Hypnosis, Healing and A Course in Miracles

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Join Matthew Brownstein, President of the IAIH at the June 2016 Conference for an empowering workshop that looks into the nature of the healing process as explained through A Course in Miracles. This interactive workshop allows Conference participants to share their own experiences as a more Socratic Method of teaching allows for group wisdom to unfold what we all already know about transforming the lives of our clients. Trusting the group wisdom, we will explore the model of Miracle-Mindedness and how hypnotherapy can facilitate change on very deep levels.

In a workshop for hypnotherapists, we trust that every attendee already has valuable gifts to offer to the world. In a model of equality this workshop utilizes A Course in Miracles level of understanding to help us to discover where the miracle really occurs. From an ACIM model the miracle is a shift that occurs in the mind and because miracles are mental we will find how powerfully hypnotherapy aligns with this way of thinking. We will explore how miracles are extensions of love, rooted in forgiveness, and how they can manifest into physical change in our bodies and in our lives.

Attendees can expect a strong focus on:

  • Personal Empowerment in a Hypnotherapy Practice;
  • Synthesizing Hypnotherapy Skills and Oneโ€™s Own Inner Wisdom;
  • A Course in Miracles Overview in Relation to Hypnotherapy;
  • An Exploration of Hypnotherapy Techniques that Work with Miracle-Mindedness;
  • Group Interactivity that Honors the Power of the Collective Whole that we Are.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Clearly define a miracle according to A Course in Miracles;
  • Clearly explain how hypnotherapy techniques synthesize with ACIM philosophies;
  • Empower attendees to facilitate accelerated healing from existing paradigms;
  • Create group synthesis to fuel the entire conference with the theme of Oneness Consciousness;
  • Offer models of love, forgiveness and at-one-ment that are pragmatic in relationship to a daily hypnotherapy practice.

Matthew Brownstein, CIHt, is the CEO of Anahat Education Group, Inc., the President of the International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists, the Executive Director of the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy and the founder of Silent Light Publishers. He founded the Institute in 2007 as Floridaโ€™s first (and currently only) State-Licensed Hypnotherapy School. After years of successful operations, the IAIH was founded to uphold the model of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy and to maintain the high standards that were established at the Institute. Matthew is the author of five books including Interpersonal Hypnotherapy and The Sutras on Healing and Enlightenment.

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Hypnosis, Healing and A Course in Miracles

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