Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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LinkedIn: Moyra Gorski RN, BSN | LinkedIn
Youtube: Moyra Gorski – YouTube
Facebook: Moyra Gorski | Facebook
Welcome everyone to the illuminated mind podcast with me Matthew Brownstein founder and lead instructor of the Institute of interpersonal hypnotherapy. I’m here with my guest today more Rogowski. So welcome to the podcast. Mara.
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Thanks for being here. I was just on your podcast, it was quite enjoyable chatting with you. And now we want to learn more about you in this side. So you are a multi passionate entrepreneur, which is a cool title, helping people to create change that leads to freedom and flexibility or retired RM, specifically supporting women to create health by making simple changes in their lives, and helping others to reclaim their superpower. We talked about self care and journaling and entrepreneurship as topics. And yet I would love to just hear more about you for sure. So want to just tell our audience who is Muller Gorski?
Sure. So I am yeah, Moira Gorski I am a mom of four children. They are young adults, and all but one have left the nest. i Yeah, I’m a nurse, I went to school, really fascinated by science. And I thought that I might do something with that, but found the nursing field and really fell in love with rehab nursing. Although then moved into medical sales in the for the bulk of my career. Till I met my husband, we married and started to have children and, again, went on to have four children. So for the last 22 years, I’ve been a brand ambassador for a wellness company. So as you stated, I just help people, you know, live healthy lives and make simple changes. And I also mentor emerging entrepreneurs to have their own online wellness business. And while I’m not doing all of that I am a podcast host for two and a half years. I’m an avid journaler. I did create a journal as kind of a starter journal for people to have. But I love to just stay active in my healthy lifestyle. Just love to, again, be out in nature, walk, run. And then last couple of years, I’ve found ballroom dance. And so I have been taking ballroom dance lessons and really enjoyed that as a bit of a metaphor for life. I didn’t really experience I didn’t really expect that walking into a dance studio, but learn that there’s a lot to learn about ourselves when we’re on the dance floor. And when you do competitions and things like that. So that’s been something that I’ve, again, I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I have. And I continue on with that. Even today have a lesson after we’re finished here today. So that’s a little bit about me, I have well we had two dogs one has since passed earlier this year. But dog lovers and love having my little guy next to me here in my office.
Nice. Thank you for sharing all that dog lover dancer learning a lot about yourself probably some humility involved in that process. And yeah, I love to start with the entrepreneurship just because we are a Career School for hypnotherapy. We help people to get out into have their own careers. And while I sincerely believe our training, and hypnotherapy is exceptional, and actually our business marketing, and you know, the practice management side is quite good. We still have 100% of every single graduates succeeding because, you know, you know the statistics, most people fail in business. So can you talk to us about what do you do? How do you help people to succeed in business? Because, man, I would love to see more and more of our graduates. I mean, we have a lot of successful people, but I 100% of people truly reaching their goal. So yeah, can you tell us more
about that? Sure. Sure. Well, you know, I, when our kids were younger, I had a, I mean, I was introduced to entrepreneurship, direct the direct selling the network marketing industry, some, you know, 20 to 23 years ago, I was introduced to it, because one of my kids was kind of sick all the time, chronically ill. And so I was introduced to natural products that perhaps might help him. And that’s, you know, that’s how I started to use the products that now I represent. And so I didn’t really start to say, well, I’m going to be an entrepreneur, I was a lot of my my son to be better. I was exhausted mom of three kids. And so I was looking for some ways to feel better. And, and, and things changed remarkably in our home in the way of health and because I think because I have that kind of helping nature and a nurse and I like to help other people and I was learning a lot. And as you noticed when I interviewed you, I’m just like taking notes. I love to learn and I thought you know, my friend and mentor said you know if you shared with people Well, you could make a little money by doing this. And it was a very, a idea that I pushed away for for a bit of time, because I was uncomfortable with it. And I just didn’t see myself as a business person. But I did have that deep desire to help people. And so I was shown