being present. So that’s why I use those specific pronouns. But I do not mind masculine centered or neutral pronouns, whatever you want to say they, they’re more he has. But the core essence of me is, you know, around those pronouns. So when I say when I talk about change, it doesn’t start with him, it doesn’t start with her or them, it starts with you. And I want people to have an understanding to that, because people are looking outside of themselves for change. And when it comes to your life, you have to take authority, you have to be the driver in your vehicle. You can’t allow him to drive your car, right? You can’t allow her to drive your car. Because guess what, if they crash it, I mean, I’m just generally figuratively speaking, who’s liable you. So when you’re talking about the change in your life, you have to be you have to adapt, you have to have the audacity to say, You know what, this is what I desired. This is what I deserve. And this is what I’m going to do. Right? 3d. Okay. So, you know, what you desire is what you deserve? And what are you going to do to experience that desire, in which you deserve the experience? So that all has to do with you that shouldn’t be associated with or based on or rooted from someone else’s way of becoming, in a way of being and becoming in this world? It should all be What do you want? What makes you happy? How are you? How do you want to wake up in the morning? What type of love? Do you want to surround yourself by? What type of love the want to have for yourself? When you look in the mirror? Who do you want to see? Do you want to see somebody who you know, admires and adores the person in the mirror? When you hold your heart? Are you holding your heart with care? Are you you know, nurturing yourself loving yourself and compassion for yourself? You have to do that not him not to hurt them? Because when they don’t exist, when he is not around when she is not available? Who is who are you going to rely on you? I hope so. Yeah.
Yeah. I love the pointing back to the self, you know, all my background and spiritual studies. It’s just really who are you? Who are you and use the word Audacity. And every so often you come across somebody like Dr. Scholarly here, who’s just such a wordsmith, he is such a beautiful way with words. And you said something, and it’s really rare that I write down what somebody else says, like, Hey, that was a good quote. But since you use the word audacity here, I wrote down and it’s like, in my notes, like key things I’ve heard in my life, your statement was, do you have the audacity to live up to God’s capacity for you? That’s such a powerful statement. Do you have the audacity to live up to God’s capacity for you? Can you elaborate on that? What does that mean to you?
Yes. So I like to say, I use Jesus what Jesus said, when he was getting crucified. According to the Holy Bible, the King James Version, and I’m not a biblical scholar, great people, but I like to use examples. So he said, Forgive them father for what they do. And I had to internalize that and forgive me for what I didn’t know, which was my worth, which was my value, which was, I didn’t have a healthy love for myself. I didn’t even have words. Okay. So and this whole time, I’m trauma bonding and building a relationship with pain, instead of building a relationship with my energy, my inner God. So that was just a toxic mess. And I had to not forgive the people that caused pain because they cause pain, for the simple fact that I allowed them to do. So I had to take a thoracic accountability. And I had to forgive myself, which was very, which was a humbling experience. Because when you take ownership over your life, and when you take accountability, you have to really sit down and say, Okay, this happened, yes, this person did this. But why did they do it? It’s because I allowed them to, okay. And that was hard to know that the treatment that I was receiving was treatment that I allowed people to do to. So when I made the decision to transition from one gender to the next. It was a spiritual quest for me if anything, the physical part, or you know, that was rewarding, of course, but the internal mental emotional build trials that I had to experience were so humbling, but healthy for me. It was my first smell of liberation is the best way I could describe it. So it built the God in me. And like I like to tell people we are all gods. And if you want to break it down, the G is for your gifts. Are you not gifted? What gifts do you have? The O is the omnipotent in which you was stuck you are powerful, and the D is to be disciplined and dominant in your life. That is what God is, that is who I am. So I don’t have fears of aligning myself with the God in me, and allowing that God in me to co create with the god universe, okay? Because I know there is a higher source and a higher power than me, but that power created me. So I have some of that power too. Alright, so I take ownership of my ethnicity. And I and I remain discipline and my purpose, I remain discipline to my truth. And I remain dominant in my life, I am the only one who has the number one seat in my life. I’m not exchanging that seat for nobody. So, but in with me, transitioning me choosing this path, I didn’t choose the path that many follow, right, and I didn’t choose the narrow path, I chose to create my own path. And that is why I said, you know, I had the audacity to live up to God’s capacity, because the vision God has for me is bigger than the vision I have for myself. But I have the audacity to say, You know what, I deserve that vision that God has for me, because my vision might be a little tainted, right? From whatever experiences I might desire, a Mantid. But my, my Divine is saying, you know, what you might want to mention, but you’re gonna have a village, you’re gonna have an island, or you’re gonna have, you know, more, so you can give more, so you can do more. And that is who I’m aligning with. I’m aligning, but at first I had to, you know, build that relationship with my inner God, because I can’t co create with a higher source. And I’m not going to put all my responsibility on God and pray for God to bless me when I’m not prepared for the blessing. So I have to have the audacity to want to live up to God’s capacity. Yeah, to meet them halfway. Because if I don’t meet them halfway, then how am I even going to be available, or a vulnerable, to be open to receive the blessing, because God could give it to me source can give it to me universe can give it to me, however, you know, people want to, you know, align this power is unknown, unknown source to, you can’t receive it, you can lose it just like that, if you’re not prepared. You know, if you’re not asking, like I tell people don’t ask to obtain, you want to obtain the blessing, but you need to ask to be the pray, to be the beam, you need to be to maintain the blessing and sustain the blessing, I don’t want to disappoint it. That’s easy. But maintaining and sustaining is a whole different thing. If I’m going to build this empire, I need to have the tools and I had need to have the mindset and I need to have the health, healthy spirit or be this healthy being to maintain and sustain this, what I have obtained. So if you’re not completing the prayer, then yes, you will obtain millions of dollars, but you can also lose it too. And then what? So yeah,
you can gain the whole world, but lose your soul. And the point in that, right? I love hearing your story. It’s so inspiring. And I hear you are vulnerable enough, you have the audacity to say, I’m not going to just conform to what I think I should be, I’m going to be all that God can imagine me to be who I really, really am. And you mentioned forgiveness being such an important part of that process. Could you elaborate more on what was it like when you started realizing if I’m going to make these changes? If I’m going to actualize my fullest potential? Why did you need to start with self forgiveness.
