Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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Welcome to the illuminated mind podcast with me Matthew Brownstein founder and lead instructor of the Institute of interpersonal hypnotherapy. This podcast is all about the work we do in hypnotherapy, spiritual growth. And quite often we get to showcase some of our successful graduates. So I’m here with Amanda and Dr. Day, you’re from Brazil. So you had to work on the pronunciation your name, which is still not quite as lovely as you say it yet. Welcome to the podcast.
Thank you, Matthew, for having myself in here. I do appreciate that. And you did the correct. Good,
thank you. I’m glad that you’re with us. Amanda is the graduate of our school. So she’s a Certified Hypnotherapist Clinical Hypnotherapist? transpersonal hypnotherapist, you’re a Reiki practitioner, and you also recently went through our neuro linguistic programming training. So now you have basic and master NLP training is if I remember correctly,
yes, you’re correctly. Good. Yeah. It’s
always a pleasure to have you in class. So I wonder if you just want to talk to us about why hypnotherapy what got you into this path.
It wasn’t magic, actually. Because I was leaving in the illusion of my mind. But I didn’t know about that. Right. So right after, right before the pandemic started, I finished a relationship. And I was going through about discovering love, because I had a sense about what love it was it but I was leaving another way. And from there on, I just started to research and look in here looking there. And that’s when I found like hypnosis, which I always lost a college, but it’s totally different way. And I started just reading and breathing. And after the pandemic, that’s when I started like, Okay, what I’m going to be doing for my life, I need to know who I am. And so hypnosis was laying right on my, on my hands. So that’s when I started. And I was seeking for a value school, which I couldn’t just like have like my principles, all of my needed maths. That’s like, Institute of interpersonal hypnotherapy.
Yeah, so you ended a relationship, but you were really questioning love, like what is love, but also it sounds like wanting to work in a field where you can help others using the mind but not traditional psychotherapy, because we’re not psychotherapist. But you found a path that helps to bring people back to a space of love. And I see that on your wall behind you with your diplomas, which looks great. Before we get more into you and your journey. I wonder if you could just tell anybody who’s listening about the school what your experience was like going through the training,
I experienced a very lovely atmosphere environment with my instructors, because they were over there to embrace myself not only to guide me to learn all of the knowledge, but just shouldn’t brace me because they knew it that I was going through NAT transformation. That was very, it was comfortable to know that I had somebody to show me to be vulnerable with my own feelings, and just show guide me and also with the patients that they have it because English is not my first language and all of that. And I was like, wow, what I’m going to be doing having all of that transformation at the same time and just going is 30. And at one moment, I thought I could not be capable to the words. But at the end, I did it. So I’m very happy with that.
It’s beautiful. I’m glad you bring up English as a Second Language theme because well, people might be interested in the school. And then they say, well, English isn’t my first language. Will I be able to go through this training and be a Hypnotherapist? Could you talk to anybody who’s listening about that? What is it like? Where English isn’t your first language? Yet? You’re in a profession where you have to speak a lot.
Yes, you right. And at first I was not believing in myself actually. Because Okay, language is law, my first language however, I was practice English for a few times, or few years I would say that and I was just feeling like my guidance was just like pushing me go you can do this. And it was like fantastic at the beginning that I started not knowing anything, and I knew it that I was going to not waiting but it’s going to be more for myself than the others because the others was going to be there to teach me but it was more about me researching in all of their for the words that I couldn’t not knowing that time. However, it was it was not difficult. because it’s just like the same way that you communicating here. But of course, we have a protocol, which we follow the protocol. So that is not like anything new in English in that protocol, you need to understand how that works for you to apply that. So English is not a big thing, English was the little thing. But at first I thought it could be something, but at the end, it was not. So if you are looking to do it something with hypnosis, or any other kind of thing that the school provide for you, please go ahead and do it. Because you’re capable English is not going to be your barrier for doing anything, actually is going to motivate you to do it. Because you’re gonna just like, okay, I can do it and overcome your arm obstacles or anything that you may face at first, but later, no, you’re not going to face anything else.