a way to do that. And to monetize that, if you will, by, and what attracted me was the fact that I could do a little bit, and I could fit it in my life of, of being a mom and suburban mom and supporting my family there. But I could fit that in, but I. And so I’ve learned a lot in these 22 years. And I think one of the main things that I’ve learned because I was just speaking with someone before our podcast, who was considering, you know, joining me on my team and doing this entrepreneur, ship thing. And I said, you know, there’s the I think the key is that you have to do the work, that some people say, Oh, it’s great to have your own business, and oh, isn’t it great, and you have all this freedom. And, and I’ll be it, that’s very true. It does. It requires work. And it requires you to get up in the morning and you to get going and you to motivate you and you to make your plan. And hopefully you have a mentor, if you’re looking to open your own business or start your own business, you have a mentor that you can that can guide you, but you’ve got to do the work. And that’s a different because I do speak with so many. And they’re like, Well, you know, we don’t give you the here’s your job description. You know, and this is what you’re going to do every day, I help to guide you to say these are the things that you can find success with if you follow these these vital behaviors, if you will, but you’re the one that has to do it. And I think that sometimes, because this gal particular her husband was like, well, that stuff doesn’t work. Like we know what it does work. I have been doing it for 22 years, and I have a very wonderful paycheck every month. And I have clients who see me in town or text me and say, Man, I’m feeling so much better. Thank you so much. I’ve it’s changed projectory of my life. It’s changed other people’s their success there. But it doesn’t work if you don’t work. And I’ve had many people that say, oh, yeah, that that doesn’t work. It’s like, well, guess what, you’re not doing the work. So I think that’s a main point that I always like to bring across. Like, it’s great to be an entrepreneur, but it’s not an easy path.
Believe me, I’ve only been an entrepreneur and I get it. I was 24 years old and got into hypnotherapy as a profession. It was I had to do it, I had to show up, but I didn’t do the work, I wasn’t gonna get paid. You mentioned vital principles, I think is what you said and use the word vital. Are there some of those that come to mind that you could share with the aspiring entrepreneur things that if you show up, these are the best practices, this is what to do to succeed?
Yeah, well, we do have those vital behaviors, we call them in our you know, in our industry, but there are things that are for instance, if you you know, again, I’m in a wellness industry, I recommend products to us to shift your spending to these type of products, so you can live a healthy lifestyle. And so, I mean, certainly one of the vital behaviors is to be a product to the product. And I think about you with the business that you just shared with me and what you’re doing. Like if you weren’t doing the hypnotherapy and the meditation, and I mean, you’ve got to do that in order to you know, teach that and to to share that we have to be a product of the product, whatever we’re selling, whatever we’re doing whatever we’re promoting, we have to be a product of the product. And then there I think just it’s that consistency of reaching out reaching out to new people reaching out to your clients having that it’s a relationship business. And it’s all there’s specific things that we talk about do this on social do this with a phone call do this with, but I think it is what it really is wrapped up in is that relationship business. Because people there may be I know in my industry, there are many people that people can buy green cleaners from and vitamins and wonderful anti aging skincare line. But they’re buying because of me they’re buying because I’ve had this develop this relationship with them. And they know me and they like me, and they trust me and so they buy from me. So it’s all wrapped up in that it’s a relationship business. If we want to be successful in our business, we have to know about how we can develop relationships and listen more than talk.
Nice, love it. So yeah, the importance of walking the talk if you’re using a product or selling a product, use the product if you’re a hypnotherapist, do hypnotherapy and yourself and the ability to network and connect with others and listen and yeah, a lot of that has to do with personal wholeness when you think like if your neck secure within you, then you’re not going to walk the talk and you’re not going to feel comfortable with others. So I know you’re big on self care. So if we get back to the importance of taking care of you like it hypnotherapy, I teach my graduates, you are the product, and you need to brand yourself. But if you don’t take care of yourself, what kind of role model are you to others? So talk to us about one of your passions, self care.