I had to forgive myself because I didn’t want to carry the burdens into my life I had to choose, right? I feel like there’s two types of people, people who are burdens and people who are blessings. And I wanted to be a blessing to me. I didn’t want to be a burden to me anymore. So I had to forgive myself for things that I allow, and forgive myself for the lack of self love. I had to forgive myself for allowing people to hold primary positions over me and make myself a priority or the priority I should stay. So it was you know, that’s what I mean by forgiveness, and forgiving myself because it was necessary for me to ascend for me to train thing for me to transform into the Divine Being that God placed me here on this earth to be for not just me or my family, but for for the world to enjoy. And what does that being look like? And what do I need to do to be humble? Right? It’s a you know, Jesus had to go out for 40 days and 40 Nights. Well, that’s what I had to do. You know, so to speak, you know, I had to walk in the darkness. So darkness to me was acknowledging my shadows. Not so much trying to get rid of it, but seeing the light shadow exists. And there’s a light side of me too. And if I blend them together, what beautiful creation doesn’t make it though, it’s like an artist that’s making something or painting something, they’re using various colors to give this message or to give this vision. So I wasn’t trying to get rid of anything, but I was trying to acknowledge more of myself and accept myself as well in the process, because that is what I needed to do to be a healthy being for myself, so I can be healthy for people who need me for whatever enlightenment that that is needed. So to forgive myself, that’s what it pretty much, it was just part of the process, it was a necessary process, it wasn’t a process that had to be skipped. And that’s why healing can be sought out to be. And I say sought out, because it’s really not a painful experience. And it’s not painful at all, it’s more so humbling. It’s actually healing. And it’s, um, it’s enlightening at the same time, because I just, I learned from life instead of be a victim of it. And when I took the victim out of anything, I took the victim out of life, okay, I got rid of that real quick. And once I became enlightened, I got rid of the victim. And I was this big tour. And I nurtured the victim in me, because you know, how a victim mentality or feelings were or ways of being that it was valid, of course, but it needs to exist anymore. Because it was doing too much damage, it was limiting me and preventing me from seeing my full potential from tapping into my full potential, and for having the audacity to live up to God’s capacity. So I had to do necessary work, I really had to sit myself down and learn myself, be still and just not feel I always have to be on the go, or do things or have to prove myself to God, I didn’t have to prove myself to my, to the Divine, I didn’t have to prove myself to the most I my higher self. I had to be still for a while. And I had to reflect. And that reflection was the meant on what people did some here’s what I was doing to myself, How am I seeing myself? How am I loving myself? And what am I going to do to heal myself? What toxic behaviors are willing to get rid of? What toxic mindset? Am I willing to let go? What, uh, you know, and what am I going to replace that with, you know, walking on in nature, instead of going out to the clubs, you know, or maybe instead of going up to the clubs, I like playing pool and I’m great at it, you know, but doing healthier recreational activities. Reading, I always was a scholar by heart because I love to learn. And I think that’s the best asset I have, because I’m more so taking exploitive lens, or approach to life than more. So this conforming way of being because to me, when you conform in life, you’re playing safe. And you’re not here to play safe, you weren’t here to follow other people’s ways of being, you are here to explore your own way of being and create. You’re the person that you desire to be for this world because your life is bigger than you when you leave, you still want people to know you exist, you still want to leave a legacy, you still want to leave something that people can thrive and build their empires off of. And when it comes to me passing when I transition, I want to be able to look out into places that I did my best. I did what you sent me here to do. And that’s when judgment is to me. I don’t want that say I bless you with His life. What did you make of it? And all I could give him is a bunch of war degrees on the wall. He’s like, you know, or they’re like, you know, no, that’s not what I sent you there. So, yeah, I hope I answered.
I’m sure everything you said was beneficial for the listener. So you entered my question many amazing ways. I’m really curious about when you talk about your process, your transition the trans beam, you also referenced that very synonymously with us like enlightenment or ascension or liberation. I think anybody whether you identify as trans or just going through a spiritual process going through an awakening, yet there’s the idea of you might call it the human self. That is that which is transitioning, transforming, growing, healing blossoming. But a lot of people might just call that personal growth, you seem to as I do, make that very intimately connected with spiritual growth. How have you found that your transition has actually been a deeply spiritual process.
