Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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Welcome, everyone to the illuminated mind podcast with me Matthew Brownstein. I’m here with a lovely guest, Beth Honeycutt. That’s a welcome, first of all,
thank you. It’s great.
Yeah, absolutely. I get to train you personally in Texas, the one time that we actually did trainings in Texas, so it was wonderful. I don’t teach in that way anymore, especially traveling the country to do that. But it was a great opportunity to meet you and your friends and to get to know you. Well, so yeah, you decided to come on as a podcast guest Why don’t you just tell us about you your background, and then we’re gonna talk about shamanism and relationship hypnotherapy which I’m excited to dive into. So yes, tell us about you. Well, in
terms of my background, I don’t know how far back you want me to go. But I will start from a time in 2000, the early 2000s When I was in an automobile accident, that really caused me to take a look at what am I doing with my life? And I began waking up daily with questioning, what is my purpose? What am I doing? I have been a practicing paralegal for over 30 years. And I in 2006, was led to begin some shamanic practices and studies and have stayed in those study guides with with different teachers since that time, and one of the fellow students at one of my classes actually mentioned us specifically. And we were very, very fortunate I was at least to make to be able to learn directly under you when you came to Texas. So it seems that having been out in the corporate world and then beginning to exercise my own spiritual path, which of course I had been on as a seeker my entire life. But then to move on now into adding something very specific like hypnotherapy, to a an understanding of shamanism has really deepened what I feel like I have to offer to my clients.
Hmm, yeah, beautiful. So background and paralegal. So you understood more of the corporate type environment, a lot of people who go through our training, I had that realizing they want something more they want something deeper, you had experience that helped catapult you into a deeper sense of spirituality and purpose. Yeah. So before we go any more about you, I wonder if you can talk about what was it like going through the training,
the training was fabulous. So I would do a lot of the hours, of course, here on the computer. And that’s how we begin our training and you have that 20 hours or so that we be in upfront. It seemed very seamless, and very opening. And it reminded me actually of things I had experienced in my childhood. So for me, it was a it was another point for me and remembering who it is I am called to be. And then going through the 100 hours at a time and then having you come and we do intensive weekends locally, was fabulous, because then it began to really cause me to implement what we were learning during the months of study. So and then the opportunity to to practice with others in my class. And then to sit and have that final exam was really, really wonderful.
Thank you. I know I enjoyed training your group for sure. So talk to me about shamanism. How has that synthesized? If that’s the right word has that kind of blended into your on hypnotherapy practice or how is hypnotherapy blended into your shamanic practices?
Yeah, well, I’ve really started the shamanic practices first, and when I graduated from the four winds society in about 2011, with the last of the master classes there, I continued studying and have continued studying with the rainbow Jaguar Institute to be able to talk to people about shamanism, because in particular, in the Bible Belt in Texas, people think I’m a little weird, or the little bit that woowoo is in me. When I talk to people, however, about hypnotherapy, they automatically go up. I think I know what that is. And so it’s really been an easy transition for me to advertise more as a hypnotherapist, and to be able to put out more techniques and more ways to help people, whether it’s through the other weight loss training we have or finding purpose or find sleeping better, whatever those things are, to be able to then talk with them about hypnotherapy and then move into this other experience of shamanism has been a very easy fit and very smooth to get people to transition from one to the other and even back again, to be able to come back and do regressions, to be able to have an openness that I really find refreshing for what we’re doing.
Nice, beautiful. So it sounds like they blend and also the hypnotherapy gives you more credibility and a sense of ease is known to sound as woowoo in the Bible Belt people are more open to hypnotherapy than shamanism. I wonder, can you just define for you? What is shamanism? For somebody who just doesn’t know? Or maybe they have a totally different idea than what you think it is?