Thank you for sharing that for someone else who might be interested. And let’s keep talking about you. So I’m curious what you feel the essence of the work is you mentioned the word love. Like I said to you what is hypnotherapy to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Hypnotherapy for me, it, it’s everything now. It’s understanding the mind. And the reason that we’ve been storage, all of those emotions, which are energy, and storing all of those events that happen in our paths, which we need that that to become the person that we are in here today that we experienced live today. So he knows this for me, it’s, it’s, it’s just like finding out the ability of the brain. Because we were storage, like the illusion those energy that we didn’t know, which was it. However, nowadays, once you understand the mind, you are capable to show embrace everything, integrated everything, and just be open to leave the life experience the life. And like I’ve been learning with Matthew, if you like walking through life with opening heart, and that’s what represents hypnotherapy for me, open to the spirit with opening heart and walking to serve the others. And so it’s what I’ve been doing daily in my life. So it’s everything for me. I couldn’t like embrace hypnosis, hypnotherapy because that’s what I’ve been in practice for. Not not for the others, but for myself as well. It just like being here and understanding that so for me, having like the understanding the intellectual, it’s very needed. And that’s when I combined with my heart, which is like Holy Spirit. So it’s everything for
me. Beautiful. I love hearing that. First of all, I hear you’re saying it’s everything for you. And you’re acknowledging the mind, the heart, the spirit, and being of service to others. I think you encapsulated that book so beautifully within maybe two minutes so wonderfully said I think you also mentioned energy there and it’s a Reiki practitioner. I wonder what your thoughts are, I believe you’ve combined Reiki and hypnosis in your own unique way. So when they talk to us about your approach to that or just energy work in general in relationship to hypnotherapy.
I started doing Reiki because I felt that because all of my training with hypnotherapy in my breathwork sessions I was having all of those energy through my hands. And as we know the breath work is going to make the energy moving through your body through your chakra system. And as it was moving all over my body, my hands were shaking and all of that. So that’s when I understood I got the message I would say that I couldn’t doing the Reiki because I have those energies in my head that I couldn’t just like doing for myself and for the others. So that’s when I started and I looked for another venue of place should do it and then I found it and here we are live in Jacksonville. And after that I just started to integrate it. The Reiki with hypnosis hypnotherapy and whenever I do like eye movement therapy I wish it was like sanding Reiki also for the for the climb. In this way it can just like anything, okay, I’m Sandy. And also another way that I do it it’s with a breathwork because the breath work with the lifeforce energy is going to be moving through your chakra system, your energetic body, and also just intact the rake and then the Reiki goes up to the point or to the chakra that the person needs should be receiving So that’s how nowadays I’ve been integrated those techniques.
As you’re talking, I’m thinking back in the days of Franz Anton Mesmer, where Mesmer was using magnets rubbing magnets over people’s bodies helping them to heal. But then one day he forgot his magnets and used his hands and realized he was getting the same results. But as you might know, in the history of hypnotism delegation that studied Mesmer said there’s no energy they called the animal magnetic fluid. They said, there’s not that there’s only the power of suggestion, only the power of the imagination only empower the mind. They really just took the whole energy part out of mesmerism and therefore out of hypnotism, do you feel that that was a mistake? Or what are your thoughts about divorcing energy work from hypnosis, because the history of it really shows that it didn’t become popular, until we said, okay, it’s only the power of suggestion. Now, it can be more quote, scientific, but I hear you saying energy is a huge part of the work.
It is. And for me, that works, because of the intention of the person, if I am aligned, enough with my higher self, to integrate those techniques into should receive to channeled information into should delivery for the person that is in front of me, which is myself also, because the only separation that we are having as right now it’s the body, it’s the matter, right. But as a one unit consciousness, we are the same. So my intention of like sending the energy towards that person in front of me, it is like love, because I’m singing with the same thing for myself. Once I understand that, I mean, I’m telling for myself, but as you just pointed that up, I believe it that it was like think tension, about like what he wanted for the other. And just like imagine, imagine all of that, because as I’ve been learning is what the station has a know the heel. To that we can choose, apply just visualizing that person heel, and like visualizing, having the sassy now on body whenever we connect with that emotion from them. And just having that sense and sanding out, if they’re going to be receiving, because you’re just like, elevated our energy just should be there for them, and just shrink brace and hold space for them, which is more important. So for me, yes, that is valid.