So my transition was spiritual, because ever since I and I use five because it could have been three, but ever since I can remember, since I was a child, very Young, I knew spiritually and this is where intelligence comes from, because my inner self was telling me, this is who I am. And but what I was seeing and what I was taught from the programming that society has put on, placed upon me, that’s not what was being told to me. They said, if I have these body parts, or if I look like this, then this is what I am, you know, if a cow has a, you know, if this is what cows look like, this is what apples was like, you know. So here I am, I’m like, Okay, well, I have these fillings inside myself that are not in alignment with what to say how this gender is supposed to feel. So the whole time I’m neglecting this internal connection that came to me. So and was trying to build with me, I was rejecting it, because what I’m being taught is this, but I’m following these rules, and it’s creating this pain is creating this internal conflict within my system. It’s like me trying to take an iMac and put it in a Lenovo, the system will operate efficiently. Right. So that’s what I was going to try to take this programming extended in my system, but it was not alignment. So this whole time, from my childhood to the age of 30, I’m sitting here, like, you know, it, I’m like, um, you know, what’s going on. And so I was enlightened to this community. And I’m like, Okay, I felt so affirmed. And immediately, I was like, you know, this is what I need to do. I was intended to, and I always had a rebellious spirit of mine about myself. Now, even in my youthful years, I’m still very far before my transition, I I still dress masculine, I wasn’t the type to, you know, wear heels and lipstick, and guys or anything, I’ve always been what society likes to say, a tomboy, you know, so I was always a masculine centered, and that’s how I appeared. So and I would constantly get mistaken as I was, you know, always he, I’m sorry, she, I always got that going on. But um, so when it came to my transition and transitioning, now, when I made the decision became a spiritual quest, because, yes, I knew I was going to attain obtain the physical appearance. But that’s where it goes back to maintaining, insisting I needed to have the mindset. And I needed to obtain the emotional intelligence required for me to have a healthy transition, and not experience a transition as society likes to portray to the public and stigmatized when it comes to, you know, my community. So it became spiritual because I had to look inside myself, I started I had to take authority over my life and started putting my own definition behind these labels that were placed upon. Like I said, if the shoe fits, wear it, okay. I don’t you know, I don’t really like saying transgender, I like to say I am in affirming gender, because I’m a gender is that that is affirming to me. So in whatever that will be for the day. It can be interchangeable, but getting off topic here. So it was spiritual, because I needed to rebuild the emotional health that I needed for me to have the transition that I desired to happen. So I wasn’t just a man that you see. But I was broken inside. I didn’t want to be spiritually broken. And I wanted to, I had to dissect the relationships that I had. And I had to redefine what masculinity meant to me. What type of father do I want to be in my children’s life? What type of man do I want my daughter to love? Because I had an understanding that you know what, the first relationship that my daughter is going to have with the male is with me, and what do I want that relationship to be because she’s going to base every relationship off of this relationship when it comes to the opposite gender. So I need her to know that Edie treats me this way. i This is the baseline. Okay? So but in order for daddy to treat my, you know, her this this way, in order for me to be the father, I need to be for her. I had to be the man I needed to be. I had to give myself that love first. And parents can love their child. But if you don’t love you, you can’t love your child the way that they’re supposed to be. And that’s where this karmic cycle comes in. Are this trauma bonding or these unnecessary pains are being created. And it’s hard to let go because we’re not building this love of self. It would amaze me when parents would say I love love my child more than I love me. It’s very interesting. And I asked, Well, how’d you know? I love me about law. I don’t love my children more than me. Because if I love my children more than me, then how can I love them in a healthy way? That’s how I see it. I don’t think I can, I don’t love my wife more than the I have to love me. More than me if anything, you know, because if I have that love of self, then I could have the love, I could share that same love of film, with the world, with my children, with my wife with my dog, okay, I could share that love that I have for myself, it’s exchanged. But if I don’t have a healthy level of self, then what am I changing with you unhealthy love, a love that’s painted a love that can be that can create pain or create a trauma uncut subconsciously, because the level of myself is not healthy. So it was a spiritual quest. And this continues to be a spiritual quest for me my transformation, because I have an understanding that you know what? Life is transforming. We have been the world evolves. So evolution route from word transformation, change. So me being transgendered is honestly part of life, it’s part of the game, you know, it’s part of this experience, excuse me, that we’re having. So it’s nothing. It’s not this big thing people are making it to be, it’s just part of life. You know, do we make a big deal that I went from a baby to this fully developed being? We then so what is the difference for me, moving from one gender to the next gender? Honestly, it’s a privilege to me, because now I can be more compassionate, because I have an understanding, I have personal experience, or what a woman will go through as far as biologically, mentally, emotionally, I can understand those thoughts. At the same time, I can show compassion to a male who’s going through certain things. Because if I get pulled over by the cops, I have the same fears of going to jail. The jail system is not meant for me is not prepared for me or equipped for me. And when you see me, you’re seeing me as a black man. So I’m still open to those stigmas and pursue whatever perspective that you know, law enforcement or certain people have against black men, and if they find out, I’m trans, Do you forgive that? Okay, I think so I still have these things, or I’m still eligible to experience those kinds of experiences. But when I take authority over my life, in my mind, don’t allow those fears to attain what I desire and deserve, what do I desire, I can’t focus my life on fear, what if what is possible to happen, because I’ll be so complicated, I’ll be living my life with fear, I really want to step outside into the world, I probably will be scared to go to the grocery store, or just for the simple fact I’m thinking about getting pulled over by the cops, like really, no, I can’t do that. That’s not what God put me here to do. And that’s where having the audacity to live up to God’s capacity, because at the end of the day, the love that I have for myself, my internal relationship will be exemplified in the relationship. And the relationships that I have in my life, from the relations with my family, I mean, from with, with my wife, my family, you know, My children, will be all reflections of the love that I have for myself, the relationships I have in my business partners will be spiritual, because I’m not trying to have a relationship based love money, I need to make sure we’re spiritually connected here. Because I need to understand what your core values are. And I know and when, and if our core values align, then I know we’ll be prosperous, I’m not worried about that. Because we’re gonna we have integrity, we value integrity, we value self respect, we have a love for ourselves. So when you have a love for yourself, and you have a self respect, you’re not focused on how to con somebody, or disrespect somebody or anything. If anything, I’m not going to have the argument with you. I’m just going to speak my truth respectfully. I’ll listen to your truth. And we can either come to a compromise instead of trying to prove each other’s truths wrong. I think that’s a waste of my time, both of our times, so I’m not going to do that. I can be respectful and listen to what you’re saying. And I can respectfully disagree. If so be it. You know, and it’s not saying because I disagree, I You’re not what you’re saying is wrong. No, it’s just saying that that your, what’s your truth is being communicated, but my truth is not aligning with it, and that’s okay. And I will humbly disagree, you know.
So, I say all this to say is that it’s been a spiritual quest, because it’s giving me an understanding of life, which is allowing me to obtain an inner knowing of who I am Up in who I need to become. So I can N overstand my purpose overstand my value overstand my word and have an in depth understanding of my truth, because that’s the only thing I will understand is my truth. Not people, not the world was I’m not here to understand that. I’m here to intercede and I’m here to understand my truth. And basically, that’s Yeah.
