Matthew J. Brownstein

Matthew J. Brownstein, CIHt
- CEO and Founder, Anahat Education Group, Inc.
- Executive Director, Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy
- President, International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy
- Founder, Interpersonal NLP Society
- Co-Founder, Illuminated Mind Podcast
- Founder, Anahat Education Group’s Life Mastery Course
- Founder, The Anahat Meditation System and
- Publisher, Silent Light Publishers
- Author, The Sacred Geometry of Meditation
- Author, Interpersonal Hypnotherapy
- Author, The Sutras on Healing and Enlightenment
- Author, The Anahat Meditation System
- Author, Peace Under All Circumstances
- Keynote Speaker
- Former Member, The Starchild Project
- Teacher, A Course in Miracles
- Master NLP Practitioner and Trainer
- Certified Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist
- Reiki Practitioner – Levels I and II
- Attended, University of Florida – Religion and Philosophy
- Attended, Florida School of Acupuncture
- Attended, Southwest Acupuncture College
- Over 25,000 Hours of Hypnotherapy Classroom Training and Private Practice since 1997
- Florida Department of Education License #3448
- Department of Vocational Rehabilitation License #VF202535784002
Matthew J. Brownstein’s journey into spirituality, health, and healing began in 1992 with a profound spiritual awakening that made him begin seeking the truths of all the world’s great wisdom traditions. This sudden shift into a spiritual view of life led Matthew to change his major in college to Philosophy, yet in time it became clear to him that Philosophy was too intellectual and did not offer the direct experiences that he sought for. Changing his major to Religion, Matthew soon discovered Mysticism and the more esoteric branches which led to his increased spiritual experiences. Not knowing what to do with this knowledge, he then went to his first Acupuncture College to learn more about how energy blockages keep us from health, wholeness, and spiritual realization.
Matthew also studied Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Southwest College of Acupuncture, yet soon found Hypnotherapy and NLP and became fascinated with the mind’s ability to heal the body, clear emotional blocks, and restore one to their true self as Spirit. This led to a journey into Hypnotherapy which became a huge foundation of Matthew’s Life’s Work. Matthew’s primary inspiration and mentor for Hypnotherapy has been the late-great Mr. Gil Boyne.
Matthew has in depth training in Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Massage, Nutrition, Shiatsu, Reiki Levels I & II, Herbology, Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork, NLP, Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chih, Meditation, Past-Life Regression, Life-Between-Life Regression, Analytical Hypnotherapy, Hypnoanalysis, Gestalt, Ho’oponopono, and Radical Forgiveness.
Matthew is a monk at heart. He has lived for over five years in spiritual settings, such as The Temple of the Universe with Michael “Mickey” A. Singer, Zen Mountain Monastery with John Daido Loori, and Kriplau Center for Yoga and Health. Matthew has studied and practiced Yoga, specifically Ashtanga and Kripalu. He has practiced Tai Chi and Chi Kung through the teachings of Cheng Man Ching with the Yang Style Short Form. Today however, Matthew’s primary form of meditation is The Anahat Meditation System and A Course in Miracles.
Matthew opened his first Hypnotherapy practice in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts in 1997 and has since logged over 25,000 hours in classroom and private practice. He opened the Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy in 2007, with the help of Mr. Gil Boyne, and became the first licensed Hypnotherapy School in Florida. Around 2011, the school moved to Tampa, Florida and has now grown to become The Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy with teachers and practitioners that now span the globe. Matthew has taught hypnotherapy in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, California, Washington State, Utah, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Costa Rica.
Worth noting about Matthew is his involvement with the late Lloyd Pye and The Starchild Project. The Project was an attempt to prove or disprove the theory that a 900-year-old carbon dated bone skull was of extraterrestrial origin. Matthew was considered by Lloyd Pye to be the “Businessman” for the team, as Matthew formed the legal and corporate structure for the massive fundraising endeavor. When Lloyd Pye passed, Matthew began more radio interviews, scientific experiments, lectures, and fundraising efforts. Within two years, with the help of other team members, the Project succeeded, yet the scientific report which concluded the Project said that the skull was indeed human. The Project was a success even though we were all hoping that the skull was otherworldly. The skulls (Starchild and Female Companion) were returned to Mexico where they originated from, and The Starchild Project team was dismantled. For the final results, please visit
Matthew always considered himself to be a monk, yet his mission kept calling him back into the world. He therefore established to support himself and others in a monastic path that is lived in the world. The Anahat Meditation System has become the foundation for Online Monastery, along with Matthew’s Meditations on Higher Consciousness, Peace Under All Circumstances, Out-of-Body Travel Teachings, Tantric Sexuality Teachings, and Advanced Teachings on Samadhi Meditation.
Matthew is available for private Hypnotherapy, Coaching, Mentoring, or Life Mastery sessions online through Zoom at $300 per hour. Sessions usually run two hours. Please reach out to the Institute to inquire.