It seems like a very important part of your practice. And if somebody said, Oh, that’s not scientific, I don’t think for you or a lot of people who do work like you that it matters because you’re having indirect experience. So it sounds like a oneness with your client, you’re not seeing the body really is an obstacle. And I’d like to go deeper into what you said about higher self. Because in the traditional, let’s say University approaches to helping others, whether it’s psychotherapy or social work, quite often the idea of higher self would be considered maybe even woowoo, or not scientific yet, for you, that seems like a living reality that if I just said, Well, there’s no proof of that, I imagine you would say I don’t need proof, I am in touch with something extremely valuable. So I wonder if you can talk to us more about how higher self works in your practice.
Higher Self in my practice works as a connection, how I am just like dedicating that time to be connected with myself daily. And then just the same if I explain to you or if somebody asked me, Amanda, what is meditation? Oh, can I just be sitting there and just like waiting for something come in and just stop my thoughts or should stop coming. And then I give my own experience, which for everybody could be different. But for me meditation, just like it’s when I allow the energy to come in, and just should be there not thinking anything, it just be there. And not it just you know, like, allowing that’s what I’ve been learning a lot of this process, it’s just allowing, and I’ve been allowing this connection, this communication it’s come from they achieve Me know me from them, which I have the intention for sure. And just like daily, I just like Okay, today, my priority it’s to connect with myself with my higher self and could be like with my mom, I’d say. So it’s whoever or whatever, it’s meaningful for you. And we have like different names shirtdress. Right we have God have, we have Buddha, we have cheeses, we have any other words that we just like, proceed with. But for me, they all have the same. So I’m just saying, even for like my mom, I’m just thinking that moment. And my dad did that just pass it away, because they both gave me the life to be in here sharing all of this if you guys and just like be there connecting. So my priority every morning it was I am here I’m connecting, how can I serve you? I would like to be the instrument of your source, not of your source, the instrument for you to talk through me for you is like doing things from me know through me. And that’s how I proceed. So hydrocele. For me, it’s, it’s that time when I have the connection with my heart, it was it just there. It’s peaceful. It is lovely. It does. It’s unique. And I wish for everybody to have that connection, for sure.
Yeah. And on the notion of helping others to have that connection. You mentioned meditation, you mentioned, maybe getting quiet, like in the morning, or maybe before a session. Could you elaborate more on what do you do internally, right. This is the illuminated mind podcast, it’s about awakening to really what you’re talking about. Higher Self Love source, like you said, whatever you call it, that presence is there. So what do you specifically do that helps you to tap into that?
Every morning, whenever I wake up, I have my time in my bed, which I love it. And I just started Thank you, God for one more day in this earth. And what else can I do to serve you today? How can I be happy today? How can I just be as this? And if I’m just waking up and not feeling that energy, like the harmony of my energy, I start to question myself, what is that? What I need to take knowledge from this feeling? And I ask please, God give me strength just to go ahead. And to face anything that my mind which goes into illusion is going to show me to overcome to evolve, but basically just that time to typing in and to see like, Oh, I’m going to be connected with you today. And for me, man, I feel it’s more more about it. How can I be happy today? How can I be grateful today, and for the moment that I wake up? I’m grateful because I’m having another opportunity of being here, and to write a new chapter of my life. And nowadays, I’ve been so happy to be in these lifetime. And I acknowledge that and I honor that. Because as much as I’ve been feeling that connection, that energy, and all of the things of my dreams that I’ve been looking seeking, I just I just need them and I just like thank you and I start walking definitely water doing exercise. Yeah, meditation in Yeah, pretty much that beings like consistency. And we need to create a habit. Because if we don’t create that habit, well, our day goes, boom, boom, boom. And then we don’t understand why that happened. But it’s just like think tension, what I have as my intention today, I set the intention every day to so what I wanted for today, today I want to do is I want to Dad, I want to be happy for sure. I want to walk you through my day with my open heart. And yeah, basically it’s that and if I have any other thing to acknowledge or to make upsetting tension I’m going to be doing just depends about my previous day. And then that’s how I’m going to just setting the intentions.