Beautifully said. Yeah, our school is largely about Self Realization and getting to know who you really are. Yet so much more. It’s about self actualization. As I hear you speaking. It’s not You’re not just someone who knows who you are and was willing to unfold like I think you had on your website, you talked about like the caterpillar into the butterfly type of idea, you were willing to go through your transformation, to become so much greater than what you where you started, or like, you know, your true self was always there, you just allowed it to unfold. When I hear that so valuable, I came to this in my realizations, it is always about other people. We don’t have enlightenment in isolation. There’s no such thing as salvation is an individual, when you get a sense that we really are all one or at least, you’re interacting with people all the time, right, and who you are, absolutely affects other people. So I’d love to hear you elaborate more on relationships. I mean, we are interpersonal hypnotherapy, it really speaks to my realization, that it’s not just trans personal. It’s not just ascending and enlightening oneself. It’s about how we interact with others, because we’re here to help to liberate others as well. I mean, you do a lot of work in your community and people you teach, I guess, basically, how to raise children with this type of mindset. So as you mentioned, your kids, I’d love to hear more about how does this more self actualized way of being, bless those in your life, especially how you raise a child.
Yeah. So it helps so much when you have this self actualization. Because then I feel you can allow your child to explore themselves, instead of conforming your child to abide by these societal, practical systems are this systematic way of being, you’re not meant to follow a system is anything you’re meant to create your own system, okay? Create, Create, Create, when you’re telling me that I was created by the Creator, then that means I have a creative ability about myself, because that’s where I, that’s my origin. So when I have the self actualization, and which will, we will use the Maslow’s hierarchy, right. That’s the pinnacle is self actualization. So if I obtained that, then man, I can allow my child to say, you know that, or my daughter could call me say, you know, that I like this girl. You know, I think she’s cute. And what have you? And I say, Yes, she’s cute. And I could be like, yeah, she’s cute. Yeah. So. So why don’t you want to tell her that she’s cute? I’m not going to be like, No, don’t talk like that. Don’t do this. Or if my daughter wants to just wear sweatpants. And dye her hair green. I’ll be like, You know what, that’s great. Not my cup of tea. But it’s yours. And I’m willing to explore that experience with you. I want her to be like, you know, I could go to my dad for any. And it’s not from the spoiled mindset, it’s from I could communicate to my dad about anything. And that’s the type of parent I wanted to be. I wanted to be that parent, I want to be that husband, or I want to be that person that people can say, you know, what? Dr. Scholarly, he doesn’t judge. You know, I can say, you know, what, I really did have this thought of anger. I really wanted to harm this person, but I didn’t. And Dr. Scholars, Lee said, You know what, that’s okay, that you felt that. But, you know, can we take a more a healthier approach to you, you know, because when you hold people, you really harming yourself. And that’s how I see it. If I if I am judging someone, for being transgendered, find judging someone for being like, if I’m judging someone for being black. If I’m judging someone for just being different than me, then there’s some differences about myself internally that I am neglecting. I am rejecting I am resisting. So it’s just you’re just portraying the transference of emotions is what they like to call it in psychology. You know, you’re transferring your personal emotions or what you have not accepted or acknowledged. And you’re bringing that over here. And it’s the same thing with when I had said I held on to pain, and when I held on to that pain, where was I bringing it, I was bringing that pain with me into my friendships. I was bringing that pain in to meet with me into my relationships, and to the relations with into the world. I was bringing that pain. So if I’m bringing pain with me into these new experiences, then what do you think the outcome is going to be? painful. And I had to let go of that. So, I when it comes to self actualization and my relationships with, you know, my children, I, because I am taking an explorative approach to life in it’s so much freer I don’t have these rules, you know, if anything, I’m creating rules that are more liberating, that are not, you know, feeling like I have to live in this box, because I’m not a court a contortionist. Okay? I can’t say nobody’s too much of the Infinite Being I’m too grand for that. You know, I keep the boxes for the for the people who have a simple mind set. A simple way of being I should say, but my self actualization allows me granting you the permission to build a liberating a healthy relationship with my children. Because children love to explore life, they have so many questions, they’re very inquisitive. And that’s, that’s the approach I take for life. Why are the trees green? You know, something simple like that? Or? Why is green green? Who named the dream? Alright, somebody said, You know what that color is green? Well, what led them to that conclusion? That’s what I if I’m constantly asking question, but even as a child, that’s how I was. And I was told, Oh, you ask too many questions. If you’re telling the kids, they’re asking too many questions, and you send them to school. And you’re wondering why they’re feeling is because you’re scared. Ask questions. Yeah. Questions that you are limiting them to ask? Oh, you talk too much. He’s always asking questions, or I thought it was let my daughter be great. Let her ask all the questions. You know, sometimes do I feel like answering the questions? No, you know, we all have emotional days, or draining days or days, we’re just, you know, just need to be at ease point, or whatever it is. But I answered it, because I have an inner standing. And I know that she’s yearning for knowledge. And she really is trying to understand this. Like, why would I go to school? I have to go in this bathroom and not this bathroom? Have you explained that to your child? Oh, because it’s symbols up there? And they’re going oh, no, what? Why is that symbol there? Who created the symbol? It’s a valid question. But you get frustrated because it’s a question you can’t answer. And at the end of the day, instead of getting frustrated with the child, why don’t you explore why these symbols up? So you can give an answer I will pay saying I don’t know the answer, but I’ll find out. And I feel we all have to be scholars of life, you know, as defined scholar to be a success. having compassion, being humble. Having the heart of love, you know, showing yourself are acts of heart. Because when you do that, it’s easy to love other people, being outstanding, being observing, being obedient to Your purpose, loving life, learning from life and being the leader of your life, being authentic, being affirming, and being respectful, being resourceful. That’s what a scholar is, to me, you know, it’s not this a student being that has a 4.9, or what all these little activities, you know, I give two craps about that, honestly, I want to be a scholar of life. And how do I do that? I need to take my pen and pad and I need to explore life I need to research life. And what what conclusions? Or what results Am I getting? From this exploration? From me observing, you know, from the things that I’m deciding to do? What am I creating, and I’m taking notes, and maybe I want to do something different the next day, or maybe I want to do something different than next year or the next month, or whatever it is. I’m taking this explorative approach and it’s eliminating fear. Because in my mind, I’m learning. I’m not trying to be safe with life. I’m just learning life. And if one is has nothing to do with failure, it’s all outcomes. What are you creating? You’re not failing, you made a decision. And that decision created this outcome. So it’s not a failure. It’s okay, well, I will make that decision again. Because I know what how cool is going to come with it. So I’m gonna make a different decision and not be scared of the unknown. Embrace it embody. You know, and when you have that self actualization, it builds a trust within yourself. That’s what self actualization is, to me, it’s being vulnerable to trust me. And if I could trust me, then I can allow my child to educate my child will trust themselves more. And you know, my children will trust themselves. because they have a parent who models that, who exemplifies that? And who empowers them to explore life? You know, I happen to tell him tell my son that he has to date girls, or hey, did you talk to any girls yet? know, anybody have anything to say? Do you have any people of interest? I’m gonna put a specific gender behind it. Do you have anybody you’re interested in? You know, or I don’t need to have that conversation with them. Maybe they just bring somebody home. Maybe they might bring John home on Monday and, you know, Janet home on on Friday, and now embrace both of them the same way. I’m not going to say Oh, well, you know, you’re supposed to be with this one. Not that one, no explore life, you want to have multiple partners be safe. Okay, that says any disease safe about, you know, that’s it, I’m not going to say or condemn them will tell them that that’s wrong. And they shouldn’t do that. Because then what am I doing, I’m painting that relationship. And that’s something that I did with my parents, you know, my parents expose me to toxic behavior. But they love me the best they can. But I because I held on to pain that allowed me to is limited my relationships that I desired to have with like, to some extent, you know, both of them created some form of trauma in my life. But I held on to that trauma instead of letting it go. And I had to forgive myself for that. I didn’t have to forgive that. For the, for the experience, I had to accept them for who they are and where they are in their life.