Yeah. So yeah, I noticed again, so my, my podcast that I have is called juggling the chaos of recovery. And I started that just as a way for me to share with others my experience with my daughter who has an eating disorder and has for the last seven years, and I, and I wasn’t I’m not sharing her story, but I’m sharing my story of me taking care of myself during that time, because I found that as I, my daughter was struggling, I was putting so much effort into try to help her. And I’ll be that that’s good. I wasn’t taking care of myself. And so as I learned, the impact that stress has on us on our lives, or can have on our lives, and my health, I was the health, you know, I’m the health guru. And I wasn’t doing so good in those areas with my sleep and my anxiety and my adrenal fatigue and things like that. So I really started to learn myself how, and we know all know that right, we take an airplane ride, and they say, just put the oxygen mask on first before you give it to your, to your child. And it became very apparent to me that I wasn’t doing so good with that. And so I started to do more of that, if you will, for myself getting getting very clear on getting better with my nutrition to take care of myself, as well as these other things that we, that you teach. And we talked about, you know, just those creating a way to take care of myself. And for me, it’s yes, it is that nutrition, but it’s that quiet time in the morning when I get up. And hopefully getting up when I wake up as Mel Robbins would say getting out of bed, and coming downstairs and finding my spot in my front, my front room, where I take that quiet time of meditation and journaling and reading and just starting my day. I mean, that’s just such a wonderful form that I found of self care for myself creating that morning routine that when I do that, my day tends to go, you know, to go better. And so I that’s a big part of self care for me that I encourage other people to create their own morning routine. But it’s also those other things that we choose that I choose to do during the day, if it’s you know, self care, I see self care, as, you know, going out for a cup of coffee like I did this morning with a girlfriend, you know, we haven’t seen each other in a while because our kids have grown and gone. And I used to see it when our kids. So you know, we worked on getting together, we sat together for a couple hours and just caught up. It’s a way that just nourishes my soul. And so that’s a form of you know, self care. And then it’s just those other things of the yoga and the walks and, you know, eating properly and things like that. But really, again, paying attention to what’s important to me and making sure that I’m doing that first, before I start to give, you know give to others.
Yeah, it sounds like not so much the specific things you do, you have the intention behind it, the clarity to say, I need to prioritize myself my most important and then I hear you saying it’s really variable, spend time in the morning, first thing is for you. Meditate journal, read, go for a walk, go out for coffee with a friend, nurture your friendships, but without the intention that you sell. I would imagine people don’t go very far with that. So how do you help others to start taking care of themselves? Is it just through your podcast and teaching? Or is there a way that you help to motivate others to prioritize themselves?
Well, yeah, I think that I, again, I do share my life quite openly with others, if you will. And so I am a product of that product. So I share that. But I think, you know, if it’s about self care about nutrition or about starting, like, it’s just just start somewhere. And that’s why I say like simple steps because I find that, you know, if I say well, this is I do all this like, well, I couldn’t do all of that. Well, like what could you do? Right? So what if you just started small? What if you just with the meditation? What if you just sat for five minutes and took 20 Deep breaths or something like that? I really encourage people to just start very small if they feel like they can’t, because I think if I give them too many ideas. Again, they’re my ideas. So I’ll give suggestions and say you know what feels good to you. What do you feel like you could embrace what do you feel like you could start with and start there. But then I stay in touch with them. And I keep them, you know, and I do talk about, they can stay accountable to me. But how can they stay accountable to themselves, because some people do like to do, you know, make a little chart and check it off, well, I’ve done this, or they like their track or on their phone or on their watch or something like that. I’m not necessarily like that. I don’t really like all of that. But, but it’s again, it’s important to when we start new habits, is to have that accountability piece. So it’s either with yourself or perhaps again, with your mentor or with your friend or, you know, meeting that friend for a walk Monday, Wednesday, Friday, well, we’re gonna meet each other when it cold, each other accountable, you know, that type of thing. So, but it’s always kind of starting out small, like, just bite a little bit, you know, off, and then just repeat, repeat, repeat. And then before you know what your it’s become a habit of yours. That’s easy. Easier, huh?
Yeah. So chunking down, essentially, don’t just tell someone, do all these things are all amazing. Just what’s one thing you can do and then and have someone who holds you accountable? So the idea of a mentor sounds wonderful. And you have any thoughts about how to even find a mentor? If somebody was saying, you know, I’m so alone in my path, it’d be amazing to have somebody who’s further along, who could help me out? How would I even find a mentor if I was looking?