Nice Yeah, I’m not necessarily hearing specific techniques yet I’m hearing something maybe even more valuable, which is the moment you wake up go into your intentions What are your highest intentions are waking up with gratitude and I hear you saying if you’re not in a good space, take some time in being with that like set the intention I want to be happy today I want to feel good today. It sounds like you’re doing like this inner and you’d use the word Communion but like literally talking to spirit but realizing it’s not a two way street like you said before. It’s like you tell Higher Self how it is like you’re just saying My intention is this and you’re opening for higher self to help to bring you there sounds to me like you know you’re not alone who If you have a challenge, you know, to turn to that higher wisdom, you know, I need to start my day connected to that higher wisdom. And if I’m not, I’m going to do something to get back there. That sounds like such a valuable teaching for people aside from just techniques, just set an intention, right and be in touch with that, just from the moment you wake up. I wonder if you can talk to us about if you want to be someone personal you can, you don’t have to have any personal challenge you may have had, where you had to tap into that resource. Like some people want to know that it’s not all rosy and loving and wonderful. Sometimes life is really challenging, right? Could you speak to that? Like maybe something you personally went through and how you use this way of thinking to overcome it?
Yes, I have a few things. Sure. Would be like before hypnotherapy Oh, after which one
you’d like, Whatever, whatever works for you.
I’m not having like a huge challenge, because so now I know the truth about right. So it would be before.
Okay, yeah, let’s have you talk about that. Yeah, like hearing what you just said, though, that before hypnotherapy? Yeah, challenges after hypnotherapy. I’m good. That’s wonderful to hear. So we don’t go into all your personal challenges before but I wonder, maybe with the new skill sets you have, how would you have handled challenges with these new skill sets?
Awesome. Yeah. Whenever I’m not feeling in harmony with my thoughts, which guide my emotions. And that motion, that mental pattern decided to repeat over and over, I just sit down, and then I ask what’s going on? Why do you want it to tell me? Because I know that it’s something in my heart that was not acknowledge before that moment, right. And then I ask, and, of course, I feel like uncomfortable with those feelings, because they are not comfortable whenever you think like, Oh, I’m not capable to do this. And and then you decide how you’re thinking that you’re not capable? Yes, you’re capable. Because you have proved that you and I sat question, what do I need to find out on it? And I start, like making those statements that I’m good. However, I would like to know where that thought came from. Because I know that is a region for that. And of course, I just feel like, I’m not happy being that state, because I’ve been reached the peace space. So I know how comfortable it is to be there. But I just started to acknowledge asking, and I started doing like a breath work as well. Because these way, I’m going to find out what is the belief systems in the negativity thought that I’m holding on it. And for sure, they’re going to breach me back. So for instance, it was back July, right before my birthday. And I was feeling like nervous that started like a few days before my birthday. And I started feeling like nervous. And I started not having patience. And it was like, what it is coming from. And that’s when I just call my friend which she graduated with me from the school. And then I asked her to do it. Could you doing like a breath work with me? And then she goes like, Yes, I couldn’t do it. And in the more in the moment that I set the intention, just acknowledge those emotions in belief systems, and was very precisely I just bridge back in the moment on my childhood, which I just I fall and then I hit my lower back in the state. And in that moment, I felt paralyzing. I felt nervous, I feel that I was not capable to breathe. So in that moment, I realized that I was holding all of those belief system from the event that I was 12 years old, and I didn’t have no body. However, as I’m having these inner voice just telling doing this, because you’re going to find it out. And that’s why I just fall i fall i did the breath work, and then that’s when i Okay, realize what was rolling in. And as a gift for that moment, finding all of that. I just decided to show him doing skydiving just to face those fears. to face those emotions, because as much as you’ve been just covering them, you just wanted to reframe. And then I did it on the mental level. And I was like, how about the physical level? Let’s see how that works. So I did it. That was my gift. And right before the jumping, it was I was feeling all of those emotions paralyzing. I was feeling nervous, and I was feeling impatient about it. However, I was focused on that. And I knew that that was not the thing for it. It was like, how about you such a focus on the good things like the serotonin, the dopamine that you’re going to just like releasing doing that. So that’s when everything shifts. So I felt everything, at the same time before the action in the action, I just enjoy it. So that’s how I face it. That moment that it challenged moment, I would say, it was all about that. So I use like breathwork. And any other technique that I, I feel that I need it I’m going to be using, but we’ll see what I went through. Now a big thing, but it was a little thing.
