400-Hour Package
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Extended enrollment until October 7th, 2023!
Our next class starts Feb 18th, 2025!
State-Licensed Diplomas in Hypnotherapy
The 400-Hour Package includes IIH’s Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy Programs, both licensed by the Department of Education. This package provides an opportunity to study the theory and practice of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and the concepts that relate to the use of hypnosis in therapeutic and medical settings. You’ll learn how to establish a clear scope of practice assessment guidelines.
The package consists of four sections; Fundamentals of Hypnotism, Advanced Hypnotism, Hypnotherapist, and Clinical Hypnotherapist. Each section combines approximately seven weeks of training with 70+ hours of pre-recorded video tutorials, six+ hours of live online classes, and three full days of supervised clinical hours which can be attended online or in-person at one of our externship locations.
Upon completion of this package, you will be eligible to take the IAIH’s examination for certifications for Hypnotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Package Description
Section One : Fundamentals of Hypnotism - 100 Hrs
Achieve fundamental skills in the use of hypnotic induction and the effective delivery of suggestions.
Introduces students to the nature of hypnosis, theories of hypnosis, the legal practice of hypnosis and the history of hypnosis. Myths and misconceptions concerning the hypnotic state are dispelled and a solid foundation for the study of hypnotism is established.
Students are introduced to the importance of rapport between the hypnotist and the client, and various skills are learned and practiced to ensure this is well understood.
Prepares students for understanding the various levels of hypnosis and their relationship to suggestibility. Various scales are discussed, and a thorough understanding of the full range of hypnotic phenomena is explained.
Theories concerning the nature of the mind are discussed where students come to understand the relationship of the conscious mind to the subconscious mind. This course includes the functions of the subconscious mind, ways to access it, and understanding how to utilize its power to create positive change.
Prepares students to successfully complete an entire hypnotic programming session based upon a format of rapport building, education and pre-talk, followed by trance induction, testing and the effective delivery of suggestions, and trance termination.
Prepares students to develop the necessary skills to induce hypnotic trance with multiple styles including paternal, maternal, confusion and mechanical styles of hypnosis. Induction methods are also covered from each of these styles.
Prepares students to deepen the hypnotic state after hypnotic inductions have been utilized. Instructs students in multiple styles of deepening, and associated various tests to ensure depth of trance based upon suggestibility.
Prepares students to deliver suggestions and affirmations to a hypnotized subject. The structure of proper suggestion is taught as well as multiple hypnotic adjuncts to assist in accessing the subconscious mind.
Prepares the student to enter the hypnotic state for him/herself, as well as how to teach hypnosis to others. This course encourages self-entrancement and teaches that all hypnosis is really self-hypnosis, as it works to encourage the hypnotist to empower his/her client to enter the trance state on his/her own.
Prepares the student in the basic practice of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in establishing and working with anchors, hypnotic language patterns, and other NLP techniques related to the practice of hypnotism. Also introduces the student to the basic presuppositions of NLP, its origins and its practice within and outside of the fields of hypnosis.
Prepares the student for an entire treatment strategy in working with a client to stop smoking using hypnosis and NLP. Students learn a powerful three session protocol to assist clients not only stopping smoking, but also eliminating the subconscious motivation towards the behavior.
Prepares the student for an entire treatment strategy in working with a client to lose weight and to create a healthy lifestyle using hypnosis and NLP. Students learn a 22 powerful three session protocol to assist clients to not only lose weight, but also to eliminate the subconscious blocks towards achieving their goals.
Prepares the student to utilize various relaxation methods to bring more peace and calm into their clients’ lives. Techniques include the use of hypnosis, NLP, relaxation and meditation techniques.
Practical (hands-on) hours are interspersed throughout this program to encourage students to practice each and every technique that they have been taught on their fellow students. This allows students to not only practice what they are learning, but also to experience it for themselves.
Section Two : Advanced Hypnotism - 100 Hrs
Learn the concepts that relate to more advanced hypnotism practices which utilize the hypnotic state to promote positive change, and prepare to enter into a professional hypnotherapy practice with the required tools for successful business operations.
To prepare the student upon successful graduation to enter into the field of professional hypnotherapy with the skills to operate a successful business. This includes note taking, scheduling appointments, file management, referrals, office and equipment set-up, accounting principles, and other components of operating a business and hypnotherapy practice.
To prepare the student upon successful graduation to have the necessary skills to promote a professional hypnotherapy practice and to ensure a healthy client base. This class focuses on creative tools to build one’s business as well as the legal and ethical parameters of promoting one’s self as a hypnotherapist.