Well, that’s a really great question. I haven’t looked at the specific definition and a long time. But historically, shamanism goes all the way back to Tibet. And there was an understanding that that was where this originated, it came all the way across the Bering Straits and all the way down into South America, kind of morphing into each place. And each land where the people settled in, it stayed with the people. It is, I believe, if I say it’s a way of understanding the world around us a way of adding on new perceptions and new perspectives to just what my physical senses can see. Actually, you teach a lot on A Course in Miracles. And I find actually that it fits in very easily with the Course in Miracles as well, because it’s encouraging us to see better to hear better to understand with new perspectives. And it gives me something more than what only my religious background had given I am United Methodist, by my Protestant religious training. And yet, shamanism allows me to kind of open a new door that says, I don’t have to have answers to everything. And it’s really okay to continue to live within the question of what life is all about. So it’s a very open ended.
Yeah, it sounds like it. Yeah. And I hear that there’s no conflict leads for you, between United Methodist or Protestant teachings, as well as hypnotherapy and with A Course in Miracles or shamanism. Can you talk about how your mind stays open enough, we’re gonna talk about being open hearted, but let’s start with like, open minded to be able to, like, we had a gentleman who was going through our training, and then he stopped for a while. And then he ended up as kind of rare this happens, but asked for a refund. And, you know, that’s like, no problem. But the reason he gave was that he found Jesus. And I said, How are you not doing this training? Because you found Jesus, I’m like, I don’t have any conflict with Jesus, our training doesn’t seem to have a conflict with Jesus. So can you talk about how is your mind been able to integrate to synthesize traditions that don’t appear to be the same on the surface?
It’s really being open minded. So when my mother died when I was 13, and that, at that point, begin a whole family of us beginning to look at the whys and wherefores, and I think sometimes, when trauma happens to us, when we are younger, we do begin to look around a little bit more realizing for me, you know, in a way that death was on my shoulder, and is wherever I go, whatever I do. And so being totally grounded within the religious institution, was where I started from. And my mother had some special psychic gifts that also impacted my understanding of spirituality. And then beginning to move into the My 20s and 30s. And looking at what is life? What, what is, what am I and how do I fit in within these structures that society has built around me. And I moved all the way through a lot of different paths within the United Methodist Church through administrative boards and committees and things, and then to have moved into the shamanism which seemed to really add another element of spirituality for me, without telling me that I could not continue to believe in whatever Christ or avatar or understanding, I’m very much attuned to the divine. And so for me, it’s, it’s being aware that there is so much more than what I can experience. And it’s what I end up calling that divinity, whether it’s God, or whether it’s the Christ consciousness, or there are 1000s and 1000s of names that are used, as you know, to refer to that infinite one. pneus. And so, an ever eat involving sense of openness and open, whether it’s open minded or open hearted really becomes at the core, I think of who we are and then with the Course in Miracles, being really the teachings of Jesus, it just seems to me not. It seems to me to be more seamless than broken apart.
I’m hearing a yes and mindset, a very healthy open mindedness. There is the divine, whatever we call that. And yes, and Christ acknowledged that clearly, and of course in miracles and shamanism and hypnotherapy, at least the way we approach hypnotherapy. So it’s just it sounds like you’re honoring there is one truth. And we all approach it from different ways. And it sounds like you’ve just taken at least I could say what I’ve done. And it sounds like we do done like the best of all traditions, right? If you find something really valuable in shamanism, it becomes part of who you are. Right? So open minded is a big part of the best best practices. Let’s talk about open heart. And so what does that mean to you, especially in relationship to spiritual practice, or even doing hypnotherapy or shamanism, like, if you’re facilitating someone’s process, why is the open heart so important?
It’s important really, because I want to make sure I go to meet with someone without my own baggage up front. Whether it’s being able to make sure I take off any rose tinted glasses, so that I have really sitting with that person in a way that invites them to be with me, I don’t know how many times I have had people come into my hypnotherapy office, they’ll sit down in the chair that they choose to sit in. And very frequently, they’ll break into tears, because all we’re doing is holding that sacred space of building as you know, building rapport. But it’s simply being present with someone else in a way that allows one person to listen and one person to be heard. And that is so much about open heartedness is, I think, just really being present to the moment and present to whatever that person needs to experience that is up for them that day. Hmm.
