Illuminated Mind is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
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Hey everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. super glad to have you back today for the final part four of this series on how to be successful as a hypnotherapist. So today we are going to pick back up with the review on the Life Mastery course. And Matthew is going to really dive into all of the different parts of it. So there’s sort of five, five or six different sections of this Life Mastery, really, it’s a binder is what you end up creating. But he goes through each section. And then at the end, he finishes up kind of giving you a recap of all 12 prosperity principles. So again, remember, this is all to help you be more successful in your business and in your life. In general. This is all about manifesting and creating the abundance and the prosperity, the success, whatever it is that you want to create in your life. This is how you do it. So real quick, just as you know, an introduction to what the Life Mastery course is, again, there’s sort of six parts. Part one is your core mission statement. Part two is all about your values and life principles. Part Three is the universal laws that sort of govern existence as we know it. And when you understand these universal laws, you can really start to use them to your advantage. Part Four is the live categories prioritized. Part Five is your goals, short term, midterm and long term. And then Part Six is the 12 prosperity principles. So again, this is a value packed episode. There’s a lot of information that you’re going to understand and uncover and this episode, so it would do you a lot of good to have a pen and paper handy. Take some notes. And really, you know, use this as a guideline and take action on what you’re learning in this episode. Because the value of this Life Mastery course really is what it says it’s it helps you master your life. So your personal life, your professional life, and just gain success in all areas. So I really hope you enjoy this. This is part four of being successful as a hypnotherapist and enjoy this episode.
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Welcome back to Illuminated Mind. I’m your host Corey Benschop, and this is your podcast for exploring some of the deeper ideas about what it means to be human in today’s complex world. We cover topics from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and hypnotherapy to find answers to life’s most interesting questions. Enjoy this episode!
So write down any goal. But the theme is if I write it down, I have to do it. So for instance, is a simple thing. I want to I wanted a new black Osprey backpack pack, beautiful backpacks and like I don’t need that I really have one. But it’s so nice. So I ended up writing it down on my to do list. And I couldn’t give it a whole lot of thought and it’s like okay, you know, if I get around to going to an Rei, I’ll pick one of those up, but because it ended up on the to do list and I programmed myself hypnotically if it’s on my to do list, I must do it. It’s dark, and um, you know, it’s no big deal. It’s not like, you know, no financing home or salvation is a little backpack. But the principle is it was on the list. I had to do it so well. When we review the Life Mastery course soon. I’m going to emphasize that that whatever you write down is a goal, you must do it therefore it’s in the category of need, right? And if it’s not happening, you need to do so and then during times of prosperity safe. So as far as the percentages go, I would do this in an Excel spreadsheet. You know Maiko little formula in your spreadsheet 100% on the top, and then you have your categories on the side. And I can show you this because I don’t know what I’m gonna teach tonight. So it’s not prepared. But first thing, pay yourself first 10% advertising 10% savings 10% for like, long term retirement savings. And then if you’re in debt, one, the percent goes to debt. Now, you might not be able to manage all these depending on your overhead right now. But this is a pretty optimal way to get to 50% of your income right there. 10% savings, business savings, 10% advertising 1% to clear debt, because if you’re paying 20% in credit cards, it’s gonna kill you over the long haul, right. So get out of that as quickly as possible. And like I said, 10% for long term retirement savings, there’s going to be operating expenses for business, of course, no more than 5% for your office rent, right. So don’t go all extravagant and crazy, like, Oh, he’s beautiful office and I make Miss save 4000 per month, but you get an office, that’s 1000 per month, if you only make 4000 per month, and your office is 1000 per month, that’s 25% for the office, that would be a big mistake, even 10% is too much for your office, so 5% of your expected gross income would go to your office, then there’s going to be the other things, your business should be paying for your cell phone, could even pay for a car, you talk to an accountant about that, but you want to be set up a corporation, you want it to pay for everything. So you know, ideally, it’s paying for your car and the insurance. Something because might want to consider you know, overall successful Life Mastery business model is ensure your voice consider disability insurance, just a habit, I haven’t. And I’ve had it for the majority of my career, I’ve never had to use it. But I know how valuable this voice box is as a hypnotherapist and as a teacher. So my voice is insured. And I would encourage you to consider that as part of my business pays for that for sure. And then you can have your professional and do our malpractice insurance. So I would encourage you make a clear spreadsheet with all those percentages. And you, you lay it out and ideally only operated 90 to 95% of the 100%. So there’s still this extra five or 10%. I like to call that profit, but really the savings is profit 10% is savings and the other 10% going and then if you don’t have debt, there’s an extra 20% right there that you know, and the nice thing to put in there, which really once there’s no more debt than 20%, ideally is disposable income. So to have the extra money to spec, I want to go on vacation, do it, I want to buy something, do it. Unless I do it depends on where you’re at financially. But a nice prosperity principle I’m not gonna write down because I don’t think a lot of hypnotherapist want to do this yet, get to the point where you don’t have to look at price tags, whose it you want something. But if you don’t do that yet, you know, don’t rack up the credit card with that way of thinking. So I want to do it early on, but get to a point where you know, you’re really successful because you never look at a price tag. But in the beginning, you know, I think it’s important to do I need before setting up my business. If it are what do I need before I send my business officially? Okay, awesome. Thank you, I’m happy to talk about anything you want to show, I definitely need to go. Where do you start with this. So you want to consider you’re going to be a sole proprietor, an LLC, or an S corp, you wouldn’t be a C Corp at this stage. So it’s gonna be one of those three models. And then you just want to consider some things getting into it, I would recommend if that’s all new, so I’m not talking just to DEP in any one person setting up a