I had to forgive myself for holding on to them. And when I had let go of the pain, I was now able to build a healthy relationship with my parents, because I accepted that. I accept people, I’m not here to forgive people. I’m not here to tell people how to live their lives, I’m here to accept people for who they are, affirm them for how they want to be affirmed, and learn from them. If I know I’m a person who walks straight, and I accept this person for moving crooked, then the painful experience will be will occur really, you know, the chances of me being pained, that won’t really happen. That’s why Knowledge is power. Because it’s the know, I know you move crooked. So when I move straight, I’m not going to be disappointed. I’m not going to have this expectation of you moving shrimp with me, because I know you move cricket. I know, you know, a lot of my grandma would say if I, I would accept the fee for being a thief, I don’t need to mistreat them for being a thief. I just know not to leave my purse around. I’m not going to walk, I’m not going to not welcome them in my home, I’m not going to not treat them with respect. No, I respect them or treat them like a decent human being, I just know that you’re capable of certain things. So I’m not going to encourage those certain things around me at least. So that’s why it’s essential to have an inner note. Because knowledge is powerful if you allow it to be, but knowledge can also be ignorant if you choose for it to be. Because will people know about me from before they knew the gender that was placed on the effort. So that knowledge that knowing allows them to be ignorant. So when they see me, it’ll be oh, you know, they’re calling me by my by the name that I don’t prefer? Are they using pronouns that I don’t know why I’m with, and they’re ignorant with the knowledge. So you don’t have to choose what you want to be some people, you know, I see society being it’s easy for them to live in be a that’s why I call them conforming caterpillars, because it’s easy for them to allow people to make decisions for them. Because I can blame them for the outcome. If it does, if it doesn’t favor me. But if you gain authority, you know, it’s like what they say when much is given, much is required. So if I obtained a lot of knowledge, a lot is required. If I take this learning approach, I’m gonna learn something. But then I have to do something with that knowledge. I have to do something. That’s why it’s easy for parents some times, you know, certain parents not all to not want to know about their child’s sexuality, or their preferences, or it’s easy for them to not even talk about sex with their job. They don’t want to know why you don’t want to know what’s scary about I don’t get it. I mean, we all encountered I don’t know. Why is it you know this this thing? What’s wrong with knowing because we have Do something about it. What do you have to do you have to find a way to now love your child in a way that they feel welcome. And are you willing to do that? Or is it all about your ego? You don’t feel like doing because you feel you don’t have to because you’re this adult, you’re this parenting, you know, got to be more careful. I applied and took on another term. If they’re when it comes to self actualization to answer your question to rewrap what is, in my relationships, if I have if I am, if I have an understanding of self, and I accept myself, and I love and I respect, and I have all these attributes towards self healthy ones, then it will automatically come with the relationships I encountered. And it is that self actualization that will protect me and prevent me from having toxic relationships. Because of the love I have for myself. You know, with my children, I’m not going to accept toxic behavior because I don’t, I don’t I don’t do that. Okay. I don’t have that type of love. So you disrespecting me is not is not allowed is not tolerated is not even an option. I teach, you know, I teach people how to treat me, when I walk into a room, I risk, I demand respect. When I walk into any environment, I demand love, it’s not an option for anyone to love me, it’s not an option for anybody to respect me, it is a requirement. And if you cannot come in, if you can’t live up to that requirement, then you probably need to leave the room. But I and that’s just what it is. Because it was a requirement for me, I no longer made loving me an option, I made it a requirement. Although may respect for me an option, I made it a requirement. I didn’t make these toxic things, it wasn’t an option to live a healthy life, it was a recording. So if I am engaged in any energy exchange with you any space with you, it is a requirement for you to respect love, and trust me and everyone can do that be silent. Because that’s respectful to me, you cannot say nothing at all, it is better to coming out of your mouth disrespectful or any way I read up just be quiet or not be bothered with be respectful from afar. But if you’re going to exchange any type of communication space with me, it’s it’s just a requirement. It’s not an expectation, I don’t expect you to do anything required to do it. Because it’s a requirement for me. So all the way down to my children, you know, from my spouse, to my children, to my family relationships to my parents now, you know, it’s not about respect, it’s not an option for parents to respect your children, it’s a requirement. The only reason why you make it an option for you to respect your children is because you are making an option to respect you. And that’s just how I see I you know, this is not because they’re smaller than you. They’re younger than you know, their little human being. They’re human. They deserve love respect. I never I never could. I never understood people hitting their children to make them obey. What are you teaching them exactly
where you’re teaching to seriously limit them, right? When when I think of you speaking, I’m hearing someone who through self actualization through self love, self forgiveness, self acceptance, you became free really freed yourself from all these old limitations that society puts upon us or that we let society you know, interject into us. But you had mentioned words like purpose, or I think maybe even the word mission. Yet I love what you said about not necessarily conforming to somebody else’s way, but creating your own way. And you watch most people, I think it’s safe to say most the majority are conforming. They are, you know, the term sheeple. They’re just doing what they were told to do whether parents kind of force us to do in a sense, what would you say to somebody, and you’d mentioned something like, you have a mission, that you have a purpose, there’s a story from Rumi, where he says a king sent a man to another country to perform one specific task. The man goes and performs many tasks, but doesn’t perform one task, comes back to the king later and says, I did all this great stuff for you. McCain said, Yeah, but did you do the one thing I sent you to do? And the man’s like, no, no, but I did all this other great stuff. Well, then your mission was wasted because you did all these things that weren’t actually true to why you were here. What do you say to somebody who’s still stuck still conforming hasn’t stepped out of the caterpillar faves yet? To realize you can create your own thing you have a mission and a purpose. And yeah, I just love to hear your thoughts about mission purpose and doing your own thing. Yeah, so