This course empowers the student with skills for uncovering the underlying belief systems which generate negative emotions and which motivate unwanted behaviors. Techniques are taught to uncover these beliefs as well as to change them into positive and constructive models from which to live one’s life.
This course covers the fundamental practice of the Focusing method of Dr. Eugene Glendlin and the Core Transformation method of Connie Rae Andreas as a means of uncovering and transforming the cause of one’s problems. Special attention is given to the theme of opening the heart and working with the shadow side of the mind.
Covers more advanced NLP techniques and language patterns including; expanded uses of anchors, meta-models, visual swish patterns, visual squash patterns, new behavior generators, and many others.
Prepares the student to utilize the hypnotic state to align sub-personalities towards a client’s goals. The basics of Transactional Analysis are taught as well as archetypical models for working with the subconscious mind. Extra time is given to this modality, as it lays the foundations for the regressive hypnosis models to follow in future programs.
Assists the student to empower him/herself and his or her clients to set goals, write mission statements, define life values, visual outcomes and use the power of the mind to achieve these goals. Incorporates the Getting Organized Process and the Creating and Manifesting Formulas as taught through Anahat Meditation Center.
Empowers the student with teachings and skills to develop a “success mind-set.” Based upon Anahat Meditation Center’s Manifesting Prosperity Workbook. This course helps students to empower themselves and their clients to increase abundance in their lives in all ways, beyond just financial.
An in-depth exploration of the therapeutic style of Milton H. Erickson and his contributions to the fields of hypnosis and NLP. This course teaches the basics of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, metaphor therapy and advances the student’s use of indirect/inferred induction styles.
Practical (hands-on) hours are interspersed throughout this program to encourage students to practice each and every technique that they have been taught on their fellow students. This allows students to not only practice what they are learning, but also to experience it for themselves.
Section Three : Hypnotherapist - 100 Hrs
Learn the concepts that relate to the field of regressive hypnotherapy, including the use of the Institute’s 16-step Regression Therapy Protocol, Basic Transactional Analysis, Modified Gestalt Dialogues, and Forgiveness and Compassion Formulas.
Introduces the concept of using the hypnotic state to access memories usually related to childhood. Discusses the indications and contraindications for its use as well as the many types of regression that can be used.
Prepares the student to work with clients in a regressive hypnotherapy model through encouraging a more thorough intake process than the fundamentals program. Includes more elaborate information gathering techniques as well as rapport building skills.
Prepares the student to discover the underlying emotions associated with a client’s problems and works to use these emotions as a bridge back to the cause of the problems. Involves a more expanded view of intake, focusing, and uncovering core belief systems.
A course of study detailing the uses of regression, the means of regression and the processing of the information uncovered. The course prepares the student to work 25 with more advanced techniques by laying the foundation for the confident use of regressive methods.
Prepares the student to facilitate positive change through a modified Gestalt process of dialoging with key figures involved in a regression. Includes training in cathartic emotional release, and advanced methods for healing and resolving sensitizing events.
An introduction to working with the various ego-states of parent, adult, and child as a means of resolving conflicts held deep within the subconscious mind.
Regression therapy requires that the memories that are brought to consciousness are thoroughly resolved, therefore very practical and simple formulas are taught to bring the client to a place of forgiveness and compassion for themselves and others.
The Core Transformation process, as taught in Advanced Hypnotism, is now integrated into the regression therapy protocol to lead a client into the core state where very deep experiences of love, joy, and personal wholeness are experienced.
Hypnotherapist training involves the comprehension and application of a 16-step regression therapy protocol that includes many components. It is here that these components are integrated into an entire session that leads to the culmination of the first 300 hours of training.
Students explore some of the pioneering work of Mr. Dave Elman, who founded many of the techniques of hypnotic induction and the processing of memories that are still used to this day. While his methods are now highly modified, this course offers respect for the work of a great man, and helps students to understand how our profession has evolved over the years.
Prepares the student to work with the Analytical techniques as found in E.A. Barnett’s book Analytical Hypnotherapy. Includes the use of regression and the Transactional Analysis model.
Measuring depth of hypnosis can be done through many methods. The work of E.A. Barnett utilized a style of Amnesia Capacity Estimation to determine depth of trance by levels of amnesia that can be produced. This has proven to be a very valuable model when levels of hypnosis are important in one’s work.
A course dedicated to the work of Mr. Dick Sutphen who offered what are known as the Critical 15. These are the 15 things that people do that cause their own suffering. The cause of this suffering is addressed and the action to overcome it is taught.
This course teaches students how to process dreams using the hypnotic state. Based upon the work of Fritz Perls, dream characters unfold into symbolic messages of what the subconscious mind is truly working to tell us in our dreams.