corporation. If you’re setting up for your company, go to score, SC o r You can sit down and talk with a business mentor completely for free scores like this was just an association of our retired business professionals. So they usually you know, they they’re retired or semi retired. There’s usually older gentleman, and I just want to help younger people to succeed. If you already know a lot about business, then they probably you know, like, every time I sit down with these guys, I know more than they do. But if you’re really new with business, go talk to a score advisor. They will help you to learn about the different business structures, and then help you to assess where you want to be. So if you’re really you don’t have a lot of assets, you don’t have a lot to protect, you’re young and you’re just starting out. You could be a sole proprietor not a problem. In that case, you use your social security number, and everything runs through that. The only thing you need to do if you’re a sole proprietor to get started is to find an accountant, you’re going to want to have an accountant doing your own taxes. It’s okay but to me, that’s just Other expensive running a business, especially if you’re doing what I’m saying multiple income streams, then I don’t know, I don’t want to be stuck doing QuickBooks or Quicken all the time. So my first day, when I opened my private private practice, when I was 25 years old, I talked to an accountant. And I said to her what I have to do instead Well, in the beginning, you need to need two spreadsheets, an income spreadsheet, and expenses spreadsheet, and she told me how to set that up. So every time income comes in, I would write the date, the clients name, and the amount they paid. And then that column of the amount paid would total up. And it’s cool to see, it’s like after your first month, like, Whoa, I just thought he was gonna just made $5,000. And, you know, towards the end of the year, when you’re like, well, that’s like 60 $70,000, you’ve never done that before, it’s a nice feeling. So you have an income spreadsheet, and you have an expenses spreadsheet. And ideally, again, you’re writing off everything possible. But sole proprietor, your tax benefits are not necessarily as good, and you’re not protecting any assets really well. But that’s how I started using social security number, work with an accountant, you could do your taxes, it’d be really inexpensive to have an accountant for that. If you’re gonna consider an S corp or an LLC, they’re not the same thing. But essentially, they’re kind of the same thing, I would just talk to an accountant or a square advisor, commit to one of those models. For my majority of my businesses, I’ve only done s corpse. There’s like use a traditional tried and true corporate model, LLC is are a little bit more modern and not considered a corporation, it’s considered a company, limited liability company. But the same thing when it comes down to it. So I think for a private practitioner, a lot of our graduates have ended up in the LLC model. Through advice from, you don’t have to go to that attorney unless you have serious assets to protect. But a simple consult with an accountant should help you to know our score advisor, but probably like you’re a company to work with would be the way to go. So decide that then what do you do to set it up, you can do it yourself, you can go in Florida, you go to sun But any state you’re in, just type it like Florida Division of Corporations or California Division of Corporations. And then you find out what website you need to do to go set up an S corp is really inexpensive. If you do it on your own, it’s going to be like 70 $500. And then there’s a yearly fee. And I think renewing your corporation is like $150 a year. But again, you’re going to save that in taxes many times over by setting up a corporation. So you have to get it set up doing it on your own, you can make mistakes, and that’s not great, you know, so like $75, you probably do that on your own. For $500 or so an accountant can do it for you. They’ll give you your corporate book where you can record minutes, you really don’t need to when you’re a small business with tech when you’re supposed to. And then it’ll have actual stock certificates in there and your corporate bylaws is all like setting up the corporation. So to me it was worth your second $500 pay an accountant. I didn’t do it from 96 I started my practice in 97 I didn’t open a corporation until about 2003 on hindsight, you know, having learned about this, I probably would have done it earlier. But I don’t think I was incorporated in my first few years at all. No, No, I wasn’t. So yeah, so proprietor works well in the beginning and then pretty much as an S corp when you feel ready. But um, yeah, pay an accountant and they do all the work. When you’re a corporation or an LLC, I think he and I and number that’s your employer identification number. And basically that instead of your social security number, you end up using the Ei n number. The business is its own entity. And you know, Corporation sounds intimidating, but honestly a corporation is just a file folder in your drawer. I’m not saying necessarily even that this day and age because everything’s digital. So I own a corporation. The main Corporation I run on a high education group incorporated is a Florida Subchapter S. S corporation. Yeah, so the number you’ll open the business bank accounts. Remember, like I said, do a checking account and a savings account for the business. And if you’re only sole proprietor, then the bank accounts are in your name. Again, the problem with that for protecting your assets is if somebody Sue’s you, if they are a customer of your corporation, they can only sue the corporation. Technically they could sue you but I don’t know how much a corporation really protects you. But the model is, you know, if you go to Walmart You can sue the manager, you can sue the owners, you can sue Walmart Corporation. And technically, that’s how it’s supposed to work. So because you have your Ei n number and your business bank accounts, when they go to sue you, you’re like, great, there’s only $5,000, my business bank accounts, you know, sure could go for it. So you want to be taking a lot of the money out, you know, so like I said, there’s so your business checking account, I have a hypnotherapist, a few $1,000 in it, and then your business savings, you know, at most 10,000. And then that money needs to be reinvested somewhere else back into other income streams, or even dump it into long term savings. Okay, great. Go ahead, Gabriel is typing. And then we’ll be sure tonight to just do the overview of the Life Mastery course, and how it relates to building your private practice and the major principles giving you guys about not getting into the business, to help people not getting into business for money. Now, that is why we do it. Right. We’re there to help people. But I got a saying, if you don’t have a really good personal reason that’s driving you selfish reason, you might not be as successful. And while Gabriel is typing, that’s where the Life Mastery course can really come in is to make being successful in your business. extremely compelling. If you’re like, I need to be of service to people, I need to make money. It’s not as great as owning your own home. Having multiple cars taking multiple vacations every year, you only have