I use the Bible says you know, you have two paths. You have one that many follow one that’s narrow. Just like society says you there’s two genders, male and female. And I’ve always had this rebellious spirit about myself and the This is where the audacity comes in. Because I didn’t choose the path that many follows, nor did I choose the narrow path, I chose to create my path. Because I had an understanding of this, if I created my path, many won’t follow, nor were the few that chosen will follow. Those that divine gave the audacity to say, you know, something differently, you know, I don’t want to follow, you know, everyone, I don’t want to follow the few,
I just want to follow this guy. Because if he’s creating something, then I might learn a vulnerable to it. I’m willing to take what society likes to say a risk.
So when it comes to living, so like another analogy, I like to use another fable, where you know, and I’m just repeating, I’m just paraphrasing. The king gave three people a gift, this is a gave this person one gift, gave this person two gifts, gave this person 310. I’ll be back in six months. They come back, King X person gave one gift to to you know, what did you do with it? I buried it in my backyard. Oh, yeah. Okay, that’s, that’s not what I wanted to happen. But okay, the person with the two, he said, You know what to do with it first said, you know, what I only made, I only came back with three gifts. When he came back with something, he had more than the two that was given the other person who had three double days, and I’ve got six gifts. So not only do I keep the three you gave me, here’s three for you, too. So when you look at why the most wealthiest place in this world, is not the bank. It’s the graveyard. Because people die with the good thing. They are very with their kids. And I made the decision that I didn’t want to be. I wanted to be the one who left fruit for people to enjoy. And I wanted to leave this life empty. As much as possible. And I can’t do that being required. I can’t do that being skilled, I can’t do that conforming, I have to step out of those limitations. And I have to create a world that I can thrive in, share these gifts with, I can’t be a victim of the world of limitations and come in and perform confirmations I can’t. Because I won’t be able to transform there, I have to walk in to the world of transformation. Because that’s the only way for me to evolve. I can’t evolve. Live in this black and white. Living in a black and white society I’m accustomed to colorful for that I’m gay if my spirit is too colorful. So I have to live a life of transformation. So when it comes to purpose, I empower people to just be still and ask why? Why do you do the things that you did? Why do you eat the foods that you eat? Oh, because it’s part of our culture? Well, the key word and culture is cold
objects that you can find out what caught me so I’m just saying great people ask why? Why do you eat these certain foods? Why do you act this way? Or why do you engage in these traditions?
Just ask why. And when you ask yourself why why do I celebrate Christmas? Every December 25. Don’t just throw that. And oh, well because it’s a national holiday. Okay, well, what made it a national holiday? What really Oh, that was the day Jesus was born according to what source? The Holy Bible Oh, one source. That’s it. There’s nothing else that validates that? Ask questions. You see, you find the answer when you ask the right question. If you don’t know how to if you’re not inquisitive, then you will never learn more about you. You will know if you’re conforming based on the responses you get. Well, I do this because I’m supposed to do it. No, no, that’s not a good answer. For me. No, I’m not supposed to do anything if I’m supposed to do anything is beat me. I’m supposed to be me. I’m supposed to excuse me. I’m live a life of luxury. That’s what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m supposed to be educating myself. Elevating and enlightening others including me and power. myself and other people, that’s where I’m supposed to build it. But I’m not supposed to be doing something just because I’m not supposed to work from nine to five, or I’m not supposed to go to college, because that’s what my parents desired to do. Or because that is what society says, it’s the only way for me to be successful. No, for me to be successful is for me to sit down, get a pen and write down what am I good at? If I’m good at drawing pictures and creating art, that that’s what I’m going to pursue, that’s a gift that goes back to the god, that’s a gift. What are you going to do with that gift? Or gifts are not meant to go through the universities, okay? So don’t beat yourself up. If you’re not if you’re not college prep, if you’re not college oriented. You don’t have to get an education from an institution at work institution, and we know prisons or institution, I’m just saying, Okay, I have achieved this massive amount of education. But what have I learned, I learned more from like, life is what taught me how to love myself, I learned the valuable things, the quality things, things that are going to let are going to allow me to exist, are going to allow me to empower and enlighten from life experiences, not from the books that the educational institutions provided for him. I didn’t I had to learn self love from experiences. I had to learn respect from experiences. I have a 3.9. But what good does it serve me if I don’t have a self love or self respect? If I don’t know how to if you go to school all this this whole time, and you’re not taught how to show compassion for yourself? That’s crazy. That’s ludicrous. And I have to pay for this. Yeah. What is this all about? So just really sitting down and saying, Why is all this happening? Why do I need to go to college? Why is this educational system here? Is it really meant for me to thrive? Or is it meant for me to be in debt? Is it a way to control me? Is it a way for
society to profit off of me? That’s what we need to be asking. We don’t need to just hurry up, oh, I need to go to college right out of high school, because that’s what I’m supposed to do.