Yeah, that’s, that’s an interesting, I think, again, you go and hang out, hang out where the people are that perhaps you want to be like, or again, that that are doing what you’re looking to do. I know that when I read John Maxwell’s I’ve read several of his books, and he talked in one of them about when he was looking to, you know, become more successful to be a better public speaker. I mean, he he reached out to successful people. And he went, he said, he visited, he would plan his visits, or his vacationing around going to visit these people and getting a chance to talk, speak with them, and share their words of wisdom with him. That’s how we learned. He said, I want to be like them, if you will, so I’m gonna go learn from them. So I think if you’re looking for a mentor, be it that it’s in yoga, or in fitness, or meditation or whatever, go to those or take courses or, you know, get to be part of a community, and then just ask, you know, they say that in the 12 step programs, you know, if you need sponsor, just ask, say, Hey, I’m looking for somebody to help me. Are you able to, you know, are you able to help me? Or do you know, if somebody, I think we just have to go to where those people are? And, perhaps ask them, I’ve done that myself with, again, within my direct selling business, I’ve reached out to many of the top leaders that have been I mean, I’ve been here a long time, too. But you know, that have been here a long time and just reach out, say, Hey, can I just ask a few questions, like about leadership about growing a team about, you know, loyalty in this business? Can I just ask a few questions, because I feel like when we ask those questions, we have a lot to learn from those people.
Yeah, if we’re willing to just take the step, like you said, You’ve got to take those first steps, nobody’s gonna make you do it. My experience one of my highest level of interest in my life, he always encouraged me, you just always going to the top, they talk to the CEOs, talk to the leaders. And he said, they will be more open to talking to you, then people who are lower on the totem pole, so to speak, because they’re usually more successful, they have more time, and they want to give back. So yeah, I would encourage anyone who’s listening is do admire saying and go and reach out to some of these leaders that you’d like to be more like, you might be really surprised at how receptive they are. Because they want to give like people who have succeeded want to give back to others. So yeah, thanks for sharing that. Yeah, I know, one of your passions is journaling as part of your whole self care theme. So talk to us about that. Why is it so important? What have you gotten out of it? What do you recommend? Yeah,
yeah, I, you know, I heard you know, through many yoga practices that I went to, or retreats, they talked about journaling, and I was really kind of resistant to it, because I for one, I don’t have very good. I think my penmanship has decreased. They it’s just I don’t, my penmanship is not so good. anymore. And so I kind of said, well, if I don’t write very well then like why journal and I can’t read it, and I learned that it doesn’t really matter. Like, I don’t feel like it’s, I don’t, I’m not going to be publishing my journals. And so they don’t have to be these beautiful works of art, at least for me, and And so I started again to do a little bit of that as people would encourage me. And what I found is when I journaled it’s just it’s like getting those thoughts out of my head. And, and for one, it kind of, is, I would say, it kind of clears up that space. Sometimes I find that when I journal when I write things down, I’m just not, if it’s something I’m worried about or bothered by, it seems like I’m not bothered by that anymore, as I write it, you know, write it down. And then I’ve worked with the, you know, programs or gotten different journal prompts. And I find that that’s been very fascinating to buy just these prompts that people have given. Or when I’ve read books, or things like that, here’s a journal prompt, and just write for 10 minutes about that. And it’s fascinating. It’s fascinating for me, like, you start writing, and it’s like, you can figure things out, it’s almost like free therapy for you. You have like, like said, like, what’s bothering me today? Why do I feel so? You know, why is this? Why am I feel like I could cry? Or why is there a pit in my stomach, and just starting to write those things out and just kind of write flow free flowing, if you will. It’s fascinating what, what you discover. And even with the journal that I created, just as one of my friends said, it’s a really nice starter journal, it’s really it’s just, again, I, I encourage people to start small. So it’s just a small journal that has some inspirational quotes, some QR code links to my podcasts that they can listen to, to kind of think things. But I talked about, in the beginning, if you’re really wondering how you’re supposed to start journaling, again, just open, it doesn’t have to be some fancy journal, just open up a notebook or pull out a piece of paper, and perhaps start writing. These are the things that I’m grateful for today. And these are the things that I’m that I’d like to pray, you know, that I’m praying about, this is what I really need help with, this is what I’m asking for, you know, and just, even if you just start like that, it’s it can really become a powerful practice of, for one, realizing again, how I tend to be sometimes, again, I look at the negative, or I’m worried or, you know, things are bothering me. But when we really start our day with gratitude and writing things down that we’re grateful for, you realize, yeah, we’ve got it. It’s, I have a beautiful, wonderful life here and being grateful, it’s a great way to start. And then, again, just a, just that writing, again, it’s helped for me, it’s been very beneficial to kind of figure things out a way of processing a way of, again, almost like my own therapy, by just opening up a book and starting to write and I just, again, encourage people to not believe that it has to be perfect. But it’s just really that matter of starting.