in the word five months out of the year or something. You know, like once you start getting a sense of like, What can I do for your family putting kids through college like, once you get a sense of a true prosperity looks like that’s what’s gonna motivate you not just 100,000 per year, subconscious Don’t get excited, about 100,000 per year, let’s review the getting organized process of the Life Mastery course. So again, this is a three ring binder, physical, not digital, yeah, you want to be able to see the thing every day, tab dividers, so all your paper is divided into sections. And then the first section that ideally you’re going to spend time on and look at every day is your core mission statement. If you ever go to score advisor, or you’re going to do a business plan, they’re actually gonna encourage you to have a mission. So there’s your business mission, then there might be other missions that you have. That’s why you just have a core mission statement. To me, the core mission has to incorporate everything I do every life category career, finances, relationships, spirituality, mental, emotional health, physical health, all of these life categories need to align with the core mission statement. I really sincerely feel a lot of our graduates do not take these ideas to heart, the way they cook. So good questions, but advertising marketing, and I’ll say show me, you know, we’ve put together so far, I don’t know, I see these first themes. Emphasize, you know, you see people setting goals, you see people doing their dream board, by numbers one through five, in the Life Mastery course, really help you to determine what to do on a daily basis. If you only have a short term goal of 15 to 20 clients per week, you might do it. But you’re gonna have a higher probability of succeeding in that if you have really big compelling reasons why you are. So again, I can’t emphasize enough you take the time to do this. You haven’t already. So number one, the core mission statement. Yeah, I think all the students in the school so you can see mine exactly in that course. But I want to say to you, it’s to offer the world and world not just my city or my county, but literally when I wrote that down 20 However, many years ago, it was very clear, My vision is a global vision. So think about that. How big is your reach, to offer the world through loving service, the wisdom and truths that I’ve discovered over the years in a way that relieves suffering for all beings, and promotes health, wealth, and enlightenment? to myself and my fellow man. Now, again, I was written over 20 years ago, so maybe I wouldn’t have said, Man, I’m a human or the people not just obviously I met men and women, but there’s a bit of a tweak that one word, but I know what I mean, right? humankind, but also it says, so really the suffering of all beings. Some people don’t like the word suffering in there, but it’s a very deep Buddhist principle that acknowledges there is suffering for sentient beings, those who can feel our suffering, plants, humans, animals, and we want to be part of that solution. So I’ll say it again. If you about, you know, what do you know about me and what I do? I’m living that mission statement. And it’s all programmed into my subconscious, I can’t deviate from it. And it’s become my reality to offer the world in a loving service. The wisdom and truth I’ve discovered over the years, right, so I’m a teacher, I share my knowledge and wisdom. And it’s paid off quite well, right to sticking to this mission, to offer the world the loving service, the wisdom and shoes I’ve discovered over the years, in a way that relieve suffering of all beings and promotes health, wealth. So well, talking about what we’re talking about right now health, wealth and enlightenment, you know, the spiritual teachings, and then health, my book, the sutures on healing, and I make them into dedication of the school to healing the mind healing the body, right. So I have basically become my mission statement, or my mission statement already existed, and I am on Earth, manifesting it, know that there’s a mission, and not just 15 clients per week, or 100,000 per year, the mission makes me dump money back into advertising. I have a moral, ethical, spiritual obligation, like a contract with the divine that I am going to fulfill my mission on this planet. Even if I don’t make any money for myself, this year, I’m going to put the money into advertising because the advertising is what gets the clients in the door for me to do my mission. Because I’m programmed to my core that I must fulfill this mission. I’ll do whatever it takes, if I do whatever it takes, I do it. But that’s not to burn yourself out or to lack in any way. Because all the other principles we talked about, you know, give you an overview on tonight, don’t allow you to end up in a space of lack or overworking. Now, I can’t say I’ve always been 100%. With this. For instance, one of the life principles we’ll talk about tonight, for me personally take what you like leaving it on this simplicity, tell them to simply and well below my means. That’s one of my personal life principles. I haven’t always done that. But whenever I do, like I’m doing now, I feel so abundant because I make this much, but I’m only spending this much and all that rest of that is going to savings or it’s just disposable income, you can use it any way you want to. That’s a beautiful place to be. So I haven’t always lived by the principles. But when those came to me, this whole idea came to me in meditation, that little voice, or big voice said, the higher voice of wisdom. If you live by this, you won’t suffer waver from this, you’re gonna find your suffering. It wasn’t like punishment, it was just like, you know, you drive in the left hand lane, you’re gonna suffer if you know the rules of the road, you’re gonna be okay. It’s not a punishment system. It’s just there are laws, universal laws, and we abide by them, we tend to be very successful, which we’ll get to in just a moment. So please write your core mission statement. If you haven’t already. You write out to certain ideas like love service, kindness, integrity, compassion, for maybe a little more specific. Like, for me, it’s the sharing of knowledge and wisdom. It’s not necessarily building the best car, right? Somebody might like I’m here, like, I’m Elon Musk, right? Lots of good stuff he’s doing. But you know, like, environmentally friendly cars. I that might be part of a core mission. That to me, that’d be a little bit too specific. I would think a core mission for something like that is like SpaceX, you know, traveling to Mars, and creating all these cars, you know, it’s probably something like, expand human consciousness to its full potential for sustainable, so it’s more general sounds like cars or spaceships. But I’m sure there’s a mission behind that and a prosperity principle you might consider. Study the great CEOs, like study Steve Jobs, study, Bill Gates study, Oprah Winfrey, like what did these people do? Not just what do they do but how are they thinking? So we know in neuro linguistic programming, that if someone else can do it, so can we not so seven out of money, you know, whatever, but if someone else can succeed in their mission, so can you I think Oprah has succeeded in her mission Elon Musk succeeding in his mission. What kind of thinking has gone on their head? Okay, so