So it sounds like being open hearted starts with you as a practitioner. I was kind of expecting which I loved your answer. I was expecting you to say something like, well, they need to open their heart so that however if you don’t have an open heart, you’re not necessarily teaching where you want to be teaching, which is be open. So you’re starting with you, and then helps others to open up here this lingering question about shamanism. I have a lot of our students who are getting into it or you hear about it all the time going down to Peru or I was in Costa Rica and I’m doing Ayahuasca I think people think I’m shamanism is all about plant medicine. I wonder what your thoughts are about that.
There are people that think that that is all it is they equate shamanism with Iosco or some of the other medicines. I think in my experience, it is a tool that can be used much as you know, I don’t want to create any specific comparisons. But every religious understanding has its tools. And although I do not call shamanism a religion, I do say it has its tools. And I have stones that I use. Those are tools. I have a mesa I have feathers and rattles and things. Do I believe that you have to experience iOS? SCA? No, I do not. Have I found it to be beneficial for myself. I have? Do I recommend it for others? Not everyone. I don’t think everyone needs the experience. There are a lot of people that want to go down there just for the high of the experience and to be able to say they did it in Peru? Yes, sure. I’d really much rather always say I’ve done it in sacred space and done it with the right intent.
Absolutely. So my experience of it and from others and I did try Ayahuasca once and it was done in sacred space. It was part of ceremony and I really appreciated that. I’ve done a lot of inner work myself. So a lot of the work is clearing blockages then they called it in the ceremony I was getting well where people are vomiting. And, like for me, it was just pure bliss and pure joy. Yet I was watching was everybody else on the ground and catharsis, crying throwing up and the shamans are coming around to facilitating process and I realized I’m curious your thoughts about this. We do breath work in our school. It’s about opening the Hard bringing up what’s stored in the subconscious and clearing those blockages, right? The negative beliefs, negative emotions that we all hold inside and I Alaska seem like a way or other plant medicines, perhaps a way to help to detox that to purge it to bring it up faster. Of course we do that in hypnotherapy. And then we talk about like rattles or other tools. I have a colleague who’s a psychiatrist who did some shamanic training, and he’s working with his patients with rattles. So I don’t know if that relates to the thing I really want you to talk about is the heart and clearing the blocks. But I want it appears to be a tool that can help to bring stuff to consciousness that maybe you couldn’t do otherwise similar to what we do with hypnotic regression or breath work. Any thoughts on that?
I absolutely agree. Yes, I Alaska, I don’t know if you’ve been reading any of the studies recently. But there are a lot of studies about how it is very helpful for those experiencing PTSD and trauma. And a lot of our war veterans are coming back and discovering that this is something that actually can help in the healing process. It is, or can be a very cathartic experience for people. And in our culture, I think you might agree that we tend to tamp down on who we are. So we are not fully expressing ourselves in the world. We want to fit in, we want to be liked, we want to, you know, we want to be admired whatever it could be. And when we do that we disown our, our inner core, our inner selves. And I think that’s part of just what we are what I mean, I guess by open heartedness is to continue to be living from that bright light we have within us, wow, that to shine out so that I do often consider myself a lamp lighter, where I’m out holding a light. And if others need to come light, they’re lamp from mine. Or if I can hold my light high enough to help them see through the shadows they are walking through, then that’s an analogy, I think still is pretty well, then for people to begin to light their own lamps as well.
Beautiful. Listen, the eliminated mine podcast. So I love what you’re saying there. You had talked about when we’re preparing for this myths that people have that keep them struggling. I wonder if you’d like to elaborate on what is it that keeps people from tapping into this light,
oh, people get stuck, I believe on a myth that says I’m doing this all by myself. And they, we people get afraid that we’re doing it by ourselves. That’s one of the things I love about hypnotherapy is you can really break down and talk about emotions and feelings. And people really understand what you’re talking about and how you’re moving into that. Feeling alone is not a negative thing. It’s not a positive. It’s just a feeling. And but there are a lot of people that that think that you know, I’m in this alone. And so I’m either gonna hunker down and find a way through, which of course has its all of its own ramifications or, you know, you can choose to wear wings and fly over something or fly through something. So another one is that people often have a myth that I’m not enough. I just can’t do this. I’m not enough. And I’m going to either give up or I just, you know, miss. So I think to that, working through that and being able to look at what does it mean, when you say I’m not enough? How do you hold that? What’s the, what’s the physicalness? In your body? How do you breathe through that? What is it? Where does it sit in your head? How do you talk about it? What’s the what are you talk to yourself about?