Like that, that you acknowledged, I didn’t want to write because I don’t know good handwriting. It’s like, Oh, come on, just get over that you can write about how you don’t like your handwriting, but at least get it because you’re saying it’s very therapeutic, almost like talking to a therapist, because you just got it out. It wasn’t just in your head. You know, we can maybe say see a therapist once a week, pay a few $100 or just sit down every day, and write for 10 minutes. And I hear you’re talking about write about gratitude. Just have a topic. So basic themes that you could write about.
Right? Yeah, if you need again, some people like to have that type of structure, because they’re like, where do I start? Again, we want things to be perfect. Like, okay, so if that’s what if you just started by saying, you know, this is what I’m grateful for. This is what I this is my intention for the day. This is what I these are my goals for the day. This is, you know, again, just have some free flowing ideas and write it down. I mean, I found I talked about ballroom dancing. One of the competitions I did, I’ve done a couple of competitions, you know, when you dress up in the sparkly dresses and all the beautiful makeup. And one of the first one of the ones that I participated, I remember I was staying at a hotel before the competition the next day, and I just I was having trouble sleeping. And just again, all these thoughts and being a bit nervous about the next day and running through those routines in my head and I thought to myself, Okay, he talked about journaling and how it just really gets those thoughts out and he creates a space for much more bliss. For sure enough, two o’clock in the morning, turned on the light, just wrote some, you know, wrote for 10 minutes and it was amazing. I went back to bed, turned off the light. I thought about my mother and and I went to sleep and it was just I’m like get see it does work. It’s just this kind of dumping of your thoughts. that’s on the paper just can, again kind of clear that clear a bit in your head, you know about that more than I do. But it’s, you know, that’s what I again, I chuckled at myself when Mike, come on, you talk about this all the time, this is the time to do it. And sure enough, I did it. And I went back and had a lovely, you know, few hours of sleep before the next before the competition,
it just goes back to the same thing, do the things that you know, work out there’s knowledge and there’s wisdom, and there’s knowing something, but then there’s being wise enough to actually act on that something. And you have all I think you said something about? Yeah, we were talking about what talked before you said things to put in your tool belt in your tool belt, right? So even if all these things in your tool belt, if you’re not using them, then you got knowledge, but you don’t have wisdom.
Right, right. Yeah, I found that so much with interviewing people for my podcast. So many of them, that’s what they found, you know, that has been helpful for them in their life that’s kept them sober or recovered from their eating disorder, or, again, just overcoming different challenges. I think we all need to find those things that work for us. And just keep doing them and remind ourselves each day when we’re having the challenges and the stresses of life like, okay, like what you said on my podcast, you know, you’re veering off the road a little bit, what are we going to what can we use to pull ourselves back to center so that we can stay aligned and be going on a nice smooth path? Just finding those things to help bring us back to center?