anyway, that’s number two life principles values. If you haven’t done this already write down I do 12 your 12 major values or to me, I call them life principles. So mine are God is the number one or actually the word truth is number one, and they’re all synonyms really, for the same thing. And you know what I mean by God might not mean whatever else means by God, but that which is absolute true real. So God is one. Love is definitely one truth absolutely is one. And that ties in to integrity is usually a major life principle when I work with people with this stuff, and then others I have on there again might not be yours. Silence is a very important one for me to spend a lot of time in silence specially different types of major asset which is the voice of silence simplicity I mentioned, service to others. solitude very similar, again, very important to me, you know, not always everybody’s cup of tea, but I do a lot of time in silence and solitude, because the mission is super important. Again, mission drives it. So write down your 12 life principles. And write a suggested a sentence or two that explains that to you. Or to others. I knew when I was doing this stuff I would be sharing with others I was just intuitively built into the whole process. So mine is I devote my life to I devote my life to living and speaking the truth. I devote my life to being of service to others. It’s not as specific as hypnotherapy. But it would certainly relate to what it means for you to be a hypnotherapist. Okay, stop me at any point, if you have any questions, number one in the comments number three, and I’ve tried to cover all this in the two hour class, two hours we’ve allotted tonight. Number three universal law, I highly recommend if you haven’t read it already, or listen to the audio multiple times. It’s a short book, the seven spiritual laws of success by Deepak Chopra. In my Life Mastery course in the school’s curriculum, there are 21 universal laws that I found over the years and all tend to be beneficial. But ones that Chopra outlined the seven spiritual, seven spiritual laws of success, program those into your subconscious mind. And you do that by reading them every day. So how do you read those every day? In Your Life Mastery binder, take the tab that says universal law, write down those seven laws, and just read a sentence that describes each law. Alright, so the law of pure potentiality states that when you’re in a deep meditative state, you tap into an infinite organizing potential that can manifest anything in your life. If you’re not programmed with that, you are missing a huge opening in your mind to say I can create anything, most people are programmed that way. So I’ve taken these laws, and again, programmed them into your subconscious, universal law of least effort. I said, even though we’re saying it’s a mission, and you’ll die trying not that it’s gonna happen. You’re gonna do whatever it takes to succeed. Let me say this, I’m going to write down a prosperity principle for you, is the law of least effort. The law of least effort says that true creating and manifesting happens with effortless ease. Alright, so once you get really good at this, like I said, it becomes a habit, all you have to do is be like, Okay, this is what I want in my life. I meditate on it, and I just do all this stuff. But I don’t have to write it all down anymore. I’m encouraging anybody to do that. But now it’s just such a habit. Like, alright, I want something. I know how to make stuff happen. But again, this stuff started for me in my early 20s. So it’s become very habitual. Let me write down a prosperity principle. And then prosperity principles, you might put this into your subconscious programming, if you haven’t already. And now, do what I need to do to succeed. Right. So get that into your programming, and now do what I need to do to succeed. Again, it ties in to the rabbit who ran up the tree, man, when I had to do it, I did it. You might not want to do public speaking, but you write it down and you’re going to do it. It’s on your to do list, it’s in your day timer, that you’re going to go to Toastmasters or wherever and attend a public speaking class. And you make yourself do it. And then you set a goal. You know, within two months, I’m going to give my first lecture and hypnotherapy because that kind of stuff can be scary. You know, fear of public speaking is a major fear for most people. force yourself to do it. It’s a great way to get clients then you get better clients, when you do lectures. You know, if you get good at it, you’ll convert like 10% of the people in the room will become clients. So 100 people in a room, you walk up to 10 claims, right that you know, the 15 that a lot of you want per week, give one really good lecture to 100 people, you’ll have your team playing right there. So when I hear people say it takes a long time to build a practice, like obviously the six month thing, if you know how to do it, and I’m doing my best to teach you about how to do it. You can do it within a month there because the thing about hypnotherapy clients in case you haven’t caught on with this. The average client only comes about four times that’s been my experience over 20 plus years. So I think it’s pretty accurate to say, you know, you might have more or less in your own practice. For me, it was been a four sessions per client. Because there’s a high turnover rate, it’s not like you get your 15 clients and your clients gonna come for a few sessions, maybe only one, you know, a lot of people only come from one, and then you never see him again. So if your phone isn’t ringing on a regular basis, you know, depending on how busy you want to be, I’m encouraging get the phone to ring once a day, you should get a new client pretty much every single day. That would, I’d encourage you to make that the goal, my phone rings every day, and I pretty much convert 100% of the people who call and get good enough that 100% of people show up. Right, because we talked about that in the last class, you don’t want the no call no show, to text them to remind them, XM to confirm how they talk to them, you know, please, if you’re going to cancel or you’re not going to show up, just let me know. But truly, the texting this day and age tends to work best. They let them know, you want them to show up and they see text and they’re going to so text them about it. Anyway. I now do what I need to do to succeed. So push yourself to make sure that phones ringing ideally, once a day, and yeah, public lectures, social media website, I do recommend Pay Per Click for sure. classes have been really good for the promotion, do you have resource they can check out for crafting an intake form a template I can fill out for each potential client call for the client call, whether it’s the intake, and then there’s a client call. So now for the claim call, I don’t have a template, there’s a section of the school’s online tutorials in the advertising, marketing, this is practice management section, what I outline things that are really good for that first call, is I’ll just give you a few pointers now. But now I don’t have a checklist for that. And then we can talk about the intake. So some pointers for your first initial client call, build report, use your reflective empathic listening skills, you guys are great at validating people out listening very carefully. That’s huge. The other