Yeah, so I hear in those two things. One, I’m alone mind I’m not good enough. Those are core beliefs. Right? So the myths that are the problem, excuse me, the problem that keeps us struggling, at least from the responses or there is our mind. It’s why I got into hypnotherapy after all the what’s the one common denominator right when I studied everything possible, okay, but what’s the one thing that causes suffering, he was just always kept going back to the mind and that I love to go a little bit deeper into what you just said, like feeling like we’re alone. And we’re not good enough. I think of that in relationship to a mission or purpose. I believe we all come down to earth with a mission and a purpose. And yet, if we say, Oh, I’m not good enough, we’re not good enough for what? Well, the only thing that really matters if you’re here with a mission is your mission. And if you believe you’re not good enough to do it, or if you feel like I’m alone in my mission, so my experience is mission or Dharma is interconnected. Like we’re all in it together, then you must be good enough to be able to do your mission. If it was God given, right, like, if you’re not the one who even the sighted what your mission is, if you just open up to Well, who am I? So I wouldn’t just do these ideas when you say like, I’m not enough, does that relate to the idea of like a person’s purpose or their mission? Or where do you find that coming up?
I believe it does as well. I guess it relates to their purpose because they begin to doubt. Or they have perhaps been raised in a way that they doubt and do not believe that they have that they are enough. And so you’re right. With hypnotherapy, we can go back to those early regression ages. Or we can regress back to those early ages when we are children. And we make these decisions that may or may not be adequate to who we are today. And I think that’s pretty powerful work.
Oh, for sure. Yeah. Like, imagine if, oh, like, imagine Jesus, what if he came down here and say, like, I’m all alone. Nobody loves me. And I’m not good enough to do this mission. That’s not what happened.
Which is not to say he didn’t have moments of aloneness, and times when he would question God. But that’s part of the process, I think, for each one of us. And sometimes we just get so stuck, or so afraid that we don’t move
forward. And sometimes facilitation, right, it’s really important. If somebody is in that place where they’re really struggling to know like you said, you’re not alone there hypnotherapist out there, like you with other techniques like shamanism or Course in Miracles level thinking that can help people to transform what’s going on inside of them. What if you could talk to us about one of your best cases slash client session that comes to mind or a set of sessions that yielded great results or some of them to help us to understand what’s what has it been like for you to really help someone through specifically,
what comes to mind is a young man I was working with, who came in and even physically, his eyes were rather squinted, just from stress, like he was having a hard time looking out and seeing things. And he seemed kind of hunkered down and kind of quiet within himself. And so he wanted to go back and explore some things that had happened to him at some early ages. So we began with the the training that you’ve given me in our hypnotherapy Institute. And so we did the beginning meditation so that he could learn my voice and begin to trust my voice with some eye movement therapy, we did some regression, we took him back to this a young age, when he remembered probably on our third visit, when he remembered a grandmother who had done some things to him that he did not want to remember. And it was things that would be considered probably dark magic. And he would explain those to me, and all I do is listen, I am the one that just pays an honors attention to what people bring up. We know that people abdicate their memories. We don’t know what happens. But they’re real for those people. And for him. By the end of our third session, we then we did some shamanic work, but but by the end of our third session, his eyes were wide open. He was he was sitting up straight he was walking in, he was so much more positive about who he is and what he’s doing. I think that’s probably one of the the top ones right now. Still stay in touch.
That’s beautiful. That’s measurable, right? Like, you can look at his eyes when he walks in and say, he’s not as closed down. He’s not as withdrawn, not as introverted. It’s not. Yeah. So what does that like for you? But what does that feel like for you like the end of the day to know that you’re doing the kind of work with someone?
Oh, wow. It’s for me. It’s that warm, fuzzy, kind of? It’s an aha, that you want to just say yes to the universe. And thank you, thank you. Thank you.
Does it give you a more of a feeling than what it was like to be a paralegal?