Practical (hands-on) hours are interspersed throughout this program to encourage students to practice each and every technique that they have been taught on their fellow students. This allows students to not only practice what they are learning, but also to experience it for themselves.
Section Four : Clinical Hypnotherapist - 100 Hrs
Learn the therapeutic and medical aspects of hypnosis, such as accelerated healing methods, pain management, and working with medical professionals.
Instructs the student in the model of Natal Regression and the indications and contraindications. Lays the foundation for regression methods to early memories and the means of processing them thoroughly.
Reviews the basics of Transactional Analysis and deepens the students understanding of working with the three major ego-states. Explores the deeper dynamics of these three states and explains further methods of integration.
This course ensures that students are able to integrate what they have learned thus far into comprehensive treatment protocols that yield powerful results. Works to incorporate the many modalities of all previous courses into personalized strategies aimed at positive and long-lasting change.
Prepares the student to facilitate Breathwork sessions where a client is lead in the primary method of Rebirthing to uncover suppressed emotions and resolve deep seated memories. Works to understand the nature of emotional release and prepares the student to provide a safe space for clients to truly open up and heal.
Helps the student to have a deeper appreciation of the Florida Statutes for the practice of hypnosis for medical conditions in coordination with a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. Teaches scope of practice assessment and the importance of integrative and preventative health care, especially in regard to the model of complementary medicine.
An introduction to the human body and its many systems, as well as theories on the mind/body connection and how the brain can control the body’s sensations and healing mechanisms.
An introduction to the practice of using hypnosis in managing and/or eliminating pain. A thorough introduction to the limits and scope of the practice of a hypnotist are covered, as well as discussions on the needs for referrals and the ethics of the practice.
A thorough exploration of the theories and techniques used in healing and pain management. Methods include the use of visualization, suggestions, metaphors, control rooms and other creative tools for controlling sensations and bodily functions.
Prepares the student for working with pregnant women to facilitate a more comfortable or even pain-free childbirth. Uses various techniques for relaxation, stress reduction and pain management, while also working to deepen the mother/child bond and eliminate all fear and negativity.
Prepares the hypnotist to work one-on-one with a dentist in helping patients to relax, eliminate fear and even undergo dental procedures without analgesia or anesthesia.
Provides students practical ways to integrate their hypnotherapy practice into medical and hospital settings. Instructs the student in the use of hypnosis for medical emergencies to teach first responders enhanced communication skills with those with whom they attend.
A thorough exploration of the healing power of the mind as found within many traditions including; Mesmerism, Hypnotism, Psychoneurophysiology, New Thought Movements, Faith Healing, the Placebo Effect, as well as in depth reviews of the books The Sutras on Healing and Enlightenment and A Course in Miracles.
Practical (in-person or online) hours are interspersed throughout this program to encourage students to practice each and every technique that they have been taught on their fellow students. This allows students to not only practice what they are learning, but also to experience it for themselves.
Earn Your Hypnotherapy Certifications!
After completing our state-licensed training and passing the IAIH written and practicals skills exams, you'll be eligible for IAIH Hypnotherapist Certification. This gives you the credentials of CHt, CCHt, CTHt, and/or CIHt, among many other benefits!
An Incredibly Rewarding Work-From-Home Career
As a Certified Hypnotherapist, you can work safely from home, 100% online, using Zoom as a revolutionary way to help others treat mental health disorders and achieve personal transformation. As an online career, you can work with clients around the globe seamlessly integrating traditional hypnotherapy techniques and protocols.
With nothing more than your phone or laptop, not only can you provide clients with a unique experience that offers relief from stress, fear & self-doubt – but also provides instant results!
IIH School Catalog and Schedule - Everything You Need To Know
In order to provide you with everything you need to know about our state-licensed Hypnotherapy Certification program, we’ve put together all the details in one easy-to-read document. Get information on tuition costs, course content, certification, instruction staff, and much more in our IIH School Catalog.

Matthew J. Brownstein
IIH Director, CIHt
The Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy welcomes you to our school and congratulates you for having selected an exceptionally exciting path for your future education. Our common efforts will allow you to develop skills and practical knowledge that will enhance your life as well as the lives of the many people you will help to facilitate change in.
IIH offers two ways for you to get started with your hypnotherapy training for no cost or obligation.
Option 1 : Download our Hypnotherapy Care Package for access to courses 101-103 for free.
Option 2 : Contact our Admissions Department to have your questions answered.
Admissions Department
- 1.800.551.9247
- admissions@anahateducation.com
- Mon - Fri : 9:00a - 5:00p