Getting to the Root Cause with Hypnotherapy Training

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Oftentimes, we think of disease as something that just happens to us without any sense of cause and effect.  It is easier to play the victim and to feel that our bodies react to lifeโ€™s challenges without looking at the role that the mind plays in health and healing.  Click here to read more about how hypnotherapy training can open doorways that empower your mind, your life, and your overall health and well-being.


The Mental Origins of Illness

Many studies now show the profound effect of the mind over the body.  More and more illnesses are being categorized as psychosomatic and stress is almost always considered to be a contributing factor in the exacerbation of symptoms.  However, in the hypnotherapy training model, we look directly at the mind and ask how it is causing the illness, how it might be contributing to the illness, and what we can change within the mind to heal the illness.  In this model, we are not victims of our world and our bodies, rather we are empowered to heal both within and without.


When we consider that illness manifests from the mind, then we must acknowledge the thinking that causes it.  Thoughts are extremely powerful and those that are out of alignment with who we truly are can be quite destructive.  The false beliefs held in the mind cause significant negative emotions that wreak havoc on our bodily systems.  Over many decades, the body simply cannot bear the strain of such negativity, and it responds with strong communications telling us that something is wrong.  Usually, we listen too late, and then the traditional medical model becomes our primary choice for healing.


Why Hypnotherapy Training?

When we learn about the incredible power of our minds, we can stop psychosomatic illness before it would ever appear physically.  In hypnotherapy school, we learn to change false beliefs and negative emotions into life-affirming energies.  From feeling powerless and alone, we learn that we are truly powerful and that we are never alone.  Shifts like this lead to profound changes in our emotions, our chakras, our energetic meridians, and in our bodies.  To learn hypnosis, we learn to heal ourselves and to heal others.


Clinical Hypnotherapy Training

Beyond the fundamental and advanced teachings found in hypnosis training, Clinical Hypnotherapy Training teaches us all about the mind-body connection and empowers us with the tools to truly heal the mind to heal the body.  Learn more at:

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Certified Hypnotherapist

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Certified Interpersonal Hypnotherapist

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Getting to the Root Cause with Hypnotherapy Training

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