Full time when I was in full time, practice, before I opened the school, I was seeking about 25 people per week. So it’s like five a day. And sometimes I’ll be like, 10 hour days, you know, two hours for each session. There were times where I was either doing six or seven a day, but even with all the exhaustion and doing that, I would be on my knees at the end of the day. Sometimes just like Thank you. I can’t this is my profession. Like some people have to go to work and they work to make someone else rich and they get a paycheck but I get to transform people’s lives every single day. such as wonderful to hear you talk about what is it, like from your own experience. And that’s my favorite thing in the world to hear graduates talking about, I have this career and I’m integrating my spirituality, I can bring my shamanism into it. I could bring Christianity and bring quarters and miracles, maybe leave stuff out when it’s not appropriate for a client, but you get to be fully yourself. That’s what I hear you say, like, I just have to be spiritually aware with an open heart and open mind with a powerful set of techniques, and I can transform people’s lives.
Absolutely. And when you begin to transform other people’s lives, you really realize that you can transform the world. That’s really, for me, I realize and have really realized with the shamanic practice, as well as my hypnotherapy training, is that I am here as a peacemaker. And I am here to contribute to the peace of the world. And so in whatever way that is possible, that is part of what I do.
Yeah. And that’s mission, right? That’s purpose. If anybody’s listening, and they’re wondering, like, what do I do with my life, I was on a podcast yesterday, I was being interviewed. And I had said, some like, who you’re going to be when you grow up. And I meant that in the context of who you’re going to be when you spiritually grow up. Like at some point, you’re not as focused on your own personal growth, you’re not having to read all the books, you’re not trying to find the new techniques, maybe you become an accomplished and finding something inside of yourself, like the joy, the love, the peace, the presence of the Divine. And then eventually, all you want to do is just give it away and give it away. So yeah, so one of the things you give away, I’m curious to learn more about now, is the idea of a power animal, or do you call it like a totem animal, but I wonder if you could explain them, then I know, you’re going to take us in a little five minute meditation to help us tap into that, before we go into meditation. I don’t use this in my practice. So tell us about the value of working with a power animal and how someone might integrate that into their their private practice are just sunk into my own personal life? How would I integrate that?
I use it with clients when they might have something that is is presenting as, as a stuckness. Or if we’re at a point where they might need some assistance. And it’s not necessarily always the same animal. So animals change. And in the South American tradition, we have specific archetypical animals. But I don’t want to limit anyone to what those are. So I will simply take people on a guided imagery meditation to find out what kind of animal might appear to them today, right now, to lend its energies to them for a short time, where they might learn from what those energies are. So we can assign that in hypnotherapy, we can of course, talk about, oh, what part would that be, you know, but in a different way. With a shamanic people are sometimes very open to having animals come visit them. And then they get to where they can learn what does the animal mean to you and me? And how can I research more about this animal and what are the energetics that it brings. So usually those energetics will surprise us. And somehow or other help people through that point of questioning that they have or that point of where where they’re stuck with some issue that’s come up.
So it makes it sound less woowoo. When you talk about it in the context of like parks therapy, so like, I’m a paraglider. I love these, you know, I love being in the air. And when we brought up this idea, I brought up this idea and we’re talking about it, I thought, like I would visually Falcon. So instead of thinking of it as like some I know, I don’t know, something that’s more out there. It’s just like, No, what are the values? What are the virtues of this animal? Like, what would this and if it was parts therapy, if I said, Alright, I’m scared to do this, what would this animal say to me? It’s kind of it’s where I hear it being like, really valuable in working with the psyche, to say, Okay, you have an inner child, you have an inner parent, maybe you have your higher self, but you also have a power animal, and what would this part of you say to you, so it’s just like, letting a part of your own psyche, embody some of the qualities of that animal? And then yeah, being able to utilize the wisdom or the perspective of that animal?
Yes, that’s it. All right. Nice.
Would you like to take us on a meditation now?