thing is to give them, give them the time they want and deserve. You know, be friendly talk about like, you know, grateful that you call Tell me about your goals. Hi, you know, honored to be of service to help you. That’s important, but also, you don’t need them. You want the attitude of Look, I’m really busy. I’m great at what I do. I’m sure I can help you with this. But I’m not trying to get you to come in. Right clients, it’s up to you to come into work with a No, no, of course I feel I’m a leader in our fields, I would use that term, but you want to say something like, boy, you know, in your own mind. I’m a graduate of a state licensed school, there’s very few hypnotherapist out there who have my credentials. You know, I’m a phenomenal hypnotherapist. Again, you’re not going to say all this stuff, but that’s kind of the feeling inside. And you claim you are privileged to be able to work with me again on say that stuff, but feel that and then show them how much you care about them. That goes a really long way. Really, you listen and you ask them questions about their issue. You know, when did that began? How long have you had it? That kind of thing. Um, this isn’t necessary the next step, but something is crucial in the first phone call for a free consultation. And do that either on the phone or in your office or kind of both, you know, spend a half hour with them on the phone if you can, and then get them into the office for that half hour free consultation, that we talked about that consultation, but for the phone call, you’re definitely removing risk. If you I saw a graduate I should have told her I loved her website. I said it was perfect. But actually wasn’t there was one mistake, I believe it’s a mistake. She put the price of her sessions on the website, but she put the full price it was $150. And then I think it said sessions could be like an hour or two. I think that’s a mistake. What I do is you say you say you’re gonna tell them? Okay, so I’m in the first phone call. Don’t tell them your hourly rate, or how much a session is or how much the sessions total will be. Don’t tell them that right away at all. If ask like a lot, how much is the first session? How much is the session? Well, there’s different packages for different people. Depending you know, whatever smoking or depending where you’re coming in for I have different kind of packages. So client Tell me more about why you’re coming in. And then I can help to find the best package for you. So deflect, deflect the question, how much is the session until you build value? The theme in the first phone call is you need to build value. So this is why we kind of have a checklist it’s more principles that you need to follow. Build value. To tell success stories to build value, if you don’t have a lot of claim to six experience yet tell the story of a classmate or your own story, or, you know, I don’t think it’s good to make them up. But you can speak kind of generally about how hypnotherapy works. But if you have a good success story, be sure to tell that don’t make it sound too good to be true. Because then the client be like, Oh, yeah, that happened to him. But what happened to me. So absolutely success stories similar to what you’d be doing with a client, once they’re in your office building belief, building expectation, exciting their imagination. So build value. And when it’s time to mention the price, don’t say it’s 150 session, you would say $75 per hour. The nice thing about 75 in their head is Oh, okay, 75. And then a might be more, but it might only be 75. And that’s true, if they only do now or the 75. But sessions can be one to two hours, and you’ll tell them that. So she put on our website, 152 hour session, I think that’s gonna make people not call, like Oh, 150 and applying the three session $450, you know, like, No way I don’t know this person, but only $75 to get started. That’s different than 450 or 150. So that’s the theme and the money and the phone, other things and checklists for that first phone call. I mean, being super friendly, and warm and kind and compassionate really goes a long way. Building value goes a long way, removing risk goes a long way, before they come into your office, ask them to make a list of everything that’s wrong with them and everything wrong in their life. If you do this, you are going to make literally over the course of your life 10s of 1000s of more dollars, you know, that can add up to hundreds of 1000s over your life, I’m not exaggerating, this one idea will make you so much more money. So if you haven’t gone to this, I hope it helps have them or write down everything wrong with them. And when they come in, just assume you’re working on everything. Now, of course, you’re gonna work in no one issue. But when you tell them about why they’re writing everything down, which is true, is it helps me to get the bigger picture of where I am now and how I can help you best. Right? So right have them it’s based on the categories below. And all this does now since we’re going to cover those anyway, this is prioritized, in my mind, what’s most important might not be your priorities. But these are the categories no matter what spirituality to me is the highest priority, then mental emotional health, then your physical health, we want to be as successful as possible as hypnotherapist in those categories, to be role models for others. And because again, we’re the product, we’re branding ourselves. But I would ask my client to write down whatever is wrong. In those categories. Maybe they’ll have something write down spiritually. But of course, they’re going to be mental emotional issues. And of course, it probably physical issues, overweight, smoking health problems. So those are the top three. Next category again prioritized, at least for me, and for most people, once I talk them about this career and finances, your career finances are crucial for your living for your nothing you’re homeless for you are, you know, and then of course in the very positive to provide for your family having money for emergencies. So when I see people not put that really high up in the top five, then obviously they tend to lack and suffer. So have you plan write down anything where they’re suffering in the Korean finances category, or lacking job dissatisfaction, whatever. Number five, your relationships. Now relationships are part of every category, but very specifically in relationships. You are significant other, your family and your friendships. And then of course, there’s business relationships. So have them write down any place where they’re not doing well in those categories. Again, Life Mastery is to be successful on all of these categories. other categories, maybe not as important for your client. But for you guys to consider based on a major theme tonight. All the other categories your housing your home, or multiple homes, transportation, your car or multiple vehicles, your free time and recreation should be getting higher and higher as you move through the years and have more time to play and love your life. Not as much time working. So work harder, not smarter, work less, not more. So free time recreation, travel vacation. Of course, those of you who are in school, obviously education or continuing education is at a high priority. So all those are listed on Life Mastery course The idea is to have your clients break down where they’re not