Conscious Community – Astral Projections: Out-of-Body Experience

woman holding fairy lights

Are you your body?  If you are not, then is it possible to leave your body?  Many people are aware of what are called Near-Death Experiences, yet that is a very undesirable way to experience yourself as Spirit.  What if you could learn hypnotic and meditative techniques that help you to leave your body consciously and voluntarily at will?  Join us this Monday Night at 7:00pm EST for a Monday Night Conscious Community Class with Matthew Brownstein on Zoom at  Please read on to learn more about this fascinating topic.

Our next State-Licensed Hypnotherapy Training begins online on June 24th, 2020.  Please visit to learn more.

The Anahat Meditation System is now being taught online for free with Matthew Brownstein every Sunday Night at 7:00pm EST.  Please visit for more information.

Can we Use Hypnosis to Leave our Bodies?

The simple answer is yes; however, it is not as easy as youโ€™d like to think.  Leaving the body involves a lot of training, emotional purification, and self-discipline; however it can be done, and I am honored to teach people how to do it.  Hypnosis, Opening the Heart Teachings and Meditation can all assist you in having this experience, yet it does take practice.

Once you have the experience, it can change your life forever, and once you realize that you can do this regularly, there are countless worlds to be explored.

Why Would I want to Leave my Body?

Knowing that you are a spiritual being changes your world view forever.  To believe in Spirit is one thing; to know that you are Spirit is something else entirely.  Knowing that you do not die is very comforting, yet the other reasons to leave your body are so much more compelling than even that.

When out of the body you can explore multiple dimensions, interact with non-physical beings, fly beyond the physical plane, and learn more about philosophy and religion in one single experience than you could in getting a Doctorate in Divinity.

But is it Real?

Yes!  Those who have had the experience are convinced it is real.  It is not a dream or a lucid dream.  I have personally left my body more times than I can count, and I have proven to myself that I have done this.  I have left my body, traveled to places unknown to me, and then researched what I saw later to only learn that I was indeed there.  This is different from remote viewing or mental projection; once you experience it you will never doubt its legitimacy.

Please join us this Monday Night, May 18th, 2020 for a free Conscious Community Class at 7pm EST at

For more information about Hypnotherapy Training please visit or call us at 1-800-551-9247.

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Conscious Community
Meeting ID: 267 187 6580

Monday night at 7:00pm EST

Community Archives

Here is a sample of our previous classes:

Working Miracles through Hypnotherapy Training

Hypnotherapy and a Spiritual Path

Opening the Heart and Clearing Emotional Blocks

Finding Peace utilizing Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy and the Chakra System

Learning Hypnosis and Learning Forgiveness

Hypnosis and The New Thought Movement

Hypnosis and the Out-of-Body Experience

The Secrets of the Ancient Mesmerists

The Tao of Hypnotherapy

Was Jesus a Hypnotist?

The Superconscious Mind Oversoul Theory

Does Spirituality have a place in Hypnotherapy Training?

Hypnosis and Your Inner Child

Finding Your Purpose with Hypnotherapy

Can Hypnosis Reveal the Truth?

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Thank you for your interest in the Anahat Meditation System.

There is currently no charge to take these lessons and you only need to sign up if you want to start working to work to become a Certified Anahat Meditation Teacher.ย  Signing up allows us to send you email notifications about upcoming classes and events.

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Choose Your Certification:

IMPORTANT: Make sure you choose the correct certification based on your current level of training. If you are unsure about which to choose, reach out to before purchase.

Certified Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Interpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Interpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

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Conscious Community – Astral Projections: Out-of-Body Experience

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