Absolutely. If you are interested, yes, it will take about five minutes or so and we’ll just kind of go where we need to. So if anyone is listening, I do want to make sure that no one is driving, do this. But I do suggest that you close your eyes to begin this. And it’s a very simple process where you imagine as if There is a door in front of you, and you open the door and step out into a meadow. And this meadow is just the perfect time of day for you. For me, it might be right now, which is noon time. It’s a grassy meadow, there might be a stream running down the side, and you can see off in the distance where there might be forests. And beyond the trees, you might see mountains, there might be clouds, but the temperature is perfect. And then the center of the meadow, you see a tree and you begin moving toward that tree, whether you are walking or looking at your feet to recognize your feet, or whether there’s a trail or you just somehow move toward that tree. And when you get to the tree, you can stand in its shade for a moment. But you say to the tree tree, I am here to find a purpose for whatever’s up in your life. I am here for assistance in the new fill in the blank, whatever is needed right now. I am here for additional guidance today. And then you can turn away from the tree remaining in the shade perhaps and looking out across the meadow. And then this wonderful temperate atmosphere, you might see something begin to move along the edge of the meadow. And it’s very peaceful moving and very invited, moving. And you watch as whatever it is, comes closer to you knowing that you are totally safe and happy and secure. And what comes that this comes at your invitation. And as it begins to get closer, you can begin to see what this animal energy is that comes to you, you begin to give it animal characteristics and it comes close to you. And you notice it and you can talk with it and you can hear it respond. And you might just ask its name. You might ask it if it would be willing to be with you for a few weeks to help you gained clarity on this issue or this topic. You might walk with it for a few steps. And when you’re ready, just ask with thanks, if it would be willing to perhaps be shared and you can put it in your pocket, your imaginary pocket in this place. And providing of course that the energy has said yes. Then you do pocket a little bit of it and you say thank you, thank you, thank you. And you move back toward the doorway that you use to move into this meadow. Taking with you that little piece of that spirit animal or energy that came to you, you open the door again and you step back through back to this place where you are right now. And then you can open your eyes and that was it. That was really very, very short. I would probably take a little longer with people. But you can still even in those few moments. Find this energetic something that has come to you. So what did you experience?
Yeah, for me personally, it was fun because I’ve done this type of work before like like birds like Falcons. I live up in the Adirondacks. So there’s always deer my property, but I decided to only just see what comes in and a cow came in. I’m like, Alright, that sounds fun. Like, you know what? Why not? Let’s Hindus honor them and say good, so why not? It’s like, What is your name? It’s like Dead Sea. This is getting kind of silly. So while while there is a silly component to it, at the same time, it’s like alright, well, if I were to ask this animal we’re growing the school and there’s always some I always push my boundaries for the next big challenge. And so if I ask the cow, like, what is your point of view on this next big challenge? And actually, again, Zen, what are the colons one of the riddles that they use? Like what is the sound of one hand clapping? One of the similar colons is what is mu? And I was like, Oh, the cow would just say mu. But mu in in Zen practice, even though you’re not really meant to translate because you’re meant to contemplate well what is mu? It means like nothing sort of emptiness or the reality of what is when your mind is just empty and clear. So I just see cows is simple and like I live, there’s a lot of cows up here and this farm country that I’m in and they’re beautiful and just simple and quiet. So for me, it was like the innocence the gentleness that I was able to tap into, aside from like, was this cow, you know, this is the most majestic creature and his name is Betsy. But yeah, it was like, I didn’t get appreciate tapping into what is the essence of this creature? And how would this creature want to call it a creature? How does being approached my situation? And a cow would just be like, I’m good. I’m simple. I’m clear. So anyway, that’s what came to me.
I think it’s wonderful. And you’ve already jumped into taking a look at different perspectives of what is cow besides the humor, besides the Betsy which could even as Betsy, pull up some fun, early childhood, you know, associations with cow. But absolutely cows can. They’re all over Texas, too. And they are very quiet. They’re, they’re also they like to be in groups. So there are lots of things you can be in to really reflect on cows and specifically for you, how would you use that cow related energy to move forward with the school? And what’s fun about the energies is that they just stay with us for a couple of days, couple of hours, a couple of weeks sometimes, and you might see more pictures or more cows around all of a sudden, you’re going What do I need to be reminded of cow right now? Oh, I just need the mu. Try to be quiet.
