Creating Success in Every Area of Your Life

woman with open arms on a hill top

At Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy and through the International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy, we are dedicated to your success.

Everything we do is for you โ€“ to help you to know what it is like to be happy, whole, successful and healed.

We have spent decades designing this school, our association, and the many techniques that help you to thrive.  We are proud to have created countless career professionals in Hypnotherapy and to have empowered them with our Manifesting Prosperity Course, Opening the Heart teachings, and our unique Life Mastery Course.

Perhaps you are a current student who is just now learning about all that we offer, or perhaps you are only now thinking about taking this life-changing journey.  Below, you will learn more about not only Hypnotherapy and NLP Training and Annual Conferences, but about a  career that changes lives and promotes health, wealth and enlightenment for all beings.   Because we are honored to share this information with you, we now offer over 400 hours of free classes.  Read below to learn moreโ€ฆ

400 Hours of Free Hypnotherapy Classes

Because we are so confident in our ability to help you to succeed, we have taken years to create an online library of free Hypnotherapy and Hypnotherapy related online classes available to you now at no charge.  Click on the following link to start watching online live classes now on: Hypnotherapy, NLP, Healing, Medical Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis and the Paranormal, A Course in Miracles, Manifesting Prosperity, Life Mastery Hypnotherapy, and so much more.

May 2020 IAIH Hypnotherapy Conference โ€“ Tampa, Florida

The International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists is pleased to be offering our Fifth Annual Conference entitled โ€“ Synthesis:  Oneness, Equilibrium and Personal Wholeness.  We have many dynamic and powerful presenters who are true leaders in our field coming to share with you their knowledge and wisdom โ€“ all designed with your success in mind.

Anyone can join us for presentations on Spirituality, Healing, Success in Hypnotherapy, Law and Ethics, and NLP.  Reserve your seat now and learn more at:

Hypnotherapy Training in California, Utah and Florida โ€“ Online around the globe

We are pleased to offer 500+ hours of Hypnotherapy and NLP training where 70% of the training is done online and 30% is done in a clinical externship location near you.

We now offer 3 Florida locations, as well as locations in Southern California and in Central Utah.

Our next Hypnosis Training begins April 16th, 2020 and you can begin the online portion of that training right now.

Click here to learn more:

Visit the links above or simply give us a call at 800-551-9247.

Start Your Training For Free!

Download our Hypnotherapy Care Package with access to Courses 101-103 at no cost or obligation.

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Access Your Content Portal:

Current Students

Lifetime Access Training & IAIH Products:
CEUs, Books, & Lifetime Access for all classes prior to April 2023

**If you’re having trouble accessing your content, please reach out to

Days Left!

Extended enrollment until October 7th, 2023!

Days Left!

Our next class starts Feb 18th, 2025!

Call 1.800.551.9247 or Schedule A Free Consultation With Our Admissions Director To Get Information About New Student Enrollment

Thank you for your interest in the Anahat Meditation System.

There is currently no charge to take these lessons and you only need to sign up if you want to start working to work to become a Certified Anahat Meditation Teacher.ย  Signing up allows us to send you email notifications about upcoming classes and events.

**Please note that this contact form will display a brief message that we received your information, yet it will not stay on the screen.ย  There is no need to submit this form more than once.ย ย If you see that confirmation then you are good to go.ย  Either way, please just enjoy the teachings and be sure to watch Level 4 – Certified Teacher Training before applying for certification. You should practice all meditations for at least one year before applying.

Choose Your Certification:

IMPORTANT: Make sure you choose the correct certification based on your current level of training. If you are unsure about which to choose, reach out to before purchase.

Certified Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Interpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Interpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Where should we send your Prospectus?

Register for the Open House

woman with open arms on a hill top

Creating Success in Every Area of Your Life

What can we do for you?

Please fill out this contact form and someone on our team will get back to you shortly!

Please Use The Secure Form Below To Purchase This Course

Days Left!

Extended enrollment until October 7th, 2023!

Days Left!

Our next class starts Feb 18th, 2025!

Call 1.800.551.9247 or Schedule A Free Consultation With Our Admissions Director To Get Information About New Student Enrollment

Content Coming Soon...

Our website is currently under construction and this content isn’t yet available. We’re working really hard to get everything ready for you. Please check back soon!