feeling good, where they’re sad. Bringing all those categories. Now, the reason why this can make you so much more money over time is when your client comes in, you’re going to work on their main issue. But when you start selling packages can work 20 hours, you say, Well, you know what I see in your list here, asthma, allergies, insomnia, obesity, no significant other, you know, so you’re not in a fulfilling relationship, whatever. So there’s health issues, behavioral issues, relationship issues, you as a hypnotherapist can help with all of that, once you paint the picture that you cannot right away, when you tell them in your office, they just come in with that homework assignment, Write down everything bothering you eat, of course, talk about their issue, their smoking cessation, you help them with smoking, but if you let them know, you know, I can help you with this, this, this, this, tell them a couple of success stories, you all start selling 10 or 20 hour packages really easily, then that one client who may have only come for two or three sessions for most, you can start getting the come for five or 10 sessions or more. I’ve had clients who’ve come twice a week, for years, like why those keep paying you like $2,000, every time they run out of do 10 hours, they run out the 10 hours, I do another 10 hours, you know, whatever. But um, you know, people literally just paying you 1000s of dollars on a regular basis, there’s people can afford that. And if you don’t open your mind to it, it’s not gonna be there. So one of the major principles we’re talking about tonight is motivation to succeed beyond being of service to others, and beyond making money. So if you go through, not even if I go so highly encouraged when you go through the Life Mastery course below. Again, you can totally learn in our schools curriculum and started if you haven’t already, start focusing on the whole picture. And why are you doing this? Like? What would Life Mastery look like? What would self actualization look like? What would success in every life category look like? And so what would your home look like? What would your relationships look like? You know, who would you be living with? How beautiful Can you paint that picture? What kind of vacations are you taking? What kind of sports or recreation hobbies are you into? What’s the spirituality look like? So the reason I’m mentioning that over and over is to succeed, and I hit off every practice, excuse me, gives you all of that. But just to help 15 people a week only gives you the rewarding, fulfilling feeling that you helped a lot of people. But I don’t think that motivates yourself conscious enough. But to know that you’re going to get this spend a month with your like an entire month on vacation with your children or whatever, like when they’re off on summer vacation, you can take the three months off with them, you know, or take a two week Christmas vacation Canada, wherever you want to, you know, everywhere I go. That kind of thing is what motivates not money and being of service to others. So if you do the Life Mastery course, when you start looking at your life categories prioritized, you start setting goals for every life category. And this is how it works. So number four, below is the life categories prioritized, spirit, like I said, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical health, career and finances, relationships, etc. Housing, travel free time, all those in whatever order is right for you. Once you get to your long term goals, that’s five to 10 years or more. And you’re gonna paint a really beautiful long term picture. You may tweak it, it may never happen. But the beauty is you’re working backwards from a bigger blueprints, if all you’re thinking is 1520 clients per week, and that’s your only goal. You’re not going to grow anywhere near the way you could, you’re not going to have the motivation that you could. And after five years, you might still be and that’s great. But you know, you might only be doing your 15 clients per week. And not necessarily making you know, I hit not the app is doing 100,000 years a nice thing, but it’s not necessarily super wealthy, right. And it’s not necessarily financial freedom, financial independence if you start plugging in your financial freedom. So I don’t know how you define that. But for me, financial freedom is again multiple incomes. You don’t have to be a multi millionaire to retire or to be semi retired. You just need so many income streams fueling you then you don’t want to work right now. It seems kind of a holiday season. I’m not doing much till the end of the year. Honestly, I don’t like teaching my classes what I need to run this school and I need to but everything else The money just keeps coming in, and I’m barely doing anything. So I like sharing that idea with our graduates or students, because a hypnotherapist can do it, you can actually take that 100,000 per year and turn it into seven income streams. But the way to get motivated to do it is you have to see the long term vision, the bigger picture by Why would your life look like five to 10 years from now, again, it’s not something a lot of people do. And this is why less than 5% of the world’s population is doing over $100,000 per year. I’m most people in the world is you know, the whole world. And it’s unfortunate that we’re working to change that. But under the poverty level, you know, there’s a lot of people seriously impoverished and people making 2030 40,000 per year, and their jlb, right, just over broke jlb working for someone else, working to make somebody else rich. And basically, to me, that kind of mentality is a slave mentality. When you have to go to work every day, you have to get up at six in the morning, you have to drive in rush hour traffic, you have to sit in a cubicle for eight hours. Essentially, you’re a slave to that. It’s just a way of being program that a lot of people are programmed with. With hypnotherapy, you get to be your own boss, you get to make your own hours. And if you do what I’m talking about, which I don’t really emphasize as much in the school training, if you take a lot of these teachings, save 10% reinvest in other income streams. Yeah, over five or 10 years, you can be doing a lot more than just your low six figure income, which is still quite nice. So anyway, long term goals five to 10 years or more, including retirement. So if you haven’t done that yet, set the retirement goals. And where would you be when not that it’s a traditional retirement model that I like to teach. But by the time you’re listening to say 65, by the time you’re 60 years old, there’s ideally are millions of dollars in the bank, at least $2 million, depending on your standard of living. So what do you mean? How much money do you need to save to retire with $2 million or more? If you haven’t done it yet, go to Google, put in retirement calculator, put in $2 million, and then figure out how much do you need to save now there’s compounded interest. So if you’re in your 20s, and you start putting away $2,000 per month, you’re going to retire with many millions of dollars. But every year that goes by so one other piece of advice here with all this time being one of the most valuable assets. And every year that goes by you can’t get back by you can get back a lot of things that you lose over the years, but you can’t get that time. So if you start no