Yeah, I love it. I think when you guys first spoke on the phone, I don’t know what to do. But I heard myself recently saying to somebody, they’re talking about self care, I’m like, Oh, I’m like a master of self care. I didn’t even mean to call myself a master. I don’t tend to do that. But I was like, Man, I am really self care. Like pampering yourself, loving yourself waking up in the morning and dedicated in the morning to you know, humanly possibly prioritize you and yeah, utilize every tool in your bag of tricks, because why not. So I appreciate that you didn’t plug the your specific business but I’d be very open to hearing more about the product line that you work with or if you want to share that with our audience.
Sure. So I’ve been partnered with a company called the Shaklee Corporation. They have a again, longtime industry leader in the health and wellness, business of health and wellness products there. Again, I’m a science person so I love that they are the most clinically proven wellness company in the world. And so what we do provide is over 300 products to help you live a healthy lifestyle so kind of categorized into about five you know, five categories very simply put is healthy nutrition. So that supplementation, the vitamins, minerals and protein that your body needs to make healthy cells for us to live healthy and then so healthy weight program which is based on meal replacements and again, making some smarter substitutions into what you what you consume every day. Wonderful, Healthy Home section where healthy home cleaners non toxic cleaners to help have a healthy home and healthy sports. So we can when we’re athletes, or weekend athletes and things like that things to help support us in sports and athletes as well as then a clean skincare line of healthy beauty. So again, lots of products but what we do is and what I do is just help people make those small changes, make those shifts, shift your spending shift your things that you’re using to things that are much more natural, non toxic and things like that so that you can live live a healthier life more from a preventative side of things as opposed to the diagnosing and treating which I was much more you know, familiar with in the medical medical field. So again, I’m we’re all about helping people live healthier lives. By just paying attention what I’ve learned is that you know, we need we should be paying attention to what we put in ourselves on ourselves and around ourselves. It’s very important in order for us and if we give our body what it needs in regards to nutrition and healthy products as well as like what we’ve talked about the mind work and things like that then we can live vibrant, healthy lives and we can age gracefully and feel okay, you know in the process and that’s what I do and then again I’ll I do the same thing by mentoring those that are interested in having their own online wellness business. And we’re right in the midst of Shaklee is right in the midst of the major trends these days of wellness, a side gig, you know economy as well as the whole online you know, click an order has become more commonplace. A stem the brick and mortar. So it’s really a great opportunity for those that are looking for business opportunity, because we can work from anywhere. Most people you talk to today are interested in staying well, and taking more control of their health. And they like having additional, you know, the most successful people have a few streams of income. So it’s a it’s a way that people can have their own business and really work it to the extent that’s, that’s most important to them.
You know, thank you for sharing that in everything because the self care, all the different tools, journaling, entrepreneurship, I imagine you’re quite inspiring for a lot of people. I wonder if there’s a case history, whether it’s somebody you’ve mentored, whether it’s somebody who’s working in your, in Shaklee, with you, or someone you taught some self care, so somebody comes to mind that’s been really blessed by getting to know who you are?
Um, well, I think that one, there’s, there are many, but one gal that that came to mind is somebody that, again, was a friend of mine first. And we did a lot of running together, and I, you know, ran with her husband and things like that. And so she became a friend, and then a client of mine that they both did, of using the nutrition products to help them stay healthy. And, and we happened to have a gathering a couple of years ago, I think it was during this pandemic time where we couldn’t really gather as a company, if you will. So we had some local meetings, and something that really struck me her husband, as they went to leave this couple was there for the evening. And her her husband, as they went to leave, he looked at me, and he said, you know, thank you for helping Elizabeth. And thank you for helping our family, because he said, you really have changed the trajectory of my life and our lives. I mean, that’s, I mean, it’s just really, so wonderful thing that he said, but really, it shows the power of what, you know, we do have the ability to do and that was very, and she would say, Oh, I’m just I just do a little Ico doesn’t matter if you do a little or a lot. That’s the power of, you know, that entrepreneurship or taking care of your health. And it’s hard to just, you know, that’s one thing, again, that popped in. And, you know, there are many that I and I just say it very