It’s a perfect example, actually, of how you can utilize a lot of skill sets. And not only so I hear you, when you’re feeling bad, and the first thing you said was like you’re gonna stop. And look, a lot of people don’t do that, right? They just keep being busy trying to find distractions, or some substance that makes them feel better. You’re like, Okay, I know what peace is. I’m not feeling peace, I’m gonna stop and look and then realize, underneath a negative feeling is a belief system, like I’m not good enough, then I now hear you realize there’s memories connected to those beliefs and emotions. And you know how to work through it yourself. But you also said, you have another valuable resource, you have friends by going through the school, you know, colleagues are the same techniques as you went through this school. And you just said to a colleague to a friend, can you help me to work through this blockage and through breath work when the major techniques you know, you have to bring up your stuff, and then to resolve it? And then to actually push yourself right to skydive right on, you’re able to Yeah, to take further steps having processed it. So beautiful. I love hearing that. Can you tell us you’ve been seeing clients now, so testimonials on your website, maybe your most significant clients experience that comes to mind a case history of where just you were wowed with the practice of hypnosis and how it helps someone else.
It was fascinated this client of mine, which she was my actually first client, and she looked at for me to help her with her diet, right, and having like an overwhelming lifestyle, health lifestyle. And we went through the process, like the intake, the programming session, the eye movement therapy, and also we did like parts work. And we haven’t like the regression. And she was fascinated how she was been holding all of those belief system. Because of the fire coast. She had a fire coast, India accident into her house, which she was holding all of those belief systems about herself, because her parents were nine hmm. And she was feeling relieved, because she thought that it was her fault. And she was judging herself and all of that because she has her siblings with her. And for her whenever she came out of hypnotic state. She was feeling Wow, relieved. And she was like how magical it is this technique, this like the hypnotherapy that I’ve been through with you, and how amazing it is to know that those events that happen in my life, it’s now released, just for the fact that I’m allowing myself to experience hypnosis with you. So she was very happy. It was like something very significant. Because will this my first client, and she went through in the fire post, though, sir. And she was like, wow, how amazing is that? So for me, it was like the first moment and I was so happy to help her. And I was like fascinated with her realization realisation about that she was holding all of those belief system from one that promote and advancing their lives. So it was very nice to have it.
Your very first client you sounds like you felt confident to utilize the skill sets that you have. You were able to for somebody who wanted to diet and lose weight, to help them to realize it’s not just about eating better. It’s not just about your weight. It’s about past events, negative beliefs, negative emotions affecting you today and the I got the aha moment about that or saying, Oh, wow, um, I don’t have to be this way. I didn’t realize I had something in me holding me back. And it sounds like hypnotherapy was able to get in and resolve that.
Yes, it was. You solve it. We became friends.
Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Beautiful. Yeah, I’m sure it’s such a pleasure to work with you one on one. And on that notion, if somebody did want a private session with you to contact you, how would they reach out to you,
you can reach out me from my website, which is just like www dot Amanda undergrad, she And also, you can send me an email on info at Amanda and Raji Also, you can find me on the Instagram page, which is Amanda on Raggi. hypnosis, and then you can find it on Facebook as well. You’re gonna have like my first name, and last name and hypnosis, and also on the tweeter, which feels like manda hypnosis, and on the YouTube channel, which I’m just providing a few videos about emotions and all of that. And Amanda and Raji hypnosis is going to be basically my first name, last name and hypnosis.