putting into your programming, that 10% of all iron is buying to keep another 10%. And that 10% is for reinvesting in more making more money. The other 10% is yours just to save, start doing that with compound interest interest, figured out how all how quickly your money doubles, like every seven years, you watch how your money doubles, it’s a lot more because of the compound interest and your bank counts. And you think I was encouraged with a long term goal to set that. And again, that becomes compelling. That’s like, wow, retiring with too many dollars or more, as opposed to work, you know, having like no money when you’re 60 and then thinking how am I gonna even retire, I can’t retire. That’s, that’s a scary place to be in my opinion. So knowing you’ll be financially free, you know, and ideally, you set goals in the long term goals, complete financial freedom by a certain age, you know, by a certain date, highly recommended there. So, again, if you paint the bigger picture, the long term goals or long term vision, it’s gonna motivate you to take steps. Now, the long term vision is like 510 years or more, the mid range vision is about three to five years, you know, somewhere in the middle there, where you want to do for that is chunk down, work backwards and say, I want to have $2 million by this date. So I’m working now with a guy who wants to be a billionaire. And he never did this. He said, when I said like, hey, how much you know how much you want to have when you’re, you know, like, when are you going to be a billionaire? And we said, I think it was like 10 years or something? I said, Well, how much do you need to have to get to that by this certain date, and he’s got another 90 million and we looked at it and there was no way you know, in three to five years to take 90 million and you know, so anyway, we figured out those exact numbers, and I believe it helped him significantly. So yeah, figure out if want this much in retirement, how much has to be there in between, and then the short term goal so as you’re working towards your 15 to 20 per week, ideally that is helping to fuel the bigger picture. Some of the thoughts on this and then We’ll start to get towards the end of time for today, the to do list. Once you know your big vision, and you know the steps to get there for the mid range and short term, then you start using your to do list. And remember the principle is whenever you write it down, you must do it. Because the to do list makes you read. So short term goals makes, which will make you reach their mid term goals make you reach your long term goals. So that’s the principle of a to do list. It’s not just I got to do the laundry, I do the dishes to do list is I’ve got to go visit score. And I’ll go meet a score advisor to do list is I got to go to Toastmasters. If you write it down, you must do it. And then the day timer is you put down this specific date you’re going to do is I’m going to meet with a score advisor tomorrow, I’m going to go the score website tomorrow, I’m going to meet with the Toastmaster group a Wednesday at 7am, whatever. And then you make sure you’re there. So you’re holding yourself accountable. As a hypnotherapist you are your own boss, you make your own hours. But self discipline is crucial. Actually, that’s one of my life principles, you might consider writing down self discipline, you must be really hard boss on yourself, at least in the beginning to get your going there. And then the collage dream board, just a couple of thoughts on that, when a lot of people now know about that, but they just felt like you know, money on the wall. You know, it’s not $100 bills in the wall, it doesn’t necessarily really work all that well. What you want to do with the dream board is at least on a short term vision, you do collect the pictures, but make a physical visual representation of what your life will look like in a year or two. Thanks. If you want a child, the child’s on the dream board, you want a beautiful home, the home is on the dream board. And that is totally in relationship to the goals that are set the to do list and the day timer. They’re taking action to make that happen. So if you’re not doing that, already, it does work. But you need to do it based on I would say the principles we’re offering here. And then real quick and then off to wrap it up. For the creating manifesting formula. If you’re not doing that already, my encouragement today is start, you know, figure out how to do it on your own. And when we have number one is clarity of intent. Once you know what you want, because again, you organize process, you can start plugging it into the creating manifesting formula, clarity of intent. So it’s like I see 15 or more full paying clients per week, on or before June 1 2020. And so you would start the recording, say like this is the intention of this meditation. And to me it is more of a meditation than a hypnotic type of theme. Then I review the universal laws on the recording, saying as you’re relaxing, remember the law of pure potentiality. And then I’ll explain it briefly. Remember the law of least effort state to briefly remember the law of dharma. And then to explain those essentially just repeating programming your mind as you listen to it every day, that this is how the universe works. It’ll open your mind to the incredible potential. That’s it. Because again, most people aren’t programmed with this. Number three deep meditation, different than hypnosis, a lot of people with hypnosis, they fall asleep, their hypnogogic are half awake, half asleep, I don’t remember at all. With meditation, we’re not semi conscious, were super conscious. We are working to expand awareness, you’re going very deep into your higher consciousness, the observing consciousness, the witness it when you find your own consciousness, and there’s plenty of teachings in my books in in the school, to guide you into deep meditations at higher consciousness. It’s from that place that we’re extremely powerful hypnosis, it’s good to get your subconscious mind involved. Meditation, get your super conscious mind involved. When I program my clients or whatever students you know, to use hypnosis to reach certain goals. You’re tapping into that power to a nice degree. But with deep meditation, you’re tapping into a power that goes way beyond time and space in miraculously pulls things into your life. So keep learning and doing the deep meditation stuff. If you’re not already, and then the visualization work, you’re going to see it as if it’s already so. So how do you see 15 clients per week in your mind, it’s kind of hard to visualize that because you can see 15 people standing in your office, I would recommend you visualize your day timer being full. One of the thing that I did is you pick a dry erase marker board, put it up on the wall, write down the numbers one to 15 and again, you hold yourself accountable. You’re very hard boss and yourself. You have tons of self discipline. If those slots on fill, you are working to fill those slots. They need to visualize all of those slots. And again, if they’re not full, the Programming needs to kick in, I now do what I need to do to have 15 full paying clients per week. So you want to be able to visualize what 15 clients look like, this day and age and you don’t even get a lot of checks, you know, people just give me a credit card. So how do you visualize that, I would definitely visualize the financial figure, nine yearly, bi weekly, right? 