humbly, there are many that tell me today that a gal that I had lunch with yesterday, she said, you know, your relationship means a lot to me, and the fact that you do have this time to spend with me, and that, you know, we can be friends together. You know, she said, I just I appreciate the friendship. And I think that that. Thinking again, I just I say that, just very humbly. But I think that that’s what we all can, I’m very blessed to be able to have the life that I have, that I can have that time to spend with others and to cultivate those relationships. And sometimes I that’s the self care piece that I continue on with, because sometimes I’m like, I’m not really that. I’m not a big deal. But you know, I don’t sometimes look at that impact that I have on others. And, and really what, what I how I’ve been able to impact others, but there have been my friends continue to remind me and I had a gentleman reached out to me. He’s a gentleman that I interviewed for my podcast, I met him in my networking circles, and he has a tremendous story of, of recovery and overcoming really tormented childhood. And, I mean, he’s one of the most positive people I have met, and I just really enjoyed have enjoyed getting to know him. And he called me one day. And he was he was in tears and kind of brought me to tears too. And he said, I shared one of your podcasts with somebody that I’ve been working with to try to help him. And he just said, I just want to tell you know, how much of an impact that podcasts had on this friend of mine that I’ve been trying to help. And he said, I just call calling to tell you to thank you for the work that you do. I mean, if what I can do can help one person. You know, it’s it makes it all you know, makes it all worth it. And so sometimes I’m like, I don’t really what, but those you know, that really made a big difference. I’m like, wow, that’s why I continue on with the podcast because if I can help one person by sharing a story or bringing you as a guest on my podcast if I can help one or two people, you know, my wife is it’s been a good life then.
Yeah, well that’s what it’s all about. And that’s why I asked is you hear the your humility in your home I’m all about how you talk about helping others. But really, it’s like, that’s what it’s all about quick, you know, your own success. It’s like, okay, I’m at the top of the mountain got everything I want great. Like, now what? And if you’re not giving it away for not helping others, yeah, you don’t feel that real reward. So I could see how so many people could benefit from your story of techniques, products. But yeah, seeing you as a role model to get to a place where you can have a really fulfilling life. And then once you’re there, yeah, or even while you’re getting there, but it’s just always about helping others and giving away whatever you can. So people want to get in touch with you learn more about you, or your products or your podcast. How do they find out about? Yeah,
well, I’ve made that pretty simple, you can go to my website, which is Moira, just spell it with a Y Moya with a y So I have everything listed there. So you can find my journal, my podcast, a link to work with me, if you’re interested in a wellness, business or nutrition. You can certainly find me on social media, you know, the LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, as well. And, and yeah, again, I that’s what I love to do. I love to connect with others, to see how we can support each other in life. And I’m humbled to the point to say, You know what, I’m not at the top of the mountain yet. But you know what, I’m a little bit farther along than some, and I just put my hand back to say, hey, you know what, come on, I’ll help you if you want to, you know, listen to my wisdom, or whatever, I have to say, you know, I’m not, again, I’m not the expert, and things like that. But I feel like we all become experts by experience in many different ways. And so that’s what I just shared, try to share with others, what I’ve experienced in life, in the off chance that it might help someone else.
If you want something, give it away. So even if you’re right, whatever the top of the mountain is, I just use a metaphor. I don’t know if everybody’s there. But wherever you’re at, no matter how successful you are. Keep giving away just keep finding ways to get back. So yeah, thank you, if they were closing words of wisdom, one message you could give out to the world, what would that be?
Um, besides the fact that we have to take care of ourselves, I just love to just say just leave with love. You know, and learn more about love and how we can love other people start by loving yourself. I believe that everybody just wants to be seen heard, and appreciated for them. And as we share love with others, than a love comes back, pack to us.
Beautiful, no better way to close then the only real most important topic is love. And I hear you saying self love. Because yeah, if you don’t love this person, then you’re really not loving other people the way you could. So thank you so much more. It was a pleasure to be on your podcast to have you on mine to hear all about your self care, journaling, entrepreneurship, your business and the way you’re helping others. So thank you so much, and I hope will continue to connect in positive collaborative ways in the future.
Absolutely. Thanks for having me.
I appreciate it. You know, thank you
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