No, and he has people beating themselves up and going through mental anguish, and emotional distress, because they’re not going to college at 18. And they’re going at 45. Or you’re scared to go because they’re 45 years old. And they desire to pursue this education. And they’re rejecting themselves, because they’re not there. So you have to ask yourself, why is society creating this. And it’s, you know, as the hard truth is a hard it’s the truth is a hard pill to swallow to solve. And it might be affirming to me, because people thought this, but when you’re in this mindset of playing good, safe. And when you get this knowledge, you now have to do something about it. And people are scared to know certain things. So they just don’t, they they don’t seek it out. They’re not seekers. In order to live a prosperous and fruitful life, great people, you have to do three things, you have to seek the truth, you have to seek it out. You have to speak about it. And you have to be a servant of it. Three things. That’s why when I say I am the truth seeker, speaker and service, because that is what that is who I am. And my truth does not my education does not have to be sought after in from an institution. It can be sought after from life experiences. And if I want to just get an honorary doctorate, you know, how was research another day with the difference between an honorary doctorate or these honorary degrees? They downplayed? Oh, they’re not real degrees. But why though, because if a kid gets A’s and B’s in school, you’re calling them an honors student, they’re being glorified. But when I get an honorary doctorate is not value. Why is that? Oh, because I didn’t pay for it. So everything that is earned has to be paid for them. But why is that? Because when you pay your pain, then these are questions you ask, why is honorary doctorate not that you’re being honored from society? And then you’re wondering why society is the way it is when we have mental health professionals or we have professionals who’s, who’s out here trying to who’s serving the inner city population or people with with problems or things like that, and they don’t have a solution, because they aren’t there degree from a 3.9 they paid for this They weren’t around, somebody who’s out there in the community, doing the work for certain amount of years, has personal experience. And literally devoting their time, their free time to make a change, to create social change, then somebody who chooses to take out a wall, get a high GPA, and I have to pay to serve. And then when they’re exhausted, or they’re overwhelmed, they’re not serving me at the capacity that they should be serving, compared to somebody who’s given their free time and they’re free. You know, who’s passionate about it, despite the degrees, and there’ll be an honored for Dr. Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, I mean, you name I mean, the list goes on. These are people who I mean, yes, Doc monkey with the school. Of course, we know that. But he’s still putting that work. Doctor, my Anthony put him out at work. She spoke her truth. And the world listened, and they were inspired. And she was honored. So you don’t have to pay for everything. You could get an honorary bachelor’s, you get an honorary masters, you can get an honorary doctorate. If you’re going to pay for something, make sure it’s something that’s in alignment. It is something that can elevate you and empower you, there is no reason that we’re not going to ask these questions. There’s no reason why you pay for something. And you’re not even working in that field. You’re not even being compensated enough to pay the debt off. What do you have to pay to be educated? That’s the question in society really wants you to do great and be great in this world. Why do we have to pay for this higher education, I don’t get that it’s gonna be I mean, got to be more careful. If you ask me. If you have a passion to want to learn, you shouldn’t have to pay for that passion. My passion I didn’t have to pay for my passion is to empower people. God didn’t give me a bill. That didn’t give me a bill. He gave me a gift. He gave me the gift, the voice, I didn’t have to pay for that gift. I had, I had to find it, though. I had to seek it out. And I had to go through certain obstacles, I had to go through certain experiences, I should say, in order to find them good. When Christmas happens, right? And the tree is full of present, what are you doing? You’re finding the gift with your name on it, right? And then when you find that gift, you’re opening it up? And then what do you do you play with again, same thing, but once you find your gift, you find the gifts with your name on it that’s buried inside of you. That’s what our internal, you know, relationship is built from that energy. You get to learn your inner God. Your inner God will tell you what your gifts are. You take those gifts, and you you know, then you while you’re finding your gifts, you’re building this omnipotent, you’re building the strength, its power within itself. And you’re learning to be disciplined. Why? Because you’re constantly repeating this behavior of seeking your truth and seeking your gifts. So you’re building discipline along the way, and you’re building dominance because you’re gaining omnipotent. And when you find this gift, then you say, Okay, now you can go to God and say, bless me, or can you help me create this bliss? But I’m not going to sit here and pray to God to help me with my finances, or helped me with this, or God, please do this. When I’m in a time of need know, God can help the needy. Okay, he helps those who meet him halfway. And that’s just what it is. I try not to say him because God is not gendered. But you get my you get my, hey, you have to in order to be resourceful, you have to be a source. So you have to go to source God, if God is source, he’s the almighty source. But in order for you to be resourceful, you have to work with source, where do I need to be to work with source effectively and efficiently? I can’t be a baker and just ask for something and not do nothing. And just wait for it. No, that’s not fair to that’s not fair to the Divan out there. To me that’s disrespectful if you ask me. If you’re coming to me and you’re asking me to invest in your business, and I have not seen you invest in your own business, or do you look at it like that. So when it comes to your purpose, when it comes to finding when when it comes to how do I release myself from this conforming way of being you have to give to yourself to give yourself the due diligence Okay, and stop being in, stop being an injustice to yourself and justify yourself. Give yourself the due diligence, like, you know what? This world in No, I’ve been living this world for 45 years, 50 years, however old you are. And these are my outcomes. Start out with that get a pen, Get Get, get get a book, get a pad kit up in the Family Dollar. Okay, get yourself a pen and really say, You know what, for X amount of years of my life, this is what I’ve experienced. These are experiences that I am not happy with. Okay, well, why aren’t you happy with it? What led to these experiences? Well, mommy and daddy said I had to obey. Okay, I had to obey them. Then when I went to school, they told me I don’t obey the teachers. And then when I stepped outside of the house, they told me I had to obey society rules. So you’ve been raised and programmed to be a robot to obey, obey, obey, you didn’t, they didn’t ask you. What did you think feel about this. They didn’t allow you to exercise your ingeniousness your mental capacity you’re feeling they didn’t allow those two things to connect. So you constantly shut them down all the way from the day you were born. Up until the day you were in, like, whichever age that is. I was fortunate to be enlightened that aged 30 Some that’s not the case with some people. But that doesn’t mean that you still don’t desire to in deserve to explore remainings of your life after listening to this recording, what it is your heart’s desire. So you sit down you ask yourself, what what is it? That’s not creating a happy outcome? Oh, I’m not happy with my finances. Okay, well, why? What behaviors have you exhibited? Or what are you doing that’s creating this financial distress? These burglaries, I’m not healthy, I’m not happy with my weight. Okay, well, what are you doing that’s contributing to this unhealthy behavior?