Perfect, I’m sure if they Google that they’re gonna find all the wealth of all that great information. I was gonna ask for a final closing word. But I have one other thought for you about. You’re doing it you, not every student most do but some students go through our training, and they’re afraid they don’t build a website and have a YouTube presence. They don’t have a social media presence. Can you give some words of wisdom for those who might be on the fence about just taking the leap to get out there professionally? Because I commend you. You’re I mean, again, a lot of people do it, but some people don’t. And when you really do it, it’s so commendable. I really honor any student who takes our training, has the confidence within themselves to get out there. And then to do that, so what might you say to somebody who hasn’t taken the step that you have?
I would say, I’m gonna say from my own experience, right. So I took my time, just to acknowledge everything that I was going through, and just should be the ready for the moment. So the momentum of the opportunity, of course, has the desire, because I want it to do these for the others. And I know we have like a lot of people that meeting us. So please take your time, and acknowledge that your time, it’s your time, but for sure, whenever you just like ready for that? Looking for it. And also you have to have a desire of it. What it’s your desire, okay, you finish the Hypno hypnotherapy course, but how about now what is going to motivate you, you need to seek for that desire, and for me, was like to shift for my career, and to work for the others. And that is nothing more lovely. And I cannot say in a word, but it’s just like so intense. Whenever you’re seeing your clients, and you feeling the energy of the transformation. And you know that you were doing that, not only for them, but for you as well. And then whenever you have those feelings, oh my God, you’re gonna be like, Yes, I choose the right career, choose the right school. And now I’m here for them. So basically, take your time because it’s needed process everything that you need to process, go looking for help if you need it, because I have done a few hypnotherapy with my instructors. And just do it and get the desire what what is your goals for it? And after that just recite started to research, okay, what can I do it? Which platform is going to fit best for you, because we have all of those platforms. But also we need to see which one is resonated with your heart. Because each of them has a purpose. And you just start to seeking like for your own answer what I wanted to do it, which one I’m going to be feeling better with myself, because that’s how you’re going to attract people towards your practice. That’s what I’ve been doing, you know, and so I wish you a good look and trust in yourself because it can made it and yeah, we are here to help the others and I’m looking forward to see your practice.
That’s beautiful. Thank you. Yeah, I hear you’re talking about what we call the school as you know, the mental log dominant effect, where the strongest emotion always wins. So I hear your desire we use the word desire to be of service to others was Stronger maybe than any fear or self esteem issues you may have had is the strongest emotion always wins. So people are too afraid to get out there and their desire to help people is not really there. I know for me, it was like, if I can help 25 clients per week, I’m gonna make a huge difference in the world, my life is going to be meaningful just from that alone. And yeah, so it’s the motivation really to be of service to others, if it’s about money or whatever, you don’t have that strong emotional drive, but I hear you have that. And really just because you want to be of service to others. So for some closing words, words of wisdom, anything you might want to share, if you could just say one message to the whole world, what would that be,
would be, if you understand the region of your desires, and your emotions, you can have the control of it. So understanding the region in your region of your emotions, that desire is going to give you the benefits of having the control often, but no like to control them, but to transform them. So seeking for that transformation, and you will find it.
It’s no the origins of your issues, basically, go to the root cause don’t just be caught up in the effect or the problem. But find the origin resolve it and you can be free. Yes, sorry. Beautiful. Thank you so much for joining me, Amanda. It’s always a pleasure to have you in class to see you haven’t graduated. So you go through NLP training out there helping people racking up testimonials. It’s awesome. So yes, I hope anybody who is interested will reach out to Amanda directly. And thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you being here with me. And yeah, hopefully many people will be blessed their your knowledge and wisdom. Thank you.
Yeah, thank you very much for this opportunity, not only for us, but for everybody else. You’re just making the breach for us. And I appreciate that for sure.
I think my pleasure. I appreciate you. Thank you so much.
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