Hypnosis and Surrendering to an Ocean of Love

woman on the beach with heart hand sign

When we think of hypnosis and hypnotherapy training, we think of tapping into our full potential and reaching our goals in life. However, depending on our perspective on life itself, we can approach hypnosis from two very different points of view. In one instance, we work to get out of life what we personally would want, and in the other we let go and surrender to life โ€“ the difference in perspective makes all of the difference in the world.

When hypnosis is used for direct programming of suggestions, we obviously focus upon what we want. If we have an issue, we wish to resolve it. If there is a lack, then we want to fulfill it, and if there is an excess we wish to reduce it. This is very natural and it speaks to our desire to feel whole and complete. It is a perfect use of hypnosis for those who are still working to find balance and fulfillment, and it is highly encouraged.

This first way of being relates to concepts offered in our hypnotherapy certification training, such as: The Life Mastery Course, The Creating and Manifesting Process, and many other modalities for achieving success in anything that we put our minds to. On the other hand, hypnosis training also teaches us about โ€œCore States of Being,โ€ which are characterized by words such as love, oneness, peace, bliss and perfection. The real question then, is โ€œHow do we view life differently when we already feel perfect, whole and complete?โ€ What then would we be using hypnosis for?
When we come from a place of personal wholeness and have experienced oneness with our Source, we can understand life as more of a surrender to an Infinite Ocean of Love, rather than as individual people with separate wills trying to get the most out of life. Hypnosis can be used to program in specific goals or it can be used to program in general ideas, such as:

  • I now let go and let God.
  • I now joyfully set myself free to enjoy life fully and completely.
  • I am perfect, whole and complete.
  • I now put my whole heart into whatever is before me.
  • I am safe as I surrender and let go to my greatest good.

Depending on where our clients are at, we can use hypnosis and hypnotherapy training to help with specific goals and also with general ideas that lead to an ever more fulfilling and meaningful life. Learn more at https://www.instituteofhypnotherapy.com/courses/

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woman on the beach with heart hand sign

Hypnosis and Surrendering to an Ocean of Love

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