Hypnotherapy and Higher Mind

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Hypnosis clearly deals with the mind, yet what do we mean by “mind”?  Is the mind just a bunch of gray and white matter in the brain and spinal cord or is it infinitely greater than just being a localized part of the body?  What about the subconscious and superconscious minds?  How we answer these questions changes our entire world view and therefore the way we think and feel in each moment.


What is Mind?

It depends on who you ask as to what answer you will get, which inherently says that this is a highly debatable subject.  However, if we acknowledge that all we have are models of the mind from different traditions, then we can always pull from the tradition that we feel most comfortable with.  Regardless of which perspective we have on the question “What is mind?” we can easily see that the idea that we come up with is going to be found within our very own mind itself.  Simply stated, the thing that is trying to figure out what it is, is mind!  What we are trying to understand is essentially very fundamental to the core of who we really are.  We cannot avoid using mind to answer the question about what is mind.


Mind in the Hypnotherapy Certification Model


In hypnotherapy training, we acknowledge three major components of the mind, regardless of what the mind is.  Whether the mind is brain, body, or spirit, we acknowledge that it has a conscious, subconscious, and superconscious aspect to it.  Conscious thoughts are more rational and analytical.  They are what we experience in our ‘heads,’ day in and day out.  However, this mind is just the tip of the iceberg for the more powerful and influential part of the mind is known as the subconscious.  This mind deals with habits, emotions, imagination, autonomous bodily functioning, and energy regulation.  It is a powerhouse of true potentiality, as opposed to the limited conscious mind.  Beyond this is something far greater, known as the superconscious mind, which is said to be the source of all love, peace, joy, healing, guidance, and grace that we experience in our lives.


How important is the Superconscious or Higher Mind in a Hypnotherapy School?

The answer to that question is similar to how you might answer the question “What is mind?”  If you say it is merely a brain within your head, then that is what it will appear to be to you.  If you say that it is a part of the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness, manifesting as waves of thought, then you have a very different point-of-view indeed.  Mind can be seen as just being a bio-chemical reaction to evolutionary processes, or it can be seen as an aspect of a Universal Beingness that joyfully expresses itself into the world that we experience.  The change in perspective is significant and if we dare open to a higher and wiser mind, essentially we open up to an infinite range of possibility for health, healing, well-being, prosperity, and enlightenment.


Through hypnosis training, there is the potential to explore a deep sense of mind and spirit, all while working towards helping others.  The potentials are amazing if we only dare to take what appears to be a risk.  Taking the leap into living from Higher Mind seems risky, yet that Mind does not think so.  Therefore, if you are afraid and that Mind is not, then you are in disagreement with something infinitely wonderful.  You might think you are right, yet are you happy and free?  What if your higher and wiser mind wanted you to be happy and free?  How you answer these questions and whether or not you choose the path of hypnotherapy changes everything – as it all starts and ends with your mind and your choices.


Learn more about a path of heart that truly changes minds and therefore lives at www.InstituteofHypnotherapy.com or call us at 800-551-9247.

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Hypnotherapy and Higher Mind

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