2000 a week is much more easy to grasp than 100,000 per year in private practice, that big number 100,000 per year, doesn’t really work for the visualization. So 2000 a week, 15 clients per week, and or, you know, whatever your numbers are. But find ways to visualize it, you want to see it is if it’s already so not that you’re happy, it’s not happening. It’s like you’re getting those clients, you’re going to have the client already in the visualization, you already have the office, you already dressing professionally. Here, you can see as if it’s ready. So everyone involved is happy, your friends, your family, your children, everybody’s happy, and everybody’s made better off. So always see win for everybody, nobody is hurt in any way by your vision. Number five, the third Well, number five emotionalize it powerful positive emotion, if it’s not letting off inside, if you’re not feeling joyful, something’s wrong with the vision. And again, 15 clients per week, then and that never Don’t make me that happy. 100,000 per year. But um, my children think about giving children, my children getting their college savings fund filled. You and your partner being in a new home, and that stuff can motivate you. So yeah, there’s a 15 clients, but right in the pictures in your home, I remember when I bought my first Jaguar, I was like, Man, this isn’t me, like, you know, like, this is so cool. I can afford to buy this car now. And that was more motivating in many ways, then, you know, 100,000 per year, whatever. So, you know, feel free to put that kind of stuff into the imagery. Okay, get the positive emotion flowing. So trust your joy, follow your bliss, those kind of ideas. The subconscious doesn’t respond to 15 or 100,000. It responds to visual images and emotions. I hope you know that as hypnotherapist. Now. Your subconscious responds to visual imagery, and emotion, not just to words, remember, we paint pictures with our words, visualize the 15 clients in your way, but visualize your office. But again, that’s not that’ll get old after a while, I promise you. After you’ve done that for six months of the year, just that alone will not be enough, you’re gonna be like, what can I do with this money? And how can I help other people? How can I go on other vacations are what’s going to motivate you that needs to be in there to get excited. And for you to take action. Number seven suggestion, then you want to start up firmly in your mind. Again, you should record all of this, you can listen to it day after day, like a seven minute recording. And that’ll be something like I now see 15 or more full paying clients per week or before this date, and maybe some other things like and I buy my own home, and I buy the new car, and I love having lots of money in my savings accounts. So put some of this stuff in there and motivates you. Then number seven belief Remember, you must believe it’s possible, or it doesn’t happen. So you affirm in your mind. I totally believe this is possible, three times. And if you don’t think it’s possible for you to do this in this timeframe. That’s why you need to keep repeating it. I totally believe I can do this in three months and won’t take six months after graduation. I totally believe I can do it in three months. But you got to get yourself to believe it or doesn’t happen. Number eight desire I want it you have to from I really do want this which means you’re going to be motivated take action, but also the universe doesn’t go against your free will. So if you don’t really want it. And Michael one of the reasons why it’s not in your life, like you say one of the maybe part of you doesn’t so parts therapy always find those conflicting sub personalities that are necessarily truly wanting it you know, they might be scared, like, Oh, I see now many clients What if someone doesn’t like me, you know, that kind of stuff. But if I’m not smart enough, I’m not good enough. But that part doesn’t want you to be successful. It doesn’t want to have to deal with the rejection or whatever. So um, be sure you keep repeating in your mind. I really want this and get every sub personality, you know, all of your mind really wanted. Number nine acceptance. There’s a responsibility and manifesting something. I’m fully willing to accept this into my life and all of the responsibility that goes with it. You have to be willing to pay taxes. have to be willing to deal with bookkeepers, accountants or you know, QuickBooks or whatever you going to do for that. You got to deal with what it’s like to be a business person you have to do with marketing and advertising. So are you willing to accept all that into your life? And if you’re so but anyway, you keep affirming, I am willing to accept this. I’m willing to accept this. And everything that goes with it, including malpractice insurance and following the law dealing with HIPAA and all that number 10 expectation, I totally expect this. I know this is happening. It is inevitable. I totally expect this. I know this is happening. It is inevitable. When you’re when you get that when you feel like oh, yeah, of course, this is what’s happening. Then again, laws beyond what we know. And time and space start to kick in. And things just start appearing. So you just expect it, you know, what’s going to happen? Number 11 commitment. This is why I firm, I am totally committed to this, and I do what I need to do to succeed. There’s no maybe you’ll see 15 or more clients per week, whatever your number is, there’s no, hopefully, I do whatever I need to do to make it happen. I put this principle Inc, because I saw a lot of spiritual people meditating, visualizing doing dream boards, but they weren’t taking action. And it’s, um, when you look at what the really successful people in this world have done, they didn’t just visualize their success. They did, a lot of them did. But they took massive action. And if you’re not printing program with that, let’s put that in for a closing idea. Under our life, prosperity principles, take massive action. It’s not just put up flyers and hope your clients come. You know, if you’re doing that kind of thing is like 1000s of liars. You know, go all out the concept of guerilla marketing. And then number a number 12 surrender in the end of the meditation, you surrender, let it go. Imagine the thoughts like balloons or bubbles floating out into the universe, trusting the universe takes care of the details, which means don’t stress over this, I’m encouraging that massive action, take emergency mode, you must do it. But really, that’s a bit too high, strong. So the Buddha said, you know, if you want like, the middle way, the middle way in Buddhism is not too tight, not too loose like a guitar string. The Buddha said, a guitar string that’s too loose doesn’t play the chord proper, the note, and the string that’s too tight doesn’t play the note when is to just right. Surrender for me is like when I’m in hardcore manifestation mode. I’m in that mode. But the rest of the time, just relax and have fun. Here’s vladika. But I do encourage if you’re saying 15 clients per week, that’s 30 hours a week, plus the time for marketing and this all this mental meditation stuff. That’s a good 40 hour, 40 hours a week. For the rest of the time. You just relax and have fun.
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