I’m not happy with my education, or I want to do this or fulfill or I want to be a great dancer. Okay. Well, what are you doing? Are you joining dance classes? Are you reading about the great dancers? Who the legendary dancers in this world are a real about them and what they went through and what they did and things? are you educating yourself on your craft on your passion on your gift? And teaching yourself on your gift? don’t educate yourself on you know, algebra? If you don’t, why would you? Not Use your time, don’t hold that distress upon yourself. Because you’re trying to meet society’s expectations. society’s expectations is just that it has nothing to do with me. Because society’s expectations, as is not listed. One, one or two expectations is not Bryson’s authenticity or Dr. Stolen leaves authenticity that’s not on the expectation, because of authentic there, what’s going to happen, they can’t profit off of that. They can’t control that. And now you’re freeing yourself. The number one cause of death has been your truth has been authenticity, people have died. Because they were being authentic, all the way down from Jesus all the way up. They were because they were authentic. They didn’t conform. Because there’s no way you’re conforming, and you’re still being targeted. But if you’re, you know, true to you, and you have the audacity to enlighten people have this ingenious experience this liberation that you’re experiencing. Right, this heaven said this, your experience in heaven on earth, not when he died? No. Okay. You’re experiencing it, then. Oh, no, we have to quiet that down. You know, that’s not no, we don’t want people to know about other genders. What are you talking about? No, we’re too busy making money on boy and girl clothes bullion Bruto is boy and girl colors. We’re making money off this binary way of being so what are you talking about? There’s other genders or gender expansive, and all that other stuff? No, you can’t talk about that. Because then we’ll know because the religion says this. And then if this true, then where does that leave me with my religion? Where does that leave me with how I was brought up? The world feels deceived. And they’re angry about that and you’re triggering something that they don’t want to know. Because if they know they’re gonna have to do something about it, and that’s going to trigger another question. Well, if there’s multiple genders, then why was I taught these 2am I a man because I chose to be a man or am I a man because that’s what society said I was. That’s a whole different question. And if I want to explore, if I choose to be a man, then I need to redefine what masculinity is to me, I don’t have to be strong and this powerful guy with a toolkit. I could cook dinner for my wife, I could wash dishes for my wife, I could clean the house for my wife, like are my own clothes, I could cook for my wife, you know, I could I could tap into my divine feminine femininity and get my nails done and get my feet done and take care of myself and be well groomed. There’s nothing in escalating about that. It’s just you loving going you? Why does everything have to be gendered? Why does everything have to be dual has to be separated? Your Divine Masculine and divine femininity is all in one. God is not gender, God is just one is not one of the other, there’s no what have you, you know, but when you’re raised to separate, conquer and divide, instead of unified, then, you know, it’s just a lot of things you got to put in, put into perspective and things. So I’d say all that to say, to empower you to just sit down and be inquisitive and like, ask questions. And what is your initial response? That is your consciousness, that I mean, that is your subconsciousness telling you what it is? If you put your hand over your heart, and you tell yourself and love you, and that makes you feel? Is your ego telling you? No, you don’t love you? Because this and this and that? Or is are you feeling some sense of just being, like relieved? Are you feeling just at ease, instead of dis ease? That’s That’s what life is like, life is not about being tense. Stress can conflicted. You know, the make conflict, calm in the English language, what this can mean? Again, so nobody wants to be have enough in common, okay, we don’t need any contracts, because they have the ability to go against, we don’t need to be conversating because that conversation has the ability to go against because we don’t want to have conflicts because what internally, you’re being you know, internal conflict, you’re having something going to get your internal being know, we need to start having compacts. Because calm means What would she want to be with? You don’t want to be against oneself. Okay, start creating your own terms have prover stations, and that’s a good conversation, or, you know, just switch it up. And it’s okay, because who created this term? Who put the definition behind it? And who gave him the authority to do so what did that person do? So who’s Webster? What did he do like to, you know, for us, for the world to have to use this dictionary as a source? So, yeah, that’s just I hope I answered your question. And
I think you did, and a lot more. It’s getting the time we have left. So I would ask you for closing words, but you offered so many great words. I’m going to let our listeners just soak all that in, but I will ask you to wrap it up with how people can learn more about you website or contact info.
Absolutely. Find me on my website. Dr. Scott Social media platforms is at Dr. Scott Lee. I’m on all of them Twitter, YouTube. Actually, my YouTube channel is the doctor scholarly experience. Find me on YouTube, their podcast is the doctor scholarly experience. What else here LinkedIn, after scholarly, Instagram, Dr. Scholarly, Facebook, Doctor scholarly. So all the rest of that scholarly. In fact, if you just Google Dr. Scott Williams here, some of my resources will pop up. And I thank you in advance for your support for your time, and for subscribing to any of my platforms. And make sure you share this video so the rest of the world can be enlightened. Don’t be selfish with the content. Know what, Matthew for having me on here, I enjoy our conversations per usual. Yeah,
of course. I love being on your podcast. It’s always a pleasure to speak and to listen to you. Yeah, and I’ll be sure our team puts all your contact info in the description below the video. So wonderful. Thank you so much for being here. As you were talking, I was thinking about Gandhi saying they asked him what is your message he said, My life is my message. And I haven’t really thought about that in relationship to another person except now listen to you is like your life is your message. So keep doing what you’re doing. It’s awesome. I’m so glad you were on the show. And I look forward to future collaboration with you. Thank you so much.
Like I always say great people continue to be great because you are already growing. So you continue to be great. Be bold, and always, always be you
right? Listen thanks so much
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