This is relates I would approach this the way you might approach tarot readings, or when you’re looking at Oracle deck cycle. What is okay, you pulled the card, the cow card. Okay, well, instead of thinking of that as like, you know, you’re trying to predict the future or there’s some mystical cow. It’s like, no, it’s like, what does this mean? It’s like a Rorschach test. Right? It’s like, what is the cow mean? To me? I like that. We put them in the keys here in my little my pocket. Right? Well, so what would it take to pull them out? And ask them the question? Without something? It seems like it adds a new mental resource that someone might not have tapped into otherwise, like, I can ask my inner child, what do you want to do? But maybe he’s scared, I can ask me to repair? What are they going to do? But maybe that part is being overly should eating too responsible? Do you know you must do it this way? I could ask herself, I could ask my adult self, my intellect. But now I have another data point, right? What is my, what is my inner Betsy, what does my inner cow say about this.
And you can understand the cow language because it’s sitting right there. And if you needed to, you can actually take it out of your pocket. And you can put it into a chakra if you wanted to. That’s another element that you can do. But it’s just wonderful just to allow it to deepen. And when you’re done with it, it’s it’s just an energy that’s gone. You don’t need it anymore.
Right? That’s nice. Yeah, you don’t have to make it a major part of your psyche. You don’t have to, in a past life, I was a cow.
You don’t have to go, what do I feed you now?
Right? You don’t have to hold on to it and make it a whole thing. People do that with past life regression, they’ll go back to a past life, they have some story come out, might not be real history. But they liked the story for some reason and came out of them. So they resonate with it. But then it becomes a whole identity, where there might not be beneficial. Because you don’t want to say that, well, I am a cow. I used to be a cow, or I’m going to become a cow. It’s like, No, I had a dialogue with a part of me that, you know, you helped me to create a part of me there’s like cow consciousness? And what would that part say, but not to hold on to it and make it like my sole identity? So I like that you said that afterwards. You could just let it go.
Right? And it’s specifically all we’re doing is we’re tapping into the energies of what happens to be represented right now for you as cow.
Yes. Right. Because in the future, that cow might say something very different. Or I might say something very different.
Or you might never see a cow again.
Probably where I live? Probably not. But Sure. Nice. It’s been such a pleasure that that always has been you’re also an author. So I wonder if you just want to plug a book or talk about what your current projects.
Thank you. I would love to I have written echoes from the stars, which is on Amazon and I have also a book of poetry out called Finding direction which you can also find on Amazon. I have a current manuscript out right now I am hunting for the right publishing house. And so Matthew, I may be back in touch with you in that regard, and that’s really about finding harmony and wholeness. And I’m doing a workshop up on that as well, for those who are searching for inner peace, and want to have some different tools to be able to find that, in today’s stressful world, it seems like the timing is good. So
crucial right? Yeah thank God’s people like you who are bringing people to the light and and you know, you’re living your your dream right you’re you’re writing books because it’s inside of you writing your poetry because it’s inside of you. I have a dear friend who is a poet we probably talked about her way back when when I met you and she struggled so much is why the neck like poetry, the career and it’s like, well, don’t quit your day job. At least, you know, keep that up with you. Yeah, you can do hypnotherapy, you can do shamanism. You can be an author. So how would people get in touch with you if they wanted a private session or to learn more about your works? Your workshops?
Hey, they can contact me at Beth at the calming That’s just the way it sounds Theca L M, I N G center cnt They can email me look me up on my website becoming seven or they can find me on Twitter at essentially be one. I’m on Facebook, and I’m around. So yes. Thank you for that. Yeah, of
course. Yeah. Look, I love the dual meeting of that, that calming That’s how we can find you. Thank you so much. It’s always a pleasure. You seem to always pop up in my life over the years like never one of those students who’s never truly aware. You went through the unhide meditation system, at least some of that as I was teaching that live. And yeah, I announced this podcast and there you are again. So it’s always such a pleasure. So thank you so much for spending this time with me. I hope some people might feel inspired and reach out to you learn more about shamanism, power animals and all the other beautiful work you’re doing. So thanks so much for joining me here.
Thank you. It’s my pleasure. Take care.
Yes, thanks
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